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Guess riddles (142)

2022-07-05 08:34:00 Enigmatic Garden

Guess riddles (142)

Insert business card

( One )

Ten guests and ten rooms , It's cold in and warm out .

Hit a daily necessities


( Two )

A book , Every day , Read one article and tear another . How many days a year , How many pieces of small books have been torn down .

Hit a daily necessities

 The calendar 

( 3、 ... and )

One thing is boundless , It can hold more than 300 days , There are also twelve moons , It changes clothes for the new year .

Hit a daily necessities

 The calendar 

( Four )

It is my good friend , Every student has , Help me with the books , But I have to carry it .

Hit a daily necessities

 a bag 

( 5、 ... and )

Brother, take off your hat first , The second brother takes off his clothes first , The third brother drinks water first , The fourth brother talks with snowflakes .

Play four kinds of stationery

 writing brush 、 The pencil 、 Pen 、 chalk 

( 6、 ... and )

The little black man is thin and long , Wearing wooden flower clothes , Draw and write it all , Just can't sing .

Hit a stationery

 The pencil 

( 7、 ... and )

Hold up the world , I am as thin as a wood .

Dozen of daily necessities

 Coat hanger 

( 8、 ... and )

A teacher doesn't talk , His stomach is full of knowledge . If you don't understand anything , Go and consult it quickly .

Play with school supplies


( Nine )

One thing is born beautifully , I laughed at it . Dwarfs can grow taller , Thin people can get fat .

Play a toy

 Ha ha mirror 

( Ten )

A house has four sides , There is no door, there is a window . There are singing and acting , It changes all day .

Hit a home appliance

 The TV 
 Scan the code and pay attention to it , First guess with your child every day 10 Riddles ~
Scan the code and pay attention to it , First guess with your child every day 10 Riddles ~

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