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Matlab learning 2022.7.4
2022-07-05 13:49:00 【megaData】
I used my vacation time to pass 《MATLAB Application encyclopedia 》 And Related videos to learn matlab
Common commands :
clc Used to clear the contents of the command line window
clear Used to clear variables in the workspace
whos Used to display the details of variables
who Used to list the names of variables in the workspace
Use percent sign % Annotate the program
data type :
a1 = int8(6)
a2 = int16(-20)
%int32 int64 Is a signed integer
a3 = uint32(100)
a4 = uint64(200)
%uint8 uint16 Is an unsigned integer
b1 = single(3.5)
% Single precision floating point
b2 = 12
% The default is double precision floating point double
c1 = true
%logical Logical type
% Is the cell array type cell
%char Is string type
% Is the structure type
[email protected]
%function_handle Is the function handle type
value type :
stay matlab among , The default value type is double precision floating point
a = 24
% The default variable is double precision floating point
b1 = int8(a)
b2 = int16(a)
b3 = int32(a)
b4 = int64(a)
c = 'hello'
% Convert string to 8 An integer
By function intmin() and intmax() To get the value range of integers
Rounding function of floating point numbers :
round()、fix( towards 0 integer )、floor( Not greater than this number )、ceil( Not less than this number )
a1 = round(2.5)
a2 = round(-2.4)
a3 = round(-2.5)
b1 = fix(-3.6)
b2 = fix(-3.5)
c1 = floor(-4.2)
c2 = floor(4.9)
d1 = ceil(4.2)
d2 = ceil(-4.4)
a = 123.34
b = single(a)
c1 = double(a)
c2 = int16(a)
c3 = int32(a)
d1 = [realmin('single') realmax('single')]
d2 = [realmin('double') realmax('double')]
% By function realmin() and realmax() You can get the value range of single precision and double precision floating-point numbers
Use complex(a,b) To create a complex number (a It is the real part ,b It is the imaginary part )
z1 = 3+4i
a1 = real(z1)
% Get the real part
a2 = imag(z1)
% Get the imaginary part
b1 = abs(z1)
% Get the module of the complex number
b2 = angle(z1)
c1 = conj(z1)
% Get conjugate complex
z2 = complex(1:3,2:4)
Using functions format() To determine the display format of numeric type
The default display is :format short After decimal point 4 position
format short
a = 12.3456789
format short
format long
format long e
format short e
format bank
format +
format rational
format short
% Restore to the system default display format
Logical type :
a1 = true
a2 = false
a3 = true(3,4)
a4 = false(3)
clear all
a = 3
c = [1.3 -3 0;2 0 4;0.01 9 1]
% Convert numeric type to logical type
character :
a = 'My name is zhangsan'
b = char([65 66 67 68])
c = int8('hello')
d =' Zhang '
clear all
Use function handles to call functions indirectly
% Function handle
f1 = @cos
t = 0:pi/5:pi
f2 = @complex
clear all
f1 = @char
s1 = func2str(f1)
f2 = str2func(s1)
clear all
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