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Where should wild card SSL certificate register and apply

2020-11-09 12:10:00 Gworg

SSL Certificates are basically implemented code on the server that allows content encryption . This certificate is usually used on websites that need to ensure the safe handling and transmission of data , For example, online stores , Bank , Government websites, etc . have SSL Web site can realize data transmission between server and terminal visitors , And data transmission in encrypted form , vice versa , This ensures complete security when intercepting confidential data from third parties .
Where wildcards SSL Certificate is one of the most prominent types , He can choose to use it for DV Type or OV Two choices of type . The most important feature of wildcard is that it can protect any user-defined subdomain name .

Wildcard certificate focuses on browser trust , It will affect the meaning of website construction , Choosing a digital certificate brand with high trust is a problem that needs to be considered when we calm down .

Gworg It is suggested to choose the mainstream SSL Certificate brand , such as :GlobalSign、DigiCert, Of course these SSL The brand is good , A lot of them pass by because of the price problem , So for this Gworg The optimal scheme is given , Both individuals and enterprises can get a very good price when choosing wildcard certificate .
