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Metaforce force meta universe fossage 2.0 smart contract system development (source code deployment)

2022-07-07 02:46:00 User V_ StPv888

  Force It is a global cryptocurrency ecosystem , Its members use our smart contract instant profit distribution tools and algorithms to help each other achieve financial benefits .META FORCE The system belongs to our community and is completely decentralized , This means that it is transparent 、 Safe and resistant to external influences .

   Smart contract is a self executing algorithm ( Program code ). It ensures the transparency and security of executing logic or transmission within the blockchain .

  No risk-meta force is different from other platforms.Transactions are processed by smart contracts in the blockchain,and even the creator cannot change or stop.The transfer directly enters the participant's personal wallet without hiding fees or using third-party resources.This means that every reward you get belongs to you and can be used immediately.

  1, What is a blockchain ?

   Blockchain is a decentralized distributed database ( Account book ), It is a science and technology that promotes social progress . Science and technology are the primary productive forces , Blockchain has value .

  2, What is the public chain ?

   Public chain means that anyone in the world can access the system at any time to read data , Send confirmatory transactions , Competitive bookkeeping data ( Order request ) Blockchain . Centralized database , Such as Ma Yun's database , We are all providers of data , But we charge us for using data .

   The public chain is generally considered to be “ Completely decentralized ” Of , Because no individual or institution can control or modify the reading and writing of data .

   The public chain will generally encourage participants to compete for bookkeeping by issuing coins , To ensure data security . The currency , Ethereum is a typical public chain .

  3, What are the four elements of the public chain ? What is the role ?

  4 The big thing : Source code , node , Secret key wallet , Blockchain browser


  1), Source code is the source program , Can develop wallets and nodes Api port , Develop browser ports for graphics cards and quantum chips .

  2), Key wallets are used to store assets , That is, the deposit address .

  3), The node is the ore pool , There is a miner in the pit , Equivalent to an Internet server , The essence of mining is the process of bookkeeping , Every time you write it down , Type a packet and cover it with time , Form a block , The connection of blocks is called blockchain , Achieve decentralization through the mechanism of Beishi , It cannot be changed .

  4), The blockchain browser is used to view the distribution and circulation of global assets , That is, check the change of the number of encrypted digital currency in each key wallet from time to time , Open and transparent , Searchable and traceable .

   Does not meet the first point , It's not a public chain , But to distinguish the true from the false, you need to query on a credible website

  4, What are the six characteristics of public chain ?

  1), De centralization

2), Distributed ledger

3), Consensus mechanism

  4), Open and transparent , Searchable and traceable

  5), No tampering

6), Anonymous security

  The platform force is open to everyone.The process of entering the community and starting to make money is very simple.You only need a laptop or a smart phone with internet access.Develop the matrix platform and invite partners to join the structure,and you will be paid by polygon cryptocurrency.


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