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Share Net lightweight ORM
2022-07-05 10:38:00 【Full stack programmer webmaster】
Use Dapper
1. Has been used in the project Dapper, Feeling ok , Can basically meet the needs of 2. Use Dapper A span ,AnsiStringFixedLength And AnsiString difference http://stackoverflow.com/search?page=1&tab=votes&q=dapper 3. Expand Dapper : https://github.com/tmsmith/Dapper-Extensions or Dapper.Rainbow VS Dapper.Contrib
Affect the implementation plan
Ansi Strings and varchar
Dapper supports varchar params, if you are executing a where clause on a varchar column using a param be sure to pass it in this way:
Query<Thing>("select * from Thing where Name = @Name", new {Name = new DbString { Value = "abcde", IsFixedLength = true, Length = 10, IsAnsi = true });
List Support
Dapper allow you to pass in IEnumerable and will automatically parameterize your query.
For example:
connection.Query<int>("select * from (select 1 as Id union all select 2 union all select 3) as X where Id in @Ids", new { Ids = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 });
Will be translated to:
select * from (select 1 as Id union all select 2 union all select 3) as X where Id in (@Ids1, @Ids2, @Ids3)" // @Ids1 = 1 , @Ids2 = 2 , @Ids2 = 3
_db.Query<Users>("SELECT * FROM dbo.Users WHERE id IN @ids ",new { ids = IDs.ToArray()}).ToList();
Refer: Dapper.Rainbow VS Dapper.Contrib http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10030285/dapper-rainbow-vs-dapper-contrib Using Dapper QueryMultiple in Oracle http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18772781/using-dapper-querymultiple-in-oracle SELECT * FROM X WHERE id IN (…) with Dapper ORM http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8388093/select-from-x-where-id-in-with-dapper-orm Expand Dapper https://github.com/tmsmith/Dapper-Extensions Any Question http://stackoverflow.com/search?page=1&tab=votes&q=dapper
Publisher : Full stack programmer stack length , Reprint please indicate the source :https://javaforall.cn/109868.html Link to the original text :https://javaforall.cn
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