当前位置:网站首页>Is it really reliable for AI to make complex decisions for enterprises? Participate in the live broadcast, Dr. Stanford to share his choice | qubit · viewpoint

Is it really reliable for AI to make complex decisions for enterprises? Participate in the live broadcast, Dr. Stanford to share his choice | qubit · viewpoint

2022-07-05 10:00:00 QbitAl

viewpoint From the Aofei temple
qubits | official account QbitAI

The epidemic accelerates the deep reconstruction of the global industrial chain , Uncertainties on both sides of market supply and demand have increased ; Global economic stagflation leads to a decline in export demand , Industrial production is overheated and the growth is unsustainable ; The industry as a whole has overcapacity , Product homogeneity is serious , Green and low-carbon transformation is urgent ……

Every executive of the enterprise is faced with a must answer : How to accelerate the shaping of enterprise resilience to resist market risks , Achieve business growth and green and sustainable development ?

With the development of data science and artificial intelligence technology , be based on “ data + Algorithm ” Decision-making in the actual business highlights more and more important value , Enterprise side demands 、 Technological change and infrastructure improvement jointly promote the era of intelligent decision-making .

According to the research and analysis company Gartner forecast , To 2023 year , exceed 33% Large institutions will adopt Intelligent decision making Practice .

that , What is? “ Intelligent decision making ”? What is the key technology of intelligent decision ? How will it build a leading enterprise for secondary growth “ Intelligent gripper ”?

7 month 7 Japan , Qubit initiated 「 qubits · viewpoint 」CEO/CTO A series of sharing activities invited Fir number technology CTO Wang zizhuo , Will focus on fusion machine learning 、 Intelligent decision-making technology with multiple methods such as operation research optimization shares the latest technological progress and cutting-edge practice .

Introduction to guests


Wang zizhuo , Shanshu technology co-founder and CTO, Doctor of management science and engineering, Stanford University , Beijing special expert , Chinese University of Hong Kong ( Shenzhen ) Associate professor of School of data science 、 Assistant Dean .

He once served as a tenured professor in the Department of industrial and systems engineering at the University of Minnesota , The main research fields are revenue management and operation management 、 Pricing problem 、 Optimization algorithm design , It has been published in the first-class journals in the field of operations research and management science 40 More than one paper , The total number of references exceeds 2100 Time ; Once presided over NSF Fund and the original exploration project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China .

Fir number technology On 2016 Founded in 2000 , It is a leading AI decision-making technology service provider in China . Relying on the world's leading deep-seated data optimization algorithm and the solving ability of complex decision-making models , Shanshu technology is the first self-developed large-scale commercial solver in China COPT For the core engine , make “ Calculation engine + Decision making technology center + Business scenario ” End to end intelligent decision technology platform .

Share content

Sharing themes : Intelligent decision making , New path of digital transformation —— Why the future AI An important breakthrough is the combination with optimization algorithm

Share the outline :

  1. We talk about numbers ( wisdom ) When it's time , What are we talking about ?

  2. uncover “ Intelligent decision making ” The veil of mystery

  3. How to build a leading enterprise for secondary growth “ Intelligent gripper ”

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About 「 qubits · viewpoint 」

Qubit initiated CEO/CTO Series of sharing activities , From time to time, we invite startups in cutting-edge science and technology fields CEO/CTO, Share the latest strategy of the enterprise 、 Latest technology 、 Latest products , With the vast number of practitioners 、 Enthusiasts explore cutting-edge technology theory and industrial practice .

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