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Honing · fusion | know that the official website of Chuangyu mobile terminal is newly launched, and start the journey of digital security!

2022-07-05 10:45:00 Know Chuangyu kcsc


Know Chuangyu 15 The anniversary is coming , To better serve the entire security market , After many years of Craftsmanship , Know the official website of Chuangyu's new mobile terminal (m.yunaq.com) The official launch .

Interact in the interface 、 Comprehensively optimize the user experience , Set solution 、 Product trial 、 Customer Stories 、 Core competencies 、 Qualifications and honors , Equipped with the latest products and solutions of Chuangyu , Fully demonstrate the network security service ability of know Chuangyu .

Now? , Please follow us to unveil the highlights of the new version of the mobile terminal official website !

UI Visual exhibition innovation  

A new look of scientific and technological style

Know that the overall style of the home page of Chuangyu's new mobile official website is simpler after it is refreshed , The overall color is based on knowing the brand color of Chuangyu , Simple color matching , Present a sense of technology and future , It conveys the attitude of knowing that Chuangyu keeps pace with the times and the vigorous development momentum .

meanwhile , This visual presentation adopts international excellent design , The design style goes through two version iterations .

The original design style was C4D The way of combining the dynamic effect of science and technology with products ; After referring to foreign manufacturers , The iterative version adopts the technology flat design style , Make the interface more breathable and international , Bring users a smoother sensory experience .


The content is presented in detail

Get information accurately

Know that the most intuitive performance of the content upgrade of Chuangyu's new mobile official website lies in the visual scene of micro motion effect .

  • Official website shoujiao banner On , Around know Chuangyu “ big data + AI dual drive ” Concept construction flat scene , Integrate micro motion effect , Enhance the experience and interest of the official website .

  • In the presentation of core technology modules , take “ Spear - shield - brain - chart ” As a whole , Set professional combat power 、 Reliable defense 、 Intelligent analysis 、 Global mapping force in one , Express four technical modules as the ability operation mechanism of Chuangyu .


meanwhile , Know that Chuangyu is based on the purpose of knowledge collision and technology sharing , A special content sharing area is set up on the official website of the new mobile terminal .

It includes :ZoomEye Cyberspace exploration engine 、Seebug Vulnerability platform 、 Industry safety white paper 、KCon Four sections of the Conference .

It makes it easy for you to search for information in cyberspace , Master first-hand vulnerability information , Pay attention to the development status of different industries , Build a network security attack and defense technology exchange platform .

Minimalist browsing experience

Perceive the strategic layout of Chuangyu

Know that Chuangyu's official website has been upgraded PC End 、 The mobile terminal adapts at the same time , Bring customers a more convenient experience in the digital era , Easy access anytime, anywhere , Get and know the relevant trends and information of Chuangyu in time .

You can have face-to-face communication by opening the official website of the new mobile terminal , Display the business information of Chuangyu more conveniently .






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meanwhile , While experiencing the new version of the mobile terminal official website , All of them reveal that they know the development layout and important mission of Chuangyu network security enterprise .

these years , Know that Chuangyu continues to focus on network security combat , Long term struggle in the front line of network attack and defense . In the field of actual combat “ Keep fighting ” and “ Forward defense ” And so on , Build up “ Internet aegis ” and “ Enterprise Digital Fortress ” Two network security practical defense systems based on real-time data joint defense and control .

at present , I know that Chuangyu has become a party and government organ in China 、 State ministries 、 Large state-owned enterprises 、 Hundreds of thousands of information systems and internal networks such as Internet enterprises provide practical security protection , No accident in more than ten years , Widely trusted by customers .

This time , Know that the new version of Chuangyu mobile terminal official website upgrade online is not the end of exploration , Know that Chuangyu will continue to be customer-oriented , Constantly enrich product information , Dig deep into technical functions , Provide customers with better security services .



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