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[Lua] summary of common knowledge points (including common interview sites)
2022-07-02 10:24:00 【I want to play games while my hair is heavy】
Copyright notice : This paper is about CSDN Blogger 「 I want to play games with my hair 」 The original article of , follow CC 4.0 BY-SA Copyright agreement , For reprint, please attach the original source link and this statement .
Link to the original text :https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_37658157/article/details/123604068
- 1. How to be in Lua To implement a private variable or function
- 2. loadfile、loadstring、dofile、require The difference between
- 3. How to be in Lua Call asynchronous functions synchronously in
- 4. Under what circumstances can the calling function be omitted “()”
- 5. How to achieve Lua Deep copy
- 6. Lua And C Call each other
- 7. Use self.super:Func() The problem is
- 8. How to make a table read-only (ReadOnly)
- 9. How to use Lua Implement a class (Class)
1. How to be in Lua To implement a private variable or function
Ideas :Lua Not in China private perhaps public Such keywords , If you want some fields or functions to become private , Just don't expose these fields or functions .
The code is as follows :
-- Test.lua
local v = {
v.x = 100
v.y = 200
function v:new()
local ins = {
}; -- Instantiate an object ins
setmetatable(ins, self); -- Access object ins I will find it when v The fields and methods inside
self.__index = {
-- External provision f Functions and fields x、y, Be careful g Functions are not exposed
f = self.f,
x = self.x,
y = self.y
return ins
function v:f()
return v:g()
function v:g()
return self.x + self.y
return v
-- Main.lua
local t = require("Test")
local ins = t:new()
local a = ins:f()
print(" Access public functions ",a)
local c = ins:g()
print(" Access private functions ",c)
Running results :
Access public functions 300
attempt to call a nil value (method 'g')
Due to function g Not exported ( It's a function g Is a private function ), Therefore, the access will be wrong . The same is true for private fields , I won't repeat . Be careful , You don't have to use meta table , You can also return a temporary table when loading a class , Such as :
return {
f = f, x = x, y = y}
2. loadfile、loadstring、dofile、require The difference between
- loadfile: The incoming path , Compile code into intermediate code and return the compiled chunk As a function , Instead of executing the code ;
- loadstring(lua5.4 Has been abandoned , Change it to load): Follow loadfile similar , But what comes in is string, Can be executed directly lua Code , Note that the return is also a function , Manual call required ;
- dofile: Pass in lua Path to file , perform loadfile After calling once , The code is as follows :
function dofile (filename)
local f = assert(loadfile(filename)) -- If loadfile Failure assert Will throw an error .
return f() -- according to loadfile Run the return function of
- require: Follow dofile type , The difference is require It also has the function of searching directories and loading files , And will judge whether the file has been loaded , If it is loaded, it will not be loaded , The code is as follows :
function require(name)
if not package.loaded[name] then -- Whether the module has been loaded ?
local loader = findloader(name)
if loader == nil then
error("unable to load module"..name)
package.loaded[name] = true -- Mark the module as loaded
local res = loader(name) -- Initialization module
if res ~=nil then
package.loaded[name] = res
return package.loaded[name]
If you want the loaded file to be loaded again , execute
package.loaded[name] = nil
Then again, require that will do
3. How to be in Lua Call asynchronous functions synchronously in
Ideas : Use Lua Cooperation of , Suspend when calling asynchronously , Restore after execution , The code is as follows ( Reference link )
-- Pass in a async Method
local function async_to_sync(async_func, callback_pos)
-- Return to one sync Method
return function(...)
-- Take the currently running collaboration , If it doesn't exist, an error will be reported ( Explain that it can only be used in the coordination process !)
local _co = coroutine.running() or error ('this function must be run in coroutine')
-- Definition result
local rets
-- Definition Waiting for the mark
local waiting = false
-- Definition Callback on completion
local function cb_func(...)
if waiting then
-- Callback after waiting
-- Resume the collaboration from the suspended position , And pass on the results
assert(coroutine.resume(_co, ...))
-- Callback directly without waiting , Set the result directly
rets = {
-- parameter list hold “ Callback ” Add parameter list ( Add last by default )
local params = {
table.insert(params, callback_pos or (#params + 1), cb_func)
-- Call asynchronous methods , hold “ Parameters passed in through the synchronization method ” and “ Callback ” Pass it all to the asynchronous method .
-- If you don't return immediately , Is marked as waiting and suspended
if rets == nil then
waiting = true
-- Hang up ! "coroutine.yield()" The return value of is coroutine.resume The second parameter passed in
rets = {
-- Return the results synchronously
return unpack(rets)
4. Under what circumstances can the calling function be omitted “()”
stay Lua in , When the input parameter of a function has only one table or string , It can be omitted “()” Make function calls , The following code is legal :
print "hello world"
print {
Be careful , In this case, if the parameter list of the function is an indefinite parameter , be “…” Equivalent to an incoming parameter itself , The following code is legal :
function test_func(...)
function test_func2(tb,num)
test_func {
Output :
test: table: 000001C390C91E40
test1: table: 000001C390C91E40 10
5. How to achieve Lua Deep copy
Ideas : For non table Data of type , No need to copy directly back to itself , Otherwise, recursively traverse the copy table All elements in , Note that you need to use a meta table to “ Copy ” Data of the target meta table , The code is as follows :
-- Lua table deep copy
function clone(object)
local lookup_table = {
local function _copy(object)
if type(object) ~= "table" then -- Not table Go straight back to
return object
elseif lookup_table[object] then -- You don't have to look for what you've looked for
return lookup_table[object]
local new_table = {
lookup_table[object] = new_table
for key, value in pairs(object) do
new_table[_copy(key)] = _copy(value) -- Recursive traversal table The elements of
return setmetatable(new_table, getmetatable(object)) -- Copy the data of the target meta table
return _copy(object)
6. Lua And C Call each other
Lua As a lightweight “ glue ” Language , In many cases, it is necessary to call with other high-level languages to meet daily needs .
Lua Completely different from other high-level languages , To achieve mutual calls , You need to use a “ The virtual stack ” Things that are , Then follow the agreed operation process ( Equivalent to agreement ), You can call .
Reference material :
1. Lua And C Language calls to each other
2. tolua And wrap The principle and use of documents
7. Use self.super:Func() The problem is
In other high-level languages, it is often used to call functions with the same name of the parent class this.super:Func() In the form of , And in the Lua There will be problems in such use , hypothesis A For the parent class ,B It's a subclass , There are Ctor() function :
function A:Ctor(...)
function B:Ctor(...) -- Inherited A
function Test()
local b = B.New()
b:Ctor() -- After calling ,B Of Ctor Medium self and A Of Ctor Medium self They all point to the same object ( namely b)
because Lua Colon access in is to pass the current caller into the function as the first parameter by default ,AB Two places self Actually point to the same object , That is, the above code actually runs as follows :
function A:Ctor(...)
self.super:Ctor(...) --2. self by b, Call at this time A.Ctor(b,...), Cause dead circulation
function B:Ctor(...) -- Inherited A
self.super:Ctor(...) --1. self by b,self.super Point to A, Call at this time A.Ctor(b,...)
The correct way to write it is to specify the caller of the function and which one to pass in self:
function A:Ctor(...)
A.super.Ctor(self,...) --2. A.super Can only be A Parent class of ( Suppose there is ), There is no possibility of the above dead cycle
function B:Ctor(...) -- Inherited A
B.super.Ctor(self,...) --1. B.super Can only be A, Call at this time A.Ctor(b,...)
8. How to make a table read-only (ReadOnly)
Using meta methods __newindex Features that can interfere with writing behavior :
function table.SetReadOnly(tb)
setmetatable(tb, {
__newindex = function(t, k, v)
error("attempt to modify a read-only table!")
9. How to use Lua Implement a class (Class)
Ideas : First, the most important feature of a class is inheritance , That is, when accessing a function or field of a subclass , If the subclass does not have this function or field , Then recursively try to find the function and field with the same name of the parent class ( That is, the subclass implicitly contains the functions and fields of the parent class );Lua No inheritance syntax sugar , But you can simulate the behavior of classes through meta tables and meta methods .
function Class(classname, super)
local superType = type(super)
local cls
if superType ~= "function" and superType ~= "table" then
superType = nil
super = nil
if super then
cls = {
setmetatable(cls, {
__index = super}) -- Subclass inherits parent
cls.super = super
cls = {
Ctor = function() end} -- Provide a default constructor
cls.__cname = classname
cls.__index = cls
function cls.New(...)
local instance = setmetatable({
}, cls)
instance.class = cls
return instance
return cls
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