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100 cases of shell programming
2022-07-05 20:57:00 【JackieZhengChina】
1、 To write hello world Script
# To write hello world Script
echo "Hello World!"
2、 Create... With location variables Linux System account and password
# Create... With location variables Linux System account and password
#$1 Is the first parameter to execute the script ,$2 Is the second parameter to execute the script
useradd "$1"
echo "$2" | passwd ‐‐stdin "$1"
3、 Backup log
# Once a week 5 Use tar Command backup /var/log All log files under
# vim /root/logbak.sh
# Write backup scripts , The file name after backup contains the date label , Prevent subsequent backups from overwriting the previous backup data
# Be careful date Commands need to be enclosed in backquotes , Backquotes on the keyboard <tab> Key up
tar -czf log-`date +%Y%m%d`.tar.gz /var/log
# crontab ‐e # Planning task , Execute the backup script
00 03 * * 5 /root/logbak.sh
4、 One key deployment LNMP(RPM Package version )
# One key deployment LNMP(RPM Package version )
# Use yum Installation and deployment LNMP, It needs to be configured in advance yum Source , Otherwise the script will fail
# This script is used for centos7.2 or RHEL7.2
yum ‐y install httpd
yum ‐y install mariadb mariadb‐devel mariadb‐server
yum ‐y install php php‐mysql
systemctl start httpd mariadb
systemctl enable httpd mariadb
5、 Monitor memory and disk capacity , Alarm when it is less than the given value
# Real time monitoring of local memory and remaining hard disk space , Remaining memory is less than 500M、 The remaining space in the root partition is less than 1000M when , Send alarm email to root Administrators
# Extract the remaining space of the root partition
disk_size=$(df / | awk '/\//{print $4}')
# Extract the remaining memory space
mem_size=$(free | awk '/Mem/{print $4}')
while :
# Note that the amount of memory and disk space extracted is in Kb In units of
if [ $disk_size -le 512000 -a $mem_size -le 1024000 ]
mail ‐s "Warning" root <<EOF
Insufficient resources, Insufficient resources
6、 Guess the number game
# The script generates a 100 Random number within , Prompt users to guess numbers , According to the user's input , Prompt the user to guess correctly ,
# Guess small or guess big , Until the end of the script .
# RANDOM The system variable that comes with the system , The value is 0‐32767 The random number
# Use the remainder algorithm to change the random number to 1‐100 The random number
echo "$num"
# Use read Prompt users to guess numbers
# Use if Judge the size of the number the user guesses :‐eq( be equal to ),‐ne( It's not equal to ),‐gt( Greater than ),‐ge( Greater than or equal to ),
# ‐lt( Less than ),‐le( Less than or equal to )
while :
read -p " The computer generated a 1‐100 The random number , Have a guess : " cai
if [ $cai -eq $num ]
echo " Congratulations , Guessed it "
elif [ $cai -gt $num ]
echo "Oops, Guess the "
echo "Oops, Guess a little "
7、 Check whether the current user of this machine is a super administrator , If it's an administrator , Then use yum install vsftpd, If not , Then you will be prompted that you are not an administrator ( Use a string to compare versions )
# Check whether the current user of this machine is a super administrator , If it's an administrator , Then use yum install vsftpd, If you don't
# yes , Then you will be prompted that you are not an administrator ( Use a string to compare versions )
if [ $USER == "root" ]
yum ‐y install vsftpd
echo " You are not an administrator , No permission to install software "
8、 Check whether the current user of this machine is a super administrator , If it's an administrator , Then use yum install vsftpd, If not , Then you will be prompted that you are not an administrator ( Use UID Digital comparison version )
# Check whether the current user of this machine is a super administrator , If it's an administrator , Then use yum install vsftpd, If you don't
# yes , Then you will be prompted that you are not an administrator ( Use UID Digital comparison version )
if [ $UID -eq 0 ];then
yum ‐y install vsftpd
echo " You are not an administrator , No permission to install software "
9、 Write a script : Prompt user for user name and password , The script automatically creates the corresponding account and configuration password . If the user does not enter the account name , You must enter the account name and exit the script ; If the user doesn't enter the password , The default 123456 As default password .
# Write a script : Prompt user for user name and password , The script automatically creates the corresponding account and configuration password . If the user
# Do not enter account name , You must enter the account name and exit the script ; If the user doesn't enter the password , Then use the default
# Recognized 123456 As default password .
read -p " Please enter a user name : " user
# Use ‐z You can judge whether a variable is empty , If it is empty , Prompt that the user must enter the account name , And exit the script , The exit code is 2
# No user name is entered. After the script exits , Use $? The return code for viewing is 2
if [ -z $user ];then
echo " You do not need to enter the account name "
exit 2
# Use stty ‐echo close shell Echo function of
# Use stty echo open shell Echo function of
stty -echo
read -p " Please input a password : " pass
stty echo
useradd "$user"
echo "$pass" | passwd ‐‐stdin "$user"
10、 Enter three numbers and sort them in ascending order
# Prompt the user to enter 3 It's an integer , The script sorts the output according to the size of the number 3 A digital
read -p " Please enter an integer :" num1
read -p " Please enter an integer :" num2
read -p " Please enter an integer :" num3
# No matter who is big or small , Print all last echo "$num1,$num2,$num3"
# num1 Always save the smallest value in ,num2 Always save intermediate value in ,num3 Always save maximum
# If the input is not in this order , Then change the storage order of the number , Such as : Can be num1 and num2 Value exchange of
# If num1 Greater than num2, Just put num1 And num2 Value exchange of , Make sure num1 The minimum value is stored in the variable
if [ $num1 -gt $num2 ];then
# If num1 Greater than num3, Just put num1 and num3 Swap , Make sure num1 The minimum value is stored in the variable
if [ $num1 -gt $num3 ];then
# If num2 Greater than num3, Just put num2 and num3 For standard , Make sure num2 A smaller value is stored in the variable
if [ $num2 -gt $num3 ];then
echo " Data after sorting ( From small to large ) by :$num1,$num2,$num3"
11、 stone 、 scissors 、 Cloth game
# Write a script , Realize man-machine communication < stone , scissors , cloth > game
game=( stone scissors cloth )
# Get the punch of the computer through random numbers
# The possibility of punching is saved in an array ,game[0],game[1],game[2] Namely 3 Different possibilities in
echo " Please choose your fist gesture according to the following tips "
echo "1. stone "
echo "2. scissors "
echo "3. cloth "
read -p " Please select 1‐3:" person
case $person in
if [ $num -eq 0 ]
echo " It ends in a draw "
elif [ $num -eq 1 ]
echo " You win "
echo " Computer wins "
if [ $num -eq 0 ]
echo " Computer wins "
elif [ $num -eq 1 ]
echo " It ends in a draw "
echo " You win "
if [ $num -eq 0 ]
echo " You win "
elif [ $num -eq 1 ]
echo " Computer wins "
echo " It ends in a draw "
echo " Must input 1‐3 The number of "
12、 Writing script tests Which hosts in the whole network segment are in the power on state , Which hosts are off (for edition )
# Writing script tests Which hosts in the whole network segment are in the power on state , Which hosts are shut down
# state (for edition )
for i in {1..254}
# every other 0.3 second ping once , altogether ping2 Time , And 1 Set in milliseconds ping Timeout for
ping ‐c 2 ‐i 0.3 ‐W 1 192.168.4.$i &>/dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
echo "192.168.4.$i is up"
echo "192.168.4.$i is down"
13、 Writing script tests Which hosts in the whole network segment are in the power on state , Which hosts are off (while edition )
# Writing script tests Which hosts in the whole network segment are in the power on state , Which hosts are shut down
# state (while edition )
while [ $i -le 254 ]
ping ‐c 2 ‐i 0.3 ‐W 1 192.168.4.$i &>/dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
echo "192.168.4.$i is up"
echo "192.168.4.$i is down"
let i++
14、 Writing script tests Which hosts in the whole network segment are in the power on state , Which hosts are off ( Multi process version )
# Writing script tests Which hosts in the whole network segment are in the power on state , Which hosts are shut down
# state ( Multi process version )
# Define a function ,ping A host , And detect the survival status of the host
ping ‐c 2 ‐i 0.3 ‐W 1 $1 &>/dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
echo "$1 is up"
echo "$1 is down"
for i in {1..254}
myping 192.168.4.$i &
# Use & Symbol , Put the executed function into the background to execute
# The advantage of this is that there is no need to wait ping The response of the first host , You can continue concurrency ping The second host , By analogy .
15、 Write a script , Show progress bar
# Write a script , Show progress bar
while :
echo -n '#'
sleep 0.2
jindu &
cp -a $1 $2
killall $0
echo " copy complete "
16、 Progress bar , Dynamic clock version ; Define a function to display progress , The screen quickly displays | / ‐ \
# Progress bar , Dynamic clock version
# Define a function to display progress , The screen quickly displays | / ‐ \
INTERVAL=0.5 # Set interval
COUNT="0" # Set up 4 Number of shapes , The default number is 0( Does not represent any image )
while :
COUNT=`expr $COUNT + 1` # Execute loop ,COUNT Add... Every time 1,( Represent the 4 Two different shapes )
case $COUNT in # Judge COUNT Value , Different values show different shapes
"1") # The value is 1 Show ‐
echo -e '‐'"\b\c"
"2") # The value is 2 Show \\, first \ It's an escape
echo -e '\\'"\b\c"
"3") # The value is 3 Show |
echo -e "|\b\c"
"4") # The value is 4 Show /
echo -e "/\b\c"
*) # When the value is other , take COUNT Reset to 0
17、9*9 Multiplication table
# 9*9 Multiplication table ( To write shell Script , Print 9*9 Multiplication table )
for i in `seq 9`
for j in `seq $i`
echo -n "$j*$i=$[i*j] "
18、 Use dead loop real time display eth0 Packet traffic sent by network card
# Use dead loop real time display eth0 Packet traffic sent by network card
while :
echo ' Local network card eth0 The traffic information is as follows : '
ifconfig eth0 | grep "RX pack" | awk '{print $5}'
ifconfig eth0 | grep "TX pack" | awk '{print $5}'
sleep 1
19、 Use user.txt List of personnel in the document , Automatically create the corresponding account in the computer and configure the initial password. This script executes , You need to prepare one in advance user.txt file , The file contains several user name information
# Use user.txt List of personnel in the document , Automatically create the corresponding account and configure the initial password in the computer
# This script executes , You need to prepare one in advance user.txt file , The file contains several user name information
for i in `cat user.txt`
useradd $i
echo "123456" | passwd ‐‐stdin $i
20、 Write a batch modification extension script
# Write a batch modification extension script , If the batch will txt Change the file to doc file
# When executing a script , You need to add positional parameters to the script
# Script name txt doc( Can be txt Change the extension of to doc)
# Script name doc jpg( Can be doc Change the extension of to jpg)
for i in `ls *.$1`
mv $i ${i%.*}.$2
21、 Use expect The tool automatically interacts with other remote hosts to install passwords httpd Software
# Use expect The tool automatically interacts with other remote hosts to install passwords httpd Software
# Delete ~/.ssh/known_hosts after ,ssh Any remote host will ask if you want to connect to the host
rm ‐rf ~/.ssh/known_hosts
expect <<EOF
spawn ssh
expect "yes/no" {send "yes\r"}
# Change the password to the real password string according to your actual situation
expect "password" {send " password \r"}
expect "#" {send "yum ‐y install httpd\r"}
expect "#" {send "exit\r"}
22、 One key deployment LNMP( Source code installation version )
# One key deployment LNMP( Source code installation version )
echo " ##############‐‐‐‐Menu‐‐‐‐##############"
echo "# 1. Install Nginx"
echo "# 2. Install MySQL"
echo "# 3. Install PHP"
echo "# 4. Exit Program"
echo " ########################################"
read -p "Please choice a menu[1‐9]:" select
id nginx &>/dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
useradd -s /sbin/nologin nginx
if [ -f nginx‐1.8.0.tar.gz ];then
tar -xf nginx‐1.8.0.tar.gz
cd nginx‐1.8.0
yum -y install gcc pcre‐devel openssl‐devel zlib‐devel make
./configure ‐‐prefix=/usr/local/nginx ‐‐with‐http_ssl_module
make install
ln -s /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx /usr/sbin/
cd ..
echo " No, Nginx Source package "
yum -y install gcc gcc‐c++ cmake ncurses‐devel perl
id mysql &>/dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
useradd -s /sbin/nologin mysql
if [ -f mysql‐5.6.25.tar.gz ];then
tar -xf mysql‐5.6.25.tar.gz
cd mysql‐5.6.25
cmake .
make install
/usr/local/mysql/scripts/mysql_install_db ‐‐user=mysql ‐‐datadir=/usr/local/mysql/data/
chown -R root.mysql /usr/local/mysql
chown -R mysql /usr/local/mysql/data
/bin/cp -f /usr/local/mysql/support‐files/mysql.server /etc/init.d/mysqld
chmod +x /etc/init.d/mysqld
/bin/cp -f /usr/local/mysql/support‐files/my‐default.cnf /etc/my.cnf
echo "/usr/local/mysql/lib/" >> /etc/ld.so.conf
echo 'PATH=\$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin/' >> /etc/profile
export PATH
echo " No, mysql Source package "
# install php It is not specified which module functions to start , If the user can add additional functions according to the actual situation, such as ‐‐with‐gd etc.
yum -y install gcc libxml2‐devel
if [ -f mhash‐ ];then
tar -xf mhash‐
cd mhash‐
make install
cd ..
if [ ! ‐f /usr/lib/libmhash.so ];then
ln -s /usr/local/lib/libmhash.so /usr/lib/
echo " No, mhash Source package file "
if [ -f libmcrypt‐2.5.8.tar.gz ];then
tar -xf libmcrypt‐2.5.8.tar.gz
cd libmcrypt‐2.5.8
make install
cd ..
if [ ! -f /usr/lib/libmcrypt.so ];then
ln -s /usr/local/lib/libmcrypt.so /usr/lib/
echo " No, libmcrypt Source package file "
if [ -f php‐5.4.24.tar.gz ];then
tar -xf php‐5.4.24.tar.gz
cd php‐5.4.24
./configure ‐‐prefix=/usr/local/php5 ‐‐with‐mysql=/usr/local/mysql ‐‐enable‐fpm ‐‐
enable‐mbstring ‐‐with‐mcrypt ‐‐with‐mhash ‐‐with‐config‐file‐path=/usr/local/php5/etc ‐‐with‐
make && make install
/bin/cp -f php.ini‐production /usr/local/php5/etc/php.ini
/bin/cp -f /usr/local/php5/etc/php‐fpm.conf.default /usr/local/php5/etc/php‐fpm.conf
cd ..
echo " No, php Source package file "
while :
case $select in
echo Sorry!
23、 Script a quick clone KVM virtual machine
# Script a quick clone KVM virtual machine
# This script is for RHEL7.2 or Centos7.2
# This script needs to prepare a qcow2 Virtual machine template in format ,
# The name is /var/lib/libvirt/images /.rh7_template Virtual machine template for
# The script uses qemu‐img Command to quickly create a snapshot virtual machine
# Script use sed Modify the configuration file of the template virtual machine , Name the virtual machine 、UUID、 disk file name 、MAC Address
# exit code:
# 65 ‐> user input nothing
# 66 ‐> user input is not a number
# 67 ‐> user input out of range
# 68 ‐> vm disk image exists
read -p "Enter VM number: " VMNUM
if [ $VMNUM -le 9 ];then
if [ -z "${VMNUM}" ]; then
echo "You must input a number."
exit 65
elif [[ ${VMNUM} =~ [a‐z] ]; then
echo "You must input a number."
exit 66
elif [ ${VMNUM} -lt 1 -o ${VMNUM} -gt 99 ]; then
echo "Input out of range"
exit 67
if [ -e $IMG_DIR/${NEWVM}.img ]; then
echo "File exists."
exit 68
echo -en "Creating Virtual Machine disk image......\t"
qemu‐img create -f qcow2 ‐b $IMG_DIR/.${BASEVM}.img $IMG_DIR/${NEWVM}.img &> /dev/null
echo -e "\e[32;1m[OK]\e[0m"
#virsh dumpxml ${BASEVM} > /tmp/myvm.xml
cat /var/lib/libvirt/images/.rhel7.xml > /tmp/myvm.xml
sed -i "/<name>${BASEVM}/s/${BASEVM}/${NEWVM}/" /tmp/myvm.xml
sed -i "/uuid/s/<uuid>.*<\/uuid>/<uuid>$(uuidgen)<\/uuid>/" /tmp/myvm.xml
sed -i "/${BASEVM}\.img/s/${BASEVM}/${NEWVM}/" /tmp/myvm.xml
# modify MAC Address , This example uses constants , Each user using the script needs to modify these values according to the actual situation
# It's best to use it here for convenience , This is more suitable for batch operation , You can clone more virtual machines
sed -i "/mac /s/a1/0c/" /tmp/myvm.xml
echo -en "Defining new virtual machine......\t\t"
virsh define /tmp/myvm.xml &> /dev/null
echo -e "\e[32;1m[OK]\e[0m"
24、 Roll call script
# Write a roll call script
# The script , You need to prepare one in advance user.txt file
# This file needs to contain information about all names , One name per line , The script randomly displays one name at a time
while :
# Statistics user How many users are in the file
line=`cat user.txt |wc ‐l`
sed -n "${num}p" user.txt
sleep 0.2
25、 See how many remote IP When connecting to this machine
# See how many remote IP When connecting to this machine ( Whether it's through ssh still web still ftp All statistics )
# Use netstat ‐atn You can view the status of all connections of this machine ,‐a View all ,
# -t Show only tcp Connected information ,‐n Digital format display
# Local Address( The fourth column is the of this machine IP And port information )
# Foreign Address( The fifth column is the of the remote host IP And port information )
# Use awk The command displays only the second 5 Column data , Then the second 1 Column IP Address information
# sort You can sort by number size , Finally using uniq Delete the redundant and duplicate , And count the number of repetitions
netstat -atn | awk '{print $5}' | awk '{print $1}' | sort -nr | uniq -c
26、 Yes 100 Add and sum all positive integers within (1+2+3+4...+100)
# Yes 100 Add and sum all positive integers within (1+2+3+4...+100)
#seq 100 It can be generated quickly and automatically 100 It's an integer
for i in `seq 100`
echo " The sum is :$sum"
27、 Statistics 13:30 To 14:30 All visits apache How many requests does the server have
# Statistics 13:30 To 14:30 All visits apache How many requests does the server have
# awk Use ‐F Option specifies that the separator for the contents of the file is / perhaps :
# conditional $7:$8 Greater than or equal to 13:30, And ask for ,$7:$8 Less than or equal to 14:30
# Finally using wc ‐l Count how many lines there are , How many
awk -F "[ /:]" '$7":"$8>="13:30" && $7":"$8<="14:30"' /var/log/httpd/access_log |wc -l
28、 Statistics 13:30 To 14:30 All access to this machine Aapche Remote server IP What's the address
# Statistics 13:30 To 14:30 All access to this machine Aapche Remote server IP What's the address
# awk Use ‐F Option specifies that the separator for the contents of the file is / perhaps :
# conditional $7:$8 Greater than or equal to 13:30, And ask for ,$7:$8 Less than or equal to 14:30
# The contents of the log file , The first 1 Column is the name of the remote host IP Address , Use awk The second... Is displayed separately 1 Just column
awk -F "[ /:]" '$7":"$8>="13:30" && $7":"$8<="14:30"{print $1}' /var/log/httpd/access_log
29、 Print chess board
# Print chess board
# Set two variables ,i and j, A representative line , A representative column , Chess is 8*8 The board
# i=1 Yes means you are ready to print the first line of chessboard , The first 1 The checkerboard has gray and blue interval output , A total of 8 Column
# i=1,j=1 On behalf of the 1 OK, No 1 Column ;i=2,j=3 On behalf of the 2 OK, No 3 Column
# The law of the chessboard is i+j If it's even , Just print the blue color block , If it is an odd number, print the gray color block
# Use echo ‐ne Print color block , And the color block will not automatically wrap after printing , Continue to output other color blocks on the same line
for i in {1..8}
for j in {1..8}
if [ $[sum%2] -eq 0 ];then
echo -ne "\033[46m \033[0m"
echo -ne "\033[47m \033[0m"
30、 Count each remote server IP Visited this machine apache A few times ?
# Count each remote server IP Visited this machine apache A few times ?
awk '{ip[$1]++}END{for(i in ip){print ip[i],i}}' /var/log/httpd/access_log
31、 Count the present Linux How many accounts in the system can log in to the computer
# Count the present Linux How many accounts in the system can log in to the computer
# Method 1:
grep "bash$" /etc/passwd | wc -l
# Method 2:
awk -f: '/bash$/{x++}end{print x}' /etc/passwd
32、 Statistics /var/log How many files are there , And display these file names
# Statistics /var/log How many files are there , And display these file names
# Use ls Recursively display all , Then judge whether it is a file , If it is a file, the counter is incremented 1
cd /var/log
for i in `ls -r *`
if [ -f $i ];then
let sum++
echo " file name :$i"
echo " The total number of documents is :$sum"
33、 Automatically add interpreter information for other scripts
# Automatically add interpreter information for other scripts #!/bin/bash, If the script name is test.sh The effect is as follows :
# ./test.sh abc.sh Automatically for abc.sh Add interpreter information
# ./test.sh user.sh Automatically for user.sh Add interpreter information
# First use grep Judge whether the object script already has interpreter information , Use if not sed Add interpreter and description information
if ! grep -q "^#!" $1; then
sed '1i #!/bin/bash' $1
sed '2i #Description: '
# Because each script has different functions , The effect is different , So after adding interpreter information to the object script , as well as Description Later, I hope
# Continue to edit the description of specific script functions , I'm going to use it directly here vim Open the object script , And the cursor jumps to the second page of the file 2 That's ok
vim +2 $1
34、 Automated Deployment varnish Source package software
# Automated Deployment varnish Source package software
# This script needs to be downloaded in advance varnish‐3.0.6.tar.gz Such a source package software , The script can install and deploy the software with automatic source code
yum -y install gcc readline‐devel pcre‐devel
useradd -s /sbin/nologin varnish
tar -xf varnish‐3.0.6.tar.gz
cd varnish‐3.0.6
# Use configure,make,make install Source installation package
./configure ‐‐prefix=/usr/local/varnish
make && make install
# In the source package directory , Copy the corresponding configuration file to Linux System file system
# After the default installation is complete , Configuration files will not be automatically copied or installed to Linux System , So it needs to be done manually cp Copy profile
# And use uuidgen Generate a configuration file of random key
cp redhat/varnish.initrc /etc/init.d/varnish
cp redhat/varnish.sysconfig /etc/sysconfig/varnish
cp redhat/varnish_reload_vcl /usr/bin/
ln -s /usr/local/varnish/sbin/varnishd /usr/sbin/
ln -s /usr/local/varnish/bin/* /usr/bin
mkdir /etc/varnish
cp /usr/local/varnish/etc/varnish/default.vcl /etc/varnish/
uuidgen > /etc/varnish/secret
35、 To write nginx The startup script
# To write nginx The startup script
# After writing this script , Put in /etc/init.d/ Under the table of contents , Can be Linux The system automatically recognizes the script
# If this script is called /etc/init.d/nginx, be service nginx start You can start the service
# service nginx stop You can turn off the service
# service nginx restart You can restart the service
# service nginx status You can view the service status
if [ -f $pid ];then
echo "nginx The service is already on "
if [ -! -f $pid ];then
echo "nginx The service has been shut down "
$program -s stop
echo " Close the service ok"
if [ -f $pid ];then
echo " Service is running ..."
echo " The service has been shut down "
case $1 in
sleep 1
echo " The syntax you entered is malformed "
36、 Automatically partition the disk 、 format 、 mount
# Automatically partition the disk 、 format 、 mount
# For virtual machines vdb The disk is partitioned and formatted , Use << Import the required partition instructions into the program fdisk
# n( New partition ),p( create primary partition ),1( The partition number is 1), Two blank lines ( Two returns , It is equivalent to dividing the whole disk into one area )
# Be careful :1 The two carriage returns in the back ( Blank line ) Is a must !
fdisk /dev/vdb << EOF
# Format the partition just created
mkfs.xfs /dev/vdb1
# Create mount point Directory
if [ -e /data ]; then
mkdir /data
# Automatically mount the partition just created , And set the boot to automatically mount the partition
echo '/dev/vdb1 /data xfs defaults 1 2' >> /etc/fstab
mount -a
37、 Automatic optimization Linux Kernel parameters
# Automatic optimization Linux Kernel parameters
# Script for RHEL7
cat >> /usr/lib/sysctl.d/00‐system.conf <<EOF
net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps = 0
net.ipv4.tcp_synack_retries = 5
net.ipv4.tcp_syn_retries = 5
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 30
#net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 120
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65535
kernel.shmall = 2097152
kernel.shmmax = 2147483648
kernel.shmmni = 4096
kernel.sem = 5010 641280 5010 128
net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 10
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 30
net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling = 0
net.ipv4.tcp_sack = 0
sysctl –p
38、 cutting Nginx Log files ( Prevent individual files from being too large , Post processing is difficult )
#mkdir /data/scripts
#vim /data/scripts/nginx_log.sh
# cutting Nginx Log files ( Prevent individual files from being too large , Post processing is difficult )
mv ${logs_path}access.log ${logs_path}access_$(date -d "yesterday" +"%Y%m%d").log
kill -USR1 `cat /usr/local/nginx/logs/nginx.pid`
# chmod +x /data/scripts/nginx_log.sh
# crontab ‐e # After the script is written , Put the script into the scheduled task and execute the script once a day
0 1 * * * /data/scripts/nginx_log.sh
39、 testing MySQL Number of database connections
# testing MySQL Number of database connections
# This script every 2 Check once per second MySQL Number of concurrent connections , This script can be set as the startup script , Or in a specific period of time
# To satisfy MySQL Database monitoring requirements , see MySQL Whether the connection is normal
# The user name and password in this case can only be used after being modified according to the actual situation
while :
sleep 2
count=`mysqladmin -u "$user" -p "$passwd" status | awk '{print $4}'`
echo "`date +%Y‐%m‐%d` The number of concurrent connections is :$count" >> $log_file
40、 according to md5 Check code , Check whether the file has been modified
# according to md5 Check code , Check whether the file has been modified
# This example script detects /etc All the conf Final document , According to the actual situation , You can modify it to another directory or file
# This script is executed once when the target data has not been modified , When it is suspected that the data has been tampered with , Execute it again
# Compare the results of the two executions ,MD5 File with changed code , It's a document that has been tampered with
for i in $(ls /etc/*.conf)
md5sum "$i" >> /var/log/conf_file.log
41、 testing MySQL Whether the service survives
# testing MySQL Whether the service survives
# host For what you need to test MySQL The host IP Address ,user by MySQL Account name ,passwd Is password
# This information needs to be modified according to the actual situation before it can be used
mysqladmin -h '$host' -u '$user' -p'$passwd' ping &>/dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
echo "MySQL is UP"
echo "MySQL is down"
42、 Backup MySQL Of shell Script (mysqldump edition )
# Backup MySQL Of shell Script (mysqldump edition )
# Defining variables user( Database user name ),passwd( Database password ),date( Time stamp of backup )
# dbname( The name of the database to be backed up , Modify the value of this variable according to the actual needs , Default backup mysql database )
date=$(date +%Y%m%d)
# Test whether the backup directory exists , If it does not exist, the directory will be created automatically
[ ! -d /mysqlbackup ] && mkdir /mysqlbackup
# Use mysqldump Command backup database
mysqldump -u "$user" -p "$passwd" "$dbname" > /mysqlbackup/"$dbname"-${date}.sql
43、 Convert all lowercase letters in the file to uppercase letters
# Convert all lowercase letters in the file to uppercase letters
# $1 It's a position parameter , Is the file name you need to convert uppercase and lowercase letters
# Execute the script , Give a file name as a parameter , The script will convert all lowercase letters in the file to uppercase letters
tr "[a‐z]" "[A‐Z]" < $1
44、 Non interactive automatic generation SSH The key file
# Non interactive automatic generation SSH The key file
# ‐t Appoint SSH The key algorithm is RSA Algorithm ;‐N Set the password of the key to be empty ;‐f Specify the generated key file > Where to store it
rm -rf ~/.ssh/{known_hosts,id_rsa*}
ssh‐keygen -t RSA -N '' -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
45、 Check whether the specific software package has been installed
# Check whether the specific software package has been installed
if [ $# -eq 0 ];then
echo " You need to specify a package name as a script parameter "
echo " usage :$0 Package name ..."
# [email protected] Extract the values of all location variables , amount to $*
for package in "[email protected]"
if rpm -q ${package} &>/dev/null ;then
echo -e "${package}\033[32m Is already installed \033[0m"
echo -e "${package}\033[34;1m Not installed \033[0m"
46、 monitor HTTP The state of the server ( Test return code )
# monitor HTTP The state of the server ( Test return code )
# Set a variable ,url For the URL of the target website you need to detect (IP Or domain name ), For example, Baidu.
# Defined function check_http:
# Use curl Command check http The state of the server
# ‐m Set up curl Whether the access succeeds or fails , The maximum time consumed is 5 second ,5 If the second connection service is corresponding, it is regarded as unable to connect
# ‐s Set silent connection , Do not display the connection speed when connecting 、 Time consumption and other information
# ‐o take curl The downloaded page content is exported to /dev/null( By default, the page content will be displayed on the screen )
# ‐w Set up curl What the command needs to display %{http_code}, Appoint curl Return the status code of the server
status_code=$(curl -m 5 -s -o /dev/null -w %{http_code} $url)
while :
date=$(date +%Y%m%d‐%H:%M:%S)
# Generate the contents of the alarm email
echo " The current time is :$date
$url Server exception , Status code for ${status_code}.
Please check the abnormality as soon as possible ." > /tmp/http$.pid
# Function that specifies the status of the test server , And decide whether to send email alarm or write normal information into the log according to the return code
if [ $status_code -ne 200 ];then
mail -s Warning root < /tmp/http$.pid
echo "$url The connection is normal " >> /var/log/http.log
sleep 5
47、 Automatically add firewall rules , Open some services or ports ( Apply to RHEL7)
# Automatically add firewall rules , Open some services or ports ( Apply to RHEL7)
# Set variables to define the services and port numbers that need to be added to the firewall rules
# Use firewall‐cmd ‐‐get‐services You can see firewall What services are supported
service="nfs http ssh"
port="80 22 8080"
# Loop adds each service to the firewall rule
for i in $service
echo "Adding $i service to firewall"
firewall‐cmd --add-service=${i}
# Loop to add each port to the firewall rule
for i in $port
echo "Adding $i Port to firewall"
firewall‐cmd --add-port=${i}/tcp
# Set the above temporary firewall rules , Convert to permanently valid rules ( Make sure it works after restart )
firewall‐cmd --runtime-to-permanent
48、 Use scripts to automatically create logical volumes
# Use scripts to automatically create logical volumes
# Clear the screen , Display warning message , Creating and converting a disk to a logical volume deletes data
echo -e "\033[32m !!!!!! Warning (Warning)!!!!!!\033[0m"
echo "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
echo " The script will convert the entire disk to PV, And delete all data on the disk !!!"
echo "This Script will destroy all data on the Disk"
echo "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
read -p " Would you like to continue y/n?:" sure
# Test whether the user input is y, If not, exit the script
[ $sure != y ] && exit
# Prompt the user to enter relevant parameters ( disk 、 Volume group name and other data ), And test whether the user has entered these values , If there is no input , The script exits
read -p " Please enter a disk name , Such as /dev/vdb:" disk
[ -z $disk ] && echo " No disk name entered " && exit
read -p " Please enter the volume group name :" vg_name
[ -z $vg_name ] && echo " No volume group name entered " && exit
read -p " Please enter the logical volume name :" lv_name
[ -z $lv_name ] && echo " No logical volume name entered " && exit
read -p " Please enter the logical volume size :" lv_size
[ -z $lv_size ] && echo " No logical volume size entered " && exit
# Use the command to create a logical volume
pvcreate $disk
vgcreate $vg_name $disk
lvcreate -L ${lv_size}M -n ${lv_name} ${vg_name}
49、 Show CPU Manufacturer information
# Show CPU Manufacturer information
awk '/vendor_id/{print $3}' /proc/cpuinfo | uniq
50、 Delete a directory with a size of 0 The file of
# Delete a directory with a size of 0 The file of
#/var/www/html For the test directory , The script will empty all files in this directory 0 Byte file
find $dir -type f -size 0 -exec rm -rf {} \;
51、 lookup Linux Zombie processes in the system
# lookup Linux Zombie processes in the system
# awk Judge ps The second part of the command output 8 As a Z yes , Shows the PID And process commands
ps aux | awk '{if($8 == "Z"){print $2,$11}}'
52、 After prompting the user to enter the year, judge whether the year is a leap year
# After prompting the user to enter the year, judge whether the year is a leap year
# Can be 4 Divisible and cannot be divided by 100 The year of division is leap year
# Can be 400 The year of division is also a leap year
read -p " Please enter a year :" year
if [ "$year" = "" ];then
echo " No year entered "
# Use regular test variables year Whether the contains upper and lower case letters
if [[ "$year" =~ [a‐Z] ]];then
echo " You're not entering numbers "
# Determine if it's a leap year
if [ $[year % 4] -eq 0 ] && [ $[year % 100] -ne 0 ];then
echo "$year Year is a leap year "
elif [ $[year % 400] -eq 0 ];then
echo "$year Year is a leap year "
echo "$year Year is not a leap year "
53、 Generate random password (urandom edition )
# Generate random password (urandom edition )
# /dev/urandom File is Linux Built in random device file
# cat /dev/urandom You can see the contents ,ctrl+c Exit view
# After viewing the contents of the file , Found that the content is too random , Including many special symbols , The password we need doesn't want to use these symbols
# tr ‐dc '_A‐Za‐z0‐9' < /dev/urandom
# This command can delete other characters in the random file , Keep only uppercase and lowercase letters , Numbers , Underline , But there is still too much content
# We can continue to pipeline optimized content to head command , Display only headers in large amounts of data 10 Bytes
# Be careful A There is an underline in the front
tr -dc '_A‐Za‐z0‐9' </dev/urandom | head -c 10
54、 Generate random password ( String truncation version )
# Generate random password ( String truncation version )
# Set a variable key, All the possibilities of storing passwords ( Password Library ), If you need other characters, please add other password characters by yourself
# Use $# Count the length of the password Library
# Set the initial password to null
# loop 8 Time , Generate random password
# Every time, it is a random number that takes the remainder of the length of the cipher Library , Ensure that the extracted password characters do not exceed the length of the password Library
# Extract one random password each time , And append the random password to pass At the end of the variable
for i in {1..8}
echo $pass
55、 Generate random password (UUID edition ,16 Hexadecimal password )
# Generate random password (UUID edition ,16 Hexadecimal password )
56、 Generate random password ( process ID edition , Digital code )
# Generate random password ( process ID edition , Digital code )
echo $
57、 Test whether the user name and password are correct
# Test whether the user name and password are correct
# The user is called tom And the password is 123456, You will be prompted to log in successfully , Otherwise, login failure will be prompted
read -p " Please enter a user name :" user
read -p " Please input a password :" pass
if [ "$user" == 'tom' -a "$pass" == '123456' ];then
echo "Login successful"
echo "Login Failed"
58、 Cycle to test whether the user name and password are correct
# Cycle to test whether the user name and password are correct
# Cycle test the user's account name and password , Maximum test 3 Time , Enter the correct prompt to log in successfully , Otherwise, login failure will be prompted
# The user is called tom And the password is 123456
for i in {1..3}
read -p " Please enter a user name :" user
read -p " Please input a password :" pass
if [ "$user" == 'tom' -a "$pass" == '123456' ];then
echo "Login successful"
echo "Login Failed"
59、Shell The script fork bomb
# Shell The script fork bomb
# Consume computer resources quickly , Cause the computer to crash
# Define a function named .( spot ), Function recursively calls itself and puts it into the background for execution
.() { .|.& };.
60、 Batch download ordered files (pdf、 picture 、 Video and so on )
# Batch download ordered files (pdf、 picture 、 Video and so on )
# This script prepares orderly network materials for batch download ( Such as 01.jpg,02.jpg,03.jpg)
# Set the domain name connection of the resource source
echo " Start the download ..."
sleep 2
for i in `seq 100`
echo " Downloading $i.$type"
curl $url/$i.$type -o /tmp/${i}$type
sleep 1
#curl Use -o Option specifies where to save the downloaded file .
61、 Displays the user names of all accounts in the current computer
# Displays the user names of all accounts in the current computer
# Use 3 There are two different ways to list the user names of all accounts in the computer
# Specified in : Separator , Print /etc/passwd File first 1 Column
awk -F: '{print $1}' /etc/passwd
# Specified in : Separator , Print /etc/passwd File first 1 Column
cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd
# Use sed The replacement function of , take /etc/passwd In file : Replace all subsequent contents with empty ( Show only user names )
sed 's/:.*//' /etc/passwd
62、 Make directory path , The script automatically uses this directory tar Command package backup to /data Catalog
# Make directory path , The script automatically uses this directory tar Command package backup to /data Catalog
[ ! -d /data ] && mkdir /data
[ -z $1 ] && exit
if [ -d $1 ];then
tar -czf /data/$1.-`date +%Y%m%d`.tar.gz $1
echo " The directory does not exist "
63、 Show progress bar ( Boomerang version )
# Show progress bar ( Boomerang version )
while :
for i in {1..20}
echo ‐e "\033[3;${i}H*"
sleep 0.1
for i in {20..1}
echo ‐e "\033[3;${i}H*"
sleep 0.1
64、 install LAMP Environmental Science (yum edition )
# install LAMP Environmental Science (yum edition )
# This script applies to RHEL7(RHEL6 The database in is mysql)
yum makecache &>/dev/null
num=$(yum repolist | awk '/repolist/{print $2}' | sed 's/,//')
if [ $num -lt 0 ];then
yum -y install httpd
yum -y install mariadb mariadb-server mariadb-devel
yum -y install php php-mysql
echo " Not configured yum Source ..."
65、 Cycle off all hosts in the LAN
# Cycle off all hosts in the LAN
# Suppose this machine is, Write a script to shut down all hosts except yourself
# Script execution , All other hosts need to be delivered in advance ssh secret key , Meet password free connection
for i in {1..254}
[ $i -eq 100 ] && continue
echo " Shutting down 192.168.4.$i..."
ssh 192.168.4.$i poweroff
66、 Get local MAC Address
# Get local MAC Address
ip a s | awk 'BEGIN{print " Ben machine MAC The earth site Letter Rest Such as Next :"}/^[0‐9]/{print $2;getline;if($0~/link\/ether/){print $2}}' | grep -v lo:
# awk Read ip Output of command , If there is a line starting with a number in the output result , Show the location of the row first 2 Column ( The network card name ),
# Then use getline Then read its next line of data , Judge whether it includes link/ether
# If the keyword is protected , The... Of the line is displayed 2 Column (MAC Address )
# lo The loopback device does not MAC, So shield it , No display
67、 Automatic configuration rsynd The configuration file for the server rsyncd.conf
# Automatic configuration rsynd The configuration file for the server rsyncd.conf
# See rsyncd.conf man page for more options.
[ ! -d /home/ftp ] && mkdir /home/ftp
echo 'uid = nobody
gid = nobody
use chroot = yes
max connections = 4
pid file = /var/run/rsyncd.pid
exclude = lost+found/
transfer logging = yes
timeout = 900
ignore nonreadable = yes
dont compress = *.gz *.tgz *.zip *.z *.Z *.rpm *.deb *.bz2
path = /home/ftp
comment = share' > /etc/rsyncd.conf
68、 modify Linux The maximum number of open files in the system
# modify Linux The maximum number of open files in the system
# Go to /etc/security/limits.conf Two lines of configuration parameters are appended at the end of the file , Modify the maximum number of open files to 65536
cat >> /etc/security/limits.conf <<EOF
* soft nofile 65536
* hard nofile 65536
69、 Set up Python Support automatic command replenishment function
# Set up Python Support automatic command replenishment function
# Summary:Enable tab complete for python
# Description:
Needs import readline and rlcompleter module
import readline
import rlcompleter
help(rlcompleter) display detail: readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete')
man python display detail: PYTHONSTARTUP variable
if [ ! -f /usr/bin/tab.py ];then
cat >> /usr/bin/tab.py <<EOF
import readline
import rlcompleter
readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete')
sed -i '$a export PYTHONSTARTUP=/usr/bin/tab.py' /etc/profile
source /etc/profile
70、 Automatically modify the scheduled task configuration file
# Automatically modify the scheduled task configuration file
read -p " Please enter the minute information (00‐59):" min
read -p " Please enter the hour information (00‐24):" hour
read -p " Please enter date information (01‐31):" date
read -p " Please enter month information (01‐12):" month
read -p " Please enter week information (00‐06):" weak
read -p " Please enter the command or script to be executed for the scheduled task :" program
echo "$min $hour $date $month $weak $program" >> /etc/crontab
71、 Create a three digit text file using a script loop (111-999 The file of )
# Create a three digit text file using a script loop (111-999 The file of )
for i in {1..9}
for j in {1..9}
for k in {1..9}
touch /tmp/$i$j$k.txt
72、 find /etc/passwd Users who can log in , And will correspond to /etc/shadow The second column of the password is proposed for processing
# find /etc/passwd Users who can log in , And will correspond to /etc/shadow The second column of the password is proposed for processing
user=$(awk -F: '/bash$/{print $1}' /etc/passwd)
for i in $user
awk -F: -v x=$i '$1==x{print $1,$2}' /etc/shadow
73、 Statistics /etc/passwd in root Number of occurrences
# Statistics /etc/passwd in root Number of occurrences
# Read the contents of each line of file , From the first 1 The column loops to the end 1 Column , Judge whether it contains root key word , If it does, then x++
awk -F: '{i=1;while(i<=NF){if($i~/root/){x++};i++}} END{print "root The number of occurrences is "x}' /etc/passwd
74、 Statistics Linux Process related quantity information
# Statistics Linux Process related quantity information
# stay proc All processes in the directory starting with numbers are the processes of the current computer running PID
# Every PID Information related to the process is recorded in the numbered Directory
for pid in /proc/[1‐9]*
stat=$(awk '{print $3}' $pid/stat)
# Every pid There's one in the directory stat file , The second part of the document 3 Column is the status information of the process
case $stat in
echo " Process statistics are as follows "
echo " The total number of processes is :$procs"
echo "Running The process for :$running"
echo "Stoped The process for :$stoped"
echo "Sleeping The process for :$sleeping"
echo "Zombie The process for :$zombie"
75、 Read a forum score from the keyboard , Judge the level of forum users
# Read a forum score from the keyboard , Judge the level of forum users
# The classification of grades is as follows :
# Greater than or equal to 90 Divine skill is peerless
# Greater than or equal to 80, Less than 90 Reach the peak of perfection
# Greater than or equal to 70, Less than 80 perfection in one's studies
# Greater than or equal to 60, Less than 70 Little success
# Less than 60 Learn and practice
read -p " Please enter points (0‐100):" JF
if [ $JF -ge 90 ] ; then
echo "$JF branch , Divine skill is peerless "
elif [ $JF -ge 80 ] ; then
echo "$JF branch , Reach the peak of perfection "
elif [ $JF -ge 70 ] ; then
echo "$JF branch , perfection in one's studies "
elif [ $JF -lt 60 ] ; then
echo "$JF branch , Little success "
echo "$JF branch , Learn and practice "
76、 Determine the type of data entered by the user ( Letter 、 Numbers or other )
# Determine the type of data entered by the user ( Letter 、 Numbers or other )
read -p " Please enter a character :" KEY
case "$KEY" in
echo " Letter "
echo " Numbers "
echo " Space 、 Function keys or other control characters "
77、 Show progress bar ( Digital version )
# Show progress bar ( Digital version )
# echo Use ‐e After the options , You can specify... In the print parameters H, Set what needs to be printed x,y The positioning coordinates of the axis
# Set the line to print , The first few columns
for i in {1..100}
echo -e "\033[6;8H["
echo -e "\033[6;9H$i%"
echo -e "\033[6;13H]"
sleep 0.1
78、 Print Fibonacci series
# Print Fibonacci series ( The characteristic of this sequence is the latter number , Always before 2 Sum of numbers )
# The last number in the Fibonacci sequence is always the first 2 Sum of numbers
# Such as :0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 ... ...
list=(0 1)
for i in `seq 2 11`
list[$i]=`expr ${list[‐1]} + ${list[‐2]}`
echo ${list[@]}
79、 Judging what the user input is Yes or NO
# Judging what the user input is Yes or NO
read -p "Are you sure?[y/n]:" sure
case $sure in
echo "you enter $a"
echo "you enter $a"
echo "error";;
80、 Show native Linux List of all open ports on the system
# Show native Linux List of all open ports on the system
# Observe whether there are useless ports from the port list , If yes, you can turn off the service corresponding to the port , Prevent the possibility of accidental attack
ss -nutlp | awk '{print $1,$5}' | awk -F"[: ]" '{print " agreement :"$1," Port number :"$NF}' | grep "[0‐9]" | uniq
81、 take Linux In the system UID Greater than or equal to 1000 All ordinary users delete
# take Linux In the system UID Greater than or equal to 1000 All ordinary users delete
# First use awk Extract all uid Greater than or equal to 1000 Common user name
# Reuse for Cycle to delete each user one by one
user=$(awk -F: '$3>=1000{print $1}' /etc/passwd)
for i in $user
userdel -r $i
82、 Use the script to turn on and off the virtual machine
# Use the script to turn on and off the virtual machine
# The script calls virsh Command to manage the virtual machine , If there is no such order , Need to install libvirt‐client software package
# $1 It's the second part of the script 1 Parameters ,$2 It's the second part of the script 2 Parameters
# The first 1 The first parameter is the operation instruction you want to perform on the virtual machine , The first 2 The first parameter is the virtual machine name
case $1 in
virsh list --all
virsh start $2
virsh destroy $2
virsh autostart $2
virsh autostart --disable $2
echo "Usage:$0 list"
echo "Usage:$0 [start|stop|enable|disable] VM_name"
cat << EOF
#list Show the list of virtual machines
#start Start virtual machine
#stop Shut down the virtual machine
#enable Set the virtual machine to boot automatically
#disable Turn off the auto start function of virtual machine
83、 Adjust the memory parameters of the virtual machine shell Script
# Adjust the memory parameters of the virtual machine shell Script
# The script calls virsh Command to manage the virtual machine , If there is no such order , Need to install libvirt‐client software package
cat << EOF
1. Adjust the maximum memory value of the virtual machine
2. Adjust the amount of memory actually allocated to the virtual machine
read -p " Please select [1‐2]:" select
case $select in
read -p " Please enter the virtual machine name " name
read -p " Please enter the maximum memory value ( Company :k):" size
virsh setmaxmem $name --size $size --config
read -p " Please enter the virtual machine name " name
read -p " Please enter the actual allocated memory value ( Company :k):" size
virsh setmem $name $size
echo "Error"
84、 see KVM Network card information in virtual machine ( There is no need to start or enter the virtual machine )
# see KVM Network card information in virtual machine ( There is no need to start or enter the virtual machine )
# The script uses guestmount Tools , You can mount the disk system of the virtual machine to the file system of the real machine
# Centos7.2 Install in libguestfs‐tools‐c You can get guestmount Tools
# Whether the virtual machine can be started or not will not affect the use of the script
# Mount the virtual machine disk file to the file system , You can directly read the data in the network card configuration file in the disk file
[ ! -d $mountpoint ] && mkdir $mountpoint
read -p " Enter the virtual machine name :" name
echo " Please later ..."
# If a device is mounted to the mount point , Then first umount uninstall
if mount | grep -q "$mountpoint" ;then
umount $mountpoint
# Read only , Mount the disk files of the virtual machine to a specific directory , Here is /media/virtimage Catalog
guestmount -r -d $name -i $mountpoint
echo "‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐"
echo -e "\033[32m$name The list of network cards in the virtual machine is as follows :\033[0m"
dev=$(ls /media/virtimage/etc/sysconfig/network‐scripts/ifcfg-* |awk -F"[/‐]" '{print $9}')
echo $dev
echo "‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐"
echo "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
echo -e "\033[32m network card IP The address information is as follows :\033[0m"
for i in $dev
echo -n "$i:"
grep -q "IPADDR" /media/virtimage/etc/sysconfig/network‐scripts/ifcfg-$i || echo " Not configured IP Address "
awk -F= '/IPADDR/{print $2}' /media/virtimage/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$i
echo "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
85、 Do not log in to the virtual machine , Modify the virtual machine network card IP Address
# Do not log in to the virtual machine , Modify the virtual machine network card IP Address
# The script uses guestmount Tools ,Centos7.2 Install in libguestfs‐tools‐c You can get guestmount Tools
# The script does not log in to the virtual machine , Modify the IP Address information
# In some circumstances , Virtual machines don't have IP or IP The address is not in the same network segment as the real host
# There is no real host virt‐manger In the case of graphics , Connecting virtual machines remotely is cumbersome
# This script can solve similar problems
read -p " Please enter the virtual machine name :" name
if virsh domstate $name | grep -q running ;then
echo " Modify virtual machine network card data , The virtual machine needs to be shut down "
virsh destroy $name
[ ! -d $mountpoint ] && mkdir $mountpoint
echo " Please later ..."
if mount | grep -q "$mountpoint" ;then
umount $mountpoint
guestmount -d $name -i $mountpoint
read -p " Please enter the name of the network card to be modified :" dev
read -p " Please enter IP Address :" addr
# Judge whether there is... In the original network card configuration file IP Address , If there is, modify the IP, No, just add a new IP Address
if grep -q "IPADDR" $mountpoint/etc/sysconfig/network‐scripts/ifcfg‐$dev ;then
sed -i "/IPADDR/s/=.*/=$addr/" $mountpoint/etc/sysconfig/network‐scripts/ifcfg‐$dev
echo "IPADDR=$addr" >> $mountpoint/etc/sysconfig/network‐scripts/ifcfg‐$dev
# If the network card configuration file has the customer configuration IP Address , The script prompts to modify IP complete
awk -F= -v x=$addr '$2==x{print " complete ..."}' $mountpoint/etc/sysconfig/network‐scripts/ifcfg-$dev
86、 Crack the virtual machine password , Log in to the virtual machine system without password
# Crack the virtual machine password , Log in to the virtual machine system without password
# The script uses guestmount Tools ,Centos7.2 Install in libguestfs‐tools‐c You can get guestmount Tools
read -p " Please enter the virtual machine name :" name
if virsh domstate $name | grep -q running ;then
echo " Crack , The virtual machine needs to be shut down "
virsh destroy $name
[ ! -d $mountpoint ] && mkdir $mountpoint
echo " Please later ..."
if mount | grep -q "$mountpoint" ;then
umount $mountpoint
guestmount -d $name -i $mountpoint
# take passwd Code placeholder in x Delete , This account can log in to the system without password
sed -i "/^root/s/x//" $mountpoint/etc/passwd
87、Shell Script processing of signals , After executing the script , Press keyboard Ctrl+C Script that cannot be terminated
# Shell Script processing of signals , After executing the script , Press keyboard Ctrl+C Script that cannot be terminated
# Use trap The command can block the user through the keyboard or kill The signal sent by the command
# Use kill ‐l You can see Linux List of all signals in the system , among 2 representative Ctrl+C
# trap When a user is found ctrl+C When you want terminal scripts , Is executed echo " Pause 10s";sleep 10 These two orders
# In addition, the user uses the command :[ kill ‐2 The script PID ] You can also interrupt scripts and Ctrl+C Same effect , Will be trap Intercept
trap 'echo " Pause 10s";sleep 10' 2
while :
echo "go go go"
88、 One key deployment memcached
# One key deployment memcached
# The script is installed with the source code memcached The server
# Be careful : If the download link of the software has expired , Please update memcached Download link for
wget http://www.memcached.org/files/memcached-1.5.1.tar.gz
yum -y install gcc
tar -xf memcached‐1.5.1.tar.gz
cd memcached‐1.5.1
make install
89、 One click configuration VNC Remote desktop server ( No password version )
# One click configuration VNC Remote desktop server ( No password version )
# Script configured VNC The server , The client can connect without a password
# The client can only view the remote desktop , There is no operation permission of mouse and keyboard
rpm --quiet -q tigervnc‐server
if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
yum -y tigervnc‐server
x0vncserver AcceptKeyEvents=0 AlwaysShared=1 \
AcceptPointerEvents=0 SecurityTypes=None rfbport=5908
90、 close SELinux
# close SELinux
sed -i '/^SELINUX/s/=.*/=disabled/' /etc/selinux/config
setenforce 0
91、 View the disk usage of all virtual machines and CPU Usage information
# View the disk usage of all virtual machines and CPU Usage information
read -n1 " Press any key to continue " key
92、 Use shell Script print graphics
# Use shell The script prints the following graphics :
# Print the first set of pictures
# for(()) For the class C The grammatical format of a language , You can also use for i in;do ;done Format substitution for
# for((i=1;i<=9;i++)) The loop will execute 9 Time ,i from 1 Start to 9, Every cycle i Self adding 1
for (( i=1; i<=9; i++ ))
for (( j=1; j<=i; j++ ))
echo -n "$i"
echo ""
read -n1 " Press any key to continue " key
# Print the second set of pictures
for (( i=1; i<=5; i++ ))
for (( j=1; j<=i; j++ ))
echo -n " |"
echo "_ "
read -n1 " Press any key to continue " key
# Print the third set of pictures
for (( i=1; i<=5; i++ ))
for (( j=1; j<=i; j++ ))
echo -n " *"
echo ""
for (( i=5; i>=1; i‐‐ ))
for (( j=1; j<=i; j++ ))
echo -n " *"
echo ""
93、 According to the current time of the computer , Return greetings , You can set the script to boot
# According to the current time of the computer , Return greetings , You can set the script to boot
# 00‐12 O'clock is morning ,12‐18 One o'clock is afternoon ,18‐24 One o'clock is evening
# Use date After command acquisition time ,if Judge the interval of time , Determine the content of the greeting
tm=$(date +%H)
if [ $tm -le 12 ];then
msg="Good Morning $USER"
elif [ $tm -gt 12 -a $tm -le 18 ];then
msg="Good Afternoon $USER"
msg="Good Night $USER"
echo " The current time is :$(date +"%Y‐%m‐%d %H:%M:%S")"
echo -e "\033[34m$msg\033[0m"
94、 Read the account name entered by the user , Write the account name into the array and save
# Read the account name entered by the user , Write the account name into the array and save
# Define the array name as name, The subscript of the array is i, Small scale from 0 Start , Every time you enter an account name , Subscript plus 1, Continue to deposit into the next account
# Last , Input over, After the script outputs summary information, the script exits
while :
read -p " Please enter the account name , Input over end :" key
if [ $key == "over" ];then
let i++
echo " General ledger account name and quantity :${#name[*]}"
echo "${name[@]}"
95、 Determine if a file or directory exists
# Determine if a file or directory exists
if [ $# -eq 0 ] ;then
echo " No parameters entered , Please enter the parameters "
echo " usage :$0 [ file name | Directory name ]"
if [ -f $1 ];then
echo " This document , There is "
ls -l $1
echo " There is no such document "
if [ -d $1 ];then
echo " This directory , There is "
ls -ld $2
echo " There is no such Directory "
96、 Time to print various formats
# Print various time formats
echo " Displays the abbreviation of the week ( Such as :Sun)"
date +%a
echo " Displays the full name of the week ( Such as :Sunday)"
date +%A
echo " Displays the month abbreviation ( Such as :Jan)"
date +%b
echo " Displays the full name of the month ( Such as :January)"
date +%B
echo " Displays the number of months ( Such as :12)"
date +%m
echo " Display digital date ( Such as :01 Number )"
date +%d
echo " Displays the number year ( Such as :01 Number )"
date +%Y echo " Show year ‐ month ‐ Japan "
date +%F
echo " Show hours (24 hourly )"
date +%H
echo " Show minutes (00..59)"
date +%M
echo " Show seconds "
date +%S
echo " Display nanoseconds "
date +%N
echo " Combined display "
date +"%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S"
97、 Use egrep Filter MAC Address
# Use egrep Filter MAC Address
# MAC Address by 16 Composition of binary system , Such as AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
# [0‐9a‐fA‐F]{2} Represents a hexadecimal value ,{5} Indicates continuous occurrence 5 Group front : The hexadecimal of
egrep "[0‐9a‐fA‐F]{2}(:[0‐9a‐fA‐F]{2}){5}" $1
98、 Count the winning probability of each number of the two-color ball
# Count the winning probability of each number of the two-color ball
# The winning numbers of previous two-color balls are as follows :
# 01 04 11 28 31 32 16
# 04 07 08 18 23 24 02
# 02 05 06 16 28 29 04
# 04 19 22 27 30 33 01
# 05 10 18 19 30 31 03
# 02 06 11 12 19 29 06
# Count the probability and times of basketball and red ball data ( Basketball is out of order , Count the probability of all basketball mixed together )
awk '{print $1"\n"$2"\n"$3"\n"$4"\n"$5"\n"$6}' 1.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort
awk '{print $7}' 1.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort
99、 Generate signature private key and certificate
# Generate signature private key and certificate
read -p " Please enter the directory where the certificate is stored :" dir
if [ ! -d $dir ];then
echo " The directory does not exist "
read -p " Please enter the key name :" name
# Use openssl Generate private key
openssl genrsa -out ${dir}/${name}.key
# Use openssl Generate Certificate #subj Options can be used when generating certificates , Non interactive automatic filling Common Name Information
openssl req -new -x509 -key ${dir}/${name}.key -subj "/CN=common" -out ${dir}/${name}.crt
100、 Use awk Compiling wc Program
# Use awk Compiling wc Program
# Custom variable chars The number of characters stored in the variable , Custom variable words Variable stores the number of words
# awk Built-in variables NR Number of storage lines
# length() by awk Built in functions , Used to count the number of characters in each line , Because every line has a hidden $, So after every count +1
# wc The program will end the file with $ It's also included , have access to cat ‐A file name , View the hidden character
awk '{chars+=length($0)+1;words+=NF} END{print NR,words,chars}' $1
notes : This article is based on Wang Sen's blog , For reference only !
author :baiduoWang
source :CSDN
original text :https://blog.csdn.net/yugemengjing/article/details/82469785
Copyright notice : This is the author's original article , Please attach a link to the blog post !
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