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3D reconstruction open source code summary [keep updated]

2022-07-05 08:55:00 Li Yingsong~

3D reconstruction open source code summary , Irregular update .

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  • Openmvg【3.5k stars】【Mozilla Public License Version 2.0】【https://github.com/openMVG/openMVG

    A multi view geometry 3D reconstruction algorithm library , Recover the three-dimensional pose of the camera from the disordered two-dimensional image set .SFM(Structure From Motion) Classic algorithm library .

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  • Colmap【3k stars】【new BSD license】【https://github.com/colmap/colmap

    A multi view geometry 3D reconstruction algorithm library , Recover the three-dimensional pose of the camera from the disordered two-dimensional image set (SFM) And multi view stereo reconstruction (MVS).

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  • AliceVision【1.8k stars】【MPL2 license】【https://github.com/alicevision/AliceVision

    An open source photogrammetry system framework .

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  • TheiaSfM【600+k stars】【New BSD license】【https://github.com/sweeneychris/TheiaSfM

    Google launched open source SFM Algorithm library .
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  • MVE【700+k stars】【BSD 3-Clause License】【https://github.com/simonfuhrmann/mve

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  • OpenSfM【2.2k stars】【BSD license】【https://github.com/mapillary/OpenSfM

    One use Python Realized SFM Algorithm library .
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  • openmvs【1.6k stars】【AGPLv3】【https://github.com/cdcseacave/openMVS

    An open source algorithm library for multi view stereo reconstruction , Based on image set with pose information , Reconstruct a high-quality texture model , The effect is excellent .

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  • meshroom【6.5k stars】【MPL2 license】【https://github.com/alicevision/meshroom

    and OpenMVS Like the library , It is also based on image sets with pose information , Reconstruct a high-quality texture model , But it didn't work OpenMVS good , Faster . With graphic interface , Well done .

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  • orb-slam2【6.2k stars】【GPLv3 license】【https://github.com/raulmur/ORB_SLAM2

    Very classic Monocular / Binocular /RGBD-slam Algorithm library
  • orb-slam3【2.5k stars】【GPLv3 license】【https://github.com/UZ-SLAMLab/ORB_SLAM3

    The first one can use monocular 、 Stereoscopic and RGB-D The camera , Use pinhole and fisheye lens models for vision 、 Visual inertia and multiple maps SLAM The system of .

    Monocular slam

    RGBD slam

    • KinectFusion【280+ stars】【MIT License】【https://github.com/chrdiller/KinectFusionLib

      be based on KinectFusion This paper implements an open source algorithm ,paper:KinectFusion: Real-time dense surface mapping and tracking

    • InfiniTAM∞ v3【680+ stars】【Oxford University Innovation Academic License】【https://github.com/victorprad/InfiniTAM

      The open source multi platform real-time large-scale deep integration and tracking done by the Oxford University team , fast , stay Windows、Linux、Ios、Android Can be compiled and run , And the speed is ok .

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    • VoxelHashing【460+ stars】【Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License】【https://github.com/niessner/VoxelHashing

      be based on TSDF Classic depth fusion algorithm of voxel fusion , Yes CUDA edition , fast .

    • ElasticFusion【1.3k stars】【non-commercial use only】【https://github.com/mp3guy/ElasticFusion

      One for the RGBD The data is based on Surfel Of Fusion Algorithm . Suitable for indoor reconstruction .

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    • ElasticReconstruction【480+ stars】【MIT license】【https://github.com/qianyizh/ElasticReconstruction

      One for the RGBD The data is based on Voxel Of Fusion Algorithm . Suitable for indoor reconstruction .

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    • BundleFusion【1k stars】【non-commercial applications】【https://github.com/niessner/BundleFusion

      A real-time and globally consistent 3D reconstruction algorithm library , be based on TSDF, The effect is now Fusion The best of all .

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    • badslam【400+ stars】【BSD-3-Clause License】【CVPR2019】【https://github.com/ETH3D/badslam

      One is based on RGBD Real time direct method of data BA-SLAM Algorithm , Suitable for outdoor reconstruction , From the Federal Institute of technology in Zurich (ETH) The team .

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    • tsdf-fusion 【400+ stars】 【BSD-2-Clause License】【https://github.com/andyzeng/tsdf-fusion

      One fuses multiple registered depth maps into TSDF Voxel Algorithm ,TSDF Voxels can be used for Marching Cubes Grid construction

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Feature matching

  • CudaSift【570+ stars】【non-commercial】【https://github.com/Celebrandil/CudaSift

    One CUDA Fast implementation SIFT Algorithm ,SIFT It is a classic scale invariant feature matching algorithm

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Stereo matching

Point cloud splicing

  • ICPCUDA【400+ stars】【No License】【https://github.com/mp3guy/ICPCUDA

    A depth map based data (DepthMap) Fast ICP Splice Library (CUDA Speed up ), about VGA Size (640x480), stay NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN X Up to 750Hz The speed of . The author also opened source KinectFusion.
  • CUDA-ScanMatcher-ICP [100+ stars] [MIT License]【 https://github.com/botforge/CUDA-ScanMatcher-ICP

    One is based on CUDA Of ICP Point cloud splicing algorithm , It is suitable for laser scanning point cloud and general point cloud .

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  • Super4PCS【300+ stars】【Apache License V2】【https://github.com/nmellado/Super4PCS

    Point cloud rough matching algorithm Super4PCS The implementation of the .

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Grid construction

  • PoissonRecon 【700+ stars】【MIT License】【https://github.com/mkazhdan/PoissonRecon

    Poisson reconstruction , A grid construction algorithm , The input is an unordered point cloud with normals .

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Point cloud mesh processing

  • pcl【6.3k stars】【BSD License】【https://github.com/PointCloudLibrary/pcl

    This is probably the most widely used point cloud processing algorithm library , You can use it to display pictures 、 Show point cloud , It also implements many point cloud processing algorithms , Such as point cloud filtering 、 Point cloud registration 、 Point cloud segmentation , Its official website is https://pointclouds.org/.

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  • OpenMesh【BSD 3 clause license】【https://www.graphics.rwth-aachen.de/software/openmesh/

    A very classic grid processing library , Based on half data structure , It's very efficient , And very stable , There are many implementations of basic grid algorithms .

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  • vcglib【560+ stars】【GPLv3.0 License】【http://vcg.isti.cnr.it/vcglib/

    and OpenMesh The same grid processing basic algorithm library , Also very efficient and stable , Well known grid processing software MeshLib Just use it .

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Texture mapping

  • mvs-texturing【500+ stars】【BSD 3-Clause License】【https://github.com/nmoehrle/mvs-texturing

    A texture mapping algorithm library for multi view stereo reconstruction ,OpenMVS、MVE This algorithm is used to do texture mapping .

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  • UVAtlas【500+ stars】【MIT License】【https://github.com/microsoft/UVAtlas

    Microsoft open source automatic UV Expansion algorithm ,UV Expansion can be used to map meshes to a two-dimensional UV On the drawing , A mesh mapped texture can be used UV Figure to organize , Improve the utilization of texture map .

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3D rendering

  • potree 【2.3k stars】【FreeBSD Licnese】【https://github.com/potree/potree

    One is based on WebGL Large point cloud rendering project , It is interesting to .

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  • OpenSceneGraph(OSG)【2.2k stars】【 OpenSceneGraph Public License】【https://github.com/openscenegraph/OpenSceneGraph

    A very mature and easy-to-use cross platform 3D data rendering Library , Rendering includes point clouds 、 grid 、 3D data including texture model , Suitable for large-scale software as a rendering engine , It can also be handled LOD data .

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  • Pangolin【1.3k stars】【MIT License】【https://github.com/stevenlovegrove/Pangolin

    A lightweight cross platform 3D rendering Library , Can be used for slam Rendering engine for related projects .

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