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Redis implements a high-performance full-text search engine -- redisearch

2022-07-05 08:42:00 Sea of sperm whales

RediSearch It's a Redis modular , by Redis Provide query 、 Secondary indexing and full-text search , His performance is even better than es higher .

install :

docker pull redislabs/redismod:preview

Start the container :

Note that the port number should not be the same as redis The conflict :

docker run -p 6399:6379 --name redismod  -v /mydata/redismod/data:/data -d redislabs/redismod:preview

 Insert picture description here

Use springboot Integrate :




package com.example.demo.Utils.RedisearchUtills;
import io.redisearch.*;
import io.redisearch.client.AddOptions;
import io.redisearch.client.Client;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class redisearchMain {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Client client = new Client("student", "", 6399);

        //  Define an index schema 
        Schema schema = new Schema().addTextField("title", 5.0).addTextField("body", 1.0).addNumericField("star");

        //  For the first time run  You can comment it out first 
        client.dropIndex();// Clear the index first 

        //  Create index 
        client.createIndex(schema, Client.IndexOptions.Default());

        //  Add document to index 
        Map<String, Object> fields1 = createDocument(" Any video ", " Content that does not exist in the new document will be preserved . The fields existing in both will be overwritten ", 1000);
        Map<String, Object> fields2 = createDocument(" Any communication ", " Content that does not exist in the new document will be lost ", 500);

// client.addDocument("doc1", fields1);
// client.addDocument("doc2", fields2);
        Document doc1 = new Document("doc1", fields1, 1.0, null);
        Document doc2 = new Document("doc2", fields2, 1.0, null);
        AddOptions options = new AddOptions().setNosave(false);
        client.addDocument(doc1, options);
        client.addDocument(doc2, options);

        Query query = new Query(" Content ").addFilter(new Query.NumericFilter("star", 0, 1500)).setWithScores().limit(0, 10);
        SearchResult result = client.search(query);

    private static Map<String, Object> createDocument(String title, String body, Integer price){
        Map<String, Object> fields = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        fields.put("title", title);
        fields.put("body", body);
        fields.put("star", price);
        return fields;


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