当前位置:网站首页>Yyds dry inventory run kubeedge official example_ Counter demo counter

Yyds dry inventory run kubeedge official example_ Counter demo counter

2022-07-06 21:07:00 Feng, crazy

KubeEdge Counter Demo The counter is a pseudo device , Users do not need any additional physical devices to run this demo . The counter runs on the edge side , Users can from the cloud side in Web Control it in the process , Or from the cloud side Web Get counter value from , Schematic diagram is as follows :

Install first. kubeedge

Linux install kubeedge_ Successful test

kubeedge Edge node installation

# stay k8s-master On the implementation , Look at the node
[[email protected] crds]# kubectl get node
k8s-master Ready master 3d23h v1.19.3
k8s-node01 Ready <none> 3d23h v1.19.3
k8s-node02 Ready <none> 3d22h v1.19.3
ke-edge1 Ready agent,edge 3d21h v1.19.3-kubeedge-v1.8.0
ke-edge2 Ready agent,edge 3d21h v1.19.3-kubeedge-v1.8.0
  • 1.
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Make sure kubernetes apiserver The following configurations are enabled :

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Cloud operations stay k8s-master On the implementation

# Download sample code
git clone https://github.com/kubeedge/examples.git $GOPATH/src/github.com/kubeedge/examples

# Use the official example warehouse github It will be slow , Here you can use my acceleration warehouse
git clone https://gitee.com/iot-kubeedge/kubeedge-examples.git $GOPATH/src/github.com/kubeedge/examples

# establish device model
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/kubeedge/examples/kubeedge-counter-demo/crds

# establish model
kubectl create -f kubeedge-counter-model.yaml

# establish device
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/kubeedge/examples/kubeedge-counter-demo/crds
# Modify... According to your actual situation matchExpressions:
vim kubeedge-counter-instance.yaml
# Major changes
- key: 'kubernetes.io/hostname'
- k8s-node-1 # Here is the node name

# function yaml
kubectl create -f kubeedge-counter-instance.yaml

kubectl create -f kubeedge-web-controller-app.yaml

# Deploy cloud applications
# Cloud Applications web-controller-app Used to control the end of the edge pi-counter-app application , The default listening port number of this program is 80, Change here to 8089
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/kubeedge/examples/kubeedge-counter-demo/web-controller-app
vim main.go

# Build a mirror image
make all
make docker

# Deploy web-controller-app
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/kubeedge/examples/kubeedge-counter-demo/crds
kubectl apply -f kubeedge-web-controller-app.yaml

# Deploy edge applications
# On the edge pi-counter-app Applications are controlled by cloud applications , Mainly with mqtt Server communication , Simple counting function .
# Modify the code and build the image
# Need to put Makefile Medium GOARCH It is amended as follows amd64 To run the container . The default is arm Architecturally
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/kubeedge/examples/kubeedge-counter-demo/counter-mapper
vim Makefile
GOARCH=amd64 go build -o pi-counter-app main.go

# Build a mirror image
make all
make docker

# Deploy Pi Counter App
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/kubeedge/examples/kubeedge-counter-demo/crds
kubectl apply -f kubeedge-pi-counter-app.yaml
# explain : In order to prevent Pod Your deployment card is in `ContainerCreating`, This is directly through docker save、scp and docker load The command publishes the image to the edge
# Because there is no such image on the edge , You can only get it by hand , Or upload it to the private image warehouse first , Configure private warehouse address at the edge , You can download directly from the private warehouse
# Here, get the edge end manually
docker save -o kubeedge-pi-counter.tar kubeedge/kubeedge-pi-counter:v1.0.0

# To the edge
scp kubeedge-pi-counter.tar [email protected]:/data/
# Execute at the edge
docker load -i kubeedge-pi-counter.tar

# Check the container startup log at the edge , Did you report a mistake
docker logs -f counter-container-id

turn off counter.
turn on counter.
Counter value: 1
Counter value: 2
Counter value: 3
Counter value: 4
Counter value: 5
Counter value: 6
Counter value: 7
Counter value: 8
Counter value: 9
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本文为[Feng, crazy]所创,转载请带上原文链接,感谢
