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MPU6050 accelerometer and gyroscope sensor is connected with the Arduino
2022-08-02 04:42:00 【WENJIE Technology】
MPU6050 accelerometer and gyroscope sensors with Arduino 连接
MPU6050is a very popular accelerometer gyroscope chip,with six-axis sensing and 16 Bit measurement resolution.High precision and low cost in this sense make it DIY 社区中非常受欢迎.Even many commercial products come with MPU6050.The combination of the gyroscope and accelerometer is often referred to as or inertial measurement unit IMU.
IMU Sensors for a variety of applications,例如手机、平板电脑、卫星、航天器、无人机、无人机、机器人等.they are used for motion tracking、Orientation and position detection、flight control etc..
MPU6050 模块引脚
MPU6050 模块共有 8 个引脚.which requires at least 4 pins for connecting.MPU6050模块的管脚如下:VCC==》supply power to the module,连接到Arduino的5V引脚.
GND==》连接到 Arduino 的接地引脚.
SCL==》串行时钟 用于为 I2C Communication provides clock pulses.
SDA==》串行数据 用于通过 I2C 通信传输数据.
XDA==》Auxiliary Serial Data - can be used to combine other I2C 模块与 MPU6050 连接.
XCL==》Auxiliary Serial Clock - can be used to combine other I2C 模块与 MPU6050 连接.
ADD==》如果使用多个 MPU6050 模块,地址选择引脚.
INT==》Interrupt pins indicate that data is available MCU 读取.
MPU6050 模块组成
MPU6050 模块由 TDK InvenSense 的 MPU6050 IMU 芯片组成.它采用 24 引脚 QFN 封装,尺寸为 4mm x 4mm x 0.9mm.The module has a very low number of components,包括一个 AP2112K 3.3V 稳压器、I2C Pull-up resistors and bypass capacitors.There is a power light,Indicates the power supply module.
MPU6050Gyro sensor module circuit diagram
MPU6050模块原理图如下.如前所述,该板的组件数量非常少.The power part of the surroundingAP2112K-3.3Regulator Design.钽电容器和多层电容器提供了足够的滤波.带有限流电阻的 LED 用作电源指示灯.MPU6050 电路非常简单.它由 MPU6050 The chip itself, as well as bypass capacitors and pull-up resistors.
MPU6050 is a microelectromechanical system (MEMS),内部包含一个 3 轴加速度计和 3 轴陀螺仪.This helps us measure the acceleration of a system or object、速度、方向、Displacement and many other motion-related parameters.There is also a (DMP) 数字运动处理器,The processor is powerful,可以执行复杂的计算,thus freeing up the workload of the microcontroller.The module also has two auxiliary pins,Can be used to connect external IIC 模块,如磁力计,但它是可选的.由于模块的 IIC address is configurable,因此可以使用 AD0 pins will be multiple MPU6050 The sensor is connected to the microcontroller.The module also provides well-documented and revised libraries,Therefore it is easy to Arduino Use with famous platforms.因此,If you are looking for a sensor to control your rc car、无人机、Self-balancing robot、人形机器人、Biped or similar equipment movement,then this sensor might be the right choice for you.
MEMSHow an accelerometer works?
MEMS Accelerometers are used to measure linear motion(运动、shock or vibration)But there is no fixed benchmark.They measure the linear acceleration of whatever they are attached to.All the working principle of the accelerometer is the quality of the spring,when the objects they are attached to accelerate,Mass wants to remain stationary due to its inertia,So the spring is stretched or compressed,produces an acceleration that is detected and corresponds to the force applied.
在 MEMS The accelerometer in,Accurate linear acceleration detection in two orthogonal axes is achieved by a pair of springs“防护”Mass Formed Silicon MEMS The detector implements.Each mass formed by interlacing refers to the structure of the array variable capacitance mobile board.When the sensor is subjected to linear acceleration along its sensitive axis,The proof mass tends to resist motion due to its inertia,The mass and its fingers are therefore displaced relative to the stationary electrode fingers.Gas between fingers provides damping effect.This displacement creates a differential capacitance between the moving and stationary silicon fingers,The capacitance is proportional to the imposed by acceleration.使用高分辨率 ADC Measuring capacitance changes,Then calculate the acceleration based on the rate of change of capacitance.然后在 MPU6050 convert it to a readable value in,然后传输到 I2C 主设备.
MEMSHow a gyroscope works?
MEMS The working of the gyroscope is based on the Coriolis effect.The Coriolis effect states that,When the mass movement along a specific direction at a certain speed and exert external Angle motion,creates a force and causes a vertical displacement of the mass.The resulting force is called the Coriolis force,This phenomenon is called the Coriolis effect.The displacement rate will be directly related to the applied angular motion.
MEMS Gyroscope consists of a set of four quality block,and maintain continuous oscillating motion.When applying angular motion,Coriolis effect causes capacitance changes between masses,depending on the axis of angular motion.Sensing this change in capacitance,then convert it to a reading.This is a little animation,shows the motion of these masses when applying angular motion of different axes.
问:什么是 MPU6050?
MPU6050 is an inertial measurement unit or IMU,With three-axis accelerometer、三轴陀螺仪、数字运动处理器 (DMP) 和 16 位 ARC.
Q. MPU6050 what technology?
MPU6050 is built around MEMS technology,也称为 MEM.
Q. MPU6050Can you measure the angle at an incline??
是的,我们可以用 MPU6050 Measure the Angle.
Arduino MPU6050 Accelerometer and gyroscope sensor module interface circuit diagram
下图显示了 MPU6050 与 Arduino 接口的电路图.MPU6050 使用 I2C 模块进行通信.由于 I2C pin can withstand 5V 电压,So we can combine them with Arduino 一起使用,without any level shifter.SCL 引脚连接到 Arduino 的 SCL 引脚 (A5).同样,SDA 引脚连接到 Arduino 的 SDA 引脚(A4).
Arduino MPU6050 模块代码
在本例中,我们将从 MPU6050 Module reads accelerometer、Gyroscope and temperature data,and print it on the serial monitor.首先,We need to install the necessary libraries.要安装库,请在 Arduino IDE Open the library manager in.Then search for and install the following libraries:Adafruit MPU6050 库、Adafruit Unified Sensor Library和Adafruit Bus IO Library.完成后,Create a new sketch and paste the code into it.Then compile and upload toArduino.上传后,打开串行监视器,Reading will be displayed there.
在开始时,我们已经包含了 Adafruit MPU6050 库、Adafruit Sensor 库和 wire 库,它们是与 MPU6050 Necessary for communication and taking readings.Then we created a mpu 的新实例,it will be used from MPU6050 IMU Get readings.
#include <Adafruit_MPU6050.h>
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
#include <Wire.h>
Adafruit_MPU6050 mpu;
在setup函数中,We have been initialized and serial communication MPU6050 IMU.Then set the accelerometer range、Gyroscope range and filter bandwidth parameters.The range parameter affects the accuracy of the reading.因此,如果需要,These values can be changed based on library values.setFilterBandwidth parameter will change the bandwidth of the low pass filter.
void setup(void) {
// Initializethe MPU6050 IMU
if (!mpu.begin()) {
Serial.println("Failed to find MPU6050 chip");
while (1) {
Serial.println("MPU6050 Found!");
// set accelerometer range to +-8G
// set gyro range to +- 500 deg/s
// set filter bandwidth to 21 Hz
在循环函数中,在 Adafruit The help of the library from MPU6050 读取值,then print to serial monitor.This will repeat every second.
void loop() {
/* Get new sensor events with the readings */
sensors_event_t a, g, temp;
mpu.getEvent(&a, &g, &temp);
/* Print out the readings */
Serial.print("Acceleration X: ");
Serial.print(", Y: ");
Serial.print(", Z: ");
Serial.println(" m/s^2");
Serial.print("Rotation X: ");
Serial.print(", Y: ");
Serial.print(", Z: ");
Serial.println(" rad/s");
Serial.print("Temperature: ");
Serial.println(" degC");
MPU6050 连接Arduino 测试
下面的 GIF shows how we MPU6050 与 Arduino 连接.您可以看到,When the module rotates,The value changes depending on the axis of rotation.
#include <Adafruit_MPU6050.h>
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
#include <Wire.h>
Adafruit_MPU6050 mpu;
void setup(void) {
// Try to initialize!
if (!mpu.begin()) {
Serial.println("Failed to find MPU6050 chip");
while (1) {
Serial.println("MPU6050 Found!");
// set accelerometer range to +-8G
// set gyro range to +- 500 deg/s
// set filter bandwidth to 21 Hz
void loop() {
/* Get new sensor events with the readings */
sensors_event_t a, g, temp;
mpu.getEvent(&a, &g, &temp);
/* Print out the readings */
Serial.print("Acceleration X: ");
Serial.print(", Y: ");
Serial.print(", Z: ");
Serial.println(" m/s^2");
Serial.print("Rotation X: ");
Serial.print(", Y: ");
Serial.print(", Z: ");
Serial.println(" rad/s");
Serial.print("Temperature: ");
Serial.println(" degC");
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