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Hard core, have you ever seen robots play "escape from the secret room"? (code attached)

2022-07-05 10:03:00 Mr.Winter`

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0 Preface

This paper makes an algorithm application based on Path Planning , That is, first construct two-dimensional Grid chamber , Release the entrance and exit of the secret room , Plan the escape route of the robot from the entrance to the exit , The dynamic diagram of simulation effect is as follows , After reading this article, I believe you can also do !

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1 What is path planning ?

Modeling and positioning the environment through navigation technology 、 Control motion 、 Detect obstacles 、 Avoid obstacles , Mobile robots can complete many comprehensive tasks with the support of navigation technology , It has been widely used in entertainment 、 Medical care 、 mining 、 rescue 、 education 、 military 、 Space 、 Agriculture and other fields .

Path planning mainly solves the conflict free optimization problem of mobile robots from one position to another . According to whether the position and state of obstacles in the working environment change with time , Path planning technology can be roughly divided into

  • Static path planning
  • Dynamic path planning

in addition , According to the planning results of the path formed by the robot before or during the movement , Path planning technology can also be divided into

  • Online planning
  • Offline planning

Online path planning technology , Mobile robots acquire workspace information through local sensors attached to them , According to the changes of the working environment, the mobile robot can generate or update the optimal path in time . According to whether the target position of the robot has mobility , Path planning can be divided into

  • Static target path planning
  • Dynamic target road strength Planning

Various applications and job scenarios require different path planning algorithms .

2 Grid modeling : Construct a secret room

The main idea of grid method is to divide the region into non overlapping grids , Traverse from one grid to another with a connection graph , Traverse the grid without obstacles to complete the path planning from the initial position to the target position . The grid with obstacles is divided into two , The grid without obstacles is regressed into the algorithm . The initial position and target position are represented by grids , The planning result is represented by the path generated by grid connection .

This paper uses grid map to model the environment , The map generation function is as follows :

function map = generateMap(size, obstacle)
% @breif:  Generate grid map 
% @prama[in]: size ->  The size of the generated grid map 
% @prama[in]: obstacle ->  Static obstacles 
% @retval: map ->  grid map 

%%  Grid numerical meaning 
% 1 ------  clearing 
% 2 ------  Static obstacles 
% 3 ------  Task point 
% 4 ------  agent 

%  Initialize the global grid map 
map = ones(size(1), size(2));
%  Initialize static obstacles 
map(obstacle) = 2;

How to use this function ? Take a look at an example :

%  Static obstacles 
obs1 = 4:7;
obs2 = [41, 61, 81, 101];
obs3 = 368:372;
obs4 = [64,84, 104, 124, 144, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169];
obs5 = [67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 92, 112, 132, 152, 172];
obs6 = [76, 77, 96, 97, 115, 116, 117, 118, 135, 136, 137, 138, 156, 157, 176, 177];
obs7 = [224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 244, 264, 284, 304, 252, 272, 292, 312, 311, 310, 309];

obstacle = [obs1, obs1 + 6, obs1 + 12, obs2, obs2 + 120, obs2 + 240, obs2 + 19,...
            obs2 + 139, obs2 + 259, obs3, obs3 + 20, obs4, obs5, obs6, obs6 + 160, obs7];

%  Initialize map 
map = generateMap([20, 20], obstacle);

%  Print 

This is the effect of printing , You can do as you like 、 The actual application scenario , Use your imagination to design by yourself “ The chamber of secrets ”.

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3 Release the first and last positions

Determine the head and end positions with grid coordinates .

start = [20, 1];
goal = [1, 20];

Use different colors to distinguish the first and last positions , And print it on the map .

function s = plotSquare(pts, size, G, color)
[ptsX, ptsY] = gridN2Xy(pts(:, 1) + size * (pts(:, 2) - 1), size, G);
ptsNum = length(ptsX);
for i=1:ptsNum
    s = scatter(ptsX, ptsY, 270, 'Marker', 'square', 'MarkerEdgeColor', color, ...
             "MarkerFaceColor", color);

4 Perform path planning

Here we use the simplest Greedy best first algorithm .

Greedy best first search is a heuristic search algorithm , It is an improvement of breadth first search algorithm ; The idea of the algorithm is Sort the nodes by the distance from the target , Then choose the node to be expanded at the cost of this distance .

  • The breadth limited search algorithm is equivalent to a first in first out queue ;
  • Limited depth search is equivalent to a last in first out stack ;
  • Greedy best first search is equivalent to a priority queue sorted according to the distance from the destination .

Without obstacles , Greedy best first algorithm can usually find a shortest path and is more efficient than BFS higher , But in the case of obstacles , You may not find an optimal path .

The algorithm logic is as follows :

%  Initialize parameters 
open  = [start, 0, h(start, goal), start]; % Open surface 
close = [];                      % Closed surface 
flag  = false;                  %  Planning end sign 
next  = [-1, 1, 14;...        %  Explore neighborhood 
                0, 1, 10;...
                1, 1, 14;...
              -1, 0, 10;...
                1, 0, 10;...
              -1, -1, 14;...
                0, -1, 10;...
                1, -1, 14];
neighborNum = length(next(:, 1));

while ~flag
    % 【 Failure 】Open The table is empty and the target has not been found 
    if isempty(open(:,1))
    % 【 success 】 The target point appears in Open In the table 
    gIndex = locList(goal, open, [1:2]);
    if gIndex
        close = [open(gIndex, :); close];
        cost = open(gIndex, 3);
        flag = true;
    %  Cost assessment 
    [val, index] = min(open(:, 4));
    curNode = open(index, :);
    close = [curNode; close];   %  Minimum cost node in Closed surface 
    open(index, :) = [];              %  Minimum cost node out Open surface 
    %  Evaluate the neighborhood expansion node of the current node 
    for i=1:neighborNum        
        %  Initialize neighborhood nodes 
        neighborNode = [curNode(1) + next(i, 1), ...
                        curNode(2) + next(i, 2), ... 
                        curNode(3) + next(i, 3), ...
                        0, curNode(1), curNode(2)
        neighborNode(4) = h(neighborNode(1:2), goal);
        %  Obstacle judgment 
        if map(neighborNode(1), neighborNode(2)) == 2
        %  to update Open surface 
        open = updateOpen(neighborNode, open, close);

%  Back to the path 
path = backPath(close, start);

5 Demonstration test

In the secret room we built , Choose different entrances and exits , Test whether the robot can plan the legal path to escape from the secret room , Here is an additional test case, as shown in the following figure

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Good effect ~

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