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Browser scrolling for more implementations
2022-07-02 06:41:00 【The health of the bright moon in Qin Dynasty】
List of articles
One 、 Code implementation
The following code is based on my common UI frame vue Realized , If you are another framework , Directly extract the key code of scrolling , Be careful crollPoint
added 0.5 It is compatible with the built-in browser of enterprise wechat , When the built-in browser of enterprise wechat scrolls to the bottom for the first time , Variable crollPoint
and totalPageHeight
Values are as follows :
scrollPoint | 1600.6666870117188 |
Quotes | 1601 |
You can see that if you don't add 0.5
, scrollPoint >= totalPageHeight It's not true , You can't roll load .
export default {
data() {
return {
data: [],
oriData: [],
page: {
total: 0,
pageSize: 10, // Scroll load once 10 Data
current: 1,
mounted() {
document.addEventListener('scroll', this.scrollMoreData, false);
destroyed() {
document.removeEventListener('scroll', this.scrollMoreData, false);
methods: {
scrollMoreData() {
const {
total, current, pageSize } = this.page;
// @var int totalPageHeight
const totalPageHeight = document.body.scrollHeight;
// @var int scrollPoint
const scrollPoint = window.scrollY + window.innerHeight;
// check if we hit the bottom of the page
console.log('scrollPoint >= totalPageHeight', scrollPoint, totalPageHeight);
if (scrollPoint + 0.5 >= totalPageHeight && current * pageSize <= total) {
console.log('at the bottom');
this.data = this.data.concat(this.oriData.slice(current * pageSize, pageSize * (current + 1)));
this.page.current += 1;
<style lang="less" scoped></style>
Two 、 Reference documents
Javascript: How to detect if browser window is scrolled to bottom?
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After reading useful blogs
Fe - eggjs combined with typeorm cannot connect to the database
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