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3dsmax2018 common operations and some shortcut keys of editable polygons

2022-07-05 04:51:00 shixch

3dsmax2018 Common operations and some shortcut keys of editable polygons

Switch the sub level mode of editable poly : Number keys 1( The vertices )、2( edge )、3( The border )、4( polygon )、5( Elements )

In vertex mode :
Ctrl/Alt+ Left mouse button : Add / Subtract points

Ctrl+Shift+W: Welding between points , When there are multiple points to be welded , Select multiple points , Right click , Click the welding setting window , When the adjustment threshold is greater than or equal to the distance between points , It will be welded automatically .
Ctrl+Shift+E: Connect the two diagonal points on the polygon into a line , In addition, you can also connect or cut by right clicking .

If you want to delete a dot on a line , You can't use Delete key , This will delete all the faces connected to the edge . You can right-click the delete command to complete .

edge ( Line ) Touch down :
First select an edge ,Alt+R: Realize circular edge selection

Double click the horizontal edge : Realize circular edge selection

When you need to select the edge line of a face : First cycle to select edges , Right click , Convert to face selection , Hold down Shift Click the side command under the modify panel while creating . If after converting to face selection , Hold down Shift+Ctrl Key while clicking the side command , It is the selected internal line with the edge line removed .

The following commands are the same as most of the commands under the point level :
Ctrl+Shift+E: Connect a line between the two sides , If you want to increase the number of connections , You can right-click the connection setting window to adjust .
Chamfer command : Make the edges and corners of stereo graphics smooth
Split order : Break the edge
Welding order : You can merge the two separated edges into one
Bridge command : Connect the edges through the space
Select create graphic command : Change an edge of the model into a spline
The delete command : It's the same as point , Out of commission Delete, You can delete by right clicking . It is worth noting that when you right-click the strikethrough , There will be some waste , Need to hold Ctrl Key while right clicking , Click delete .

The border ( edge ) In mode :
Alt+P: Select the boundary , Right click the seal or press the shortcut key , Realize sealing

polygon ( Noodles ) In mode :
Insert command : Selected surface , Right click Insert , Press and hold on the face and move the mouse to change the size of the inserted face . If you continue to press and move on the insertion face , Then you can also insert faces on the insertion face . The default setting of the insert command is for the selected group , Want to insert faces separately on multiple faces , You need to right-click to open the insertion setting window , Switch the insertion mode to polygon to complete the group insertion .

Shift+E: Noodles extrude or squeeze in
Shift+Ctrl+B: Chamfer command , Similar to extrusion , The only difference is , Chamfer can adjust the contour size of the extruded surface , But extrusion doesn't work .

Elements ( parts ) In mode :
Flip : When rendering the opposite , Use it to flip normals , Achieve the effect of flipping the surface .

