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Hongmeng system -- Analysis from the perspective of business

2022-07-05 15:16:00 Add gold development

【 If you don't understand - Then we are not in the same world -- You can cross 】

【 Help your share price become all red 】

Originally, I was in the mood of experience to install an experience , It turned out to be a terrible business war , In reality 《 Hongmeng system 》 Not mature .

Why do I say this is a commercial war ?

In fact as early as 《 Hongmeng system 》 There was before , Xiaomi has this idea , So that now Xiaomi family buckets are so complete , What Xiaomi router , Millet curtain , Millet mop , Millet TV .... wait . As long as the products of Xiaomi are interconnected ! Now we can basically realize the interconnection of all things , But it didn't come true 《 Hongmeng system 》- Propaganda like that , So powerful ! I'm not saying how good Xiaomi is , Now smart home decoration , Xiaomi can see the best . Why should I say so , Only Xiaomi can see ? It's simple , Go to Xiaomi's official website to see what Xiaomi can buy if it has goods ( Smart family bucket ).

What does this have to do with commercial war ?

It has to be said , Feeling 《 Hongmeng system 》 Is drawing cakes , Why draw this cake ? Why do you say that you are painting cakes ? Why can't it be implemented on all mobile phones now ? Why are mobile phone manufacturers unwilling ? What does this have to do with commercial war ?

Here I pour out my personal views ( I just read some big data , A bit of a whim , Don't be surprised ).

Why should we say this is a picture cake ? Some people are saying 《 Hongmeng system 》 Release first ,win11 After the release , Is it right? win11 Plagiarism ? But it's not , It is 《 Hongmeng system 》 Triggered Microsoft's bottom line , Originally win10 There are no plans after win11 Of , It turns out that 《 Hongmeng system 》 after . to 《 Hongmeng system 》 Here comes a hard blow , It's also true 《 Hongmeng system 》 A warning from . The function : As long as it is win10 Can be upgraded win11 Realize the transformation of computer into mobile phone , And everyone can experience the power of Microsoft . and 《 Hongmeng system 》 If you want to achieve , There must also be a very fatal difficulty , Triggered the interests of various mobile phone manufacturers , Almost every mobile phone brand has its own android System , I don't know how much I can optimize my own products by this , And almost every manufacturer has spent a lot of effort to study , To do the above development , Originally on the right track, one suddenly came out 《 Hongmeng system 》. So Microsoft grasped this difficulty , Let people lose their right 《 Hongmeng system 》 Hope , Just feel 《 Hongmeng system 》 It's a liar , Painting cakes .

If Xiaomi and 《 Hongmeng system 》 Cooperation must be this 《 Hongmeng system 》 More powerful , But Xiaomi may not be willing , This is a war between enterprises , It realistically triggered the interests of Xiaomi , It is not easy for Xiaomi to become an intelligent family bucket , It is obvious to all , You asked Xiaomi to give up this research and development , Go straight up 《 Hongmeng system 》? What's the difference between Xiaomi and other mobile phone manufacturers . So I personally hope that the two giants will work together , Strive for win-win , Achieve parallel development , But if once 《 Hongmeng system 》 System furniture came out , I will also give Xiaomi a hard punch .

At this time, there is only 《 Huawei 》 Brother dares to stand up and help , Mobile phones of other brands or household appliances like Midea ( Give up their own intelligent integrated research and development ), The other 100 who have intelligent integrated development are unwilling .

Why not ?

If all devices are 《 Hongmeng system 》 Then it will bring terrible consequences to the research and development of intelligent integration , For example, trigger Xiaomi's intelligent family bucket status .

《 Hongmeng system 》 Now it's just the development and testing stage , What can be used on mobile phones except 《 Huawei 》《 glory 》 It's gone . Except for the press conference PPT, Many devices are not , There is no so-called interconnection of all things ,《 Huawei series 》 It's not finished yet . Think of ( millet ) Lei Jun's famous saying : Have the ability to sell the goods ?

So I said 《 Hongmeng system 》 The press conference of is drawing cakes , Or there is no money for research and development , Or they cheat money , But there are 《 Huawei 》 Be the main force , If you cheat money, it's estimated : or 《 Hongmeng system 》 It's ugly , or 《 Huawei 》 and 《 Hongmeng system 》 Together ugly .

There is another point of view 《 Huawei 》 It's forced , Because of Google ,Android The monopoly , Huawei has long wanted to do this , since 《 Hongmeng system 》 such 6 forced , It would be 《 Hongmeng system 》 I've been there .

If 《 Hongmeng system 》 Really achieved , It's a good thing for people , All future equipment Intelligent integration will really be an industrial revolution . Now the commercial war has begun . It depends on who is fast .


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