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Fast advanced TypeScript

2022-08-02 15:22:00 N.S.N


全局安装typescript npm install -g typescript

  • typescript 文件后缀名以.ts结尾
  • ts文件转为js文件,使用命令行 tsc ..ts


// 原始数据类型
let isDone: boolean = false
let age: number = 20
let binaryNumber: number = 0b1111 // 二进制写法
let firstName: string = 'N.S.N'
let message: string = `hello ${
      firstName}, age is ${
let u: undefined = undefined
let n: null = null
let num: number = undefined // undefined是所有类型的子类型
// 类型不确定
let notSure: any = 1
notSure = 'maybe it is a string'
notSure = true

联合类型 let numberOrString: number | string = 245

Define array type

  • let arrOfNumbers: number[] = [1,5,6,7] In the array value types must benumber,否则报错

  • let arrOfNumber: Array<number> = [1,65,6,6,5] 泛型

  • 元祖(Tuple)类型:Also is one of belong to an array type

    Tuple type refers to each position of the elements in the array specified type,Specify the type of position correspond to the elements in the array

    let user: [string, number] = ['N.S.N', 20] // Position to and match them with the specified type

Interface 接口( 行为和动作的规范,对批量方法进行约束

  • 对对象的形状(shape)进行描述
  • 对类(class) 进行抽象
  • Duck Typing (鸭子类型)
// As a formal contract,Specifies an object should grow
interface Person{
    readonly id: number; // 只读属性 不可修改
    name: string;
    age?: number // ? 代表可选属性
let fang: Person = {
    id: 1234,
    name: 'N.S.N',
    age: 20

函数是一等公民: Function and other types of object,都平等,可以作为参数,可以返回,对象属性,数组值,可以改变,可以赋值给其他变量

function add(x: number, y: number, z?: number): number{
    return x + y + z
const add = function(x: number, y: number, z?: number): number{
    return x + y + z
const add2: (x: number, y: number, z?: number)=>number = add
class Animal {
    // 字段 − 字段是类里面声明的变量.字段表示对象的有关数据.
    name: string;
    static kind: string[] = ['hello', 'nice']
    static isAnimal(a){
        return a instanceof Animal
    constructor(name: string) {
        this.name = name
    run() {
        return `${
      this.name} is running`
const snake = new Animal('fang')
console.log(Animal.kind) // 静态属性
console.log(Animal.isAnimal(snake)) // 静态方法
class Dog extends Animal {
    bark() {
        return `${
      this.name} is barking`
const dog = new Dog('Tony')
class Cat extends Animal {
    constructor(name: string){
    run( ){
        return 'Meow, ' + super.run() 
        // Because the call of the parent class method and subclass methods repeat,所以使用super调用,否则使用this

const cat = new Cat('maomao')

修饰符 public private protected(A subclass can inherit,But for instance is private)

  • public :公有 在当前类里面、 子类 、类外面都可以访问

  • protected:保护类型 在当前类里面、子类里面可以访问 ,在类外部没法访问

  • private :私有 在当前类里面可以访问,子类、类外部都没法访问

  • readonly : 只读 在当前类里面、 子类 、类外面都可以访问 但不能修改

  • static : 静态方法、 类可以访问 、实例无法访问


// 一种契约,Can constraint content
interface Radio {
    name: string; // 也可以定义属性
    switchRedio(): void; // Using the interface class must have the method,否则报错
interface Battery{
    switchRedio(): void;
class Car implements Radio{
    name: string;
    switchRedio() {

class Cellphone implements Battery{



枚举 enum

const enum direction {
     // 常量枚举
    Up = "Up",
    Down = "Down",
    Left = "Left",
    Right = "Right",
console.log(direction.Up) // 'Up'
const value = 'Up'
if(value === direction.Up){
    console.log('go up')

泛型 generics : 在定义函数、接口或者类的时候,不预先指定具体的类型,而是在使用的时候再指定类型.提高可重用性. (Can be seen as a placeholder)

function echo<T>(arg: T): T {
    return arg
const result = echo('str')
function wrap<T, U>(tuple: [T, U]): [U, T]{
    return [tuple[1], tuple[0]]
const result2 = wrap(['str', 123])
// 约束泛型
interface IWithLength {
    length: number
// As long as the incoming parameters there arelength属性就可以
function echoWithLength<T extends IWithLength>(arg: T): T{
    return arg
    length: 14})
// 类
class Queue<T> {
    private data = []
    push(item: T){
        return this.data.push(item)
    pop(): T{
        return this.data.shift()

const queue = new Queue<string>()
// 接口
interface KeyPair<T, U>{
    key: T,
    value: U
let kp1: KeyPair<number, string> = {
    key: 12,
    value: 'fhx'
let kp1: KeyPair<string, boolean> = {
    key: 'fang',
    value: true
let arr: number[] = [1,23,3]
let arr: Array<number> = [1,6,6]
// 函数
interface IPlus<T> {
    (a: T, b: T): T
function plus(a: number, b: number): number{
    return a + b

let p: IPlus<number> = plus


type sumType = (x: number, y: number) => number
function sum(x: number, y: number): number{
    return x + y
const sum2: sumType = sum

type NameResolver = () => string // 不是箭头函数 ,Behind the arrow just function return value
type NumberOrResolver = string | NameResolver // 联合类型
function getName(a: NumberOrResolver): string{
    if(typeof a === 'string'){
        return a
        return a()


function getLength(input: number | string): number{
    // const str = input as string 
    // if(str.length){
    // return str.length
    // }else{
    // const number = input as number
    // return number.toString().length
    // }
        return (<string>input).length
        return (<number>input).toString().length


  • declare var jQuery = (selector: string) => any
