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Mujoco second order simple pendulum modeling and control
2022-07-07 00:28:00 【Feisy】
Model file :
<option timestep="0.0001" integrator="RK4" >
<flag sensornoise="enable" energy="enable" contact="disable" />
<light diffuse=".5 .5 .5" pos="0 0 3" dir="0 0 -1"/>
<geom type="plane" size="1 1 0.1" rgba=".9 0 0 1"/>
<body pos="0 0 2.5" euler="0 5 0">
<joint name="pin" type="hinge" axis = "0 -1 0" pos="0 0 -0.5"/>
<geom type="cylinder" size="0.05 0.5" rgba="0 .9 0 1" mass="1"/>
<body pos="0 0.1 1" euler="0 0 0">
<joint name="pin2" type="hinge" axis = "0 -1 0" pos="0 0 -0.5"/>
<geom type="cylinder" size="0.05 0.5" rgba="0 0 .9 1" mass="1"/>
Control implementation
The core formula :M*qacc + qfrc_bias = qfrc_applied + ctrl
M: Inertia matrix
qacc: The acceleration
qfrc_bias : The sum of Coriolis matrix and gravity matrix :qfrc_bias =C+G
qfrc_applied : Guangyili
ctrl: Other control inputs , It can be motor torque
Test preparation :
We will... Of the model file euler configure 0 5 0, In this way, without input , The model will swing because of gravity ,
It is a gradual decay process of a free double order simple pendulum .
There is exercise , We can see the effect of the algorithm by designing the controller
Version of a : Directly let the double Steady state input : No motor , Input =qfrc_applied
effect : Even if the model has angular deviation , But because of the input , Can be in a static state of equilibrium
double dense_M[nv*nv] = {
mj_fullM(m,dense_M, d->qM);
double M[nv][nv]={
M[0][0] = dense_M[0];
M[0][1] = dense_M[1];
M[1][0] = dense_M[2];
M[1][1] = dense_M[3];
// printf("%f %f \n",M[0][0],M[0][1]);
// printf("%f %f \n",M[1][0],M[1][1]);
// printf("******** \n");
double qddot[nv]={
double f[nv]={
f[0] = d->qfrc_bias[0];
f[1] = d->qfrc_bias[1];
double lhs[nv]={
mju_mulMatVec(lhs,dense_M,qddot,2,2); //lhs = M*qddot
lhs[0] = lhs[0] + f[0]; //lhs = M*qddot + f
lhs[1] = lhs[1] + f[1];
d->qfrc_applied[0] = f[0];
d->qfrc_applied[1] = f[1];
Version 2 Proportional differential input tau=-Kp*(q-q_ref) - Kd*qdot
requirement 2 Joints are stabilized at a specified angle
double Kp1 = 100, Kp2 = 100;
double Kv1 = 10, Kv2 = 10;
double qref1 = -0.5, qref2 = -1.6;// This is the angle required by the two joints
//PD control
d->qfrc_applied[0] = -Kp1*(d->qpos[0]-qref1)-Kv1*d->qvel[0];
d->qfrc_applied[1] = -Kp2*(d->qpos[1]-qref2)-Kv2*d->qvel[1];
Tests found , Finally, it stabilized -0.63,1.6 about , The difference value should be PD Steady state error
Mujoco Second order simple pendulum Kp kp control
Version 3 tau=coriolis + gravity + PD control
d->qfrc_applied[0] = f[0]-Kp1*(d->qpos[0]-qref1)-Kv1*d->qvel[0];
d->qfrc_applied[1] = f[1]-Kp2*(d->qpos[1]-qref2)-Kv2*d->qvel[1];
Mujoco Of gravity+coriolis+PD control
Version 4 Feedback linearization M*(-kp( … ) - kv(…) + f)
double tau[2]={0};
mju_mulMatVec(tau,dense_M,tau,2,2); //lhs = M*tau
tau[0] += f[0];
tau[1] += f[1];
d->qfrc_applied[0] = tau[0];
d->qfrc_applied[1] = tau[1];
Mujoco Feedback linearization
Complete code
#include<stdbool.h> //for bool
//#include<unistd.h> //for usleep
//#include <math.h>
#include "mujoco.h"
#include "glfw3.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
//simulation end time
double simend = 5;
//related to writing data to a file
FILE *fid;
int loop_index = 0;
const int data_frequency = 50; //frequency at which data is written to a file
char xmlpath[] = "../myproject/dbpendulum/doublependulum.xml";
char datapath[] = "../myproject/dbpendulum/data.csv";
//Change the path <template_writeData>
//Change the xml file
// char path[] = "../myproject/dbpendulum/";
// char xmlfile[] = "doublependulum.xml";
char datafile[] = "data.csv";
// MuJoCo data structures
mjModel* m = NULL; // MuJoCo model
mjData* d = NULL; // MuJoCo data
mjvCamera cam; // abstract camera
mjvOption opt; // visualization options
mjvScene scn; // abstract scene
mjrContext con; // custom GPU context
// mouse interaction
bool button_left = false;
bool button_middle = false;
bool button_right = false;
double lastx = 0;
double lasty = 0;
// holders of one step history of time and position to calculate dertivatives
mjtNum position_history = 0;
mjtNum previous_time = 0;
// controller related variables
float_t ctrl_update_freq = 100;
mjtNum last_update = 0.0;
mjtNum ctrl;
// keyboard callback
void keyboard(GLFWwindow* window, int key, int scancode, int act, int mods)
// backspace: reset simulation
mj_resetData(m, d);
mj_forward(m, d);
// mouse button callback
void mouse_button(GLFWwindow* window, int button, int act, int mods)
// update button state
button_left = (glfwGetMouseButton(window, GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT)==GLFW_PRESS);
button_middle = (glfwGetMouseButton(window, GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE)==GLFW_PRESS);
button_right = (glfwGetMouseButton(window, GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT)==GLFW_PRESS);
// update mouse position
glfwGetCursorPos(window, &lastx, &lasty);
// mouse move callback
void mouse_move(GLFWwindow* window, double xpos, double ypos)
// no buttons down: nothing to do
if( !button_left && !button_middle && !button_right )
// compute mouse displacement, save
double dx = xpos - lastx;
double dy = ypos - lasty;
lastx = xpos;
lasty = ypos;
// get current window size
int width, height;
glfwGetWindowSize(window, &width, &height);
// get shift key state
bool mod_shift = (glfwGetKey(window, GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SHIFT)==GLFW_PRESS ||
// determine action based on mouse button
mjtMouse action;
if( button_right )
action = mod_shift ? mjMOUSE_MOVE_H : mjMOUSE_MOVE_V;
else if( button_left )
action = mod_shift ? mjMOUSE_ROTATE_H : mjMOUSE_ROTATE_V;
action = mjMOUSE_ZOOM;
// move camera
mjv_moveCamera(m, action, dx/height, dy/height, &scn, &cam);
// scroll callback
void scroll(GLFWwindow* window, double xoffset, double yoffset)
// emulate vertical mouse motion = 5% of window height
mjv_moveCamera(m, mjMOUSE_ZOOM, 0, -0.05*yoffset, &scn, &cam);
//This function is called once and is used to get the headers
void init_save_data()
//write name of the variable here (header)
fprintf(fid,"t, ");
fprintf(fid,"PE, KE, TE, ");
fprintf(fid,"q1, q2, ");
//Don't remove the newline
//This function is called at a set frequency, put data here
void save_data(const mjModel* m, mjData* d)
//data here should correspond to headers in init_save_data()
//seperate data by a space %f followed by space
fprintf(fid,"%f, ",d->time);
fprintf(fid,"%f, %f, %f, ",d->energy[0],d->energy[1],d->energy[0]+d->energy[1]);
fprintf(fid,"%f, %f ",d->qpos[0],d->qpos[1]);
//Don't remove the newline
void mycontroller(const mjModel* m, mjData* d)
//write control here
//printf("%f %f %f %f \n",d->time,d->energy[0],d->energy[1],d->energy[0]+d->energy[1]);
//check equations
//M*qacc + qfrc_bias = qfrc_applied + ctrl
//M*qddot + f = qfrc_applied + ctrl
const int nv = 2;
double dense_M[nv*nv] = {0};
mj_fullM(m,dense_M, d->qM);
double M[nv][nv]={0};
M[0][0] = dense_M[0];
M[0][1] = dense_M[1];
M[1][0] = dense_M[2];
M[1][1] = dense_M[3];
// printf("%f %f \n",M[0][0],M[0][1]);
// printf("%f %f \n",M[1][0],M[1][1]);
// printf("******** \n");
double qddot[nv]={0};
double f[nv]={0};
f[0] = d->qfrc_bias[0];
f[1] = d->qfrc_bias[1];
double lhs[nv]={0};
mju_mulMatVec(lhs,dense_M,qddot,2,2); //lhs = M*qddot
lhs[0] = lhs[0] + f[0]; //lhs = M*qddot + f
lhs[1] = lhs[1] + f[1];
d->qfrc_applied[0] = 0.1*f[0];
d->qfrc_applied[1] = 0.5*f[1];
double rhs[nv]={0};
rhs[0] = d->qfrc_applied[0];
rhs[1] = d->qfrc_applied[1];
// printf("%f %f \n",lhs[0], rhs[0]);
// printf("%f %f \n",lhs[1], rhs[1]);
// printf("******\n");
double Kp1 = 100, Kp2 = 100;
double Kv1 = 10, Kv2 = 10;
double qref1 = -0.5, qref2 = -1.6;
//PD control
// d->qfrc_applied[0] = -Kp1*(d->qpos[0]-qref1)-Kv1*d->qvel[0];
// d->qfrc_applied[1] = -Kp2*(d->qpos[1]-qref2)-Kv2*d->qvel[1];
//coriolis + gravity + PD control
// d->qfrc_applied[0] = f[0]-Kp1*(d->qpos[0]-qref1)-Kv1*d->qvel[0];
// d->qfrc_applied[1] = f[1]-Kp2*(d->qpos[1]-qref2)-Kv2*d->qvel[1];
//Feedback linearization
//M*(-kp( ... ) - kv(...) + f)
double tau[2]={0};
mju_mulMatVec(tau,dense_M,tau,2,2); //lhs = M*tau
tau[0] += f[0];
tau[1] += f[1];
d->qfrc_applied[0] = tau[0];
d->qfrc_applied[1] = tau[1];
//write data here (dont change/dete this function call; instead write what you need to save in save_data)
if ( loop_index%data_frequency==0)
loop_index = loop_index + 1;
// main function
int main(int argc, const char** argv)
// activate software
// char xmlpath[100]={};
// char datapath[100]={};
// strcat(xmlpath,path);
// strcat(xmlpath,xmlfile);
// strcat(datapath,path);
// strcat(datapath,datafile);
// load and compile model
char error[1000] = "Could not load binary model";
// check command-line arguments
if( argc<2 )
m = mj_loadXML(xmlpath, 0, error, 1000);
if( strlen(argv[1])>4 && !strcmp(argv[1]+strlen(argv[1])-4, ".mjb") )
m = mj_loadModel(argv[1], 0);
m = mj_loadXML(argv[1], 0, error, 1000);
if( !m )
mju_error_s("Load model error: %s", error);
// make data
d = mj_makeData(m);
// init GLFW
if( !glfwInit() )
mju_error("Could not initialize GLFW");
// create window, make OpenGL context current, request v-sync
GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow(1244, 700, "Demo", NULL, NULL);
// initialize visualization data structures
mjv_makeScene(m, &scn, 2000); // space for 2000 objects
mjr_makeContext(m, &con, mjFONTSCALE_150); // model-specific context
// install GLFW mouse and keyboard callbacks
glfwSetKeyCallback(window, keyboard);
glfwSetCursorPosCallback(window, mouse_move);
glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(window, mouse_button);
glfwSetScrollCallback(window, scroll);
double arr_view[] = {89.608063, -11.588379, 5, 0.000000, 0.000000, 2.000000};
cam.azimuth = arr_view[0];
cam.elevation = arr_view[1];
cam.distance = arr_view[2];
cam.lookat[0] = arr_view[3];
cam.lookat[1] = arr_view[4];
cam.lookat[2] = arr_view[5];
// install control callback
mjcb_control = mycontroller;
fid = fopen(datapath,"w");
d->qpos[0] = 0.5;
//d->qpos[1] = 0;
// use the first while condition if you want to simulate for a period.
while( !glfwWindowShouldClose(window))
// advance interactive simulation for 1/60 sec
// Assuming MuJoCo can simulate faster than real-time, which it usually can,
// this loop will finish on time for the next frame to be rendered at 60 fps.
// Otherwise add a cpu timer and exit this loop when it is time to render.
mjtNum simstart = d->time;
while( d->time - simstart < 1.0/60.0 )
mj_step(m, d);
if (d->time>=simend)
// get framebuffer viewport
mjrRect viewport = {0, 0, 0, 0};
glfwGetFramebufferSize(window, &viewport.width, &viewport.height);
// update scene and render
mjv_updateScene(m, d, &opt, NULL, &cam, mjCAT_ALL, &scn);
mjr_render(viewport, &scn, &con);
//printf("{%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f};\n",cam.azimuth,cam.elevation, cam.distance,cam.lookat[0],cam.lookat[1],cam.lookat[2]);
// swap OpenGL buffers (blocking call due to v-sync)
// process pending GUI events, call GLFW callbacks
// free visualization storage
// free MuJoCo model and data, deactivate
// terminate GLFW (crashes with Linux NVidia drivers)
#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(_WIN32)
return 1;
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