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Introduction to DeNO

2022-07-06 03:19:00 phial03

  • deno Official website :https://deno.land/
  • deno Chinese Translation Network :https://deno-cn.vercel.app/

What is? Deno?

Node.Js author Ryan Dahl stay 2018 year 8 month 23 Japan released the first version of v0.1.0 Of deno, Why? Ryan Dahl To change your life and create a new runtime ?

  1. Too many and incompatible module import rules :ES modular 、CommonJs…
  2. node_modules Black holes
  3. Yes callback ES5、Promise ES6 and async/await( be based on Promise)ES7 Two ways of writing
  4. Too many tools (webpack、vite、babel、tsc…)

Learning cost

  • Study deno More concerned must be language ,deno Our position is still runtime Runtime , But in particular, it is Typescript、JavaScript Runtime , That is, it can run directly Typescript( The internal will, however ts Translate it into js) and Javascript

  • So using node My classmates can ECMAscript Grammatically seamlessly migrate to node

  • Learn something :

deno Tool command : Because there is no npm, Package management is deno Helping us
deno Some special case Syntax : Because the best use promise structure , less .

for await(const conn of listener) {
	// ...
  • Work : because deno only v1.18.2 edition , You can't find it if you want to try deno Related development

If you're looking for a job , It's better to learn node, To engage in enterprise level micro service development, we must learn Typescript, At present, very thoughtful frameworks are being used , Such as support Ioc DI、Aop… Framework midwayjs、nestjs、darukjs、malagujs, If you like it very much serverless Recommended malagujs

The enterprise level framework is deno Doesn't exist in ? There is , Look at ecology

  • ecology

    • At present, high-quality deno library :https://github.com/hylerrix/awesome-deno-cn

    • Support deno The source of discovery ( I'm not sure. It must be deno Of , It also supports node):https://www.skypack.dev/

    • The official discovery source ( Certain support deno):https://deno.land/x

  • Think about it :node Capable web application 、 structure vue、react Project tools

  1. web Application Library / frame :
    Imitation koa Of :https://github.com/ako-deno/ako
    Imitation express Of :https://github.com/cmorten/opine
    suffer nest Enlightening typescript library ( In development …):https://github.com/SampaioLeal/destjs

  2. Build a library of front-end projects / frame :
    suffer next.js(react) Enlightening SSR frame :https://alephjs.org/docs
    stay deno Build running under Vue2/3 Tools for :https://github.com/mggower/vno

Why? nest We are not going to migrate to deno?

Officials are going to see deno Make plans for the development of issue:https://github.com/nestjs/nest/issues/4495

Original words :“Deno Not mature enough , You can't even try to NestJS Transplant to it . I suggest we first look at “ smaller ” Of Node.js Project how it develops with —— Whether they are transplanted or rewritten . According to the trend set by the community and “ standard ”, We will consider working with NestJS Move together .”

deno With Compat Mode compatible node.js, But not supported typescript,issue:https://github.com/nestjs/nest/issues/8867

Because compatibility does not support typescript, That's equivalent to writing the project well and using deno run , It doesn't make much sense

  • Thoughts and feelings
    What we need most now is to settle down and use typescript and node Write some tools , For example, some Vue、React、Nestjs Use the scaffold template to seal the scaffold .

as for deno If it gets better and better with its ecology , It's not too late to get to know him and use it ,deno To be honest, there are still many ways to go , Because it just came out, so many serverless Is not supported , Unless you customize deno Environmental Science , At present, there is basically no work , And enterprise level framework deno It's not perfect .

Generally speaking, at present deno There is no overwhelming reason for me to use , Instead, it brings me some shortcomings , Such as : ecology , No resources npm Clear central source, etc ,deno A small dinosaur in a developing stage , I hope one day , You can also experience its style in the enterprise .

  • deno analysis :
    We don't need deno:https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000040122104

  • deno course :
    Deno Introduction Manual :

  • great Deno Introduction and actual combat :

  • Asynchronous function in deno Timeout in :

