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R3live series learning (IV) r2live source code reading (2)
2022-07-05 11:03:00 【If stupid and small】
( Ten thousand words long warning )
During this time, the Department changed , There are many things to be handed over , And designed and developed a large-scale visual map cultivation system , It's very interesting, even forgetting to eat and sleep , So the article dove for a long time , This article is about overcoming procrastination , take r2live Finished reading and writing .
Have to say , I didn't dig into too many mathematical details in the process of reading , There is no deep thinking about the expression form of quaternion , Is lie algebra derivative or perturbation , Jump of results between formulas , Or the code and formula do not match in some places, and so on , Pay more attention to how to analyze the whole project , From the perspective of the author “ Reverse development ”, And think about how to apply this idea to your study and work , If you encounter similar needs in your work , Think of “ You can try this idea ”, Or get experience and reference from the transformation of writing formulas and codes , Then our time is not wasted . Over time , Such thinking mode of partial design and engineering is also transforming , We are growing and making progress together .
that ,r2live The state estimation is still taken ESKF The way , This part has always been the majority of people ( Stupid people like me ) The pain points . I sincerely recommend one here “ novelette ”《Quaternion kinematics for the error state KF》, It can indeed become a preparatory knowledge in this series of blogs and even in the field of multi-sensor fusion .
The laser sensor suitable for this project is still livox radar , about lidar Feature extraction has been loam-livox More research has been done in the interpretation of , I won't repeat it here , Just know that it is located r2live/src/fast_lio/feature_extract.cpp Then you can , It's a separate process , Only feature extraction , The topic of release is corner 、 Noodle & Pastries 、 All points . In this project , Yes lidar The characteristics and imu Data processing is estimator Of process Thread implementation , But the files are in fast-lio Folder , Don't look wrong .
The total drive of the project is estimator_node.cpp, It contains r2live Of main function , Some global variables are also declared , They are very important :
a、 Global variables
Camera_Lidar_queue g_camera_lidar_queue;
MeasureGroup Measures;
StatesGroup g_lio_state;
They are declared at the beginning of the file , At the same time, it is also fast_lio.hpp Shared by , Key state quantities and observations are shared with global variables .
b、main function
if (estimator.m_fast_lio_instance == nullptr)
estimator.m_fast_lio_instance = new Fast_lio();
ros::Subscriber sub_imu = nh.subscribe(IMU_TOPIC, 20000, imu_callback, ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay());
ros::Subscriber sub_image = nh.subscribe("/feature_tracker/feature", 20000, feature_callback, ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay());
ros::Subscriber sub_restart = nh.subscribe("/feature_tracker/restart", 20000, restart_callback, ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay());
ros::Subscriber sub_relo_points = nh.subscribe("/pose_graph/match_points", 20000, relocalization_callback, ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay());
std::thread measurement_process{process};
estimator Of main The function is roughly as above , It publishes many visualization related topics ( Odometer position and posture ), The topic of collection is imu data . in addition , Initialize the Fast_lio Class , In this class , It is also sending and receiving topic data , Also received from the same source imu data !
Students who know the project can feel , The operation of the main function is actually that two threads call global variables back and forth ( State quantity ), Use the previous state quantity as the prior of the next estimation ,vio And lio Alternate operation . Such a way is effective and rude , We read separately vio And lio The implementation of the , Then string them together , Understand the whole process .
Fast_lio The implementation of mainly includes callback Functions and process Threads , And fast-lio The same as the original , Receive here from feature_extract Published pastry data , as well as imu, After receiving, it is loaded into the queue for processing , It mainly depends on process function .
// Symbolic at the end of the cycle sleep once
ros::Rate rate(5000);
bool status = ros::ok();
// Loading surface features deque The pointer is assigned to vio and lio Shared global variables
g_camera_lidar_queue.m_liar_frame_buf = &lidar_buffer;
while (ros::ok())
if (flg_exit)
ros::spinOnce();// A symbolic spin
// Because we stipulate that camera data should precede lidar Data processing , So when lidar The timestamp is greater than camera Time stamp , Will wait here
while (g_camera_lidar_queue.if_lidar_can_process() == false)
// scope_color(ANSI_COLOR_YELLOW_BOLD);
// cout << "Wait camera queue" << endl;
// while (sync_packages(Measures))
// Make this thread lio Deal with estimator Of vio Handle mutual exclusion
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex_lio_process);
// Charge for the same period lidar And imu Information , meanwhile imu A little more for interpolation
// This is a one-time variable , And estimator Phase coupling , Check estimator Of process Is the thread ready
if(g_camera_lidar_queue.m_if_lidar_can_start== 0)
The first paragraph is the data synchronization of different sensors and the synchronization of processes . because imu The frequency is higher than camera, Far above lidar, So set camera Precede lidar To deal with , Conform to the principle of transcendence and renewal .
imu The message is already in imu Of callback In the function, the queue is constantly loaded and the time synchronization is done , So in process The function takes the... Between two frames of radar data imu The data is de distorted , This one loam-livox I have read that chapter . In addition to removing distortion, pre integration and inferring the state transition equation are also done .
p_imu->Process(Measures, g_lio_state, feats_undistort);
state_inout = imu_preintegration(state_inout, v_imu, 1, end_pose_dt);
Review the FAST-LIO Relevant formula content of ,ESKF The recurrence formula of error state quantity is as follows :
The error state of the next time is the error transfer matrix of this time multiplied by the error state of this time , Plus the noise . There are too many specific formulas to write , You can see the following r2live Postscriptural Matter , You can also learn the conciseness of Gao Bo ESKF deduction concise ESKF deduction - You know . But the whole derivation process is not difficult to understand , You only need to apply the change process of state quantity to the change process of error quantity , At the same time, the noise influence of nominal state variables is ignored , because ESKF The idea is to add noise to the error .
After knowing the recurrence equation of the error, we can see ImuProcess::imu_preintegration The corresponding part of the function , because imu The integral is ESKF The prediction part of , Therefore, the posterior estimation of the error of the previous round becomes the prior of this round after the above recursive formula , At the same time, update the covariance matrix of the error quantity . In the following code “ Average ” It means between two rounds imu The mean value of the first and last data , Remove the last moment bias Got “ Purity value ”. Generally in ESKF among , The error value will be reset after each update , Therefore, only the covariance matrix of the error state is calculated .
/* covariance propagation */
Eigen::Matrix3d acc_avr_skew;
Eigen::Matrix3d Exp_f = Exp(angvel_avr, dt);
acc_avr_skew << SKEW_SYM_MATRX(acc_avr);
// Eigen::Matrix3d Jr_omega_dt = right_jacobian_of_rotion_matrix<double>(angvel_avr*dt);
Eigen::Matrix3d Jr_omega_dt = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
F_x.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = Exp_f.transpose();
// F_x.block<3, 3>(0, 9) = -Eye3d * dt;
F_x.block<3, 3>(0, 9) = -Jr_omega_dt * dt;
// F_x.block<3,3>(3,0) = -R_imu * off_vel_skew * dt;
F_x.block<3, 3>(3, 3) = Eye3d; // Already the identity.
F_x.block<3, 3>(3, 6) = Eye3d * dt;
F_x.block<3, 3>(6, 0) = -R_imu * acc_avr_skew * dt;
F_x.block<3, 3>(6, 12) = -R_imu * dt;
F_x.block<3, 3>(6, 15) = Eye3d * dt;
Eigen::Matrix3d cov_acc_diag, cov_gyr_diag, cov_omega_diag;
cov_omega_diag = Eigen::Vector3d(COV_OMEGA_NOISE_DIAG, COV_OMEGA_NOISE_DIAG, COV_OMEGA_NOISE_DIAG).asDiagonal();
cov_acc_diag = Eigen::Vector3d(COV_ACC_NOISE_DIAG, COV_ACC_NOISE_DIAG, COV_ACC_NOISE_DIAG).asDiagonal();
cov_gyr_diag = Eigen::Vector3d(COV_GYRO_NOISE_DIAG, COV_GYRO_NOISE_DIAG, COV_GYRO_NOISE_DIAG).asDiagonal();
// cov_w.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = cov_omega_diag * dt * dt;
cov_w.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = Jr_omega_dt * cov_omega_diag * Jr_omega_dt * dt * dt;
cov_w.block<3, 3>(3, 3) = R_imu * cov_gyr_diag * R_imu.transpose() * dt * dt;
cov_w.block<3, 3>(6, 6) = cov_acc_diag * dt * dt;
cov_w.block<3, 3>(9, 9).diagonal() = Eigen::Vector3d(COV_BIAS_GYRO_NOISE_DIAG, COV_BIAS_GYRO_NOISE_DIAG, COV_BIAS_GYRO_NOISE_DIAG) * dt * dt; // bias gyro covariance
cov_w.block<3, 3>(12, 12).diagonal() = Eigen::Vector3d(COV_BIAS_ACC_NOISE_DIAG, COV_BIAS_ACC_NOISE_DIAG, COV_BIAS_ACC_NOISE_DIAG) * dt * dt; // bias acc covariance
state_inout.cov = F_x * state_inout.cov * F_x.transpose() + cov_w;
R_imu = R_imu * Exp_f;
acc_imu = R_imu * acc_avr - state_inout.gravity;
pos_imu = pos_imu + vel_imu * dt + 0.5 * acc_imu * dt * dt;
vel_imu = vel_imu + acc_imu * dt;
angvel_last = angvel_avr;
acc_s_last = acc_imu;
Continue to look at process function , The next step is to find the point to the surface icp The process of , This paragraph and fast-lio as well as livox The point cloud processing of the series is similar , use pca Principal component analysis for plane extraction , Then match the dough points , In order to establish the observation relationship , This paragraph will not be repeated .
/*** downsample the features of new frame ***/
And then there was IEKF The implementation of the , First, give the general flow of an iteration cycle :
1. Calculate the parametric equation of the plane ax+by+cz+d=0
2. Match the calculated plane with the plane points of the previous frame to get the same plane , Namely, the observation of posture transformation
3. With imu Integral is a priori EKF to update
4. Update covariance , Get the optimal estimation of the error and the real state vector
The state vectors here are all errors , That is, when the error change converges, the real state quantity can be obtained . The state space is the error quantity :
Next, let's take a look at the prediction and update process in combination with the code .
We establish the observation equation according to the number of points and surfaces corresponding to this frame :
Jacobian matrix of observation equation to error quantity H Is to solve the gain K Necessary molecules of , And observation ( Point to plane distance ) The partial derivative of the error state can be converted into the partial derivative of the observation to the nominal state multiplied by the partial derivative of the nominal state to the error state according to the chain rule .
Eigen::MatrixXd Hsub(laserCloudSelNum, 6);
Eigen::VectorXd meas_vec(laserCloudSelNum);
// omp_set_num_threads(4);
// #pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudSelNum; i++)
const PointType &laser_p = laserCloudOri->points[i];
Eigen::Vector3d point_this(laser_p.x, laser_p.y, laser_p.z);
point_this += Lidar_offset_to_IMU;
Eigen::Matrix3d point_crossmat;
point_crossmat << SKEW_SYM_MATRX(point_this);
/*** get the normal vector of closest surface/corner ***/
const PointType &norm_p = coeffSel->points[i];
Eigen::Vector3d norm_vec(norm_p.x, norm_p.y, norm_p.z);
/*** calculate the Measuremnt Jacobian matrix H ***/
Eigen::Vector3d A(point_crossmat * g_lio_state.rot_end.transpose() * norm_vec);
Hsub.row(i) << VEC_FROM_ARRAY(A), norm_p.x, norm_p.y, norm_p.z;
/*** Measuremnt: distance to the closest surface/corner ***/
meas_vec(i) = -norm_p.intensity;
The above paragraph can be seen as finding the observed Jacobian matrix H And observation z The process of , The notes are also relatively clear , And the next paragraph is to solve the gain matrix K after , Then the posterior of the error is obtained , Then calculate its variation , When the change is less than the threshold, judge its convergence .
Eigen::Vector3d rot_add, t_add, v_add, bg_add, ba_add, g_add;
Eigen::Matrix<double, DIM_OF_STATES, 1> solution;
Eigen::MatrixXd K(DIM_OF_STATES, laserCloudSelNum);
/*** Iterative Kalman Filter Update ***/
if (!flg_EKF_inited)
cout << ANSI_COLOR_RED_BOLD << "Run EKF init" << ANSI_COLOR_RESET << endl;
/*** only run in initialization period ***/
Eigen::MatrixXd H_init(Eigen::Matrix<double, 9, DIM_OF_STATES>::Zero());
Eigen::MatrixXd z_init(Eigen::Matrix<double, 9, 1>::Zero());
H_init.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
H_init.block<3, 3>(3, 3) = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
H_init.block<3, 3>(6, 15) = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
z_init.block<3, 1>(0, 0) = -Log(g_lio_state.rot_end);
z_init.block<3, 1>(0, 0) = -g_lio_state.pos_end;
auto H_init_T = H_init.transpose();
auto &&K_init = g_lio_state.cov * H_init_T * (H_init * g_lio_state.cov * H_init_T + 0.0001 * Eigen::Matrix<double, 9, 9>::Identity()).inverse();
solution = K_init * z_init;
solution.block<9, 1>(0, 0).setZero();
g_lio_state += solution;
g_lio_state.cov = (Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(DIM_OF_STATES, DIM_OF_STATES) - K_init * H_init) * g_lio_state.cov;
// cout << ANSI_COLOR_RED_BOLD << "Run EKF uph" << ANSI_COLOR_RESET << endl;
auto &&Hsub_T = Hsub.transpose();
H_T_H.block<6, 6>(0, 0) = Hsub_T * Hsub;
Eigen::Matrix<double, DIM_OF_STATES, DIM_OF_STATES> &&K_1 =
(H_T_H + (g_lio_state.cov / LASER_POINT_COV).inverse()).inverse();
K = K_1.block<DIM_OF_STATES, 6>(0, 0) * Hsub_T;
// solution = K * meas_vec;
// g_lio_state += solution;
auto vec = state_propagat - g_lio_state;
solution = K * (meas_vec - Hsub * vec.block<6, 1>(0, 0));
g_lio_state = state_propagat + solution;
// cout << ANSI_COLOR_RED_BOLD << "Run EKF uph, vec = " << vec.head<9>().transpose() << ANSI_COLOR_RESET << endl;
rot_add = solution.block<3, 1>(0, 0);
t_add = solution.block<3, 1>(3, 0);
flg_EKF_converged = false;
if (((rot_add.norm() * 57.3 - deltaR) < 0.01) && ((t_add.norm() * 100 - deltaT) < 0.015))
flg_EKF_converged = true;
deltaR = rot_add.norm() * 57.3;
deltaT = t_add.norm() * 100;
euler_cur = RotMtoEuler(g_lio_state.rot_end);
When IESKF Update the covariance matrix of a posteriori at the end of exit , In fact, the most important thing is the covariance matrix , It determines the error iteration at the next moment !
if (rematch_num >= 2 || (iterCount == NUM_MAX_ITERATIONS - 1)) // Fast lio ori version.
if (flg_EKF_inited)
/*** Covariance Update ***/
G.block<DIM_OF_STATES, 6>(0, 0) = K * Hsub;
g_lio_state.cov = (I_STATE - G) * g_lio_state.cov;
total_distance += (g_lio_state.pos_end - position_last).norm();
position_last = g_lio_state.pos_end;
// std::cout << "position: " << g_lio_state.pos_end.transpose() << " total distance: " << total_distance << std::endl;
solve_time += omp_get_wtime() - solve_start;
After this state estimation , Add some point clouds in the new frame to kd In the tree , Update the basis for finding the next frame in the map .
ikdtree.Add_Points(feats_down_updated->points, true);
Regardless of the prior source of the state quantity , The whole process is actually similar to FAST-LIO Basically the same , Through several iterations ( Among them, the corresponding relationship between observation points and surfaces is reconstructed ) Approximation result .
Two 、estimator
estimator_node.cpp Mainly VIO The implementation of the , notice process function . Right at the beginning of the function fast-lio Synchronized and mutually exclusive data and processing with this thread , This more clearly illustrates the relay relationship between the two :
if (estimator.m_fast_lio_instance != nullptr)
g_camera_lidar_queue.m_camera_imu_td = estimator.td;
g_camera_lidar_queue.m_last_visual_time = img_msg->header.stamp.toSec();
// In the same way , We stipulate that camera data should be processed before radar data , Therefore, if radar data is not processed or does not wait for the next frame of image, wait
while (g_camera_lidar_queue.if_camera_can_process() == false)
// Lock the fast-lio Make the processing of both sides mutually exclusive
double camera_LiDAR_tim_diff = img_msg->header.stamp.toSec() + g_camera_lidar_queue.m_camera_imu_td - g_lio_state.last_update_time;
// take fast-lio Processed imu Status continues to be processed in this function
*p_imu = *(estimator.m_fast_lio_instance->m_imu_process);
So in imu The data is interpolated and pre integrated to align the timestamp of the image frame , Start the formal calculation vio. The next paragraph is exception handling , in the light of lio And vio The state gap is too large , That is, divergence , Or encounter intense exercise , Will restart vio System , Direct will VIO The state quantity in the sliding window of LIO, Force it to align .
if (imu_queue.size())
if (g_lio_state.last_update_time == 0)
g_lio_state.last_update_time = imu_queue.front()->header.stamp.toSec();
double start_dt = g_lio_state.last_update_time - imu_queue.front()->header.stamp.toSec();
double end_dt = cam_update_tim - imu_queue.back()->header.stamp.toSec();
esikf_update_valid = true;
if (g_camera_lidar_queue.m_if_have_lidar_data && (estimator.solver_flag == Estimator::SolverFlag::NON_LINEAR))
*p_imu = *(estimator.m_fast_lio_instance->m_imu_process);
state_aft_integration = p_imu->imu_preintegration(g_lio_state, imu_queue, 0, cam_update_tim - imu_queue.back()->header.stamp.toSec());
estimator.m_lio_state_prediction_vec[WINDOW_SIZE] = state_aft_integration;
diff_vins_lio_q = eigen_q(estimator.Rs[WINDOW_SIZE].transpose() * state_aft_integration.rot_end);
diff_vins_lio_t = state_aft_integration.pos_end - estimator.Ps[WINDOW_SIZE];
if (diff_vins_lio_t.norm() > 1.0)
// ROS_INFO("VIO subsystem restart ");
estimator.refine_vio_system(diff_vins_lio_q, diff_vins_lio_t);
if ((start_dt > -0.02) &&
(fabs(end_dt) < 0.02))
g_lio_state = state_aft_integration;
g_lio_state.last_update_time = cam_update_tim;
// esikf_update_valid = false;
stay feature The feature point information of the node will be used as the judgment key frame and the edge strategy , This is similar in all kinds of sliding window methods .
// Preprocessing , Determine whether it is a key frame through parallax , What kind of marginalization method is adopted , That is, if the disparity between the new frame and the previous frame is large, the oldest frame will be marginalized , If the parallax is small, it will marginalize the previous frame , Ruthless and reasonable
estimator.processImage(image, img_msg->header);
Then came the point , How to understand r2live The formula in the paper 26~30? The same is ESKF Thought , type 26 Indicates that for the true value , Observation and measurement 、 The residual error between the state quantity and the road marking is 0, Therefore, the error is corrected near zero (△x) Do the first-order Taylor expansion , The expansion point is the current estimated state quantity . among Cps It refers to the pixel coordinates of feature points ,GPs It refers to the coordinates of the feature point in the world coordinate system .
type 27~29 The meaning of is the Jacobian matrix of the observed measurement to the error quantity , And higher order terms ( Noise quantity ) Covariance matrix and transfer formula .
r2live The appendix of the paper E The solution of Jacobian matrix of error state by observation measurement is explained in , And FAST-LIO In the same way, we take the chain derivative :
The paper explains , Whole r2live The error function of includes the system a priori 、 Radar observation 、 Camera observation , Together, they constitute the error of the system . But 30 The third item of is the error of visual items , in my opinion , In a cycle , The update of the whole error function is to calculate a 、 Three items , Then use the optimal estimator to calculate the second term . This approach takes into account the different characteristics of the sensor and the coupling of the code .
Corresponding solution formula 30 The main part of is in the next paragraph , stay construct_camera_measure Function , Reconstruction of residual function and observation , And the Jacobian matrix of the observation to the error quantity , So as to iterate , The solution method is roughly the same as that in the previous section .
/// Press imu A priori pose , Add all observations of a point to the triangulation calculation , It is equivalent to obtaining a priori of the newly added feature points
estimator.f_manager.triangulate(estimator.Ps, estimator.tic, estimator.ric);
double deltaR = 0, deltaT = 0;
int flg_EKF_converged = 0;
Eigen::Matrix<double, DIM_OF_STATES, 1> solution;
Eigen::Vector3d rot_add, t_add, v_add, bg_add, ba_add, g_add;
std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d> pts_i, pts_j;
std::vector<Eigen::Vector2d, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector2d>> reppro_err_vec;
std::vector<Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 6, Eigen::RowMajor>, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 6, Eigen::RowMajor>>> J_mat_vec;
Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, -1> Hsub;
Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, 1> meas_vec;
int win_idx = WINDOW_SIZE;
Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, -1> K;
Eigen::Matrix<double, DIM_OF_STATES, DIM_OF_STATES> K_1;
for (int iter_time = 0; iter_time < 2; iter_time++)
/// Each iteration starts , Last time vio End the optimized pose , As the initial value
Eigen::Quaterniond q_pose_last = Eigen::Quaterniond(state_aft_integration.rot_end * diff_vins_lio_q.inverse());
Eigen::Vector3d t_pose_last = state_aft_integration.pos_end - diff_vins_lio_t;
estimator.m_para_Pose[win_idx][0] = t_pose_last(0);
estimator.m_para_Pose[win_idx][1] = t_pose_last(1);
estimator.m_para_Pose[win_idx][2] = t_pose_last(2);
estimator.m_para_Pose[win_idx][3] = q_pose_last.x();
estimator.m_para_Pose[win_idx][4] = q_pose_last.y();
estimator.m_para_Pose[win_idx][5] = q_pose_last.z();
estimator.m_para_Pose[win_idx][6] = q_pose_last.w();
// estimator.f_manager.removeFailures();
/// Recalculate in a window , A feature point is in the latest observation frame and the oldest frame in the window , These two frames correspond to imu Postures , The two frames are re projected to establish the residual relationship
construct_camera_measure(win_idx, estimator, reppro_err_vec, J_mat_vec);
cout << "reppro_err_vec : " << reppro_err_vec.size() << "\n";
if (reppro_err_vec.size() < minmum_number_of_camera_res)
cout << "Size of reppro_err_vec: " << reppro_err_vec.size() << endl;
// TODO: Add camera residual here
Hsub.resize(reppro_err_vec.size() * 2, 6);
meas_vec.resize(reppro_err_vec.size() * 2, 1);
K.resize(DIM_OF_STATES, reppro_err_vec.size());
int features_correspondences = reppro_err_vec.size();
for (int residual_idx = 0; residual_idx < reppro_err_vec.size(); residual_idx++)
meas_vec.block(residual_idx * 2, 0, 2, 1) = -1 * reppro_err_vec[residual_idx];
// J_mat_vec[residual_idx].block(0,0,2,3) = J_mat_vec[residual_idx].block(0,0,2,3) * extrinsic_vins_lio_q.toRotationMatrix().transpose();
Hsub.block(residual_idx * 2, 0, 2, 6) = J_mat_vec[residual_idx];
auto Hsub_T = Hsub.transpose();
H_T_H.block<6, 6>(0, 0) = Hsub_T * Hsub;
K_1 = (H_T_H + (state_aft_integration.cov * CAM_MEASUREMENT_COV).inverse()).inverse();
K = K_1.block<DIM_OF_STATES, 6>(0, 0) * Hsub_T;
auto vec = state_prediction - state_aft_integration;
solution = K * (meas_vec - Hsub * vec.block<6, 1>(0, 0) );
mean_reprojection_error = abs(meas_vec.mean());
if (std::isnan(solution.sum()))
state_aft_integration = state_prediction + solution;
solution = state_aft_integration - state_prediction;
rot_add = (solution).block<3, 1>(0, 0);
t_add = solution.block<3, 1>(3, 0);
flg_EKF_converged = false;
if (((rot_add.norm() * 57.3 - deltaR) < 0.01) && ((t_add.norm() - deltaT) < 0.015))
flg_EKF_converged = true;
deltaR = rot_add.norm() * 57.3;
deltaT = t_add.norm() ;
But after the calculation ,lio The state quantity of comes to an end , Assign the latest state quantity to vio The latest frame , Next, I began to calculate vio All state quantities in the sliding window , Use the latest ESKF To update the sliding window , It seems that this sliding window is independent of lio The state of , Just for ESKF Provide reasonable observation , This is a very clever approach , But it's more like the author's expedient .
g_lio_state = state_before_esikf;
/// Need to re triangulate
/// Optimize the target state in the whole sliding window , Factors to be optimized include : In window imu Preintegration 、 The re projection of each point in each observation frame 、 Every frame in the window lio Postures
solve_image_pose Function is the fifth part of the thesis (factor pose graph) The implementation of the , The implementation of maintenance sliding window inherits vins-mono:
Online initialization directly adopts vins Serial approach , First use sfm The algorithm estimates the pose of images for a continuous period of time , Then use imu The way of alignment between integral and visual pose estimation , Get the rough scale and gravity direction , Then precise registration is used to estimate the direction of gravity 、bias、 The camera imu Time difference of external participation , The specific method will not be repeated here . The position and posture calculation of the visual odometer increasing forward after initialization , Completely put optimization_LM function .
void Estimator::solveOdometry()
if (frame_count < WINDOW_SIZE)
if (solver_flag == NON_LINEAR)
TicToc t_tri;
f_manager.triangulate(Ps, tic, ric);
ROS_DEBUG("triangulation costs %f", t_tri.toc());
// ANCHOR - using optimization
optimization_LM Because the function is relatively long , No po The whole code segment . It uses different factors in the process of optimizing posture (factor), These include vio Classic imu Pre integral factor , Re projection factor , Marginalization factor , In addition, it also includes the prior factor of lidar , We look at it one by one :
① Pre integration factor
IMUFactor *imu_factor = new IMUFactor(pre_integrations[j]);
IMU_factor_res imu_factor_res;
imu_factor_res.add_keyframe_to_keyframe_factor(this, imu_factor, i, j);
Simple po once vins Formula , This formula refers to the residual of the state quantity and pre integration in two image moments , The corresponding Jacobian matrix code is factor Under the folder imu_factor.h, Their respective positions are clearly written , I don't want to comment in detail , As long as you face the formula and code, you can understand .
② Feature point factor
ProjectionTdFactor *f_td = new ProjectionTdFactor(pts_i, pts_j, it_per_id.feature_per_frame[0].velocity, it_per_frame.velocity,
it_per_id.feature_per_frame[0].cur_td, it_per_frame.cur_td,
it_per_id.feature_per_frame[0].uv.y(), it_per_frame.uv.y());
Keypoint_projection_factor key_pt_projection_factor;
key_pt_projection_factor.add_projection_factor(this, f_td, imu_i, imu_j, feature_index);
The formula of re projection error is also very familiar , I also copied vins Formula . The solution of the partial derivative of the re projection error to the state quantity lies in projection_td_factor.cpp, Here we consider the camera exposure time and camera imu Time difference , And cameras imu External parameters of , Especially the first two , It is necessary to consider the characteristic point speed of optical flow tracking at the front end , This is also the reason for the deliberate preservation speed .
③lidar A priori factor
LiDAR_prior_factor_15 *lidar_prior_factor = new LiDAR_prior_factor_15(&m_lio_state_prediction_vec[i]);
L_prior_factor l_prior_factor;
l_prior_factor.add_lidar_prior_factor(this, lidar_prior_factor, i);
stay estimator_node.cpp The state quantity involved in optimization is every time lio After optimization, the state quantity is superimposed with the pre integration quantity :
estimator.m_lio_state_prediction_vec[WINDOW_SIZE] = state_aft_integration;
But when calculating the residual and Jacobian matrix , It only calculates the partial derivative of the frame in the window before the pre integration , The residual information matrix is directly used FAST-LIO Calculated covariance matrix , Then the pre product component is only complemented so that other factors have the same state quantity Pi and Qi, There is no other special meaning . So add lidar The purpose of a priori factor is to make VIO Further fit LIO The trajectory , But it seems that there should be a better solution .
④ Marginalization factor
Marginalization factor is also added in the optimization process , Since the frames not included in the sliding window are to be eliminated , But we still want to keep the observation constraints of these kicked frames on the sliding window , Then we need to use these observation constraints to construct a priori join optimization , And based on FEJ(First Estimate Jacobians) principle , This prior Jacobi does not change with iteration , So in Evaluate Function to solve . The specific residual and Jacobian matrix are calculated in Marginalization_factor Structure of the Evaluate_mine Function , You can see that the Jacobian matrix of the edge factor is the result of directly calling the last edge operation .
for (int i = 1; i < WINDOW_SIZE; i++)
temp_t = Eigen::Vector3d(g_estimator->m_para_Pose[i][0], g_estimator->m_para_Pose[i][1], g_estimator->m_para_Pose[i][2]);
temp_Q = Eigen::Quaterniond(g_estimator->m_para_Pose[i][6], g_estimator->m_para_Pose[i][3], g_estimator->m_para_Pose[i][4], g_estimator->m_para_Pose[i][5]).normalized();
diff_x.block(pos, 0, 3, 1) = temp_t - Eigen::Vector3d(m_vio_margin_ptr->m_Ps[i + 1]);
diff_x.block(pos + 3, 0, 3, 1) = Eigen::Vector3d(Sophus::SO3d(m_vio_margin_ptr->m_Rs[i + 1].transpose() * temp_Q.toRotationMatrix()).log());
jacobian_matrix.block(0, i * 15, margin_residual_size, 6) = m_vio_margin_ptr->m_linearized_jacobians.block(0, pos, margin_residual_size, 6);
pos += 6;
By the way, also look at the classic VIO In one continuous line , Edge operation of sliding window method , Marginalization is very direct , On the one hand, it is to see the situation of the frame that is edge, and add the data of other frames to the empty bits , This process is a bit like bubble sorting ; On the other hand, the residual of the edge frame will be brought into the next round of sliding window , Retain some influence .
void Estimator::slideWindow()
TicToc t_margin;
if (marginalization_flag == MARGIN_OLD)
double t_0 = Headers[0].stamp.toSec();
back_R0 = Rs[0];
back_P0 = Ps[0];
if (frame_count == WINDOW_SIZE)
for (int i = 0; i < WINDOW_SIZE; i++)
Rs[i].swap(Rs[i + 1]);
std::swap(pre_integrations[i], pre_integrations[i + 1]);
dt_buf[i].swap(dt_buf[i + 1]);
linear_acceleration_buf[i].swap(linear_acceleration_buf[i + 1]);
angular_velocity_buf[i].swap(angular_velocity_buf[i + 1]);
Headers[i] = Headers[i + 1];
Ps[i].swap(Ps[i + 1]);
Vs[i].swap(Vs[i + 1]);
Bas[i].swap(Bas[i + 1]);
Bgs[i].swap(Bgs[i + 1]);
std::swap( m_lio_state_prediction_vec[i] , m_lio_state_prediction_vec[i + 1] ) ;
Headers[WINDOW_SIZE] = Headers[WINDOW_SIZE - 1];
m_lio_state_prediction_vec[WINDOW_SIZE] = m_lio_state_prediction_vec[WINDOW_SIZE-1];
delete pre_integrations[WINDOW_SIZE];
pre_integrations[WINDOW_SIZE] = new IntegrationBase{acc_0, gyr_0, Bas[WINDOW_SIZE], Bgs[WINDOW_SIZE]};
if (true || solver_flag == INITIAL)
map<double, ImageFrame>::iterator it_0;
it_0 = m_all_image_frame.find(t_0);
delete it_0->second.pre_integration;
it_0->second.pre_integration = nullptr;
for (map<double, ImageFrame>::iterator it = m_all_image_frame.begin(); it != it_0; ++it)
if (it->second.pre_integration)
delete it->second.pre_integration;
it->second.pre_integration = NULL;
m_all_image_frame.erase(m_all_image_frame.begin(), it_0);
if (frame_count == WINDOW_SIZE)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dt_buf[frame_count].size(); i++)
double tmp_dt = dt_buf[frame_count][i];
Vector3d tmp_linear_acceleration = linear_acceleration_buf[frame_count][i];
Vector3d tmp_angular_velocity = angular_velocity_buf[frame_count][i];
pre_integrations[frame_count - 1]->push_back(tmp_dt, tmp_linear_acceleration, tmp_angular_velocity);
dt_buf[frame_count - 1].push_back(tmp_dt);
linear_acceleration_buf[frame_count - 1].push_back(tmp_linear_acceleration);
angular_velocity_buf[frame_count - 1].push_back(tmp_angular_velocity);
Headers[frame_count - 1] = Headers[frame_count];
Ps[frame_count - 1] = Ps[frame_count];
Vs[frame_count - 1] = Vs[frame_count];
Rs[frame_count - 1] = Rs[frame_count];
Bas[frame_count - 1] = Bas[frame_count];
Bgs[frame_count - 1] = Bgs[frame_count];
m_lio_state_prediction_vec[frame_count - 1] = m_lio_state_prediction_vec[frame_count];
delete pre_integrations[WINDOW_SIZE];
pre_integrations[WINDOW_SIZE] = new IntegrationBase{acc_0, gyr_0, Bas[WINDOW_SIZE], Bgs[WINDOW_SIZE]};
The core code of marginalization operation is vio_marginalization.hpp Of marginalize function . Information matrix A The marginal subscript is required to be m Frame of , It adopts the method of Shure supplement :
bring Ax=b The upper half of is eliminated , So we can get a new information matrix , And the edge of the frame brings a priori , It will be fixed when solving Jacobian matrix , The point of linearization does not change with iteration , This is it. FEJ The origin of .
Eigen::MatrixXd Amm_inv, Amm;
Eigen::MatrixXd A, b;
// Amm = res_hessian.block( 0, 0, m, m );
Amm = 0.5 * (res_hessian.block(0, 0, m, m) + res_hessian.block(0, 0, m, m).transpose());
// Amm_inv = Amm.fullPivHouseholderQr().solve(Imm);
// Amm_inv = Amm.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(Imm);
Amm_inv = Amm.ldlt().solve( Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity( m, m ) );
Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > bmm = res_residual.segment( 0, m ).sparseView();
Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > Amr = res_hessian.block( 0, m, m, n ).sparseView();
Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > Arm = res_hessian.block( m, 0, n, m ).sparseView();
Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > Arr = res_hessian.block( m, m, n, n ).sparseView();
Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > brr = res_residual.segment( m, n ).sparseView();
// t_thread_summing.tic();
// Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> Arm_Amm_inv = Arm * (Amm_inv.sparseView());
Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > Amm_inv_spm = Amm_inv.sparseView();
Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > Arm_Amm_inv = ( Arm ) *Amm_inv_spm;
A = ( Arr - Arm_Amm_inv * Amr ).toDense();
b = ( brr - Arm_Amm_inv * bmm ).toDense();
m_linearized_jacobians = A.llt().matrixL().transpose();
in summary , Several factors get the Jacobian matrix of the residual relative to the state quantity , Next, find the state quantity , It's using LM Law , It has one more confidence interval than Gauss Newton method , Of course, we can also regard it as a black box here , Know that the new state quantity of this round is finally obtained through iteration . These factors all inherit ceres::SizedCostFunction, It didn't work in the end ceres To optimize , Maybe I just want to use LM How to solve it .
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> residual_sparse, jacobian_sparse, hessian_sparse;
LM_trust_region_strategy lm_trust_region;
for (int iter_count = 0; iter_count < NUM_ITERATIONS + g_extra_iterations; iter_count++)
t_build_cost += timer_tictoc.toc();
Evaluate(this, imu_factor_res_vec, projection_factor_res_vec, lidar_prior_factor_vec, margin_factor, feature_index, jacobian_sparse, residual_sparse);
Eigen::VectorXd delta_vector;
//delta_vector = solve_LM(jacobian_sparse, residual_sparse);
delta_vector = lm_trust_region.compute_step(jacobian_sparse, residual_sparse, (WINDOW_SIZE + 1) * 15 + 6 + 1).toDense();
update_delta_vector(this, delta_vector);
t_LM_cost += timer_tictoc.toc();
Finally, you can find ,r2live The output of is still the point cloud generated after the calculation of the radar inertial navigation odometer , The tracks calculated by different odometer modules are also relatively independent , Play a “ The role of embellishment ”, Or it's the function of revealing the bottom .
It can be learned that , Comparison FAST-LIO Calculation accuracy of ,r2live Not much improvement , Can feel the boundary effect of visual constraints on accuracy ( After all, in a good scene FAST-LIO It's quite accurate ). But in the case of laser odometer degradation , Vision can provide good compensation , Further improve the robustness . It can be said that ,r2live It is an engineering work , The point cloud generated by it is actually used for later positioning rather than viewing , But it never denies its value , Things are spiraling and developing iteratively , The huge amount of code in this project must be full of frustrations in the process of development and debugging , It took me a lot of spare time just to finish reading it , It can be seen that the author's team has deep strength and accumulation .
Another inappropriate chestnut ,SFM If the point cloud generated by the algorithm is used for viewing or MVS Seed point of Algorithm , It needs to carefully filter out the wrong points and recover at the same time BA Constraints that are mistakenly deleted after optimization , To ensure the diversity and purity of seed points , But if you just want to use it for visual positioning , You can treat it more rudely . If the way of multi-sensor fusion is like r2live It's settled like this , We can completely transform it , Add more sensor information to it to improve the accuracy of the map , But in the layman's view , There may not be much difference between the two maps , This involves the difference in the competitiveness of textured and non textured maps at the business or product level , After all, Party A certainly hopes that the more features of the products purchased, the stronger and cheaper , If a map can be used for viewing or other purposes , Then it will never only be used for positioning .
On the other hand , If there is a pixel level constraint, the accuracy can be further improved , Without accurately calibrating the exposure , If it is acceptable to calculate the consumption , It will definitely be a new inspiration for the method of drawing .
Next I will learn r3live, And the generation principle of textured point cloud , Never too long ~
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