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Rebuild my 3D world [open source] [serialization-3] [comparison between colmap and openmvg]

2022-07-05 08:55:00 Li Yingsong~

stay Rebuild my 3D The world Series of Second articles , I mentioned about SFM Part is choosing Colmap still OpenMVG The problem of , And decided to practice the truth .Colmap The official website provides a test program with an interface , It's very convenient to use , I downloaded. 3.6 edition , The address is colmap 3.6.
and OpenMVG It can be compiled easily , It does not provide programs with interfaces , There are console programs that can be tested , The results can be imported Colmap Visualization in the interface program .

0. Preface

This test is generally a shallow test , I simply reconstruct the visual effect from the scene 、 Reconstruction efficiency 、 Reprojection error 、 Image pose restoration integrity, etc . In fact, some more professional evaluation indicators , Such as the difference between the point cloud or control point of the scene and the true value 、 The difference between pose and true value , Not evaluated in this experiment , So I'm sorry to remind you that this is not a professional test , The final result may not be so professional or accurate , Please forgive me. .

1. Data selection

After the procedures are deployed , The first step is to select test data , Here I choose according to the type of data 6 Group data , Not a lot of data ( Not more than 1000 Zhang , The amount of data is too large, and the test is too time-consuming ), The scenes are different , There are farmland and buildings ; There are outdoor and indoor ; There are drones and digital cameras .

What needs to be added is , In order to fit our theme , I just hope to use some simple equipment to rebuild the surrounding 3D The world , So I also took two sets of mobile phone photo collections , To test the SFM The effect of , One is a running shoe , The second is a dinosaur model .

Below is an overview of all the data :

Data name Number of images Size Camera type Scene description Yes no GPS
Small Buildings364592x3056 Unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) (AscTecFalcon 8) Architecture Yes
Urban1135472x3648 Unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) (senseFly) Farmland , Architecture , Naked land Yes
Person-hall3305616x3744 Digital camera (Canon) Architecture 、 tree 、 Close up nothing
Graham-hall7115316x3744 Digital camera (Canon) indoor , Close up nothing
Shoe424032x3024 mobile phone ( samsung S20+) Articles for daily use nothing
Dinosaur554032x3024 mobile phone ( samsung S20+) Model nothing
Small Buildings

2. Test environment

All tests are conducted on my desktop , The configuration is as follows

platform model
CPUIntel I7-8700K 3.7GHz

3. Parameter setting

Colmap All use default parameters , Small vocabulary trees are used in feature matching , Applicable to less than 1000 Image set of . Download address :vocab_tree_flickr100K_words32K
 Insert picture description here
OpenMVG All use default parameters , When the sensor model cannot be recognized , Provide initial focal length max ⁡ ( w , h ) ∗ 1.2 \max(w,h)*1.2 max(w,h)1.2. Please refer to :openMVG softwares & tools. And use the generated results OpenMVG Turn your own tools into Colmap Of SFM Format in Colmap The program shows .

Both use Incremental SFM , And they are not used GPS auxiliary SFM, Although some data have bands GPS And OpenMVG Provides assistance GPS Of SFM, But because of Colmap There is no module , So to be fair , They are not used in the test .

In order to verify , Some test data will be used in the middle Agisoft Metashape Run again ,Agisoft Metashape The predecessor was Agisoft Photoscan, With SFM Grow perceptibly .

4. test result

1 Small Buildings 36p 4592x3056


step Time ( branch )
feature extraction Feature Extraction0.094
Feature matching Feature Matching1.723
Beam adjustment Bundle adjustment0.996
SFM Total time 2.813
Re projection error average 0.89
Number of reconstructed images / Sparse points 36 / 20972

 Insert picture description here


step Time ( branch )
feature extraction Feature Extraction1.867
Feature matching Feature Matching0.583
Beam adjustment Bundle adjustment1.067
SFM Total time 3.517
Re projection error average 0.28
Number of reconstructed images / Sparse points 36 / 69791

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There is not much difference between the two figures ,OpenMVG Reconstruction efficiency is slightly lower , More sparse points are generated , The average re projection error is also smaller .

2 Urban 113p 5472x3648


step Time ( branch )
feature extraction 【Feature Extraction】1.195
Feature matching 【Feature Matching】7.414
Beam adjustment Bundle adjustment2.898
SFM Total time 11.507
Re projection error average 1.07
Number of reconstructed images / Sparse points 113 / 73691

 Insert picture description here

The scene looks a little crooked , In order to verify , I use commercial software Agisoft Metashape Also ran once , Time consuming 102.344 second (1.706 branch ), Very efficient , Reconstruction image 113 Zhang , common 173095 Sparse , give the result as follows :
 Insert picture description here
The scene is flat , It can be judged Colmap The reconstructed scene is a little drifting (Drift) Of . But it should be noted that ,Metashape There is assistance GPS, and Colmap not used GPS auxiliary .


step Time ( branch )
feature extraction Feature Extraction8.200
Feature matching Feature Matching23.13
Beam adjustment Bundle adjustment12.13
SFM Total time 43.46
Re projection error average 0.37
Number of reconstructed images / Sparse points 113/ 408068

 Insert picture description here
OpenMVG The reconstructed scene also has a bending trend , The degree of curvature looks better than Colmap It will be better , But it didn't reach Metashape The level of ( Whereas Metashape It was used GPS Auxiliary and OpenMVG No, , This result is acceptable ).

OpenMVG The reconstruction time is significantly longer than Colmap Of ( near 4 times ), Even though the algorithm has used multithreading ,CPU Also basically in a busy state .

3 Person-hall 330p 5616x3744


step Time ( branch )
feature extraction 【Feature Extraction】1.169
Feature matching 【Feature Matching】36.197
Beam adjustment Bundle adjustment22.108
SFM Total time 59.474
Re projection error average 0.75
Number of reconstructed images / Sparse points 330 / 179134

The effect looks good , The structure recovery is relatively regular . We also use Agisoft Metashape Run it over , Because the photo itself does not GPS, So let's see if GPS when Metashape How are they performing? :

Equally robust reconstruction results , Time consuming 509.577 second (8.493 branch ), Very efficient , Reconstruction image 330 Zhang , Generate sparse points 226761.


step Time ( branch )
feature extraction Feature Extraction29.91
Feature matching Feature Matching247.78
Beam adjustment Bundle adjustment130.38
SFM Total time 408.07
Reprojection error 0.26
Number of reconstructed images / Sparse points 330/ 900759

OpenMVG The reconstruction of the scene is intuitive and Colmap And Metashape Are relatively similar , It's just near 7 Hours The time is really too “ Very long ” 了 .

4 Graham-hall 711p 5616x3744


step Time ( branch )
feature extraction 【Feature Extraction】2.317
Feature matching 【Feature Matching】25.141
Beam adjustment Bundle adjustment48.798
SFM Total time 76.256
Re projection error average 0.97
Number of reconstructed images / Sparse points 691/ 171956

The effect is good ,


In view of the previous group 330 Zhang took nearly 7 Hours , This group of experiments will not be done .
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PS. The following two groups are for more intuitive observation of the reconstruction effect , about Shoe Data and Dinosaur data , I use Colmap Dense point clouds are reconstructed .

5 Shoe 42p 4032x3024


step Time ( branch )
feature extraction 【Feature Extraction】0.085
Feature matching 【Feature Matching】1.112
Beam adjustment Bundle adjustment0.259
SFM Total time 1.456
Re projection error average 0.68
Number of reconstructed images / Sparse points 38 / 5059

 Insert picture description here


step Time ( branch )
feature extraction Feature Extraction1.63
Feature matching Feature Matching0.37
Beam adjustment Bundle adjustment0.32
SFM Total time 2.32
Re projection error average 0.24
Number of reconstructed images / Sparse points 39/ 19794

 Insert picture description here
This data does not show much difference between the two ,OpenMVF The re projection error will be smaller .

Colmap Rebuild the dense point cloud as follows :

step Time ( branch )
Stereo matching 【Stereo】33.727
Point cloud fusion 【Fusion】1.494

 Insert picture description here

6 Dinosaur 55p 4032x3024

step Time ( branch )
feature extraction 【Feature Extraction】0.096
Feature matching 【Feature Matching】1.098
Beam adjustment Bundle adjustment0.488
SFM Total time 1.682
Re projection error average 0.91
Number of reconstructed images / Sparse points 55 / 10383

 Insert picture description here


step Time ( branch )
feature extraction Feature Extraction2.00
Feature matching Feature Matching0.05
Beam adjustment Bundle adjustment0.40
SFM Total time 2.45
Re projection error average 0.34
Number of reconstructed images / Sparse points 55/ 15796

 Insert picture description here
This data does not show much difference between the two ,OpenMVF The re projection error will still be smaller .

Colmap Rebuild the dense point cloud as follows :

step Time ( branch )
Stereo matching 【Stereo】48.093
Point cloud fusion 【Fusion】1.945

 Insert picture description here

5 summary


In the absence of GPS In the case of assistance ,Colmap For small scenes (<1000 photos) The reconstruction quality of is still good , Basically, the scene structure can be restored completely and correctly , In addition to a set of ground data, some scenes drift , But I think if supplemented by GPS Information , This problem will be well solved .

The efficiency under the default parameters is low , And commercial software Metashape There is a big gap ,Colmap The default parameters described in the document aim at medium to high quality reconstruction , So the efficiency may be improved by setting some parameters , But it may also sacrifice accuracy to some extent .

except SFM,Colmap Dense reconstruction of is also very slow , It mainly consumes a lot of time on stereo matching , The effect is OK , The point cloud is thin , But support for weak textures is generally , Of course, this is also a general reconstruction problem . Because there is no such thing as OpenMVS Optimize the grid , So the final reconstructed mesh is not fine and smooth .


Again , In the absence of GPS In the case of assistance , The reconstruction quality of small scenes is good . after “ Very long ” Reconstruction process of , Re projection error ratio Colmap smaller , And the drift phenomenon should be slightly better .

Whole SFM Pipeline Efficiency is really very low , So that bloggers gave up 700 Multiple data tests , near 7 Hour reconstruction 330 Zhang is unacceptable .

OpenMVG One of the reasons for low efficiency is that feature extraction adopts CPU Version of SIFT, Even after multithreading acceleration , Efficiency cannot match Colmap Of GPU edition SIFT comparison . Another reason is that enumeration method is used by default to establish feature matching , The number of matching pairs is very large and redundant , and Colmap The word tree is selected , A method that can quickly establish an appropriate number of matching pairs , There will be fewer matches .


Based on the existing test results , I tend to use Colmap Instead of OpenMVG To complete SFM, The efficiency advantage is very obvious , And there is no obvious disadvantage in the integrity and accuracy of structural recovery .


  1. stay SFM in ,GPS Is a very important auxiliary information , On the one hand, it can be used to restore scale information ; On the other hand, it can effectively prevent scene drift ; In addition, it can also be used as auxiliary information when screening matching image pairs , Indirectly improve the matching efficiency .
  2. Improving the efficiency of feature extraction algorithm can effectively improve SFM The efficiency of , Generally speaking, based on GPU Our algorithm will have more advantages .
  3. Effectively reducing image matching image logarithm can also effectively improve SFM The efficiency of , The image retrieval method based on vocabulary tree can quickly screen candidate matching image pairs through image similarity , Effectively reduce matching , Improve matching efficiency . Another effective strategy is to reduce the sampling resolution when using the vocabulary tree strategy .

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About bloggers :
Li Yingsong ( You know : Li Yingsong )
Wuhan University Doctor of photogrammetry and remote sensing
Main direction Stereo matching 、 Three dimensional reconstruction
2019 Won the first prize of scientific and technological progress in surveying and mapping in ( Provincial and ministerial level )

3D sharing open source *
GitHub: https://github.com/ethan-li-coding

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