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Sqlserver regularly backup database and regularly kill database deadlock solution

2022-07-05 10:38:00 Full stack programmer webmaster

Last Friday, the team leader told me to kill data The deadlock process of the Library , Sometimes writing to the database at the same time will cause this situation , Because I'm not very familiar with databases , Suddenly, the team leader said, and I decided to do something about it , How else can I improve myself ? Not now , Maybe we should study it next time , After pouring it out, it can be used next time , Later, the group leader added :” There is also the problem of regularly backing up the database ”, Do as you say

PS:Sqlserver 2008 R2,windows 8 64 position

1. Backup database

Because you need to back up , We're going to use Sqlserver Agent for , The agent of the default database is not enabled . We need to start it manually .

Execute the backup database script , Now publish the script , In fact, the backup can be realized by replacing the file path and database name that need to be saved in this code . But the purpose of scheduled backup has not been achieved

-- Automatically back up and save the latest 5 Days of SQL Database job script 
DECLARE @filename VARCHAR(255)
SELECT @filename = 'G:\ Storage location \ Database name -'+CAST(DATEPART(yyyy,@date) as varchar)+'-'+CAST(DATEPART(mm,@date) as varchar)+'-'+CAST(DATEPART(dd,@date) as varchar)+'.bak'
BACKUP DATABASE [ Database name ] TO  DISK = @filename WITH INIT

EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_delete_file 0,N'G:\ Storage location ',N'bak',@olddate,1

2. Regularly back up the specified database

Just opened Sqlserver Agency service , In fact, my own understanding is a timer , Keep performing some tasks assigned by the operator , It feels like an alarm clock , Look at my demonstration steps

First step

The second step

The third step

Step four

Step five

The above steps are to complete the function of regularly backing up the specified database !


1. Kill the database deadlock process

Next, I will introduce some methods to kill the database deadlock process

I spent a long time in the afternoon looking for many articles to read , I found that many of them were used master Medium sys.sysprocesses surface (http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/ms179881(SQL.90).aspx) Here attached msdn Explanation of this table , If you don't understand it, please refer to the meaning of each table field .

Refer to the opinions on the Internet , Most of them write a stored procedure in master In the database , Then use the way of homework Kill the deadlock process regularly Of , I think this method is feasible !

Here are stored procedures SQL sentence

-- Database deadlock resolution , Combined with homework ( Baidu ) Realize the process of regularly clearing database deadlock , Stored procedures are placed in master In the database 
USE master
        DECLARE @spid INT ,
            @bl INT ,
            @intTransactionCountOnEntry INT ,
            @intRowcount INT ,
            @intCountProperties INT ,
            @intCounter INT
        CREATE TABLE #tmp_lock_who
              id INT IDENTITY(1, 1) ,
              spid SMALLINT ,
              bl SMALLINT
         IF @@ERROR <> 0
            RETURN @@ERROR
        INSERT INTO #tmp_lock_who ( spid, bl )
                SELECT 0, blocked
                    FROM ( SELECT *
                            FROM sys.sysprocesses
                            WHERE blocked > 0
                         ) a
                    WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT *
                                        FROM ( SELECT *
                                                FROM sys.sysprocesses
                                                WHERE blocked > 0
                                             ) b
                                        WHERE a.blocked = spid )
                SELECT spid, blocked
                    FROM sys.sysprocesses
                    WHERE blocked > 0
        IF @@ERROR <> 0
            RETURN @@ERROR
       --  Find the number of records in the temporary table 
        SELECT @intCountProperties = COUNT(*), @intCounter = 1
            FROM #tmp_lock_who
         IF @@ERROR <> 0
            RETURN @@ERROR
        IF @intCountProperties = 0
            SELECT N' There is no blocking or deadlock information ' AS message
       --  Loop start 
        WHILE @intCounter <= @intCountProperties
              --  Take the first record 
                SELECT @spid = spid, @bl = bl
                    FROM #tmp_lock_who
                    WHERE Id = @intCounter
                    IF @spid = 0
                        SELECT N' The cause of database deadlock is : ' + CAST(@bl AS VARCHAR(10))
                                + N' Process number , It carries out SQL The grammar is as follows '
                        SELECT N' Process number SPID:' + CAST(@spid AS VARCHAR(10))
                                + N' By process number SPID:' + CAST(@bl AS VARCHAR(10)) N' Blocking , The execution of its current process SQL The grammar is as follows '
                    DBCC INPUTBUFFER (@bl )
              --  Loop pointer down 
                SET @intCounter = @intCounter + 1
        DROP TABLE #tmp_lock_who
        RETURN 0

   above sql The execution of the statement is completed in master The database generates stored procedures , The calling code is simple

-- perform 
EXEC sp_who_lock

  After the call is completed, all deadlock processes in the database can be killed

Digression : How to determine whether those processes are deadlock processes , This is the key point , stay msdn Chinese vs sys.sysprocesses There is a field in the table blocked This field , Remove all larger than 0 Is the deadlock process data of the database , And then use KILL+SPID( process ID) Execution can kill the deadlock process , These are the main ideas .

2. Kill the database deadlock process regularly

For regularly killing database deadlock processes , Here are two points to note

1. Order of execution , Now? master Database creation stored procedure , Then create the job

2. The execution code of the job , The executing code is to call the stored procedure that kills the deadlock process ( Of the calling stored procedure sql sentence , Cannot include delete stored procedures (DROP xxx) Such a statement is not good , When the job is first executed , The second time, you will report a mistake , It will never succeed

First step

You need to execute the above stored procedure to kill the deadlock process , Only master This stored procedure exists in the database , Can call this stored procedure in the form of a job , Otherwise, the call fails *

The second step

Create a new job , Will just call the... Of the stored procedure SQL Put the statement into New job => Step options => command , Medium will do . The last step Implementation plan Set it according to the actual situation

About Sqlserver The two difficulties of the database were also absorbed by myself this afternoon . In the future, you can also easily deal with similar problems

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