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J9 Digital Currency: What is the creator economy of web3?
2022-08-05 02:33:00 【J9 says numbers】
What is Web3?
During this period of time, we have seen the Internet entrepreneurial circle. It seems that everyone is talking about Web3. However, there are various answers about what Web3 is.Same.
What the heck is Web3?
To clarify web3, let's first look at Web1 and Web2.
This picture has been widely circulated on the Internet before, and the summary is relatively clear.
Web1 is a readable Internet. In Web1, we can get news and information from the Internet, but we can only get information unilaterally and cannot participate in interaction.
With Web2, there are some functions such as leaving comments, likes, private message chats, publishing topics, etc. Therefore, Web2 is not only readable, but also writable and interactive.
What about Web3, we can not only read and write, but also have.
But what exactly?In fact, it falls on "control": we have control over accounts, data information generated by interactions on the platform, assets, etc., and we can have the final say.
Creator Economy
In a world where those who create content (musicians, comedians, artists, etc.) are funded directly by their audiences, not middlemen like record labels, studios, publishers, etc.
The creator economy is no stranger to Web 3.0.Creators use platforms like Instagram, Youtube, Twitch and more to create content for fans.On these platforms, however, the cost of watching this "free" content is serving you ads based on data held by these tech giants.
In Web 3.0, the creator economy is different, and in many ways better.Creators are completely independent of third parties, have 100% data ownership and autonomy, and can create whatever content they want without fear of being demonetized or banned.A world where creators make better products for their fans by making money from real creativity rather than ad-driven content.
Additionally, in the Web 3.0 world, creators' earliest and most important supporters can share in creator benefits. For example, the Chainsmokers recently released an NFT project where the owner of the NFT can receive a portion of the royalties from albums.The possibilities that Web 3.0 brings to creators are endless, and it can change the way we interact with artists.
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