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Graph embedding learning notes

2022-07-05 20:36:00 Salted fish lying flat occasionally

1 What is graph embedding ?

Map the nodes or edges of a graph to a low dimensional vector space , namely Mass 、 High dimensional 、 isomerism 、 Complex and dynamic data are represented as unified 、 Low dimension 、 Dense vectors , To preserve the structure and properties of a graph , It aims to realize node classification and clustering 、 Link prediction 、 Visualization and reconstruction diagram etc. , Provide a method with lower computational complexity .
Include node 、 edge 、 Subgraphs 、 Full picture be based on Manual construction features 、 Matrix decomposition 、 Random walk 、 Figure neural network Graph embedding method .

2 Graph embedding method

2.0 Method basis — Word2vec Methods and Skip-Gram Model

Word2vec Methods and Skip-Gram Model is the basis of graph embedding method .

word2vec The thought of can be simply summed up in one sentence : Using massive text sequences , Predict the probability of target word co-occurrence according to the context word , Let a constructed network optimize to maximize probability , The resulting parameter matrix is the vector of words .

Word2vec It's a kind of The embedding method of converting words into embedded vectors , Similar words should have similar embeddedness . Using a layer of implicit neural network Skip-Gram The Internet , Enter the central word to predict the surrounding words 【CBOW Model , Use the surrounding words to predict the central word 】.Skip-Gram Be trained to predict adjacent words in sentences . This task is called pseudo task , Because it is only used in the training stage . The network accepts words at the input , And optimize it , So that it can predict the adjacent words in the sentence with high probability .

2.1 Deep swimming DeepWalk

word2vec Suppose adjacent words are similar , Random walk assumes that adjacent nodes are similar , It can be applied to .

Deep swimming ( DeepWalk) Is based on Word2vec A graph embedding method is proposed , It is an extension of language model and unsupervised learning from word sequence to graph , Firstly, the neighbor nodes of nodes in the network are randomly generated 、 Form a fixed length random walk sequence , Reuse Skip-Gram model The fixed length node sequence generated by the type pair is mapped into a low dimensional embedded vector . This method can learn the relationship information of node pairs , The time complexity is O( log | V| ) , The incremental learning of dynamic graph is realized .

The pseudo code is shown in the figure below :
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DeepWalk There are two sets of weights :
①N Of nodes D dimension embedding ②(N-1) A logistic regression , Everyone with a D A weight

Advantages and disadvantages

【 advantage 】
① It is the first to apply the idea of deep learning and natural language processing to graph machine learning .
② In the sparse annotation node classification scenario , Excellent embedding performance .
③ Linear parallel sampling is possible 、 Online incremental training
【 shortcoming 】
① Uniform random walk , There is no biased swimming direction .(Node2Vec)
② Need a lot of random walk sequence training .
③ Based on random walk , To see only one spot . Two nodes far away cannot interact . Can't see the full picture information .( Figure neural network can ), That is, the limited step size will affect the integrity of the context information .
④ Unsupervised , Only encode the connection information of the diagram , The attribute characteristics of nodes are not used .
⑤ Neural networks and deep learning are not really used .
⑥ Not suitable for weighted graphs , Only the second-order similarity of graphs can be maintained ;
⑦ In the face of large-scale map , It is complicated to adjust the super parameters , And walk more than 2^5 The post embedding effect is not significant enough .

DeepWalk Method performs random steps , This means that embedding cannot well preserve the local neighborhood of nodes .Node2vec Method solved the problem .

2.2 node - Vector model node2vec

Node2vec yes DeepWalk An improvement of , By adjusting the breadth respectively, we can walk first ( Breadth-First Search,BFS) and Depth first swim ( Depth-First Search,DFS ) Policy parameters , To get the global structure and local structure of the graph .
The main steps are as follows :
① Calculate the transition probability , combination BFS and DFS Generate random walk sequence
② use Skip-Gram The model embeds the generated walk sequence

Advantages and disadvantages

【 advantage 】
Each step can be processed in parallel , Can maintain semantic information and structural information .
【 shortcoming 】
For nodes with specific attributes, the embedding effect still needs to be improved .

Node2vec vs DeepWalk

node2vec The difference in deepwalk, Mainly through the jump probability between nodes . The jump probability is a third-order relationship , That is, consider the current jump node , And the previous node To the next node “ distance ”, By returning parameters p And access ( Or far away ) Parameters q Control the direction of travel ( Return or continue forward )
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p and q Are all 1 When ,node2vec Degenerate to deepwalk, So in fact, we can know ,deepwalk Itself is pure random random walk , and node2vec More like based on deepwalk A flexible framework on , Because we can change what we want to do by specifying super parameters embedding Purpose .
therefore , It can only be said deepwalk It can capture the co-occurrence between nodes , This co-occurrence may include homogeneity or structure , and node2vec Users can flexibly define whether we want to capture more structure or more homogeneity . If you want to consider based on the whole graph Homogeneity of , For example, the same or similar roles in remote local communities mentioned above embedding problem , We need to consider using other embedding Algorithm to solve , For example, the computational complexity is very high, and it can't be used on a large scale graph Running on struc2vec.

2.3 LINE

It can be applied to large-scale graphs , Represents the structural information between nodes .
LINE Methods,

LINE Adopt breadth first search strategy to generate context nodes : Only a node that is at most two hops away from a given node is considered its neighbor . Besides , And DeepWalk The layering used in softmax comparison , It uses negative sampling to optimize Skip-gram Model .

characteristic :
First order similarity and second order similarity are considered 【 First order : Local structural information ; Second order : The neighbor of the node . Nodes sharing neighbors may be similar .】, Splice the first-order similarity and the second-order similarity .

Advantages and disadvantages

【 advantage 】
deepwork Only undirected graph 、 and LINE It can be a directed graph or an undirected graph .
【 shortcoming 】
In the low degree node embedding The effect of coding is not good ,

2.4 struc2vec

DeepWalk and Node2vec One disadvantage of is due to walk The sampling length of is limited , It is impossible to effectively model long-distance nodes with structural similarity . But the reason why the previous algorithm performs better is that most data sets tend to depict homogeneity , That is, the nodes with similar distance are also similar in the feature space , It is enough to cover most data sets .Struc2vec In the process of building the graph , There is no need for node location information and label information , Only rely on the concept of node degree to build a multi-layer graph .
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An intuitive concept , If two nodes have the same degree , Then these two nodes are more similar in structure , further , If all neighbor nodes of these two nodes also have the same degree , The two nodes should be more similar in structure .Struc2vec Based on the above intuitive concept , Use dynamic regularization , To construct the multi-layer graph and corresponding edges .

2.5 SDNE

Previous DeepWalk、LINE、node2vec、struc2vec Both use shallow structures , Shallow models often fail to capture highly nonlinear network structures . That is, there is SDNE Method , Use multiple nonlinear layers to capture node Of embedding, It does not perform random walks .SDNE The performance on different tasks is very stable .

Its structure is similar to a self encoder :
own —> vector —> neighbor

Its design keeps the embedding close to the first-order and second-order .
The first-order approximation is the local pairwise similarity between nodes connected by edges . It describes the characteristics of the local network structure . If two nodes in the network are connected to the edge , Then they are similar . When one paper quotes another , This means that they cover similar topics ;
Second order proximity represents the similarity of adjacent structures of nodes . It captures the global network structure . If two nodes share many neighbors , They are often similar .

SDNE The proposed neural network of automatic encoder has two parts - See the picture below . Automatic encoder ( Left 、 Right network ) Accept node adjacency vector , And after training to rebuild the node adjacency . These automatic encoders are named original automatic encoders , They learn secondary proximity . Adjacency vector ( A row in the adjacency matrix ) Have a positive value at the position that represents the connection to the selected node .
There is also a supervision part of the network —— The link between left and right . It calculates the embedding distance from left to right , And include it in the common loss of the network . The network has been trained like this , Left 、 The right automatic encoder gets all the node pairs connected by the input side . The loss of the distance part helps to maintain first-order proximity .
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The total loss of the network is from left 、 It is calculated from the sum of the loss of the encoder and the loss of the middle part .

Summary of the above five methods and code implementation


Use random walk to form a sequence , use skip-gram Method to generate nodes embedding.
Use different random walk strategies to form a sequence , similar skip-gram Method to generate nodes embedding.
Capture the first-order and second-order similarity of nodes , Solve respectively , Then splice the first and second order together , nodal embedding.
Capture the structure information of the graph , When its structural importance is greater than that of its neighbors , It has a good effect .
Multiple nonlinear layers are used to capture the first-order and second-order similarity .

Code implementation


2.6 graph2vec

This method is to embed the whole graph . It calculates a vector that describes the graph . In this part, choose graph2vec As a typical example , Because it is an excellent method to realize graph embedding .
Graph2vec be based on doc2vec The idea of method , It has been used. SkipGram The Internet . It gets the input document ID, And trained to maximize the probability of predicting random words from the document .
Graph2vec The method consists of three steps :
① Sample from the graph and relabel all subgraphs . A subgraph is a set of nodes that appear around the selected nodes . The distance between nodes in the subgraph does not exceed the number of selected edges .
② Training Jump Graph Model . The diagram is similar to the document . Because documents are collections of words , So a graph is a set of subgraphs . At this stage , Train the jump graph model . It is trained to predict the probability of subgraphs existing in the input graph to the greatest extent . The input graph is provided as a heat vector .
③ By providing a diagram at the input ID Calculate the embedding as a unique heat vector . Embedding is the result of hidden layers . Because the task is to predict the subgraph , Therefore, graphs with similar subgraphs and similar structures have similar embeddedness .
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2.7 Other embedding methods

The above analysis is commonly used . Because this theme is very popular now , There are other methods available :
• Vertex embedding method :LLE, Laplacian characteristic mapping , Graph decomposition ,GraRep, HOPE, DNGR, GCN, LINE
• Graphic embedding method :Patchy-san, sub2vec (embed subgraphs), WL kernel and deep WL kernels
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3 Challenges of graph embedding

As mentioned earlier , The goal of graph embedding is to find the low dimensional vector representation of high-dimensional graphs , It is very difficult to obtain the vector representation of each node in the graph , And there are several challenges , These challenges have been driving research in this field :
① Attribute selection : Node “ good ” Vector representation should preserve the structure of the graph and the connection between individual nodes . The first challenge is to select the graphic attributes that should be retained for embedding . Considering that there are too many distance measures and attributes defined in the diagram , This choice can be difficult , The performance may depend on the actual application scenario . They need to represent graph topology 、 Node connections and node neighbors . The performance of prediction or visualization depends on the quality of embedding .
② Extensibility : Most real networks are large , Contains a large number of nodes and edges . The embedding method should be extensible , Able to handle large drawings . Defining an extensible model is challenging , Especially when the model aims to maintain the global properties of the network . A good embedding method needs to be efficient on large graphs .
③ Embedded dimension : It is difficult to find the best dimension of representation in actual embedding . for example , Higher dimension may improve the reconstruction accuracy , But it has high time and space complexity . The lower dimension, although time 、 Low space complexity , But it will undoubtedly lose a lot of the original information in the figure . Users need to make trade-offs according to their needs . In some articles , They usually report that the embedded size is 128 To 256 Between is enough for most tasks . stay Word2vec In the method , They chose the embedding length 300.

4 Graph embedding surface test questions

The relationship between graph embedding and graph network
Reference resources :word2vec And fully connected neural networks

What information of graph is used in graph embedding , What information is discarded
Reference resources : Using topology information , Discard the internal attributes of the node

How does graph embedding algorithm deal with the problem of data sparsity
Reference resources : have access to LINE、SDNE Such algorithms that can make use of the first and second-order nearest neighbors

SDNE Model principle 、 Loss function and optimization mode
Reference resources : Using deep learning model , Use include self encoding (2 rank )+ Neighbors are similar (1 rank ) Loss function of , Capture global and local information ,SGD.

What are the ways of embedding graphs
Reference resources : Factorization 、 Random walk 、 Deep learning

How to calculate the vertex embedding of new nodes
Reference resources : If it is a direct push model , Need to sample new data to fine tune the training model , Or retrain the model . If it is an inductive trial model , You have the ability to process dynamic graphs , such as GraphSAGE.

SDNE Learning paradigm
Reference resources : It is thought in the paper that 1 Order similarity is supervision ,2 Order similarity is unsupervised , In general, it is semi supervised . Actually 1 The description of order similarity only uses the topological structure of graphs , The label of the node is not used , Think of it as self-supervised.


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