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Source code analysis of Nacos configuration service (full)
2022-08-05 06:50:00 【User Nickname 23】
NacosSource code analysis of configuration services
从Nacos的源代码分析Nacos Cofnig的实现
如果spring.cloud.nacos.config.enabled(默认为true)为false时因为ConditionalOnProperty注解不导入到Spring Factory.
- NacosConfigProperties:Nacos配置文件POJO,负责通过SpringThe config function is loaded from the config filenacos的配置(前缀为spring.cloud.nacos).will be considered when creatingApplicationContext的层次性.使用方法assembleConfigServiceProperties封装成Properties.
- NacosConfigManager:Nacos配置管理器,接收一个(依赖于)NacosConfigProperties,并且创建(通过NacosFactory.createConfigService)、管理(提供getter)**ConfigServer(配置服务器)**对象.
- NacosRefreshHistory:Nacos刷新历史,存储Nacosrefresh history of.历史记录时间戳、DataId、Group、以及数据的摘要(MD5).Store the most recentMAX_SIZE(20)条记录.用于在Endpoint中展示.
- NacosContextRefresher:Nacoscontext refresher,接收(依赖于)NacosConfigManager、NacosRefreshHistory,Responsible for starting the program fromConfigServer拉取配置,And listen for a refresh configuration and refresh.通过Nacos配置文件的spring.cloud.nacos.config.refresh-enable(默认开启)属性控制开关.当Spring Application发布ApplicationReadyEventevent backwardConfigServerAdds specified for all configuration sources with auto-refresh turned onDataId、Group的数据监听(Listener).
Nacos Config实现
Nacos Config通过使用Spring Cloud提供的PropertySourceLocator进行资源定位.Nacos创建其实现类NacosPropertySourceLocatorLocate the configuration file on the configuration server.
首先看一下PropertySourceLocator是干什么的.PropertySourceLocator让spring读取我们自定义的配置文件(注册到Spring Environment),然后使用**@ValueAnnotation can read the properties in the configuration file,这解释了为什么NacosThe configuration center can be used directlyValueAnnotation for configuration reading.值得一提,这是基于SPI(Service Provider Interface)机制的,需要在META-INF/spring.factories中定义BootstrapConfiguration**,所以Nacos Config也实现了一个BootstrapConfiguration,of which toSpring容器注册了NacosPropertySourceLocator这个Bean.
PropertySourceLocator中提供了方法locate,方法传入一个Environment对象(当前Spring应用环境),返回一个PropertySource对象(配置源).在NacosThe function of loading the configuration from the configuration server is implemented in the implemented locator.Analyze the source code:
- 从NacosConfigManager获取ConfigServer对象,如果为空,返回null.
- 获取超时时间(spring.cloud.nacos.config.timeout)及配置文件名称(spring.cloud.nacos.config.name),Prefix is used if no name is specified(spring.cloud.nacos.config.prefix),If still not specified, use the application name(spring.application.name).
- 创建CompositePropertySource(Represents a set of configuration source,继承于PropertySource,Name为NACOS).
- 加载共享配置(loadSharedConfiguration)
- 从配置文件中获取spring.cloud.nacos.config.shared-configs中的配置文件
- 通过NacosPropertySourceBuilderbuild configuration source(If the refreshable configuration source is not0个(Indicates that the configuration source has been loaded)And do not turn on automatic refresh,From the configuration source repository(NacosPropertySourceRepository)中加载)
- 存入NacosPropertySourceRepository
- Load extension configuration(loadExtConfiguration),类似于_加载共享配置_.
- 加载应用配置(loadApplicationConfiguration)
- Get configuration file format(spring.cloud.nacos.config.file-extension)
- 获取组(spring.cloud.nacos.config.group)
- 使用步骤2The configuration file name obtained in is loaded directly once,存入NacosPropertySourceRepository
- Add the suffix of the file type to load once,存入NacosPropertySourceRepository
- For all active profiles(Environment.getActiveProfiles)使用文件名-配置文件后缀.文件类型is loaded as the configuration name,存入NacosPropertySourceRepository
- 返回CompositePropertySource
This implements the function of obtaining and using the configuration file on the configuration server,而且可以发现NacosMore than just loading a single configuration file,It will load all possible configuration files involved as a configuration source.
Also about how toConfig ServerThe process of obtaining the configuration source is encapsulated inNacosPropertySourceBuilder,它在NacosPropertySourceLocator进行资源定位(locate)时被创建.
使用这个类的buildmethod will load the config source from the config server.
- 使用ConfigServer的getConfig方法加载配置
- 使用NacosDataParserHandler的parseNacosData方法解析数据
- 通过PropertySourceLoader进行加载,这里会有多个实现(JSON、XML以及原有的YML、PROPERTITES)
- 创建NacosByteArrayResource,and set the filename(带后缀)
- 调用PropertySourceLoader.load从NacosByteArrayResourceread content returns a list of data sources
- 将EnumerablePropertySource转为OriginTrackedMapPropertySource
- 向NacosPropertySourceRepositoryinto the loaded data source
用于创建ConfigService,Only two methods passPorperties和serverAddrto create a configuration service.But the specific implementation in create a configuration servicesPorperty中(serverAddr被封装为Porperties).
- 通过反射获取了**NacosConfigService(ConfigService的具体实现)**这个类
- Create an instance by calling the class's constructor(传入Porperties)
- 检查Properties中CONTEXT_PATHIs the property legal?(Is not null and not two’/'连在一起)
- 从Properties中拿到编码默认为(UTF-8)
- 从Propertiestaken out and constructed as a namespace放回Properties(is to integrate multi-tenancy and cloud resolution)
- 创建ConfigFilterChainManager对象,这个类实现了IConfigFilterChain接口,管理一组IConfigFilter(In order to filter order,Internally delegates the task of executing the filter chain to aVirtualFilterChain实现).创建时使用JDK6引入的ServiceLoader查找IConfigFilter.
- 创建一个agent(MetricsHttpAgent),用于与服务器进行交互(基于HTTP协议),Encapsulates communication details.
- 创建ClientWorker,提供了getServerConfig的实现,Used to get the specified configuration from the configuration server.
A few belongs toNacosfactory in registry,先不做讨论.
Nacos的配置服务,Provide get configuration(getConfig)、添加监听器(addListener)、移除监听器(removeListener)、发布配置(publishConfig)and remove config(removeConfig)功能.
The bottom is handed overClientWorker或者Agent实现,Just encapsulate on its basis as a facade.
- 获取配置由getConfigInner封装worker实现,will in turn start from the local file(开发者管理)、Servers and Snapshots(Store after getting successful configuration from server)try to get config,然后通过ConfigFilterChainManager进行定制操作(Throws exception when fetch from server fails).
- 发布配置由publishConfigInner封装agent实现,会先交给ConfigFilterChainManager进行定制操作,The configuration content and basic information to be published are passed throughagentsend to config server,The return value is whether the release is successful,If the server returns a status codeHTTP_FORBIDDEN则抛出异常.
- 异常配置由removeConfigInner封装agent实现,The basic information of the configuration to be removed is passed throughagentsend to config server,The return value is whether the deletion is successful,If the server returns a status codeHTTP_FORBIDDEN则抛出异常.
- 添加监听、移除监听All directworker负责.
client worker.Provides adding listeners、移除监听器、添加缓存数据、获取缓存数据、Get the configuration server configuration content and regularly pull and update the configuration in the background.
ClientWorkerThe implementation of the listener is aroundCacheData和Listener展开的.
Used to receive updates for the specified configuration.
其中,receiveConfigInfoThe method is responsible for receiving the updated content、getExecutorUsed to specify the thread pool when executing notifications.
AbstractSharedListenerUsed to receive all shared configurations,will be used before notificationfillContextto indicate from which configuration.
PropertiesListenerConvert the received configuration toPropertieshand it over to the user.
AbstractConfigChangeListeneris a special listener,will receive anotherConfigChangeEventUsed to specify the content of the configuration file changes.
This class represents a local cache of data,is a local cache of a configuration on the configuration server.存储DataId、Group、Tenant(Namespace)和ContentThese core contents.In addition, the content ofMD5摘要、文件类型和监听器列表.NacosThe listener is configured in this class.
The basic principle is to pull the latest configuration from the server and passsetContentmethod sets the latest content and重新计算md5,调用checkListenerMd5method to allmd5Update notifications with new content inconsistency listeners.
- CacheData中定义了一个ManagerListenerWrap类对Listener进行封装,which holds the content of this listenerMD5摘要以及最新内容.
The specific notification method issafeNotifyListener中实现的,对于每一个md5Listeners that are inconsistent with new content use this method to notify.
视Listener的getExecutormethod is not empty to synchronize/Do the following asynchronously.
- Determine if the listener is a shared data listener(AbstractSharedListener)的实例,是则调用fillContext设置属性.(Because the shared settings listener is listening for more than one configuration)
- 构造ConfigResponse,然后通过ConfigFilterChainManager进行定制操作.
- Take out the processed contents,调用监听器的receiveConfigInfo方法进行通知.
- Determine if the listener isAbstractConfigChangeListener的实例,是则通过ConfigChangeHandler的parseChangeDatamethod to get all updated content(用ManagerListenerWrapThe latest content before the listener is referenced),封装为ConfigChangeEvent,然后调用receiveConfigChange方法进行通知.
- 更新ManagerListenerWrap的最新内容.
值得注意的是,创建一个CacheDataWhen the instance is loaded, it will be loaded from the user-specified configuration first.,If not present then load initial content and encryption key from snapshot,同时,设置为正在初始化状态,等待LongPollingRunnableDo an update check完成初始化.
ClientWorker管理了一组CacheData,and in the background10ms一次的checkConfigInfo,The method mainly check managementCacheData是否需要被更新.过程如下:
- get managedCacheData数量.
- Determining the total amount of long polling(每3000个CacheDatacorresponds to a long poll).
- If the total number of long polls is greater than the number of existing long polls, put a new thread in the thread poolLongPollingRunnable实例,And update the number of existing long polling.
这个类实现了Runnable接口,Responsible for long polling to the server,流程如下:
Get all the tasks corresponding to this taskCacheData.
检查这些CacheData's local content.
- 如果不使用本地配置且本地文件存在:Populate with local file contentCacheData,Use local configuration flags.
- 如果使用本地配置且本地文件不存在:Unmark using local configuration.
- 如果使用本地配置且本地文件存在且local file version(最后修改时间)更高:Populate with local file contentCacheData,Use local configuration flags.
【Local files include user configuration(高优先级)和快照】
【Local tags are configured inCacheData初始化时默认为 false,每次更新后为 true】
如果使用local configuration file校对MD5摘要,Notify if updated.(调用CacheData#checkListenerMd5)
Check all that are not using local configurationCacheData,Assembly configuration name,Finally, put together a list,如果有初始化的CacheData置isInitializingCacheList标记为true.
- 向服务器发起请求,如果isInitializingCacheList为truereturn immediately,Otherwise hang for a while(默认3s)Until the time expires or the config file in the roster is updated.
- If the server returns abnormal, it willsetHealthServer(false),Indicates poor server status.
- 否则设置为true,and parse the returned content(List of configurations that need to be updated).
To update the configuration of the list,使用getServerConfigmethod to get the latest configuration from the server.
向对应的CacheData填充数据(内容、key and type).
for all updatedCacheData,如果这个CacheDatanot initialized或者in the updated list检查MD5summary and set to already initialized.
Rerun itself in the thread pool after cleaning up the relevant content(循环).
Http代理.Responsible for the actual interaction with the server,屏蔽HTTP细节.不多讲解.
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