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Clion configures Visual Studio (MSVC) and JOM multi-core compilation

2022-07-05 20:59:00 Hu Anmin

install visual studio(msvc)

If you just develop Window Platform software , Best use MSVC, In this way, a large number of third parties can be used lib, There are a lot of build instructions , After all window On MSVC Is king . from Visual Studio Download from the official website Visual Studio Community Edition ( Pay attention to the need for 2019 Version or below )

Official website download address : https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/zh-hans/downloads/

If you can't download it , Then I provide Baidu online disk here

link :https://pan.baidu.com/s/1NYDx02D4BDU6EMF2AcfYHg?pwd=1234
Extraction code :1234
– From Baidu network disk super member V6 The share of

Then install Visual Studio , Then set the installation directory , Otherwise, the default is c disc , How many? G Well

 Insert picture description here
Then open it for review at work , choice c++ Desktop development
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Get into File|Settings|Build,Execution,Deployment|Toolchains, Click on + Number , open Environment File selector , choice Visual Studio The installation directory CLion Automatic scanning tool chain , The following figure is the final result .

 Insert picture description here
Set the compiler used , be used for c The code to compile
 Insert picture description here

JOM Multi core compilation

Visual Studio In large engineering projects, the compilation time is long , Because it is compiled with a single core , We can use multicore CPU The advantages of , Realize parallel compilation , Need to borrow JOM visit Jom Official website (https://wiki.qt.io/Jom) Download the compressed file , Then decompress , And then Jom Add the root path of to the environment variable

link :https://pan.baidu.com/s/1VSusAo7noTX-45ELvluymA?pwd=1234
Extraction code :1234
– From Baidu network disk super member V6 The share of

 Insert picture description here
After configuration, open Clion->settings->cmake Make the following settings

 Insert picture description here
-G "NMake Makefiles JOM" , -j 8 I suggest you take a look cup Check the number

 Insert picture description here
Save and restart after setting Clion, Then click compile in the project , Enjoy multi-core compilation

 Insert picture description here

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disclaimer : Part of the material in this paper comes from the Internet , The copyright belongs to the creator , If articles exist / picture / Improper use of audio and video , Please feel free to contact me by private letter .

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