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How do programmers live as they like?

2022-07-05 10:14:00 CSDN information


Ancient Tang monks learned scriptures , After thousands of mountains and rivers, you should also take back the Sutra , Take it back , Retranslation , Re dissemination ; Papermaking, the four great inventions of ancient China 、 The printing press , It carries the scientific, technological and intellectual achievements of the ancient working people .

Let the content , After collecting 、 Arrangement 、 machining 、 Can be effectively preserved and processed for reuse . The footprints accumulated and spread by our ancestors have reached modern times , Evolved into many forms , such as wiki, For example, collaboration tools , None is not to reprocess the information before processing .

In the Internet information age , Information grows exponentially , Our information environment is complex . In the era of highly explosive information , Homogeneous information shuttles past us like a waterfall .

The text messages we see online , There is too much video information . Constantly swipe the video , Human energy is over consumed , Precipitation and propagation become easy .

Internet age , Paper journals still exist , From the processing process , Compared with the information on the mobile phone , Every piece of information in books has been treated more carefully 、 Screened from multiple perspectives .

such as :

  • Whether a content is worth explaining , It's up to the author ;

  • Whether a content is rigorous , It's up to the editor ;

  • Whether a content has commercial effect , It is determined by the market ;

  • Whether a content should go to which precise consumers , It is determined by brand positioning .


20 It's a year of technology witness

CSDN Founded in 1999 year , At that time, it was called China Software Development Network Programmer Forum .2001 year 《 New programmers 》 The birth of , This is the first book about programmer Technology , At that time, the cover of the magazine was Java, now , be based on Java Development and application have already spread all over all walks of life .


It has witnessed China IT The development of , from PC Towards the Internet era ,1999 Year is the Internet foam , It is also the development period of China .2011 Mobile Internet in 、 Cloud computing 、 big data 、 Artificial intelligence .CSDN and 《 New programmers 》 With Chinese developers going through technology 20 year .

There are countless experts here 、 author , Build one technological ecosystem after another ,《 New programmers 》 Also carried out the content 、 technology 、 Brand upgrade , From written publications , Upgrade to an interactive video publication .


48 The real programming life of a technical expert

Help you achieve your best

In the latest issue 《 New programmers 004: Our technological age , Our programming life 》 You can see it all at once 40 The real program life story of more than experts . Come together C++ The father of Bjarne Stroustrup、MySQL The father of Michael "Monty" Widenius、C#&TypeScript The father of Anders Hejlsberg、PostgreSQL Co founder of global development group Bruce Momjian、Vue.js Founder you Yuxi 、 Baidu CTO Wang Haifeng 、Caffe Author and Alibaba vice president Jia Yangqing 、 The founder of instruction set and CEO Pan Aimin 、OceanBase Founder Yang Zhenkun 、LVS Founder zhangwensong and other pioneers and representatives in various technical fields , Spanning more than 60 years of technological development . Take you to follow the steps of the idol , Take a look at the thinking wisdom of senior technicians , It inspires new technical people to sort out the best path of your technical life , Finally live like you like , Get the results you seek , Achieve your best .


at present 《 New programmers 004》 Paper book + E-books are being subscribed , Scan the QR code below or click 「 Read the original 」 Subscribe now .



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