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Getting started with Apache dolphin scheduler (one article is enough)
2022-07-05 09:51:00 【Yang Linwei】
List of articles
- 1. summary
- 2. System architecture
- 3. Deploy
- 3.1 Back end deployment
- 3.1.1 Basic software installation
- 3.1.2 Create deployment user
- 3.1.3 Download and unzip
- 3.1.4 in the light of escheduler user ssh No secret configuration
- 3.1.5 Database initialization
- 3.1.6 Modify the deployment directory permissions and operating parameters
- 3.1.7 Execute script one click deployment
- 3.1.8 Description of the backend service process
- 3.1.9 dolphinscheduler Back end services start and stop
- 3.2 Front end deployment
- 4. Quick start
- 5. Worker grouping
- 6. Add data sources
- 7. example
- 8. And Azkaban Comparison of
- 9. Summary
Statement : This article is about 《 Workflow task scheduling system :Apache DolphinScheduler》 Reading notes for , If there is any infringement , Please contact me to delete !
1. summary
Apache DolphinScheduler Official website address :https://dolphinscheduler.apache.org/
Apache DolphinScheduler It's a distribution 、 De centralization 、 Extensible visualization DAG
Workflow task scheduling system , Its commitment Solve the complex dependency in the data processing process , Make the scheduling system in the data processing flow Open the box .
Provides many easy-to-use features , Speed up data ETL
The efficiency of the work development process . Its main features are as follows :
- Drag to
The way the picture will beTask
Linked by task dependencies , It can monitor the running status of tasks in real time ; - Support rich task types ;
- Support workflow scheduling 、 Rely on scheduling 、 Manual scheduling 、 Manual pause / stop it / recovery , At the same time, it supports failure retry / The alarm 、 Recovery from the specified node failed 、
Tasks, etc ; - Support workflow global parameters and node custom parameter settings ;
- Support clusters
, adoptZookeeper
Clusters andWorker
Cluster decentralization ; - Support workflow running history tree / Gantt chart shows 、 Support task status statistics 、 Process status statistics ;
- Support complement , Parallel or serial backfill data .
2. System architecture
2.1 A term is used to explain
- Process definition : Visualization by dragging and dropping task nodes and establishing Association of task nodes DAG
- Process instance : A process instance is an instance of a process definition , It can be generated by manual startup or scheduled scheduling , Every time the process definition runs , Generate a process instance ;
- Task instance : A task instance is an instance of a task node in a process definition , Indicates the specific task execution status ;
- Task type : At present, there are
( Sub process )、PROCEDURE
( rely on ), Also plan to support dynamic plug-in extensions , Be careful : One of themSUB_PROCESS
It's also a separate process definition , It can be started separately ; - Dispatch mode : System support is based on
Regular scheduling and manual scheduling of expressions . Command types support : Start workflow 、 Execute from the current node 、 Restore the fault tolerant workflow 、 Resume the suspended process 、 Starting from the failed node 、 Complement number 、 timing 、 Heavy run 、 Pause 、 stop it 、 Thread recovery wait . among Restore the fault tolerant workflow and Thread recovery wait The two command types are used by the scheduling internal control , External cannot call - Timing schedule : System USES
Distributed scheduler , And at the same time supportcron
Generation of expression visualization - rely on : The system doesn't just support
Simple dependencies between predecessor and successor nodes , It also provides task dependent nodes , Support custom task dependencies between processes - priority : Support the priority of process instances and task instances , If the priority of process instance and task instance is not set , The default is FIFO
- Email alert : Support
Mission Query results are sent by email , Process instance running result email alarm and fault tolerance alarm notification - Failure strategy : For tasks that run in parallel , If a mission fails , Provides two ways to handle failure strategies , Continue means that regardless of the status of parallel running tasks , Until the process fails . End means that once a failed task is found , At the same time Kill Drop running parallel tasks , The process failed
- Complement number : Fill in historical data , Support interval parallel and serial complement methods
2.2 framework
For detailed explanation of the architecture, please refer to the official website documents :https://dolphinscheduler.apache.org/zh-cn/blog/architecture-design.html
3. Deploy
3.1 Back end deployment
There are 2 There are two ways to deploy , They are automated deployment and compiled source deployment . The following mainly introduces how to download the compiled binary package and complete the one click automatic deployment DolphinScheduler
Back end deployment .
3.1.1 Basic software installation
Software | remarks |
Mysql (5.5+) | Must install |
JDK (1.8+) | Must install |
ZooKeeper(3.4.6+) | Must install |
Hadoop(2.6+) | Optional packaging , If you need to use the resource upload function ,MapReduce Task submission requires configuration Hadoop( The uploaded resource file is currently saved in Hdfs On ) |
Hive(1.2.1) | Optional packaging ,hive Task submission requires installation |
Spark(1.x,2.x) | Optional packaging ,Spark Task submission requires installation |
PostgreSQL(8.2.15+) | Optional packaging ,PostgreSQL PostgreSQL Stored procedures need to be installed |
Compile time , If it is compiled source code :
- Node.js: Must install
- Maven: Must install ( best 3.6 edition )
Be careful :
It doesn't depend onHadoop
, Just call themClient
, Used to run the corresponding task .
3.1.2 Create deployment user
Create deployment users on all machines that need deployment scheduling ( This time with node2
Node as an example ), because worker
Service is based on sudo -u {linux-user}
Way to perform the job , So deployment users need to have sudo
jurisdiction , And it's Secret free .
# 1 Create user
useradd escheduler
# 2 Set up escheduler User password
passwd escheduler
# 3 give sudo jurisdiction . Editing system sudoers file
# If you don't have edit permission , With root The user login , give w jurisdiction
# chmod 640 /etc/sudoers
vi /etc/sudoers
# In about 100 That's ok , stay root Add the following below
escheduler ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
# And it needs to be commented out Default requiretty a line . If yes, please note , No, no skipping
#Default requiretty
########### end ############
# 4 Switch to escheduler user
su escheduler
3.1.3 Download and unzip
# 1 Create installation directory
sudo mkdir /opt/DolphinScheduler
# 2 take DolphinScheduler Given to escheduler user
sudo chown -R escheduler:escheduler /opt/DolphinScheduler
# 3 Download backend . abbreviation escheduler-backend
cd /opt/DolphinScheduler
wget https://github.com/apache/incubator-dolphinscheduler/releases/download/1.1.0/escheduler-1.1.0-backend.tar.gz
# 4 decompression
mkdir escheduler-backend
mkdir escheduler
tar -zxf escheduler-1.1.0-backend.tar.gz -C escheduler
cd escheduler/
# 5 catalogue
[[email protected] escheduler]$ tree -L 1
├── bin # Basic service startup script
├── conf # Project profile
├── install.sh # One click deployment script
├── lib # Project dependence jar package , Including each module jar And the third party jar
├── script # Cluster start 、 Stop and service monitoring start stop script
└── sql # Project dependence sql file
5 directories, 1 file
3.1.4 in the light of escheduler user ssh No secret configuration
# 1 To configure SSH Unclassified
# 1.1 node2 Node execution
# Enter directly when prompted
ssh-keygen -t rsa
# copy to node2 and node3. When prompted for a password , Input escheduler User's password
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub [email protected]
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub [email protected]
# 1.2 node3 Node execution
# Enter directly when prompted
ssh-keygen -t rsa
# copy to node2 and node3. When prompted for a password , Input escheduler User's password
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub [email protected]
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub [email protected]
3.1.5 Database initialization
Execute the following command to create the database and account :
-- Set data user escheduler Your access password is escheduler, And not accessible ip Make restrictions
-- The test environment sets access to all , If it's production , You can limit only subnet segments ip Ability to visit ('198.168.33.%')
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON escheduler.* TO 'escheduler'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'escheduler';
flush privileges;
Create tables and import basic data modify vim /opt/DolphinScheduler/escheduler/conf/dao/data_source.properties
The following properties in :
# Probably in the 4 Line modification MySQL Database url
# user name .
# password . Fill in the previous step IDENTIFIED BY The password set later
Execute the script of creating tables and importing basic data :
# The front has entered /opt/DolphinScheduler/escheduler-backend Under the table of contents , Then execute the data initialization script
# Finally, I see create escheduler success Indicates that the database is initialized successfully
sh ./script/create_escheduler.sh
3.1.6 Modify the deployment directory permissions and operating parameters
# 1 modify conf/env/ In the catalog .escheduler_env.sh environment variable
vim conf/env/.escheduler_env.sh
# Change the corresponding to the path of your own component or framework
export HADOOP_HOME=/opt/hadoop-3.1.2
export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/opt/hadoop-3.1.2/etc/hadoop
export SPARK_HOME1=/opt/spark-2.3.4-bin-hadoop2.7
#export SPARK_HOME2=/opt/soft/spark2
#export PYTHON_HOME=/opt/soft/python
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/zulu8/
export HIVE_HOME=/opt/apache-hive-3.1.1-bin
# ==========
# CDH edition
# ==========
#export HADOOP_HOME=/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hadoop
#export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/etc/hadoop/conf.cloudera.yarn
#export SPARK_HOME1=/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/spark
##export SPARK_HOME2=/opt/soft/spark2
##export PYTHON_HOME=/opt/soft/python
#export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/zulu8/
#export HIVE_HOME=/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hive
modify install.sh
Parameters in , Replace with the value required by your own business , Only important modifications are listed here , Other defaults do not need to be changed .
# mysql To configure
# mysql Address , port
# mysql Database name
# mysql user name
# mysql password
# Be careful : If there are special characters , Please use \ Transfer with transfer symbol
# conf/config/install_config.conf To configure
# Be careful : The installation path , Do not use the current path (pwd) equally . The installation path when the one click deployment script is distributed to other nodes
# Deploy users
# Be careful : Deployment users need to have sudo Authority and operation hdfs Authority , If open hdfs, The root directory needs to be created by itself
# zk colony
# install hosts
# Be careful : Install the dispatched machine hostname list , If it is pseudo distributed , Then just write a pseudo distributed hostname that will do
# conf/config/run_config.conf To configure
# function Master Machine
# Be careful : Deploy master Machine hostname list
# function Worker Machine
# Be careful : Deploy worker Machine hostname list
# function Alert Machine
# Be careful : Deploy alert server Machine hostname list
# function Api Machine
# Be careful : Deploy api server Machine hostname list
# Be sure to configure the mail service when using the mailbox to send mail , Otherwise, failure will be prompted when sending the execution result
# cn.escheduler.server.worker.runner.TaskScheduleThread:[249] - task escheduler # failure : send mail failed!
java.lang.RuntimeException: send mail failed!
# alert To configure
# Email protocol , The default is SMTP Email protocol
# The mail service host. Take Netease email as an example .QQ The service of mailbox is smtp.qq.com
# Mail service port .SSL Protocol port 465/994, Not SSL Protocol port 25
# Give a person .
# Netease email is Client authorization password obtain , See the figure below for details
mailSender="*******[email protected]"
# Sender's password
# download Excel route
# Whether to start the monitoring self startup script
# Switch variable , stay 1.0.3 Add... To the version , Controls whether self starting scripts are started ( monitor master,worker state , If the line drops, it will start automatically )
# The default value is "false" Indicates that the self startup script is not started , If you need to start, change to "true"
# Select the storage method for Resource Center upload :HDFS,S3,NONE
# If resUploadStartupType by HDFS,defaultFS Write namenode Address , Support HA, Need to put core-site.xml and hdfs-site.xml Put it in conf Under the table of contents
# If it is S3, Then write S3 Address , for instance :s3a://escheduler, Be careful , Be sure to create a root directory /escheduler
# resourcemanager HA To configure , If you are single resourcemanager, Here for yarnHaIps=""
# If you are single resourcemanager, Just configure a host name , If it is resourcemanager HA, Then the default configuration is good
# common To configure
# The program path
# Download path
# Task execution path
# SHELL Environment variable path
# Suffix of resource file
# api To configure
# api Service port
If you use hdfs
Related functions , Need to copy hdfs-site.xml
and core-site.xml
To conf Under the table of contents :
cp $HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml conf/
cp $HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop/core-site.xml conf/
If DolphinScheduler
Is already installed , You can set conf/alert.properties
file :
#alert type is EMAIL/SMS
# mail server configuration
# Take Netease email as an example
# SSL Protocol port 465/994, Not SSL Protocol port 25
mail.sender=*******[email protected]
# Enterprise WeChat configuration
3.1.7 Execute script one click deployment
# 1 One click deployment and launch
sh install.sh
# 2 Check the log
[[email protected] escheduler-backend]$ tree /opt/DolphinScheduler/escheduler-backend/logs
├── escheduler-alert.log
├── escheduler-alert-server-node-b.test.com.out
├── escheduler-alert-server.pid
├── escheduler-api-server-node-b.test.com.out
├── escheduler-api-server.log
├── escheduler-api-server.pid
├── escheduler-logger-server-node-b.test.com.out
├── escheduler-logger-server.pid
├── escheduler-master.log
├── escheduler-master-server-node-b.test.com.out
├── escheduler-master-server.pid
├── escheduler-worker.log
├── escheduler-worker-server-node-b.test.com.out
├── escheduler-worker-server.pid
└── {
└── {
└── {
# 3 see Java process
# 3.1 node2
# jps -l | grep escheduler
[[email protected] escheduler-backend]$ jps
31651 WorkerServer # worker service
31784 ApiApplicationServer # api service
31609 MasterServer # master service
31743 AlertServer # alert service
31695 LoggerServer # logger service
# 3.2 node3
[[email protected] DolphinScheduler]$ jps
26678 WorkerServer
26718 LoggerServer
error 1: If you look at /opt/DolphinScheduler/escheduler-backend/logs/escheduler-api-server-*.out
The log reports the following error
nohup: failed to run command ‘/bin/java’: No such file or directory
solve : take JAVA_HOME/bin
Under the java Soft connect to /bin
Next .( Every dolphinscheduler
All nodes execute )
ln -s $JAVA_HOME/bin/java /bin/java
3.1.8 Description of the backend service process
From the front we can see , After the back-end service starts normally , share 5 A process :WorkerServer
. There's another one UI
, The details are as follows :
service | explain |
MasterServer | Mainly responsible for DAG Segmentation and task status monitoring |
WorkerServer/LoggerServer | Mainly responsible for the submission of tasks 、 Update of execution and task status .LoggerServer be used for Rest Api adopt RPC Check the log |
ApiServer | Provide Rest Api service , for UI To call |
AlertServer | Provide alarm service |
UI | Front page display |
3.1.9 dolphinscheduler Back end services start and stop
# start-up
# stop it
3.2 Front end deployment
Front end has 3 There are two ways to deploy , They are automated deployment , Deploy and compile source code manually . Here we mainly use automated script deployment DolphinScheduler
Front end services .
3.2.1 Download and unzip
# 1 download UI front end . abbreviation escheduler-ui
# stay node2 Node under /opt/DolphinScheduler
wget https://github.com/apache/incubator-dolphinscheduler/releases/download/1.1.0/escheduler-1.1.0-ui.tar.gz
# 2 decompression
mkdir escheduler-ui
tar -zxf escheduler-1.1.0-ui.tar.gz -C escheduler-ui
cd escheduler-ui
3.2.2 Execute automated deployment scripts
Execute automated deployment scripts . The script will prompt some parameters , Follow the prompts to complete the installation .
[[email protected] escheduler-ui]$ sudo ./install-escheduler-ui.sh
Welcome to use easy scheduler Front end deployment script , Currently, the front-end deployment script only supports CentOS,Ubuntu
Please be there. escheduler-ui Execute under directory
Please enter nginx The proxy port , No input , By default 8888 :8888
Please enter api server agent ip, Must input , for example :192.168.xx.xx :
Please enter api server The proxy port , No input , By default 12345 :12345
1.CentOS6 install
2.CentOS7 install
3.Ubuntu install
4. sign out
Please enter the installation number (1|2|3|4):2
port option is needed for add
FirewallD is not running
setenforce: SELinux is disabled
Please visit :
Using the automated deployment script will check whether the system environment is installed Nginx
, If it is not installed, it will be downloaded automatically through the network Nginx
Package installation , After boot setting Nginx
The configuration file is /etc/nginx/conf.d/escheduler.conf
. But the general method of production environment is to access the Internet , At this time, you can manually install offline Nginx
, Then make some configuration .
# 1 download Nginx Offline installer
# For example, download Cento7 CPU Instructions for x86 Version of
wget http://nginx.org/packages/mainline/centos/7/x86_64/RPMS/nginx-1.17.6-1.el7.ngx.x86_64.rpm
# 2 install
rpm -ivh nginx-1.17.6-1.el7.ngx.x86_64.rpm
Next, manually put it in Nginx
Add a DolphinSchedule
Service configuration . Because in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
Default loaded configuration file ) There is include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf ;
, So we can /etc/nginx/conf.d/
Next create a conf
Configuration file for suffix , The file name of the configuration file is arbitrary , For example, called escheduler.conf
. What needs special attention here is that in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
There is a configuration in front of the configuration file user nginx
If you start Nginx
Is not nginx
, Be sure to change it to start Nginx
Users of , Otherwise, the agent's service will report 403 Error of .
Here we are /etc/nginx/conf.d/escheduler.conf
Configure the following , A focus on server
Middle configuration listen
(DolphinSchedule Web UI
The port of )、root
( Decompressed escheduler-ui
Medium dist
route )、proxy_pass
The address of the background interface ) Etc .
The last restart Nginx
Carry out orders systemctl restart nginx
server {
listen 8888; # Access port
server_name localhost;
#charset koi8-r;
#access_log /var/log/nginx/host.access.log main;
location / {
root /opt/DolphinScheduler/escheduler-ui/dist; # The above front-end decompression dist Directory address ( Modify yourself )
index index.html index.html;
location /escheduler {
proxy_pass; # Address of the interface ( Modify yourself )
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header x_real_ipP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header remote_addr $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_connect_timeout 4s;
proxy_read_timeout 30s;
proxy_send_timeout 12s;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
#error_page 404 /404.html;
# redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
location = /50x.html {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
problem 1: Upload file size limit
- Edit profile
vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
# Change the upload size
client_max_body_size 1024m
3.2.3 dolphinscheduler Start and stop of front-end service
# 1 start-up
systemctl start nginx
# 2 state
systemctl status nginx
# 3 stop it
#nginx -s stop
systemctl stop nginx
4. Quick start
Video address :https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1d64y1s7eZ
4.1 Sign in
Browser access, As shown in the figure below .
The default user name of the account on the above login page is admin
The password for escheduler123
, This account is also the default administrator account , After successful login, you can change your password . The main page of successful login is as follows
4.2 Created queues 、 Tenant
Create a queue : Queue management -> Create a queue -> Enter the name and queue value -> Submit .
Create tenants : Tenant management -> Create tenants -> Enter tenant code 、 Tenant name and queue value -> Submit .
Create a normal user : User management -> Create user -> Enter the user name 、 password 、 Tenant name and email , Mobile phone number optional -> Submit .
Create a warning Group : Warning group management -> Create a warning Group -> Enter the group name 、 Group type ( mail 、 SMS )-> Submit . Log in as a normal user ( The username and password are both
). Click the user name in the upper right corner “ sign out ”, Log back in as an ordinary user . The homepage of successful login is as follows .
4.3 Create project
Click Project Management at the head of the page , Go to the project page , Then click create project , Create a DolphinScheduler
Task scheduling project , Enter the project name and description in the pop-up box , For example, create a hello_dolphinScheduler
Name of the project , Finally, click Submit .
After the project is created , Click the project we created on the project management page , Enter the project management page .
- Click on Workflow definition -> Create workflow -> On the left toolbar, you can choose (
). - Drag and drop SHELL Node to canvas , Add a new one Shell Mission , Fill in The name of the node 、 describe 、 Script Field ; choice Task priority , High level tasks will be executed preferentially in the execution queue , Tasks with the same priority are executed in first in first out order ;
- Timeout alarm , Fill in the timeout duration , When the task execution time exceeds the timeout, an alarm can be given and the timeout fails .( Be careful : The node here is not the node of the machine , It should be the node of workflow )
After confirming the modification , Click save , Now set DAG
Figure name , Select group tenant , Final addition .
Workflow definitions that are not online can be edited , But it can't run , So we need to execute workflow , The workflow needs to be launched first
Click on ” function “, Execute workflow .
4.4 Description of operation parameters
Description of operation parameters :
- Failure strategy : When a task node fails to execute , Strategies that other parallel task nodes need to execute .” continue “ Express : Other task nodes execute normally ,” end “ Express : Terminate all ongoing tasks , And stop the whole process .
- Notification strategy : When the process ends , Send email notification according to process execution status .
- Process priority : Priority of process operation , There are five levels : The highest (HIGHEST), high (HIGH), in (MEDIUM), low (LOW), The minimum (LOWEST). High level processes will be executed preferentially in the execution queue , Processes with the same priority are executed in first in first out order .
- worker grouping : This process can only be executed in the specified machine group . The default is Default, It can be in any one of worker On the implementation .
- Notification group : When the process ends , Or when fault tolerance occurs , The process information email will be sent to all members of the notification Group .
- The recipient : Enter the email and press enter to save . When the process ends 、 When fault tolerance occurs , An alarm email will be sent to the recipient list .
- Cc people : Enter the email and press enter to save . When the process ends 、 When fault tolerance occurs , The alarm email will be copied to the CC list .
Click the task instance to view the list information of each task , Click on the operation bar , You can see the log information of task execution .
5. Worker grouping
worker grouping , It provides a way to make the task in the specified worker Mechanism running on . Administrators create worker grouping , In the task node and running parameter settings, you can specify the worker grouping , If the specified group is deleted or no group is specified , Then the task will worker Up operation .worker Multiple in the Group ip Address ( Cannot write alias ), Separated by commas .
Use administrator user (admin) land Web page , Click on Security Center -> Worker Group management , As shown in the figure below .
establish Worker grouping . Fill in the group name and IP,IP It can be more than one , It can be separated by English commas .
Such as below , We will Worker Of IP Divided into two groups .
6. Add data sources
Script ( It's usually SQL Script ) Some data sources may be used during execution , for example MySQL、PostgreSQL、Hive、Impala、Spark、ClickHouse、Oracle、SQL Server, By adding data sources in DolphinScheduler Page writing Job Directly select , There is no need to specify the driver 、 Connect 、 User name and password etc , You can quickly create a SQL Workflow of script Job, At the same time, this data source is user isolated , The data sources added by each user are independent (admin Except for users , Administrator users can see all data sources added by users ).
Now let's Impala
For example , Select Data source center -> Add data sources , The picture below will pop up Edit data source Popup , Mainly fill in the following items . because Impala No password set , The user is required. You can add any one , stay jdbc Connection parameters must be added {"auth":"noSasl"}
Parameters , Otherwise, it will be waiting for confirmation .
7. example
Under project management , Click workflow definition , Select the last line in the toolbar DEPENDENT Define a workflow with dependencies Job, Drag to the edit panel , Set up task The node name of is cdh2-task1, stay Worker grouping Selected for execution Worker The node is cdh2, After editing this Task Then choose Confirm to add . Choose to execute Worker Group name , Here, choose the one set above cdh2 Group , Confirm to add , As shown in the figure below . Set the second dependency in the same way Task, Put it Worker Grouping is set to cdh3 node , And add dependencies as And .
Next set two Shell Execute the script ,cdh2-task11 On the implementation task11, Mainly in the cdh2 Last execution of A hostname command , Print the execution node HostName. Same way , At the dependent node cdh3-task21 Set on cdh3 perform , It's also execution hostname command . Finally, in the dependent node cdh3-task21 Add a SQL Script , Query our Douban movie data , The specific operation is as follows
- Drag and drop on the toolbar to add a SQL Script Task node ;
- The node name can be called :ck-task01, And add description information ;
- Worker grouping :cdh3;
- data source :CLICKHOUSE clickhouse-cdh3;
- sql Type selection query .√ form ;
- Email messages : Fill in the topic . Recipient email 、 CC email ;
- sql sentence :
SELECT m.id,m.movie_name,m.rating_num,m.rating_people,q.rank,q.quote FROM movie m
LEFT JOIN quote q
ON q.id=m.id
ORDER BY m.rating_num DESC,m.rating_people DESC LIMIT 10;
each task After writing , Choose... In the upper right corner Select line connection , After the workflow is compiled, see the following figure , Finally, click save , Input DAG
Figure name , And select tenants , Select Add save .
Back to workflow definition , You can see the list of all workflows of the newly added current user , Click... In the operation bar on the right go online , And then click function Execute our workflow . Of course, you can also add timing Dispatch .
When I hit run , Can be in Workflow instance The page sees the currently running Job Status information . Each job may have multiple Task constitute , see Task The execution information of can be found in Task instance Page view , You can view this in the operation bar task Execution log information of . If the execution is successful , You can select the Gantt chart of the workflow , Check the execution status on the timeline .
You can also view the tree diagram information of workflow execution , Here's the picture .
After running successfully, the inbox filled in will receive an email of the execution result , This email contains the results of the script execution .
8. And Azkaban Comparison of
9. Summary
Apache DolphinScheduler
It's a distribution 、 De centralization 、 Extensible visualization DAG Workflow task scheduling system , From the installation above, we can see that the scheduling system is integrated ZooKeeper, Decentralization is well realized , The services of each role can play multiple , from znode You can see up here masters and workers Some meta information of is registered on it , Leave it to ZK Go to the election , Of course, it is also a distributed . If a service hangs up ,ZooKeeper Elections will be held at the remaining nodes , For example, when some nodes Worker Service to hang , We don't have to do anything ,DolphinScheduler Can still submit and execute work normally , You can see on the page of its monitoring center , The system automatically elects a new Work node .
# znode Information on
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 1] ls /escheduler
[tasks_queue, dead-servers, masters, lock, workers, tasks_kill]
Especially more Worker
The function of grouping and adding data sources , You can specify Wroker
node , Directly specify the data under the user , perform SQL
Script , At the same time, the monitoring center added to the page 、 Task status statistics 、 Process status statistics 、 Process definition and statistics can also help us manage and view the information of task execution and the status of the cluster .
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