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[JS sort according to the attributes in the object array]

2022-07-05 09:28:00 Guodong pudding

【js Sort according to the attributes in the object array 】

var arr = [
	return a.age -  b.age
function compare(property){
    return function(a,b){
        var value1 = a[property];
        var value2 = b[property];
        return value1 - value2;
 *  Examples of use :newArray.sort(sortBy('number',false)) // Express basis number Attribute descending ; If the second parameter is not passed , Default means ascending sort 
     * @param attr  The properties of sorting   Such as number attribute 
     * @param rev true Indicates ascending order ,false null 
     * */
    sortBy: function(attr,rev){
        // The second parameter is not passed   Default ascending order 
        if(rev ==  undefined){
            rev = 1;
            rev = (rev) ? 1 : -1;
        return function(a,b){
            a = a[attr];
            b = b[attr];
            if(a < b){
                return rev * -1;
            if(a > b){
                return rev * 1;
            return 0;

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