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The first product of Sepp power battery was officially launched

2022-07-05 10:41:00 Car home

  [ Car home   information ]  recently , We learned from the Internet , SAIC GM Wuling new energy strategy is an important supporting project “ Sepp 20GWh Power battery system project ” The first product was officially launched . It takes only 118 God .

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   according to the understanding of ,01 Line 1 is the first high-speed automatic production line in secripo , Have high-speed automatic module manufacturing process 、 Whole process digital system 、 Self research robot and self research AGV Four highlights , among 85% The robot is independently developed by SAIC GM Wuling .“ Sepp 20GWh Power battery system project ” Total planned land 1400 mu , The entry project covers power battery cells 、 Battery system 、 Main components of battery core components 、 Cathode material 、 Production and manufacturing of diaphragm and other key products .

   Total investment in industrial base planning 100 One hundred million yuan , Among them, the start-up projects are the projects of cell company and battery system company , The land is about 620 mu , It is divided into two phases, and the annual production capacity is 20GWh New energy power battery cell production line and 20GWh Battery system production line , With a total investment of about 55 One hundred million yuan . After the project is completed, it is expected to form an annual output value 200 One hundred million yuan , The goal is to build a new energy battery industry base with domestic competitive battery R & D and manufacturing capacity .

   Focusing cell 、 module 、BMS And research and development of power battery pack 、 Production and marketing , meanwhile , Will expand innovative business , Layout CTC chassis 、 Battery echelon utilization 、 Battery recycling and other businesses , And plan to attract positive and negative materials 、 Structural parts 、 Upstream and downstream industrial chain enterprises such as diaphragm and electrolyte , Continue to improve the new energy battery ecosystem .( compile / Car home Zhouyi )


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