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Talking about the difference between unittest and pytest

2022-07-05 09:16:00 Software testing

One 、unittest

# MyFunction.py

def add(a, b):
    return a + b

1.unittest unit testing

#  unit testing .py

1、 Unit test framework : Automatic verification results 
    python:unittest perhaps pytest、Java:Junit、TestNG
     How to write use cases :
         Must be test start 
     Find the case 
     A parameterized 
import unittest
import myFunction
import HTMLTestRunner
import HTMLTestRunnerNew  #  Test report rich version 
import parameterized  #  A parameterized 

class TestAdd(unittest.TestCase):
    ''' test add Method '''

    def testAddNormal1(self):
        """ Normal test addition ,by huozi"""
        result = myFunction.add(1, 2)
        self.assertEqual(3, result, )

    def testAddNormal2(self):
        """ Normal test addition , with msg Return information """
        result = myFunction.add(4, 2)
        self.assertEqual(6, result, ' normal case adopt ')

    def testAddError1(self):
        """ Test failed to use ,by huozi"""
        result = myFunction.add(0, 2)
        self.assertEqual(4, result)

    def testAddError2(self):
        """ The test fails with msg Return information to """
        result = myFunction.add(1, 2)
        self.assertEqual(0, result, ' Normal integer addition , Don't pass ')

    @parameterized.parameterized.expand(  #  Pass parameters to a two-dimensional array 
        [[1, 2, 3, ' A parameterized 1'],
         [-1, 2, 3, ' A parameterized 2'],
         [2, 4, 7, ' A parameterized 3']]
    def testParamAdd(self, a, b, c, desc):
        self._testMethodDoc = desc  #  Use this _testMethodDoc Parameter passing 
        result = myFunction.add(a, b)
        self.assertEqual(c, result, ' The expected result is %s, The actual result is %s' % (c, result))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #  How to write it 0: No test report is generated 
    # unittest.main()  #  Execute all use cases 

    #  How to write it 1: Run a single test case 
    testSuite1 = unittest.TestSuite()
    testSuite1.addTest(TestAdd('testAddNormal'))  #  Run a single test case 
    # testSuite.addTest(TestAdd('testAddError1'))
    # testSuite.addTest(TestAdd('testAddError1'))

    #  How to write it 2: Run the test cases in a class 
    testSuite2 = unittest.makeSuite(TestAdd)  #  Run a class ( Such as TestAdd) All the test cases in it 

    #  How to write it 3: Find the test cases in a directory ( Absolute path ), The document must be marked with test start , All the files are :*.py
    testSuite3 = unittest.defaultTestLoader.discover('/Users/ray/PycharmProjects/tmz/day9/cases', 'test*.py')

    with open('report.html', 'wb') as fw:
        # runner = HTMLTestRunner.HTMLTestRunner(stream=fw, title=' Tianma test report ', description=' Tianma test ',verbosity=3)
        runner = HTMLTestRunnerNew.HTMLTestRunner(stream=fw, title=' Tianma test report ', description=' Tianma test ', verbosity=3)

Two 、pytest

1.pytest unit testing

class TestClassOne(object):
    def test_one(self):
        x = "this"
        assert 't'in x

    def test_two(self):
        x = "hello"
        assert hasattr(x, 'check')

class TestClassTwo(object):
    def test_one(self):
        x = "iphone"
        assert 'p'in x

    def test_two(self):
        x = "apple"
        assert hasattr(x, 'check')

3、 ... and 、unittest and pytest The difference between

3 Use case writing rules

unittest Provides test cases、test suites、test fixtures、test runner Related to the class , Make the test clearer 、 convenient 、 controllable . Use unittest Write use cases , The following rules must be observed :

1. The test file must first import unittest
2. The test class must inherit unittest.TestCase
3. The test method must be “test_” start
4. The test class must have unittest.main() Method

pytest yes python Third party testing framework for , Is based on unittest The extension framework of , Than unittest More concise , More efficient . Use pytest Write use cases , The following rules must be observed :

1. The test file name must be “test_” The beginning or "test" ending ( Such as :test_ab.py)
2. The test method must be “test
” start .
3. The test class is named with "Test" start .

summary : pytest It can be executed unittest Style test cases , There is no need to modify unittest Any code for the use case , It has good compatibility . pytest Rich plug-ins , such as flask plug-in unit , It can be used for case error rerun ; also xdist plug-in unit , It can be used for parallel execution of devices .

2 Use case pre and post

1 Use case writing rules provide setUp/tearDown, Before each use case runs 、 Run once after it's over .setUpClass and tearDownClass, Before use case execution 、 After the end , Only run once .

# unittset precondition .py
import unittest

class Test(unittest.TestCase):  #  Inherit unittest Medium TestCase
    def setUpClass(cls) -> None:  # setUpClass: All use cases will be executed once before execution , Such as : Open file , Linked database 

    def tearDownClass(cls) -> None:  # tearDownClass: All use cases will be executed once , Such as : Delete the data after registration 

    def setUp(self) -> None:  # setUp: Each use case will be executed before execution setUp, Such as :

    def tearDown(self) -> None:  # tearDown: Each use case will be executed first tearDown, Such as :

    def testB(self):  #  Use case execution sequence : With test Sort at the beginning of the last letter 

    def testA(self):

    def testZ(self):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # unittest.main()  #  No test report is generated 

The results are as follows :

Ran 3 tests in 0.003s
Launching unittests with arguments python -m unittest  Use case preconditions .Test in /Users/ray/PycharmProjects/day10


Process finished with exit code 0

pytest Provides module level 、 Function level 、 Class level 、 Method level setup/teardown, Than unittest Of setUp/tearDown More flexible .

import pytest

#  Method in module 
def setup_module():
    print("setup_module: Whole .py The module executes only once ")

def teardown_module():
    print("teardown_module: Whole test_module.py The module executes only once ")

def setup_function():
    print("setup_function: Each use case is executed before it starts ")

def teardown_function():
    print("teardown_function: At the end of each use case, it will execute ")

#  Test cases in the module 1
def test_one():
    print(" Executing test module ----test_one")
    x = "this"
    assert 'h' in x

#  Test cases in the module 2
def test_two():
    print(" Executing test module ----test_two")
    x = "hello"
    assert hasattr(x, 'check')

#  Test class 
class TestCase():

    def setup_class(self):
        print("setup_class: Before all use cases are executed ")

    def teardown_class(self):
        print("teardown_class: After all use cases are executed ")

    def setup(self):
        print("setup: Each use case is executed before it starts ")

    def teardown(self):
        print("teardown: At the end of each use case, it will execute ")

    def test_three(self):
        print(" Executing test class ----test_three")
        x = "this"
        assert 'h' in x

    def test_four(self):
        print(" Executing test class ----test_four")
        x = "hello"
        assert hasattr(x, 'check')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    pytest.main(["-s", "test_module.py"])

The results are as follows :

collected 4 items                                                              

test_module.py setup_module: Whole .py The module executes only once 
setup_function: Each use case is executed before it starts 
 Executing test module ----test_one
.teardown_function: At the end of each use case, it will execute 
setup_function: Each use case is executed before it starts 
 Executing test module ----test_two
Fteardown_function: At the end of each use case, it will execute 
setup_class: Before all use cases are executed 
setup: Each use case is executed before it starts 
 Executing test class ----test_three
.teardown: At the end of each use case, it will execute 
setup: Each use case is executed before it starts 
 Executing test class ----test_four
Fteardown: At the end of each use case, it will execute 
teardown_class: After all use cases are executed 
teardown_module: Whole test_module.py The module executes only once 

Method 2 :pytest Of fixture Method

# conftest.py
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pytest

def login():
    print(" Please enter your account and password first , Then log in ")

    print(" Exit login ")
# test_1.py
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pytest

def test_fix1(login):
    print("test_fix1 in test_1.py: You need to log in and then perform the operation ")

def test_fix2():
    print("test_fix2 in test_1.py: There is no need to log in and then perform the operation ")

def test_fix3(login):
    print("test_fix3 in test_1.py: You need to log in and then perform the operation ")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    pytest.main(['-s', 'test_1.py'])
# test_2.py
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pytest

def test_fix3():
    print("test_fix3 in test_2.py: There is no need to log in and then perform the operation ")

def test_fix4(login):
    print("test_fix4 in test_2.py: You need to log in and then perform the operation ")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    pytest.main(['-s', 'test_2.py'])

The results are as follows :

pytest -s test_1.py

collected 3 items                                                              

test_1.py  Please enter your account and password first , Then log in 
test_fix1 in test_1.py: You need to log in and then perform the operation 
. Exit login 
test_fix2 in test_1.py: There is no need to log in and then perform the operation 
. Please enter your account and password first , Then log in 
test_fix3 in test_1.py: You need to log in and then perform the operation 
. Exit login 

3 Assertion

unittest Provides assertEqual、assertIn、assertTrue、assertFalse.
assertEqual: Judge whether the first parameter and the second parameter of the assertion are equal , If not, the test fails

usage : assertIn(key, container, message)
key: A string that checks its existence in a given container
container: String in which to search for key strings
message: As a string statement of the message displayed when the test message fails .
assertIn: Used in unit tests to check whether the string is contained in other strings . This function will use three string parameters as input , And return a Boolean value according to the assertion condition . If key Contained in the container string , It will return true, Otherwise return to false.

usage : assertIn(key, container, message)
Parameters :assertIn() Accept the description of the following three parameters :

key: A string that checks its existence in a given container
container: String in which to search for key strings
message: As a string statement of the message displayed when the test message fails .
assertTrue: Judge whether it is true

assertFalse: Judge whether it is false

pytest Use it directly assert expression .
assert: Used to determine an expression , In the expression, the condition is false Trigger exception when .

4 The report

unittest Use HTMLTestRunnerNew library .
pytest Yes pytest-HTML、allure plug-in unit .

5 Fail to run again

unittest No such function .

pytest Support case execution failure rerun ,pytest-rerunfailures plug-in unit .

6 A parameterized

unittest Depend on ddt Library or parameterized library .

#  unit testing .py
import unittest
import myFunction
import HTMLTestRunner
import HTMLTestRunnerNew  #  Test report rich version 
import parameterized  #  A parameterized 

class TestAdd(unittest.TestCase):
    ''' test add Method '''
    @parameterized.parameterized.expand(  #  Pass parameters to a two-dimensional array 
        [[1, 2, 3, ' A parameterized 1'],
         [-1, 2, 3, ' A parameterized 2'],
         [2, 4, 7, ' A parameterized 3']]
    def testParamAdd(self, a, b, c, desc):
        self._testMethodDoc = desc  #  Use this _testMethodDoc Parameter passing 
        result = myFunction.add(a, b)
        self.assertEqual(c, result, ' The expected result is %s, The actual result is %s' % (c, result))

pytest Use it directly @pytest.mark.parametrize Decorator

@allure.epic("SOS Interface automation testing ")
class TestCaseRunner:
@allure.feature(" Process management / Risk management / Intervention task report ( new )- Inquire about ")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("case", CaseExcuteUtils.get_case_list("soscases/progressManagement/taskreport", case_tag))
def test_task_report(self, case):
     Parameterized execution of test cases 
    :param case:
    CaseExcuteUtils.excute_case(case, data)

7 Use case classification execution

1.unittest All test cases are executed by default , You can load testsuite Execute some module test cases ;
2.pytest Can pass @pytest.mark To mark test cases , Execute the command with the parameters “-m” You can run the marked use case .

The house needs to be built layer by layer , Knowledge needs to be learned at one point one . We should lay a good foundation in the process of learning , More hands-on practice , Don't talk much , The last dry goods here ! I stayed up late to sort out the stages ( function 、 Interface 、 automation 、 performance 、 Test open ) Skills learning materials + Practical explanation , Very suitable for studying in private , It's much more efficient than self-study , Share with you .

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