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Getting started with MQ
2022-07-02 03:22:00 【wuyanshen】
1. MQ introduction
1.1 What is? MQ
<font color=#b97e57>MQ</font>(Message Queue): Translated into <font color=#b97e57> Message queue </font>, Through typical <font color=#b97e57> producer </font> and <font color=#b97e57> consumer </font> Model , The producer keeps producing messages... To the message queue , Consumers keep getting messages from queues , Because the production and consumption of messages are asynchronous , And only care about the sending and receiving of messages , No intrusion of business logic , Easily realize decoupling between systems , An alias for <font color=#b97e57> Message middleware </font>, Through the use of efficient and reliable messaging mechanism for platform independent data exchange , And the integration of distributed system based on data communication .
1.2 MQ What are they?
There are many mainstream message middleware in the market today , Like the old brand ActiveMQ、RabbitMQ、 Hot at hand kafka、 Alibaba independently developed RocketMQ etc.
1.3 Different MQ characteristic
# 1.ActiveMQ
ActiveMQ yes Apache Produce , One of the most popular 、 Powerful open source message bus , It's a full support JMS Standard message middleware , rich API A variety of cluster architecture models make ActiveMQ Become an old message middleware in the industry , It's very popular in small and medium-sized enterprises .
# 2.Kafka
kafka yes LinkedIn Open source distributed Publishing - Subscribe to the messaging system , Belong to at present Apache Top projects .Kafka The main feature is based on Pull To handle message consumption , High throughput is required , The purpose at the beginning was to collect and transmit logs .0.8 The version began to support replication , Do not support things , Repetition of the message 、 The loss of 、 Mistakes are not strictly required .
# 3.RocketMQ
RocketMQ Alibaba's open source message middleware , It's pure Java Development , High throughput 、 High availability 、 Suitable for large-scale distributed applications ,RockerMQ Thought originated from Kafka, But it is not Kafka One of the Copy, It optimizes the reliable transmission of messages and the characteristics of things , At present, Alibaba group is widely used in transactions 、 Recharge 、 Flow calculation 、 Message push 、 Log streaming 、binglog Distribution and other scenarios .
# 4.RabbitMQ
RabbitMQ It's using Erlang Open source message queue system for voice development , be based on AMQP Protocol to implement ,AMQP The main feature is message oriented 、 queue 、 route ( Including point-to-point and release / subscribe )、 reliability 、 Security .AMQP Protocols are more used for data consistency within enterprise systems 、 Scenarios requiring high stability and reliability , The performance and throughput requirements are still second .
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RabbitMQ Than kafka reliable ,kafka More suitable for IO High throughput processing , Generally used in big data log processing or on real-time ( Small delay ), reliability ( A small amount of lost data ) Use in a slightly lower level scenario , such as ELK Log collection
2. MQ actual combat
2.1 The first model ( Direct connection )
explain :
- P: producer , That is, the program to send messages
- C: consumer , Receiver of message , Will be waiting for the news to come
- queue: Message queue , The red part of the picture , It's like a mailbox , Can cache messages ; Producers can send messages to it , Consumers take messages out of it
Introduce dependencies
< dependency >
< groupId >com.rabbitmq </ groupId >
< artifactId >amqp-client </ artifactId >
< version >5.14.0 </ version >
</ dependency >
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Development producers
public class Producer {
public static void main( String[] args) throws IOException, TimeoutException {
static void batchProducer() throws IOException, TimeoutException {
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
connectionFactory. setHost( "localhost");
connectionFactory. setPort( 5672);
connectionFactory. setUsername( "guest");
connectionFactory. setPassword( "guest");
connectionFactory. setVirtualHost( "/");
// Connection object
Connection connection = connectionFactory. newConnection();
// Create channels
Channel channel = connection. createChannel();
// The queue corresponding to the channel , No automatic creation | String queue, boolean durable, boolean exclusive, boolean autoDelete, Map<String, Object> arguments
channel. queueDeclare( "direct", false, false , false, null);
// Release the news Parameters 1: Switch name Parameters 2: Queue name | String exchange, String routingKey, BasicProperties props, byte[] body
channel. basicPublish( "", "direct", null, ( " Hello , I am the news. "). getBytes());
channel. close();
connection. close();
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Develop consumers
// consumer
public class Consumer1 {
// consumer
public static void main( String[] args) throws IOException, TimeoutException {
static void amqpConsumer() throws IOException, TimeoutException {
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
connectionFactory. setHost( "localhost");
connectionFactory. setPort( 5672);
connectionFactory. setUsername( "guest");
connectionFactory. setPassword( "guest");
connectionFactory. setVirtualHost( "/");
// Connection object
Connection connection = connectionFactory. newConnection();
// Create channels
Channel channel = connection. createChannel();
// The queue corresponding to the channel , No automatic creation | String queue, boolean durable, boolean exclusive, boolean autoDelete, Map<String, Object> arguments
channel. queueDeclare( "direct", false, false , false, null);
// News consumption Parameters 2:true Automatic confirmation message false Manual confirmation message | String queue, boolean autoAck, Consumer callback
channel. basicConsume( "direct", false, new DefaultConsumer( channel) {
// Parameters body Is the message taken from the message queue
public void handleDelivery( String consumerTag, Envelope envelope, AMQP. BasicProperties properties, byte[] body) throws IOException {
System. out. println( "body = " + new String( body));
// Parameters 1: To confirm which message in the queue ( Message flags ) Parameters 2: Whether to enable multiple parameter confirmation at the same time
channel. basicAck( envelope. getDeliveryTag(), false);
// channel.close();
// connection.close();
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2.2 The second model (work queue)
<font color=#b97e57>Work queues</font>, Also known as (<font color=#b97e57>Toask queues</font>), Task model . When message processing is time consuming , Maybe the speed of producing messages will be much faster than that of consuming messages . In the long term , The news will pile up more and more , Can't handle in time . You can use work Model : Bind multiple consumers to a queue , Messages in the co consumption queue . Once the messages in the queue are consumed , Will disappear , So the task is not repeated .
explain :
- P: producer : Publisher of task
- C1: consumer , Pick up the task and finish it , Let's say it's done slowly
- C2: consumer 2, Pick up the task and finish it , Let's say it's fast
Development producers ( Mass production messages )
public static void main( String[] args) throws IOException, TimeoutException {
static void batchProducer() throws IOException, TimeoutException {
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
connectionFactory. setHost( "localhost");
connectionFactory. setPort( 5672);
connectionFactory. setUsername( "guest");
connectionFactory. setPassword( "guest");
connectionFactory. setVirtualHost( "/");
// Connection object
Connection connection = connectionFactory. newConnection();
// Create channels
Channel channel = connection. createChannel();
// The queue corresponding to the channel , No automatic creation
channel. queueDeclare( "hello", false, false , false, null);
// Release the news
for ( int i = 1; i <= 20; i ++) {
channel. basicPublish( "", "work", null, ( " Hello , I am the news. " + i). getBytes());
channel. close();
connection. close();
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Develop consumers 1 And consumers 2
public class Consumer2 {
// consumer
public static void main( String[] args) throws IOException, TimeoutException {
static void amqpConsumer() throws IOException, TimeoutException {
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
connectionFactory. setHost( "localhost");
connectionFactory. setPort( 5672);
connectionFactory. setUsername( "guest");
connectionFactory. setPassword( "guest");
connectionFactory. setVirtualHost( "/");
// Connection object
Connection connection = connectionFactory. newConnection();
// Create channels
Channel channel = connection. createChannel();
// You can only consume one message at a time
channel. basicQos( 1);
// The queue corresponding to the channel , No automatic creation
channel. queueDeclare( "work", false, false , false, null);
// News consumption Parameters 2:true Automatic confirmation message false Manual confirmation message
channel. basicConsume( "work", false, new DefaultConsumer( channel) {
// Parameters body Is the message taken from the message queue
public void handleDelivery( String consumerTag, Envelope envelope, AMQP. BasicProperties properties, byte[] body) throws IOException {
try {
Thread. sleep( 2000);
} catch ( InterruptedException e) {
e. printStackTrace();
System. out. println( "body = " + new String( body));
// Parameters 1: To confirm which message in the queue ( Message flags ) Parameters 2: Whether to enable multiple parameter confirmation at the same time
channel. basicAck( envelope. getDeliveryTag(), false);
// channel.close();
// connection.close();
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2.3 The third model (fanout)
<font color=#b97e57>fanout Fan out Also known as broadcast </font>
In broadcast mode , This is the message sending process :
- There can be multiple consumers
- Each consumer has its own queue( queue )
- Each queue is bound to the Exchange( Switch )
- Message sent by the producer , It can only be sent to the switch , The switch decides which queue to launch , The producer cannot decide
- The switch sends messages to all the queues it has bound
- Consumers in the queue can get messages . Realize that a message is consumed by multiple consumers
Development producers
public class Producer {
public static void main( String[] args) throws IOException, TimeoutException {
static void batchProducer() throws IOException, TimeoutException {
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
connectionFactory. setHost( "localhost");
connectionFactory. setPort( 5672);
connectionFactory. setUsername( "guest");
connectionFactory. setPassword( "guest");
connectionFactory. setVirtualHost( "/");
// Connection object
Connection connection = connectionFactory. newConnection();
// Create channels
Channel channel = connection. createChannel();
// Declaration switch Parameters 1: Switch name Parameters 2: Switch type fanout The radio type
channel. exchangeDeclare( "logs", "fanout");
// Release the news
for ( int i = 1; i <= 20; i ++) {
// String exchange, String routingKey, BasicProperties props, byte[] body
channel. basicPublish( "logs", "", null, ( " Hello , I am a fanout news " + i). getBytes());
channel. close();
connection. close();
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Develop consumers 1 And consumers 2
public class Consumer1 {
// consumer
public static void main( String[] args) throws IOException, TimeoutException {
static void amqpConsumer() throws IOException, TimeoutException {
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
connectionFactory. setHost( "localhost");
connectionFactory. setPort( 5672);
connectionFactory. setUsername( "guest");
connectionFactory. setPassword( "guest");
connectionFactory. setVirtualHost( "/");
// Connection object
Connection connection = connectionFactory. newConnection();
// Create channels
Channel channel = connection. createChannel();
// You can only consume one message at a time
channel. basicQos( 1);
// Channel bound switches | String exchange, String type
channel. exchangeDeclare( "logs", "fanout");
// Declare temporary queue
String queueName = channel. queueDeclare(). getQueue();
// Bind switches and queues | String queue, String exchange, String routingKey
channel. queueBind( queueName, "logs", "");
// News consumption Parameters 2:true Automatic confirmation message false Manual confirmation message | String queue, boolean autoAck, Consumer callback
channel. basicConsume( queueName, false, new DefaultConsumer( channel) {
// Parameters body Is the message taken from the message queue
public void handleDelivery( String consumerTag, Envelope envelope, AMQP. BasicProperties properties, byte[] body) throws IOException {
System. out. println( "body = " + new String( body));
// Parameters 1: To confirm which message in the queue ( Message flags ) Parameters 2: Whether to enable multiple parameter confirmation at the same time | long deliveryTag, boolean multiple
channel. basicAck( envelope. getDeliveryTag(), false);
// channel.close();
// connection.close();
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2.4 The fourth model (Routing)
2.4.1 Routing The subscription model of Internet -Direct( Direct connection )
<font color=#b97e57> stay Fanout In the pattern , A message , Will be consumed by all subscribed queues . however , In some cases , We want different messages to be consumed by different queues . It needs to be used Direct Type of Exchange.</font>
stay Direct Under the model :
- The binding of queues to switches , It can't be arbitrary binding , It's about specifying a <font color=#b97e57>RoutingKey</font>( route key)
- The sender of the message is sending to Exchange When sending a message , You must also specify the <font color=#b97e57>RoutingKey</font>.
- Exchange No longer give messages to each bound queue , It's based on the news <font color=#b97e57>RoutingKey</font> Judge , There's only a line of <font color=#b97e57>RoutingKey</font> With the news <font color=#b97e57>RoutingKey</font> Exactly the same , To receive messages
technological process :
The illustration :
- P: producer , towards Exchange Send a message , When sending a message , Will specify a routingKey.
- X:Exchange( Switch ), Receive messages from producers , Then send the message to routingKey A perfectly matched queue
- C1: consumer , Its queue specifies the need for routingKey by error The news of
- C2: consumer , Its queue specifies the need for routingKey by info、error、warning
Development producers
public class Producer {
public static void main( String[] args) throws IOException, TimeoutException {
static void batchProducer() throws IOException, TimeoutException {
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
connectionFactory. setHost( "localhost");
connectionFactory. setPort( 5672);
connectionFactory. setUsername( "guest");
connectionFactory. setPassword( "guest");
connectionFactory. setVirtualHost( "/");
// Connection object
Connection connection = connectionFactory. newConnection();
// Create channels
Channel channel = connection. createChannel();
// Declaration switch Parameters 1: Switch name Parameters 2: Switch type Routing mode
channel. exchangeDeclare( "logs_direct", "direct");
// Release the news
String routingKey = "info";
for ( int i = 1; i <= 20; i ++) {
// String exchange, String routingKey, BasicProperties props, byte[] body
channel. basicPublish( "logs_direct", routingKey, null, ( " I am a direct Model publishing based on routingKey:" + routingKey + " Message sent " + i). getBytes());
channel. close();
connection. close();
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Develop consumers 1
consumer 1 Only routes can be received key by error The news of
public class Consumer1 {
// consumer
public static void main( String[] args) throws IOException, TimeoutException {
static void amqpConsumer() throws IOException, TimeoutException {
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
connectionFactory. setHost( "localhost");
connectionFactory. setPort( 5672);
connectionFactory. setUsername( "guest");
connectionFactory. setPassword( "guest");
connectionFactory. setVirtualHost( "/");
// Connection object
Connection connection = connectionFactory. newConnection();
// Create channels
Channel channel = connection. createChannel();
// You can only consume one message at a time
channel. basicQos( 1);
// Declaration switch | String exchange, String type
channel. exchangeDeclare( "logs_direct", "direct");
// Declare temporary queue
String queueName = channel. queueDeclare(). getQueue();
// Bind switches and queues | String queue, String exchange, String routingKey
channel. queueBind( queueName, "logs_direct", "error");
// News consumption Parameters 2:true Automatic confirmation message false Manual confirmation message | String queue, boolean autoAck, Consumer callback
channel. basicConsume( queueName, false, new DefaultConsumer( channel) {
// Parameters body Is the message taken from the message queue
public void handleDelivery( String consumerTag, Envelope envelope, AMQP. BasicProperties properties, byte[] body) throws IOException {
System. out. println( "body = " + new String( body));
// Parameters 1: To confirm which message in the queue ( Message flags ) Parameters 2: Whether to enable multiple parameter confirmation at the same time | long deliveryTag, boolean multiple
channel. basicAck( envelope. getDeliveryTag(), false);
// channel.close();
// connection.close();
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Develop consumers 2
consumer 2 Can receive routes key by info、warning、error The news of
public class Consumer2 {
// consumer
public static void main( String[] args) throws IOException, TimeoutException {
static void amqpConsumer() throws IOException, TimeoutException {
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
connectionFactory. setHost( "localhost");
connectionFactory. setPort( 5672);
connectionFactory. setUsername( "guest");
connectionFactory. setPassword( "guest");
connectionFactory. setVirtualHost( "/");
// Connection object
Connection connection = connectionFactory. newConnection();
// Create channels
Channel channel = connection. createChannel();
// You can only consume one message at a time
channel. basicQos( 1);
// Declaration switch | String exchange, String type
channel. exchangeDeclare( "logs_direct", "direct");
// Declare temporary queue
String queueName = channel. queueDeclare(). getQueue();
// Bind switches and queues | String queue, String exchange, String routingKey
channel. queueBind( queueName, "logs_direct", "info");
channel. queueBind( queueName, "logs_direct", "warning");
channel. queueBind( queueName, "logs_direct", "error");
// News consumption Parameters 2:true Automatic confirmation message false Manual confirmation message | String queue, boolean autoAck, Consumer callback
channel. basicConsume( queueName, false, new DefaultConsumer( channel) {
// Parameters body Is the message taken from the message queue
public void handleDelivery( String consumerTag, Envelope envelope, AMQP. BasicProperties properties, byte[] body) throws IOException {
System. out. println( "body = " + new String( body));
// Parameters 1: To confirm which message in the queue ( Message flags ) Parameters 2: Whether to enable multiple parameter confirmation at the same time | long deliveryTag, boolean multiple
channel. basicAck( envelope. getDeliveryTag(), false);
// channel.close();
// connection.close();
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2.4.1 Routing The subscription model of Internet -Topic
<font color=#b97e57>Topic</font> Type of <font color=#b97e57>Exchange</font> And <font color=#b97e57>Direct</font> comparison , All can be based on <font color=#b97e57>RoutingKey</font> Route messages to different queues . It's just <font color=#b97e57>Topic</font> Type of <font color=#b97e57>Exchange</font> You can make the queue bind <font color=#b97e57>RoutingKey</font> When using wildcards ! This model <font color=#b97e57>Routingkey</font> It's usually made up of one or more words , More than one word to "." Separate , for example : <font color=#b97e57>item.insert</font>
<img src="https://minio.lvcoding.com/blog/1642488067454.png" alt="image-20220118144046584" style="zoom:50%;" />
# wildcard
* ( star) No more, no less, just one word
# Match one or more words
# Such as :
audit. # matching audit.irs.corporate perhaps audit.irs etc.
audit. * Only match audit.irs
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Development producers
public class Producer {
public static void main( String[] args) throws IOException, TimeoutException {
static void batchProducer() throws IOException, TimeoutException {
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
connectionFactory. setHost( "localhost");
connectionFactory. setPort( 5672);
connectionFactory. setUsername( "guest");
connectionFactory. setPassword( "guest");
connectionFactory. setVirtualHost( "/");
// Connection object
Connection connection = connectionFactory. newConnection();
// Create channels
Channel channel = connection. createChannel();
// Declaration switch Parameters 1: Switch name Parameters 2: Switch type Routing mode
channel. exchangeDeclare( "topics", "topic");
// Release the news
String routingKey = "user.save.delete";
for ( int i = 1; i <= 20; i ++) {
// String exchange, String routingKey, BasicProperties props, byte[] body
channel. basicPublish( "topics", routingKey, null, ( " I am a topic The dynamic routing model is based on routingKey:" + routingKey + " Message sent " + i). getBytes());
channel. close();
connection. close();
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Develop consumers 1
public class Consumer1 {
// consumer
public static void main( String[] args) throws IOException, TimeoutException {
static void amqpConsumer() throws IOException, TimeoutException {
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
connectionFactory. setHost( "localhost");
connectionFactory. setPort( 5672);
connectionFactory. setUsername( "guest");
connectionFactory. setPassword( "guest");
connectionFactory. setVirtualHost( "/");
// Connection object
Connection connection = connectionFactory. newConnection();
// Create channels
Channel channel = connection. createChannel();
// You can only consume one message at a time
channel. basicQos( 1);
// Declaration switch | String exchange, String type
channel. exchangeDeclare( "topics", "topic");
// Declare temporary queue
String queueName = channel. queueDeclare(). getQueue();
// Bind switches and queues | String queue, String exchange, String routingKey
channel. queueBind( queueName, "topics", "user.*");
// News consumption Parameters 2:true Automatic confirmation message false Manual confirmation message | String queue, boolean autoAck, Consumer callback
channel. basicConsume( queueName, false, new DefaultConsumer( channel) {
// Parameters body Is the message taken from the message queue
public void handleDelivery( String consumerTag, Envelope envelope, AMQP. BasicProperties properties, byte[] body) throws IOException {
System. out. println( "body = " + new String( body));
// Parameters 1: To confirm which message in the queue ( Message flags ) Parameters 2: Whether to enable multiple parameter confirmation at the same time | long deliveryTag, boolean multiple
channel. basicAck( envelope. getDeliveryTag(), false);
// channel.close();
// connection.close();
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Develop consumers 2
public class Consumer2 {
// consumer
public static void main( String[] args) throws IOException, TimeoutException {
static void amqpConsumer() throws IOException, TimeoutException {
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
connectionFactory. setHost( "localhost");
connectionFactory. setPort( 5672);
connectionFactory. setUsername( "guest");
connectionFactory. setPassword( "guest");
connectionFactory. setVirtualHost( "/");
// Connection object
Connection connection = connectionFactory. newConnection();
// Create channels
Channel channel = connection. createChannel();
// You can only consume one message at a time
channel. basicQos( 1);
// Declaration switch | String exchange, String type
channel. exchangeDeclare( "topics", "topic");
// Declare temporary queue
String queueName = channel. queueDeclare(). getQueue();
// Bind switches and queues | String queue, String exchange, String routingKey
channel. queueBind( queueName, "topics", "user.#");
// News consumption Parameters 2:true Automatic confirmation message false Manual confirmation message | String queue, boolean autoAck, Consumer callback
channel. basicConsume( queueName, false, new DefaultConsumer( channel) {
// Parameters body Is the message taken from the message queue
public void handleDelivery( String consumerTag, Envelope envelope, AMQP. BasicProperties properties, byte[] body) throws IOException {
System. out. println( "body = " + new String( body));
// Parameters 1: To confirm which message in the queue ( Message flags ) Parameters 2: Whether to enable multiple parameter confirmation at the same time | long deliveryTag, boolean multiple
channel. basicAck( envelope. getDeliveryTag(), false);
// channel.close();
// connection.close();
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3.Springboot Integrate RabbitMq
3.1 pom.xml
< dependency >
< groupId >org.springframework.boot </ groupId >
< artifactId >spring-boot-starter-amqp </ artifactId >
</ dependency >
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3.2 hello Example
classes = AmqpDemoApplication. class)(
public class MqBoot {
private RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate;
// hello
public void hello() {
rabbitTemplate. convertAndSend( "hello", " Hello rabbitmq");
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3.3 work Model
Test class
classes = AmqpDemoApplication. class)(
public class MqBoot {
private RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate;
// worker Model , Default balanced consumption
public void worker() {
for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i ++) {
rabbitTemplate. convertAndSend( "worker", "worker Model " + i );
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WorkListener consumer
public class WorkListener {
( queuesToDeclare = ( value = "worker"))
public void worker1( String msg) {
System. out. println( "worker1 = " + msg);
( queuesToDeclare = ( value = "worker"))
public void worker2( String msg) {
System. out. println( "worker2 = " + msg);
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3.4 fanout Broadcast model
Test class
classes = AmqpDemoApplication. class)(
public class MqBoot {
private RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate;
// radio broadcast fanout Pattern
public void fanout() {
rabbitTemplate. convertAndSend( "logs", "", "fanout Model ");
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FanoutListener consumer
public class FanoutListener {
( bindings = {
value = , // Create a temporary queue
exchange = ( value = "logs", type = "fanout") // Binding switch
public void fanout1( String msg) {
System. out. println( "fanout1 = " + msg);
( bindings = {
value = , // Create a temporary queue
exchange = ( value = "logs", type = "fanout") // Binding switch
public void fanout2( String msg) {
System. out. println( "fanout2 = " + msg);
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3.5 topic Subscription model
Test class
classes = AmqpDemoApplication. class)(
public class MqBoot {
private RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate;
// subscribe topic Pattern Dynamic routing
public void topic() {
rabbitTemplate. convertAndSend( "topics", "product.aa.bb.cc", "topic Model ");
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TopicListener consumer
public class TopicListener {
( bindings = {
value = , // Create a temporary queue
exchange = ( value = "topics", type = "topic"), // Binding switch
key = { "user.save", "user.*"}
public void topic1( String msg) {
System. out. println( "topic1 = " + msg);
// * Match one ,# Match one or more
( bindings = {
value = , // Create a temporary queue
exchange = ( value = "topics", type = "topic"), // Binding switch
key = { "order.#", "product.#", "user.*"}
public void topic2( String msg) {
System. out. println( "topic2 = " + msg);
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4.Mq Application scenarios
4.1 Asynchronous processing
<font color=#b97e57> scene </font> : After user registration , Usually send SMS verification code and registration email , There are two traditional approaches :1. Serial mode 2. Parallel mode
- Serial mode
After writing the registration information to the database , Send registration email , Resend registration SMS , All the above three tasks are completed before returning to the client . There is a problem with this , mail , Texting is not necessary , It's just a notice , In fact, there is no need for the client to wait .
- Parallel mode
After writing the registration information to the database , While sending mail , Send a text message , After three tasks are completed , Return to the client , The parallel method can improve the processing time .

- Using message queuing
Suppose that three business nodes use 50ms, Serial usage time 150ms, Use time in parallel 100ms. Although parallelism has increased processing time , however , As I said before , Email and SMS have no impact on my normal use of the website , There is no need for the client Wait until the sending is completed before the registration is displayed , It should be written to the database and returned .
After using message queuing , Send email , SMS is not a necessary business logic asynchronous processing .
From this we can see that , After message queuing is introduced , The response time of the user is equal to the time of writing to the database + Time to write to message queue ( Negligible ), The response time is serial 3 times , It's parallel 2 times .
4.2 The application of decoupling
<font color=#b97e57> scene </font> : double 11 Shopping Festival , After the user orders , Order system needs to inform inventory system , The traditional way is that the order system calls the interface of the inventory system .
There is a drawback to this approach :
When the inventory system breaks down , The order will fail . High coupling between order system and inventory system .
Import message queue :
- <font color=#b97e57> Order system </font>: After the user orders , Order system completes persistent processing , Write message to message queue , Return to the user that the order was placed successfully .
- <font color=#b97e57> inventory system </font>: Subscribe to the message of the order , Get the order message , Perform library operations . Even if the inventory system breaks down , Message queue can also ensure the reliable delivery of messages , Will not result in the loss of messages .
4.3 Flow peak elimination
<font color=#b97e57> scene </font> : Seckill activity , Generally, it will be caused by excessive flow , Cause the app to hang up , Generally in The application front end joins the message queue
<font color=#b97e57> effect </font> :
- Can control the number of activities , Orders that exceed the threshold are directly discarded ( This may also be the reason why I didn't succeed in a second kill , Ha ha ha )
- It can alleviate the application of high flow crush in a short time ( The application gets the order according to its maximum processing capacity )
<font color=#b97e57> Scene description </font>:
- User's request , When the server receives it , Write message queue first , The length of joining the message queue exceeds the threshold , Then discard the user request or jump to the error page
- Seckill service according to the request information in the message queue , Follow up
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