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H3C V7 switch configuration IRF

2022-07-06 05:52:00 Creator of high-quality network system

The topology
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notes : If there is no special instruction , Description of the R1 or SW1 The number at the end of the device name in the corresponding topology is 1 The equipment ,R2 or SW2 The number at the end of the device name in the corresponding topology is 2 The equipment , And so on ; For this topology, please connect the cable strictly according to the interface shown in the figure
The experimental requirements
1.SW1,SW2,SW3,SW4 Form one IRF Stacking device
2. Switch IRF equipment ID Consistent with the equipment number

Experimental solution

analysis : According to the demand , Switch IRF equipment ID Consistent with the equipment number , So it needs to be modified SW2,SW3,SW4 Of
IRF equipment ID, And save the configuration , Subsequent configuration can be carried out only after the restart takes effect

step 1: modify SW2 Of IRF equipment ID by 2, Save configuration , And restart it

[SW2]irf member 1 renumber 2

step 2:SW3 and SW4 modify IRF equipment ID Methods and SW2 Agreement , After restart , Prepare by command display irf ID The modified
step 3: stay SW1 Manually close the stack physical port F1/0/53 and F1/0/54 mouth

step 4: stay SW1 Create a stack port on IRF-PORT1/1, And add the physical port F1/0/53, Create a stack port IRF-PORT1/2, And add the physical port F1/0/54
[SW1]irf-port 1/1
[SW1-irf-port1/1]port group interface FortyGigE1/0/53 [SW1]irf-port 1/2
[SW1-irf-port1/1]port group interface FortyGigE1/0/54

step 5: stay SW1 Manually open the stack physical port that was closed before F1/0/53 and F1/0/54
step 6: stay SW1 Save configuration on
step 7: stay SW1 Activate on IRF To configure

step 8:SW2,SW3 and SW4 Configuration method and SW1 Agreement , Pay attention to the device when configuring ID Has changed
step 9:SW2,SW3 and SW4 When the configuration is complete , All exchange opportunities are automatically elected Master equipment , The device that fails the election will restart automatically , After restart, stack creation is completed , all Slave The configuration of the device will be similar to Master Device synchronization


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