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Handling hardfault in RT thread

2022-07-07 06:19:00 TangZhenye

1. background

​ When the system goes into abnormal , Usually, it will enter the handler corresponding to the exception , When there are illegal operations in the system , Such as division 0、 Non aligned access 、 Burst the stack , This triggers hardfault abnormal , In general ,hardfault Middle is a while(1), At this time, there are illegal operations in the system , It's going to be while(1) Hang forever , But at this time, we need to find out why the system crashed , How ? Where to check ? Usually enter hardfault The post call stack is also gone , Novice players will have a headache , I don't know where to start . therefore , When the system goes down , We must have enough information to help us analyze the cause of downtime

2. Basic knowledge of

  • cm framework , The first action in response to an exception , It is to automatically save the necessary register information on site , In turn psp、pc、lr、r12、r3-r0 The hardware automatically pushes it into the appropriate stack
  • cm The architecture is a dual stack pointer design , When the context environment is a threaded environment , The stack pointer is psp, When the context is an interrupt environment , Stack pointer is msp, The dual stack pointer design is naturally os And come , This ensures that the thread environment is isolated from the interrupt environment
  • cm The stack of architecture grows downward
  • Anytime , There is only one sp The pointer , Or psp, Or msp

3. rt-thread Construct stack frame

  1. stay rt-thread Each thread in has its own stack space , Stack space can be static , It can also be applied dynamically , A stack is a continuous piece of memory .

    struct exception_stack_frame
        rt_uint32_t r0;
        rt_uint32_t r1;
        rt_uint32_t r2;
        rt_uint32_t r3;
        rt_uint32_t r12;
        rt_uint32_t lr;
        rt_uint32_t pc;
        rt_uint32_t psr;
    struct stack_frame //  Different architectures , The size of stack frames is also different 
        /* r4 ~ r11 register */
        rt_uint32_t r4;
        rt_uint32_t r5;
        rt_uint32_t r6;
        rt_uint32_t r7;
        rt_uint32_t r8;
        rt_uint32_t r9;
        rt_uint32_t r10;
        rt_uint32_t r11;
        struct exception_stack_frame exception_stack_frame;
    /*  Initialize the thread stack , Construct stack frame  */
    rt_uint8_t *rt_hw_stack_init(void       *tentry,
                                 void       *parameter,
                                 rt_uint8_t *stack_addr,
                                 void       *texit)
        struct stack_frame *stack_frame;
        rt_uint8_t         *stk;
        unsigned long       i;
        stk  = stack_addr + sizeof(rt_uint32_t);//  To the top of the stack , The highest address in a continuous space 
        stk  = (rt_uint8_t *)RT_ALIGN_DOWN((rt_uint32_t)stk, 8);
        stk -= sizeof(struct stack_frame);//  Offset down  sizeof(struct stack_frame)  A size 
        stack_frame = (struct stack_frame *)stk;
        /* init all register */
        for (i = 0; i < sizeof(struct stack_frame) / sizeof(rt_uint32_t); i ++)
            ((rt_uint32_t *)stack_frame)[i] = 0xdeadbeef;
        stack_frame->exception_stack_frame.r0  = (unsigned long)parameter; /* r0 : argument */
        stack_frame->exception_stack_frame.r1  = 0;                        /* r1 */
        stack_frame->exception_stack_frame.r2  = 0;                        /* r2 */
        stack_frame->exception_stack_frame.r3  = 0;                        /* r3 */
        stack_frame->exception_stack_frame.r12 = 0;                        /* r12 */
        stack_frame->exception_stack_frame.lr  = (unsigned long)texit;     /* lr  When the thread exits , Will execute thread */
        stack_frame->exception_stack_frame.pc  = (unsigned long)tentry;    /* entry point, pc, Thread switching , Enter the user thread function  */
        stack_frame->exception_stack_frame.psr = 0x01000000L;              /* PSR */
        /* return task's current stack address */
        return stk;
  2. Why construct a stack frame ?

    After a thread is initialized , How to enter the thread processing function ? It is decided by the scheduler , The scheduler chooses to switch to the highest priority thread that is ready at the current time , Will manually trigger a Pendsv abnormal , Get into Pendsv When abnormal , The context of the thread being cut will be saved , Restore the context of the thread to be executed to the register . Through the backward method , Without the initial stack context of the above construct , How to restore to the register ? therefore , After constructing a stack frame , Stack the contents of the above stack frame into the register ,pc The register is assigned as tentry This function pointer , The stack pointer of the thread to be executed at this time sp( Point to the top of the stack , Because this thread executes for the first time , It's done again push operation ) Update to psp, When the exception ends and returns , It jumps to the processing function of the thread . If the thread returns , The thread will never be executed , therefore , You also need to collect the corpse of the thread , That is to release the resources occupied by this thread , When constructing stack frames texit function , The address of this function is Pendsv In the exception handler push here we are lr In the register , When the function returns , The function must be executed . Corpse collection , It happened in idle In the thread , When the system is idle , Release these zombie threads .

  3. rt-thread Switch thread details

    rt-thread When switching threads , Get into PendSv Before the exception ,psp This is the top of the stack of the thread being cut , At this time, the hardware is automatically pressed 8 Value of registers , You also need to manually push the remaining registers into the stack corresponding to this thread , Because the thread needs to give up the right to use the processor , Therefore, the context of this thread needs to be saved in the stack .

    There is another key step , The context of the thread being cut has been saved in the stack , At this time, in the thread control block sp No updates , Thread cutting is based on sp To cut , therefore , You still need to psp The value of is updated back to sp . At this time, the context of the thread is saved in the stack , At the same time, the top of the stack is also saved in the thread control block , Next time the context is restored , You will be able to recover .

4. rt-thread in HardFault_Handler

  1. rt-thread take HardFault_Handler Rewrote , Delete the meaningless while(1), Added more information

        IMPORT rt_hw_hard_fault_exception
        EXPORT HardFault_Handler
    HardFault_Handler    PROC
        ; get current context
        TST     lr, #0x04               ; if(!EXC_RETURN[2])
        ITE     EQ
        MRSEQ   r0, msp                 ; [2]=0 ==> Z=1, get fault context from handler.
        MRSNE   r0, psp                 ; [2]=1 ==> Z=0, get fault context from thread.
        STMFD   r0!, {r4 - r11}         ; push r4 - r11 register
        STMFD   r0!, {lr}               ; push exec_return register
        TST     lr, #0x04               ; if(!EXC_RETURN[2])
        ITE     EQ
        MSREQ   msp, r0                 ; [2]=0 ==> Z=1, update stack pointer to MSP.
        MSRNE   psp, r0                 ; [2]=1 ==> Z=0, update stack pointer to PSP.
        PUSH    {lr} #  Push the lr To determine whether the exception occurred in the thread or in the interrupt 
        BL      rt_hw_hard_fault_exception
        POP     {lr}
        ORR     lr, lr, #0x04
        BX      lr
        ALIGN   4
  2. Before entering the exception , The hardware automatically pushes some registers onto the stack , At this time lr The value in the register represents the environment before entering the exception ( Thread or interrupt ), This environment determines that the stack pointer is psp still msp. therefore , Judge this lr The register of bit2 yes 0 still 1 To get the stack used before entering the exception . Then press the registers that will not be pressed by the hardware into the corresponding stack (psp or msp) in , Then update the top of the stack to r0 In the register , Jump into C Function to print relevant information , The input parameter is the top address

    /*  The position of members shall be placed in strict accordance with the stack pressing order  */
    struct exception_info
        rt_uint32_t exc_return; //  Enter the environment before the exception 
        struct stack_frame stack_frame; //  Constructed stack frame data structure 
    void rt_hw_hard_fault_exception(struct exception_info * exception_info)
    #if defined(RT_USING_FINSH) && defined(MSH_USING_BUILT_IN_COMMANDS)
        extern long list_thread(void);
        struct stack_frame* context = &exception_info->stack_frame;
        if (rt_exception_hook != RT_NULL) //  Hook function 
            rt_err_t result;
            result = rt_exception_hook(exception_info); //  Execute other exception analysis functions 
            if (result == RT_EOK)
        rt_kprintf("psr: 0x%08x\n", context->exception_stack_frame.psr);
        rt_kprintf("r00: 0x%08x\n", context->exception_stack_frame.r0);
        rt_kprintf("r01: 0x%08x\n", context->exception_stack_frame.r1);
        rt_kprintf("r02: 0x%08x\n", context->exception_stack_frame.r2);
        rt_kprintf("r03: 0x%08x\n", context->exception_stack_frame.r3);
        rt_kprintf("r04: 0x%08x\n", context->r4);
        rt_kprintf("r05: 0x%08x\n", context->r5);
        rt_kprintf("r06: 0x%08x\n", context->r6);
        rt_kprintf("r07: 0x%08x\n", context->r7);
        rt_kprintf("r08: 0x%08x\n", context->r8);
        rt_kprintf("r09: 0x%08x\n", context->r9);
        rt_kprintf("r10: 0x%08x\n", context->r10);
        rt_kprintf("r11: 0x%08x\n", context->r11);
        rt_kprintf("r12: 0x%08x\n", context->exception_stack_frame.r12);
        rt_kprintf(" lr: 0x%08x\n", context->exception_stack_frame.lr);
        rt_kprintf(" pc: 0x%08x\n", context->exception_stack_frame.pc);
        if(exception_info->exc_return & (1 << 2) ) // bit2  by  1, Represents the threading environment 
            rt_kprintf("hard fault on thread: %s\r\n\r\n", rt_thread_self()->name);
    #if defined(RT_USING_FINSH) && defined(MSH_USING_BUILT_IN_COMMANDS)
            rt_kprintf("hard fault on handler\r\n\r\n");
    #ifdef RT_USING_FINSH
    #endif /* RT_USING_FINSH */
        while (1);
  3. According to the above print information and corresponding disassembly , You can find it hardfault The code being executed before , meanwhile , When a function is called , The return address is also pushed into the corresponding stack , therefore , According to these basic information , There is still some processing space , It can be written by the great God cmbacktrace The software package automatically analyzes the function call stack .

  4. The key point is to master the handling ideas when the system is down , Need to be right cm The processor of the architecture has a certain understanding

5. Manual analysis

​ First, according to the environment before entering the exception , Make sure it's that sp, Then the sp Copy the value of to the memory lookup window , lookup sp Points to in memory pc value ( Because the hardware will automatically press the stack ), Then in disassembly according to this pc You can find the assembly instruction executed before the exception occurs  Please add a picture description
​ Why is the red underline in the above figure pc Well ? It needs to be determined according to the number and order of registers automatically pressed by hardware , Different processors are different

