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Have you learned to make money in Dingding, enterprise micro and Feishu?

2022-07-05 10:12:00 Intelligent relativity


The theory of intelligent relativity

Author yuanzijian

At the end of last year and nailing this year 3 After the announcement of commercialization in January ,5 month , Enterprise wechat proposes and implements charging service providers , This means that the three domestic mobile office platforms —— nailing 、 Enterprise WeChat 、 Flying book has fully entered the commercialization stage .

“ differ To C formats ,To B The earlier the business is commercialized, the more conducive it is to the development of enterprises and even industries .” An industry analyst who focuses on enterprise services said , For those who are more aware of paying B For end users , Because paying is not a personal act , Compared with the service fee ,B End users will pay more attention to the security of services 、 Reliability and empowerment . Free will certainly bring about the increase of service providers' operating costs and the emergence of a mixed situation in the industry .

You bet , Look at those relatively mature in China To B ecology , Commercialization is their common basic logic . After accumulating a certain number of users for free , The involvement of paid content will better enable the industry to achieve “ Good money drives out bad money ” The situation of .

As a matter of fact , In the nail 、 anonymous letter 、 Before the three enterprises and micro enterprises successively announced full commercialization , In fact, the three have already “ charge ” Tried a lot , But the results did not meet expectations .

Free ,“ Just use it. ” The concept of making it difficult to realize

Look back at the nail 、 anonymous letter 、 The charging content of the three enterprises and micro enterprises before announcing full commercialization can be seen , Although the directions of the three companies are different —— Nail nail emphasizes B End customer group 、 Flybook pays attention to account connection 、 Enterprises and micro enterprises care about the tool attributes of products , However, most of the charging contents of the three companies were concentrated in “ Bigger 、 more ” Wait for simple overweight service .

It can accommodate more people for Video Conference 、 A cloud disk that can store more documents 、 Interface that can communicate with more users …… These are the most familiar charging contents of these three companies before they were fully commercialized .

about B For end users , Can these paid content bring value ? The answer is yes . But are these necessary for users ? The answer is not so sure . When the software is free , For quite a few B For end users , In the nail 、 anonymous letter 、 Before the enterprise and micro enterprise announced full commercialization , With these software, you can realize a clock out OA Function is OK , I don't know much about other functions , It doesn't seem to work .

“ Just use it. ” The concept of has really become nailing 、 anonymous letter 、 The stumbling block on the way of enterprise and micro realization .

Although there is no clear public data to show the revenue before the announcement of full commercialization , But ye Jun, President of nailing, is in this year 1 In an interview in August, he said :“ Nailing is in a very clear investment stage .” This means the nail before full commercialization , Just rely on those “ Overweight ” It seems that it is difficult to achieve the benefit of the type of charge, which far exceeds the cost .

Although none of the three companies released specific revenue receipts , But judging from the three companies' urgent announcement of full commercialization , Striving for profit is the goal of the three companies , This seems to be the lateral evidence of nail 、 anonymous letter 、 Before the full commercialization of enterprises and micro enterprises , The revenue from the paid content of products cannot cover the high R & D, operation and maintenance costs , Not to mention making money for these three companies .

And find out why , Maybe it's “ free ” The resulting user stickiness is difficult to produce . In the case of free , The boundary of the product is quite vague , This makes it difficult for products to meet the customized needs of users in many cases , Thus, the seemingly huge market scale will not actually produce much “ Purchasing power ”.

Of course , Nor can we completely shift the responsibility to “ free ” The strategy of , After all, the uniqueness of the Chinese market , Just ask To B Products need to attract users through free , Stabilize the basic number of users . Besides “ free ” Outside , It seems that the cultivation of users' awareness of paying is also a nail in the coffin 、 anonymous letter 、 One of the reasons why the three enterprises and micro enterprises did not earn top-notch profits before full commercialization .

Continuous payment is To B Support for the establishment of business model , these years , At home To C Thinking makes customers prefer free products and services , This kind of thinking is naturally brought by customers To B Business up .

But at the same time , Enterprise customers will pay more attention to the value of products than individual customers , And because of To B The purchase of products is often an organizational decision , Whether the value of products can meet their own needs , It is an important evaluation index of whether enterprise users renew their fees .

So from this point of view , Before, when it was free , The product is not deep and has no characteristics, which affects the production of product revenue . So this nailing 、 anonymous letter 、 The full commercialization of the three enterprises and micro enterprises is not a simple increase in paid content for profit , Instead, we should establish our own professional barriers with a new charging model .

Three different profit models Corresponding to three different platforms

nailing 、 anonymous letter 、 Is the overall commercialization of enterprises and micro enterprises sudden ? It seems to be in form . From the second half of last year to the first half of this year , Three companies have jumped from free to full charge .

But judging from the distinctive charging contents of the three companies before their full commercialization , Such as the platform software development function of nail 、 Enterprise and micro platform technology services 、 Collaborative office tools for flying books . The commercialization of the three companies follows “ Compete for users with free ” Step in step . The announcement of full commercialization of this gathering , It is not so much the beginning of the commercialization of the three companies , Rather, it is the beginning of three different understandings and definitions of platform empowerment .

1、 nailing : focus PaaS Aimed at B End

Have more than 5 The nail of 100 million users , It is a well deserved leader in remote office software in China . When announcing commercialization , Nail nail clearly means to do PaaS turn . This also clearly shows nailing's view of the platform —— Do a good job in infrastructure , Maintain the positioning of collaborative office and application development platform , Let a lot of SaaS Manufacturers can nail products to the user level .

It means , Nail nail completely abandoned the past “ Tools ” The positioning of , Turn into a PaaS platform , This is also very consistent with the platform construction that Alibaba has been good at .

In order to make the platform attract more SaaS in , Nailing will also be the past 3:7 The profit sharing ratio is adjusted to 1:9. In the words of nail nail “ Every nail has a profit , It will bring 9 Profit share ”.

say concretely , The charging mode adopted by nail after commercialization is , On the platform profit sharing , Provide an open platform for partners to sell SaaS Ecological Software , Nails charge the highest 15% Commission .

On the hardware License , Hardware products developed by partners based on nail base , Nails open for it SDK Interface , collect 10% Commission .

And for user groups , Nailing depends on different customer sizes , Based on the free version 9800 Yuan per year 、10 From 10000 yuan every year and 100 Different charging versions every year from 10000 yuan . Within the platform enjoyed by users of different versions SaaS Software services vary .

According to this charging mode , The commercialization idea of nailing is very clear . It is somewhat similar to Taobao, a remote office software , Don't sell goods by yourself , Or sell very little , Mainly through the establishment of a strong user network , Give Way SaaS Manufacturers enter and sell products . meanwhile , Just from the perspective of user market size . China has a 4000 More than ten thousand small and medium-sized enterprises , Even if nailing has only one tenth of the market share , And one in ten users only buy 9800 Yuan per year of basic paid content , That's also close to nailing 400 Billion annual considerable income .

And here's the interesting thing , Recently, it was reported that “ Nail basic version exceeds 10 People will charge ”, Such news is undoubtedly in the full commercialization of remote office software 、“ charge ” The relatively sensitive moment , To a certain extent, the nail is pasted “ Eating is ugly. ” The label of . Dingding also refuted the news at the first time . The person in charge of nailing said , It's online “ exceed 10 People charge ” In fact, it is a project management function in nailing -“ Nail project ” Adjust the maximum number of free trials to 10 people . Nailing basic edition is still free . The rumor that the subject is not clear is obviously “ the wrong person 、 Take off your head and tail ”.

But anyway , The PR response of Dingding actually released a signal laterally —— Charging items will be more expensive than those in the era of free , But the corresponding services will also be improved .

2、 Enterprise micro : Help enterprises serve C End , Connection is its gene

Compared with nailing in B Efforts on the end and platform , Enterprises and micro enterprises seem to have come out with a Tencent characteristic To B Business road .

“ The industrial Internet is more than To B、To G Of , At the end of the day To C Of ”, Tencent announced its full embrace of the industrial Internet , Once emphasized this sentence , The implication is , With services C End user experience , help B End users better serve their own consumers . This concept is also reflected on enterprise wechat .

The new charging mode under the commercialization of enterprises and micro enterprises is compared with the previous one , The biggest difference is that “ Draw a maid ” It turns into charging according to the number of account numbers of the calling interface . Before , Every time a third-party application on an enterprise sells a product, it needs to pay a fee to the enterprise 10% The cost of , Now this fee is changed to “ License fee for platform interface call ”. Talking about people is , Third party applications are sold to every account , Enterprises and micro enterprises will charge a fee .

say concretely , When the number of accounts is 1 To 5 Time , The fee charged by enterprises and micro enterprises is the basic account 5 Yuan per account every year , Intercommunication account 50 Yuan per account every year . When the number of accounts increases , The fees charged by enterprises and micro enterprises for a single account will be reduced .

in other words , Enterprise and wechat charges depend on the type of interface invoked by the service provider and the number of purchase accounts . This is good for those third-party application providers serving small and medium-sized enterprises , Because compared with before 10% Your servant , Now there are fewer accounts to buy , The cost will be lower than the Commission mode .

meanwhile , Charge according to the number of accounts , Because you have to go through the interface provided by the enterprise , This can effectively prevent third-party application providers from bypassing microenterprises , Private transactions with users happen .

It is not difficult to see from the new charging mode of enterprises and micro enterprises , Compared with the bottom builders , Enterprises and micro enterprises want to participate in every transaction and play the role of connector .

And connection has always been the gene of Tencent . To look back , All Internet products under Tencent, without exception, emphasize social attributes and connection attributes . And several iterations of enterprise and micro enterprise —— Connect every employee in the enterprise from the beginning , Connect to the office system inside the enterprise , Connect to wechat ecosystem , Finally, connect to Tencent Conference 、 Tencent documents 、 Video number, etc , Enterprises and micro enterprises are gradually strengthening their connecting role .

From enterprise, micro enterprise and super 5 Effective connection of 100 million active wechat users , As well as enterprises and micro enterprises 1000 Wan's real enterprise 、 super 1.8 According to the data of billion active users , Wechat alone, a huge traffic pool, has a lot of profit space to wait for enterprises and wechat to tap .

And in the fourth quarter of last year , Tencent's To B It is also the first time that its business has surpassed that of online games , It has become the largest business segment of Tencent .

3、 anonymous letter : Aim overseas , do “ Tool man ” role

Compared with nail and enterprise , The smallest flying book does not spread its positioning to how to do the platform and how to connect , Instead, , Flying book is the only one of the three to keep “ Beginner's mind ” do “ Tool man ” Role of remote office software .

To say , The birth of flying book is also quite interesting . When telecommuting is hot , ByteDance has tried many remote office software on the market , But no matter which one is not suitable . Because what byte wants is a convenient office “ Tools ”. So byte decided to develop itself , And in 2017 Flying book was launched in .

The charging logic after the commercialization of flybook is simpler and rougher than that of enterprises and micro enterprises and Dingding , Want more storage space ? Want documents 、 mailbox 、 Products such as video conferencing can be accessed more conveniently ? Then spend money . At the same time, provide flying books OKR The premier edition , price is 420 Yuan per person per year , In the intelligent filling assistant 、 View it 、 Comment interaction 、OKR Compared with the free version, there is no limit on the number of online Kanban and other tools .

Including Xiao Peng 、 Ideal 、 Energetic Forest 、 Xiaomi and other well-known enterprises, including flybook users, have commented , The more you use the flying book, the better it will be . Because use tools to empower customers , The pursuit of more extreme office coordination and convenience is the core of flying book .

But perhaps because it was born late , The performance of flying book in the domestic market is actually not satisfactory . stay 2021 year , Flybook has set a six-month daily live user 1000 Ten thousand goals , But by the end of the year , Only 450 All around .

For the Internet dark horse ByteDance , The East is not bright and the west is bright , The domestic market will not work , by TikTok The overseas market, which has laid a solid foundation, has become the direction of Feishu . The overseas version of flying book is set 5 Within the year, we will achieve 60 Billion revenue target .

On the whole , Even on a global scale , The telecommuting industry is still an emerging industry . Although there are some sci-fi research and development news such as holographic projection office in foreign markets , But for now , It is still the main direction of telecommuting to rely on mobile terminals to realize telecommuting and collaboration .

In the platform construction 、 Connection construction 、 Tools to build nails in three different directions 、 Enterprise micro 、 Flying book has formed a confrontation in the field of remote office in the domestic market . In the short term , While surrounding their respective territories with comprehensive commercialization , The three companies all got good profits , But can you make money in the long run , It also depends on whether the three companies can always maintain an insurmountable R & D level in their respective fields .

* The pictures in this article are all from the Internet

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