当前位置:网站首页>dolphinscheduler3. X local startup

dolphinscheduler3. X local startup

2022-07-07 06:32:00 HuntFalcon

One 、 Basic software installation ( Please install the necessary items by yourself )

  • PostgreSQL (8.2.15+) or MySQL (5.7 series ) : Choose one of the two
  • JDK (1.8+) : Must install
  • ZooKeeper (3.4.6+) : Must install

stay ZooKeeper Create a new zkData、zkLog Folder
take conf In the catalog zoo_sample.cfg file , A copy of , Rename it to zoo.cfg, Modify the data and log configuration , Such as :
dataDir=/data/zookeeper/data ## Use absolute path here
function ./bin/zkServer.sh

  • Hadoop (2.6+) or MinIO : Optional packaging , If you need to use the resource upload function , For a single machine, you can choose the local file directory as the upload folder ( This operation does not require deployment Hadoop); Of course, you can also choose to upload to Hadoop or MinIO On the cluster
  • Maven: v3.5+, Alibaba cloud warehouse address is enough
  • Node: v16.13+ (dolphinScheduler Version below 3.0, Please install node v12.20+)

Two 、 Download source code to local


3、 ... and 、 Switch to the specified branch , for example 3.0.0-xxx


Four 、 Switch to  dolphinscheduler-ui Execute under directory npm install


         The prompt after success is as follows :


5、 ... and 、 Skip test compilation



          The prompt after successful compilation is as follows  ​​​​​​​

6、 ... and 、 Execute database script

--  Before executing the script , Create database 
CREATE DATABASE `dolphinscheduler`;


  7、 ... and 、 Parent pom Medium mysql rely on scope notes


          Refresh pom rely on

8、 ... and 、 modify  dolphinscheduler-master and dolphinscheduler-worker as well as dolphinscheduler-api To configure , Change to your local database configuration

driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
url: jdbc:mysql://

  Nine 、 Start a local  ZooKeeper 


  Ten 、 Start the program

(1) Start the front end npm run dev

 (2) start-up MasterServer

(3) start-up WorkerServer

(4) start-up ApiApplicationServer

11、 ... and 、 Access front page


admin  dolphinscheduler123


Twelve 、 If the scheduling task needs to be started locally, it needs to be modified  Hadoop Some configuration of

(1)dolphinscheduler-dao Put the module down  core-site.xml and  hdfs-site.xml

(2) modify  dolphinscheduler-common Under the module of  common.properties To configure

The parameters to be modified are  

 # According to the location of the post software on the server


# modify by HDFS File server storage mode


# hdfs The file server stores the location of resources uploaded by the scheduling system resource.upload.path=/data/dolphinscheduler3

# hdfs Cluster communication url


# yarn Explorer ips


After configuration, you can create new files and upload resources

13、 ... and 、 Source packing , For server deployment

#  pack 
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean package install -Prelease

