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Use bat command to launch common browsers with one click

2022-07-05 10:43:00 Listen to the bleak rain at night

We often need to open a specific website , For example, translating web pages , Or other web pages , You need to jump several times before you can jump to the target page . It's written in bat After the command , You can start with one click .

You can do it again .bat Write the command in the file , And then double click , Here are some examples 2 A simple example .

1、 Start Baidu

@echo off
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application
start   msedge.exe https://www.baidu.com/

2、 Start rookie parsing json Webpage

@echo off
# browser exe The address of
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application
start   msedge.exe https://c.runoob.com/front-end/53/

Additional knowledge :

bat The grammar is as follows :

Start a separate “ Command prompt ” Window to run the specified program or command . If you use... Without parameters ,start A second command prompt window opens .

start ["title"] [/dPath] [/i] [/min] [/max] [{/separate | /shared}] [{/low | /normal | /high | /realtime | /abovenormal | belownormal}] [/wait] [/b] [FileName] [parameters]

"title" Specified in the “ Command prompt ” The title displayed in the title bar of the window .
/dpatch Specify startup directory .
/i take Cmd.exe Start the environment transfer to the new “ Command prompt ” window .
/min Start a new minimized window .
/max Start a new maximization window .
/separate Start in a separate memory space 16 Bit program .
/shared Start in shared memory space 16 Bit program .
/low Start the application at idle priority .
/normal Start the application with general priority .
/high Start the application with high priority .
/realtime Start the application with real-time priority .
/abovenormal Start the application in a way that exceeds the normal priority .
/belownormal Start the application at a lower priority than usual .
/wait Start the application , And wait for it to end .
/b You don't have to open a new... When you start the application “ Command prompt ” window . Unless the application is enabled CTRL+C, Otherwise, we will ignore CTRL+C operation . Use CTRL+BREAK Interrupt the application .
For non executable files, just type the file name as a command , You can run the file through its file association . About using assoc and ftype Create the details of these associations in the command script , see also “”.
The first of the commands that are run is marked as “CMD” String but does not include an extension or path qualifier ,“CMD” Will be COMSPEC The value of the variable replaces . This prevents users from selecting from the current directory cmd.
When you run 32 Bit graphical user interface (GUI) Application time ,cmd Does not wait for the application to exit... Before returning to the command prompt . If you run an application from a command script , This new situation will not happen . When the first symbol in the running command does not include the extension ,Cmd.exe Use PATHEXT The value of the environment variable determines the extension to be searched and the search order .PATHEXT The default value of the variable is :COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD( Syntax and PATH The variables are the same , Use semicolons to separate different elements ). When you search for an executable and there is no match on any extension ,start The directory name will be searched .
bat Of start The command is briefly introduced as follows ;

Batch command Start Detailed usage -pudn.com


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