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2020 "Lenovo Cup" National College programming online Invitational Competition and the third Shanghai University of technology programming competition

2022-07-05 08:51:00 Qizi K

2020 year “ Lenovo cup ” Solution to the National College programming online Invitational Competition and the third Shanghai University of technology programming competition

Mengxin has come to write a solution
Original link

( Not in the order of question numbers QWQ)

L. Lottery Tickets
The question : to 0-9 How many cards are there , It is required to form a number , This number can be 4 Divisible and maximal . Cards can not be used completely .

tips: Can be 4 Divisible numbers , The last two digits must be 4 to be divisible by .
Pay attention to the classified discussion ( Special judgement ) The situation is a little more qwq:
A. Only 0( The difference in B) Output 0
B. There is one 0 But no 2468 Output 0 ( Only 13579 and 0 Cannot form a two digit quilt 4 to be divisible by )
C. There is one 4 But no 0268 Output 4
D. There is one 8 But no 0246 Output 8
E. other
E1. There are more than 1 A zero , And there are other numbers , Zero last .( A hundred can be 4 to be divisible by )
E2. Output in the following order .
Sort rule : According to the maximum number, the minimum , If the largest number is the same, the order of the smallest number is the smallest .( It's just greed )

Code :( It's a mess , But it is these kinds of classification discussions )

using namespace std;

int book[25] = {
int card[15],t;

bool judge(int x){
	if(x == 44)		return (card[4] >= 2) ? true : false; 
	if(x == 88)		return (card[8] >= 2) ? true : false; 
	else	return (card[x % 10] >= 1 && card[x / 10] >= 1)	? true : false; 

int main(){
		string s = "";
		for(int i = 0; i <= 9; ++i)
		if(card[0] == 1 && !card[2] && !card[4] && !card[6] && !card[8] && (card[1] || card[3] || card[5] || card[7] || card[9]))	s = "0";//A
		else if(card[0] > 0 && !card[2] && !card[4] && !card[6] && !card[8] && !card[1] && !card[3] && !card[5] && !card[7] && !card[9])	s = "0";		//B
		else if(card[4] == 1 && !card[2] && !card[8] && !card[6] && !card[0])	s = "4";		//C
		else if(card[8] == 1 && !card[2] && !card[4] && !card[6] && !card[0])	s = "8";		//D
		else if(card[0] >= 2 && (card[1] || card[2] || card[3] || card[5] || card[6] || card[7] || card[4] || card[9] || card[8])){
			s += "00";
			card[0] -= 2;
			for(int i = 0; i <= 9; ++i){
				for(int j = card[i]; j > 0; --j)
					s += i + '0';
			int idx;
			for(idx = 0; idx < 22; ++idx){
					s += book[idx] % 10 + '0', card[book[idx] % 10]--;
					s += book[idx] / 10 + '0', card[book[idx] / 10]--;
			if(idx == 22){
			for(int i = 0; i <= 9; ++i){
				for(int j = card[i]; j > 0; --j)
					s += i + '0';
		cout << s << endl;
	return 0;

D. Disaster Recovery
The question :n spot m Edge undirected connectivity graph , The first i The point weight of a point is the number of Fibonacci i
term , The edge right is the sum of the points at both ends , Find a minimum spanning tree of the original graph so that the degree is the most
The degree of the big point is the smallest .
Look at the picture qwq. The city number is fib The sequence , The weight is the sum of two numbers . Ask how to build roads , It can connect cities !
 Insert picture description here
tips: Almost naked kruskal Minimum spanning tree . utilize fib The nature of the sequence , according to pair<max(u,v),min(u,v)> Sort , You can get the arrangement of edge weights from small to large .(pair Sort in descending order ,fib The sequence ,max Big ones must be big . Because even if the other one is max-1 term ,max-2 term , Also have max-1 term +max-2 term = max term .)
Then calculate directly kruskal.

Use it carefully vector Write , Otherwise mle……

using namespace std;
typedef pair<int, int> p;
const int maxn = 200005;
int n,m,cnt,f[100005],degree[100005],ans,x,y;
int find(int x){
    return f[x] == x ? x : f[x] = find(f[x]);}
int unite(int x, int y){
	int fa = find(x), fb = find(y);
	if(fa == fb)	return 0;
	else	f[fb] = f[fa];
	return 1;
void init(){
	for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)	f[i] = i;
	ans = cnt = 0;
vector<p> edge;

int cmp(p r1, p r2){
	//return r1.second == r2.second ? r1.first < r2.first : r1.second < r2.second;  The same way 
	if(r1.second != r2.second)
		return r1.second < r2.second;
	else	return r1.first < r2.first;

int main(){
	for(int i = 1; i <= m; ++i){
		scanf("%d%d",&x, &y);
		if (x > y) swap(x, y);
		edge.push_back(make_pair(x, y));
	sort(edge.begin(), edge.end(), cmp);
	for(int i = 0; i < m; ++i){
		int u = edge[i].first, v = edge[i].second;
			degree[u]++, degree[v]++;
	int res = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) res = max(res, degree[i]);
	return 0;

however !! This question has a kind of greed that seems to be correct but actually wrong ! It is worth accumulating .
“ Greedy first 1 End in a row Reconnection 2 And so on , Because one point is connected with other points , The smaller the number, the better ”. The code implementation is the above cmp Change the function first/second The location of .
This will WA!!!
The conclusion is that , You can't be so greedy !!
Press 1-5 The order of greed :1-4,1-5,2-3,2-5
According to the edge power greed :2-3,1-4,3-4,1-5

Take the above example ,5 Connected 1 After that, it has been connected , Not necessarily with 2 Direct connection .( It can be reached indirectly through other points 2 Number point ). So greed is wrong qwqqqq

secondly !! To deepen the kruskal The understanding of the , Why? Use and check the collection , Instead of using set.
Get rid of this question , If the edge weights are in the order from small to large 1-3,2-4,2-3. If you use set,2-3 This side can't be connected qwq……

D. Disaster Recovery
t The question : Cursive question .n × m Grid , The grass in each grid increases every second ai,j, continue with
Come on k Operations , Each operation will mow the grass of a column or row at a certain time ,
Find the sum of the grass finally cut .

tips: The contribution of each lattice depends only on it The last time I was cut . Just record it with a mark . Note that if you loop through each line / The grid mark of the column , Meeting TLE. Direct pair a line / A column is marked as a whole , For Compare the size of row and column tags that will do .
Be careful (a % mod) * ( b % mod) % mod, Direct ride will explode .

#define ll long long 
#define mod 998244353
using namespace std;
int n,m,k,idx;
ll ans,ttime,mp[505][505],lie[505],hang[505],book[505][505];
char c;

int main(){
	for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i){
		for(int j = 1; j <= m; ++j)
	for(int i = 1; i <= k; ++i){
		if(c == 'r'){
			for(int i = 1; i <= m; ++i){
				ll tmp = (ttime - max(hang[idx],lie[i]));
				book[idx][i] = (book[idx][i] % mod + tmp % mod) % mod;
			hang[idx] = ttime;
			for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i){
				ll tmp = (ttime - max(lie[idx],hang[i]));
				book[i][idx] = (book[i][idx] % mod + tmp % mod) % mod;
			lie[idx] = ttime;
	for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i){
		for(int j = 1; j <= m; ++j){
			ll tmp = (mp[i][j] % mod * book[i][j] % mod ) % mod;
			ans = (ans % mod + tmp % mod) % mod;
	return 0;

A. Archmage
The question : The maximum amount of mage's blue is n , Can spend per second x Release a skill , Per second
It will automatically return to blue y spot , After settlement, return to blue , ask m You can play skills at most several times in a second .
tips: A formula ( See the code ).
A. If there is x ≤ y, Then it is obvious that he can release skills every second
B. If there is x > y, Before m - 1 The magic value restored in seconds can be used .

#define ll long long
using namespace std;

ll n,m,x,y,t;

int main(){
        printf("%lld\n",min(m, (n + (m - 1) * y) / x));
    return 0;

B/C A little Sign in problem qwq


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