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Self supervised heterogeneous graph neural network with CO comparative learning

2022-07-06 18:30:00 kc7w91

Original paper

One 、 Key points

Heterograph The basic idea of heterograph is quick pass
Dual Perspective : network schema view & meta-path structure view, Finally, the node representation obtained from the two perspectives is studied through comparison (contrastive learning) To merge
Self supervision : No label information is required , Directly use the data itself as supervision information , It can be divided into comparative learning and generative learning . This article is comparative learning , The core idea is to compare positive samples and negative samples in feature space , Feature representation of learning samples

Two 、 Two perspectives

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network schema Pictured 1(b), Represents the relationship between nodes of different categories
meta-path Pictured 1(c), Multiple meta paths can be defined by - article - author / article - The theme - article /…

3、 ... and 、 Model definition

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1. Preprocessing

The node characteristics of different categories x Project into the same space , The feature length alignment is recorded as h

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2.network schema

        For an article node , stay network schema From the perspective of the author 、 Topics learn from nodes in two categories embedding, Different categories have different effects on the current node , This degree value is similar to GAT The way ( Introduce attention mechanism ) Obtained by autonomous learning of the model . Each category contains multiple nodes , The importance of different nodes varies , The importance of each point in the class is also similar GAT The way to learn .

Intra class importance alpha(node-level attention):
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among fai_m Indicates the node category , common m Kind of ;a For the parameters to be learned

adopt node-level attention Aggregate neighbor information :
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notes : Not all neighbors , There are sampling operations

Get different categories embedding To merge

Category importance beta(type-level attention):
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among W、b For the parameters to be learned

adopt type-level attention Aggregate different categories embedding:
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3. meta-path

Through the Metapath, we get isomorphic graph , For each isomorphic graph, use GCN Get the preliminary characterization of each node h:
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Fuse the node representations obtained under different meta paths ( It's similar GAT, semantic-level attention):
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among W、b For the parameters to be learned ,beta_fai_n Is the importance of graphs obtained under different meta paths
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According to different degrees of importance , obtain meta-path Nodes from the perspective embedding

4. mask

network schema Nodes in do not aggregate their own information (masked),meta-path The information of the transit node is not aggregated in , This will distinguish the nodes connected with the current article by category , Don't double count .

5.contrastive learning

Fuse nodes drawn from two perspectives embedding And then judge , The first use of MLP mapping :
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Next, introduce contrastive learning

Comparative learning : There should be a high degree of similarity between small variants of something (positive samples), The similarity between essentially different things is low (negative samples). The positive and negative samples in this paper are defined as follows :

positive: By multiple meta-path Connected node pairs ( Emphasize the importance of edges )
negative: others

With i Node network schema From the perspective of loss Function as an example , Align the nodes according to meta-path The number of connected pieces is arranged in descending order , Set the threshold to divide positive and negative samples . After the division, there are network schema view Under the contrastive loss(meta-path view Empathy ):
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        among sim by cos function , Indicates the similarity between two vectors . the reason being that network schema From the perspective of loss function , So target embedding(gt) yes network schema Medium embedding; Positive and negative samples embedding come from meta-path view. The corresponding value of positive samples should be as large as possible , The corresponding value of negative samples should be as small as possible ,loss To get smaller .

Two perspectives loss equilibrium :
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6. model extension

Hard to distinguish negative samples is very helpful to improve the performance of the comparative learning model , Therefore, a new negative sample generation strategy is introduced :GAN & Mixup

