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Redis (II) - redis General Command

2022-07-07 06:24:00 yutao_ five hundred and seventeen

Redis General Command

KEYS: Check all that match the template key, Don't mind using it on production equipment .

adopt help[command] You can check the specific usage of a command . for example

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SET Insert a key value pair of string type

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MSET Insert multiple key value pairs of string type

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DEL Delete specified KEY

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EXISTS Judge KEY Whether there is

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EXPIRE Give me a KEY Set expiration date . When the validity period expires ,KEY Automatically delete

TTL View one KEY The remaining validity period of

ttl Return value

 Greater than or equal to 0 The integer of : Key remaining expiration time 
-1: No expiration time set 
-2: The key doesn't exist 

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DBSIZE Total number of keys

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TYPE The data structure type of the key

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GET according to key obtain string Type of value
INCR Let an integer key Self increasing 1
INCRBY Let an integer key Increment the specified step
INCRBYFLOAT Let a floating-point key Increment the specified step
INCRBYFLOAT Let a floating-point key Increment the specified step

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SETNX: Add one String Key value pairs of type , The premise is this key non-existent , Otherwise, do not execute .
SETEX: Add one String Key value pairs of type , And specify the validity period .

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