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When steam education enters personalized information technology courses

2022-07-05 20:42:00 Gerwustan robot

in fact ,STEAM The exploration of education begins with information technology courses , This is because the teaching content of information technology is easy to match STEAM Fit Education , Such as programming class 、 Media production tools are used in primary and secondary schools STEAM The wide application in education is based on information technology courses . Now there are some cutting-edge technologies in the field of information technology , Such as 3D Print 、 Creative programming and so on , Instead STEAM The name of education appears in primary and secondary schools .

As long as conditions permit , You can choose mobile programming 、Scratch Creative programming 、 robot 、3D Print 、 The Internet of things 、 Artificial intelligence 、 The cutting-edge content of information technology such as virtual reality , Bring it into teaching . Current information technology teaching , Basically Office Automation 、 Multimedia or network and other application software , And primary school 、 There is much overlap in the content of middle school , There is no obvious level . The teaching of software operation and shallow application is simple , Schools no longer spend extra costs , Teachers don't bother in class , But it is not attractive enough for students , The promotion of their thinking ability is also relatively limited .“ What to teach ” Forever than “ How to teach ” It is more important , Only the introduction “ springhead ”, Build teaching content with the characteristics of the times , To stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning , Only in this way can the information technology curriculum bloom its continuous vitality .

Create a lively classroom with a life-style situation . The situation is STEAM Education is an important and meaningful part , Learning is influenced by specific situations , The situation is different , Learning is also different , Only when learning is embedded in the context of using that knowledge , Meaningful learning can happen .STEAM Education is not about teaching students to be isolated 、 Abstract subject knowledge , And emphasize the restoration of knowledge to a rich life , Combine fun in life 、 Challenging questions , Finish teaching through students' problem solving .
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Some concepts of information technology 、 The theory is more abstract , Teaching can be related to students' real life , Find out from it 、 Mining learning context resources , To help students understand . for example , In programming “ Insertion sort ” The algorithm idea of is more abstract , If teaching can help students recall or demonstrate the methods of card insertion when playing cards in life , Start with the second card , Compare the newly touched cards with the cards in your hand that have been arranged in order one by one , Determine where to insert , Repeat this process until all the cards have touched the position , Then the algorithm is easy to understand .

The application of life situation in information technology teaching , It realizes the two-way interaction between students' knowledge and life : On the one hand, students' life experience can be used to realize the effective construction of new knowledge , On the other hand, it can guide students to apply the information knowledge they have learned to life , It really embodies “ Knowledge comes from life , Apply to life ”. Create a lively classroom of information technology , Not only program operation 、 Man-machine dialogue , And the use of life situation , It not only creates an interactive teaching atmosphere , It endows the classroom with more interest in life , And let students feel that information technology is practical and useful , Understand the value of knowledge , So as to form a better psychology of seeking knowledge .

Improve comprehensive ability through project practice .STEAM Education offers project-based courses , Will Science 、 technology 、 engineering 、 Art, mathematics and other knowledge are contained in practical projects , Connect subject knowledge through projects :“STEAM The course features —— Let learners complete the projects they are interested in by themselves or complete the problems they need to solve in life .” so to speak , Project has become STEAM A typical feature of Education .

Project-based practice can also appear in the teaching of information technology , For example, design with “ Nantong urban tourism strategy APP” Projects with the theme of , The whole class completes , Across the classroom , Students are responsible for the planning and management of the whole project , The class students were organized into several groups according to their specialties , Division of labor is responsible for scheme design 、 Field research 、 Data collection 、 Production beautification 、 Evaluation, promotion and other tasks . Students through the practice of the project , It not only promotes the integration of knowledge and skills that were originally relatively scattered , Expanded humanistic quality , And fully appreciate the fun of exploration , Exercise improves practical ability 、 Cooperation ability and understanding 、 Comprehensive ability to analyze and solve problems .

as everyone knows , Task driven is a method often used in information technology teaching , But the project is more complex than the task 、 More comprehensive 、 More as a whole . If knowledge is driven by task “ spot ” Teaching , Cover knowledge with project practice “ Face application , Point face combination , Pay equal attention to knowledge , Information technology teaching will become more three-dimensional and plump . Show the innovative spirit with personalized works .“ Take the product as the learning result , yes STEAM Another feature of Education , It is also the starting point for integrating multidisciplinary learning and evaluation .STEAM Education supports students to understand the world in a way of discipline integration , Transform the world in the form of comprehensive innovation , The learning output link is required to include products , Accumulate and cultivate innovative spirit in the product and design process .STEAM In education , Innovation is embodied in students' spatial imagination 、 Put forward new ideas 、 Vivid vision 、 Hand eye coordination and operation ability 、 Ability to make and interpret models 、 Highly developed aesthetics and artistic acumen are multifaceted .

Corresponding to STEAM product , Information technology works are the explicit expression of students' acquired knowledge 、 The concentrated embodiment of the externalization of learning results , We should encourage the originality and personalization of works , Guide students to innovate . for example : Ask students to make idioms PPT demonstration , Have greater openness , Most students choose an idiom story , However, a few students choose idioms that express the characteristics of the four seasons or contain animal names . Actually , This unconventional topic selection is creativity , Creativity is the foundation of innovation , It is the behavioral potential of innovation , Not only can we not suppress , And it should be protected . There is no standard answer , Students should be encouraged to innovate , Reflect distinctive personality characteristics , Wonderful picture content 、 Vivid animation demonstration 、 Self made theme with unique style 、 Unique layout , Convenient and fast content navigation . Can be innovative . When the work is displayed , Students use PPT Explain idioms , Those with strong personalization PPT Cooperate with the students to make a speech in high spirits , Make the whole class refreshing , Students get a great sense of achievement , This also urges them to present more innovations in their future works .

in summary , Personalized works release the free nature of students , It embodies the unique value of students , It shows the innovative spirit of students . Try to reduce the restrictions on works as much as possible , Let students have more room to play , Students should be allowed to make innovations in their works , Encourage the innovation of technology and methods in the works : When evaluating works, we should respect students' creativity and ideas , Be tolerant of the shortcomings in innovation , Fully affirm the innovation of students , Only in this way can we give better play to the incentive and guiding role of value . Teaching concept 、 Content 、 Environmental Science 、 Method 、 Evaluation and other aspects are the focus of information technology teaching improvement .STEAM Education has opened a new window for primary and secondary education . His shan zhishi , Can offend jade , To dig deeper STEAM The rich connotation of Education , Improve information technology teaching , Better reflect the value of information technology courses in primary and secondary schools .


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