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2020-08-15: under what circumstances should data tasks be optimized?
2020-11-06 21:55:00 【Fuda Dajia architect's daily question】
Fogo's answer 2020-08-16:
Know the answer
1. Data task execution is too slow , The speed can't meet the report requirement , For example, hourly reports , Execution time exceeded 1 Hour , The report task of the next hour came again .
2. Taking up too much resources , When you run this mission , The resources of the whole cluster have been consumed , Or eat a lot , Affect the normal online business , This requires optimization . It is generally considered to move out to other clusters first , Stop the impact on online business , Optimization after .
3. There's something wrong with the accuracy of the data analysis , For example, new types of online business fields have been added , For example, the original type The fields are only 1,2,3, Now a new one has been added 4,5,6, This leads to inaccurate data analysis , At this time, it is necessary to optimize the field types that may be extended in the future .
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