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[listening for an attribute in the array]
2022-07-05 09:28:00 【Guodong pudding】
【 Listening for an attribute in the array 】
One 、 structure
computed : {
amount : function () {
watch : {
amount : {
handler (newVal) {
// console.log(newVal , 'newVal')
// console.log(oldVal , 'oldVal')
let aaa = this.linke.oldList.reduce((sum, e) => sum + Number(e.amount || 0), 0)
let bbb = this.linke.newList.reduce((sum, e) => sum + Number(e.amount || 0), 0)
this.CardrftNo = this.linke.oldList.length + this.linke.newList.length
this.CardrftNoMoney = aaa + bbb
} ,
immediate : false,
deep: true
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