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Wechat applet

2022-07-06 13:44:00 Little boy, handsome Yang Shaoping


const { formatTime, isEmpty } = require('../../utils/util.js')

var {request} = require("../../utils/request.js")

const { validatePlateNum} = require('../../utils/validate.js')

const { uploadFile,uploadFileTms, getFileBase64 }  = require('../../utils/request.js')

const { newRequest,newRequestTms } = require("../../utils/request") 

const {getListByScanCode,submitForm} = require("../../api/carWareApi.js") 

const {testData,testMsg}= require("../../pages/carWare/data.js")

const app = getApp()



   *  Initial data of the page


  data: {




    loading: false,

    items: [

      { name: 'leave', value: ' Leave the library ', checked: false },

      { name: 'reach', value: ' To the library ', checked: false } 


    isShow:false,// Whether the submit button displays  true Show ,false No display

    carTel:'',// Test cell phones -18866299257--18653284990

    dCode: '',// The entered dispatch order No

    showArrivalTimePicker: false,

    currentDate: new Date().getTime(),

    wareCode:'',// Whether to directly scan wechat to obtain data

    version:'',// Development version or experience version

    formData: {

      isArrival:'',//0 To the library ,1 Leave the library

      isRecord:'',//0 There is no record of arrival ,1 There are arrival records

      scanCode:'',// Scan code data

      wareName: '',// Warehouse name

      wareCode: '',// Warehouse number   

      arrivalTime: formatTime(new Date()),// Arrival time

      djType: '',// Registration type

      vehicleCode:'',// license plate number

      latitude:'',// dimension

      longitude:'',// longitude

      carTel:'',// Driver's phone

      fileList:[],// To upload pictures


    formatter(type, value) {

      if (type === 'year') {

        return `${value} year `;

      } else if (type === 'month') {

        return `${value} month `;

      } else if (type === 'day') {

        return `${value} Japan `;

      } else if (type === 'hour') {

        return `${value} when `;

      } else if (type === 'minute') {

        return `${value} branch `;


      return value;


    validateMap: {

      vehicleCode: validatePlateNum


    errMsgShow: {

      vehicleCode: false



  // Loading page


    // If it's wechat scanning -- Load rendering data directly


    version = __wxConfig.envVersion;

      //var options={}


      //var options='/pages/carWare/carWare?wareCode=cangcu'; 

    var obj=JSON.stringify(options);

    console.log(" overall situation onLaunch options==" + obj+'==version='+version) 


    if(obj == {}||obj==='{}'){ 


      console.log('options{} Scan wechat directly 【 Sweep code 】'+wareCode) 



      console.log('options.code Scan wechat directly 【 Sweep code 】'+wareCode) 




  onReady() {  

  // to grant authorization

    let { formData,carTel,latitude,longitude,isShow,wareCode } = this.data 

  // wx.setStorageSync('isAuth', false)  

   var isAuth= wx.getStorageSync('isAuth')



    // Initialize latitude and longitude  


      type: 'wgs84',

      isHighAccuracy:true,// Improve accuracy

      success: function (res) {  










      title: ' Please authorize the current location and information ',

      content: ' Your information will be used to judge the fence and query the dispatch list ',

      success: function (res) {


        if (res.cancel) {


            title: ' privilege grant failed ',

            icon: 'none',

            duration: 1000


        } else if (res.confirm) {


            success: function (dataAu) {


              if (dataAu.authSetting["scope.userLocation"] == true) {


                  title: ' Authorized success ',

                  icon: 'success',

                  duration: 1000



              } else {


                  title: ' privilege grant failed ',

                  icon: 'none',

                  duration: 1000









  // Initialize the phone  

   var phone= wx.getStorageSync('phone')


     request('/reserve/api/user/check/bind', { open_id: wx.getStorageSync('openId')}).then(res => {


       app.globalData.refresh = false



         formData.carTel = res.data.tel; 

         wx.setStorageSync('phone', res.data.tel)  


         console.log(' obtain bind Current user's mobile phone >>>>>>>>>'+JSON.stringify(this.data.formData)); 


     }).catch(err => {

       console.log(' obtain err Current user's mobile phone >>>>>>>>>'+err);



         title: ' Server internal error , Please contact the Administrator ',

         icon: 'none',

         duration: 2000







     console.log(' Get current getStorageSync User's mobile phone >>>>>>>>>'+JSON.stringify(this.data.formData)); 


  // If it's wechat scanning -- Load rendering data directly   


    formData.scanCode =wareCode

    formData.wareName =wareCode

    formData.wareCode =wareCode




  // Select to keyboard component



      keyboard: this.selectComponent('#keyboard')


    console.log(" Get the current latitude and longitude :" + JSON.stringify(formData));


  showArrivalTimePicker() {


      showArrivalTimePicker: true



  onCloseArrivalTimePicker() {


      showArrivalTimePicker: false



  onConfirmArrivalTimePicker(e) {

    const { formData } = this.data

    formData.arrivalTime = formatTime(new Date(e.detail))


      formData: formData,

      showArrivalTimePicker: false



  // Warehouse code scanning

  scanQRCode() {

    let that = this

    let { formData,isShow,carTel,version} = that.data

    var isAuth= wx.getStorageSync('isAuth')


     // Initialize latitude and longitude  


       type: 'wgs84',

       isHighAccuracy:true,// Improve accuracy

       success: function (res) {   











     console.log("isAuth=true The warehouse scans the code to obtain the current longitude and latitude :" + JSON.stringify(formData));









      console.log("isAuth=false The warehouse scans the code to obtain the current longitude and latitude :" + JSON.stringify(formData));



      onlyFromCamera: true,

      success: (res) => { 

        // Official online version


          // Experience version

          var path=decodeURIComponent(res.path);

          console.log('[ Wechat scanning warehouse code resolution address path='+path)

          var arr = new Array()



          console.log('[ Wechat scanning warehouse code resolution address 1]code='+arr[1]) 

          formData.scanCode = arr[1];

          formData.wareName = arr[1];

          formData.wareCode =arr[1];




        // Experience version

          var result=decodeURIComponent(res.result);

          console.log('[ Wechat scanning warehouse code resolution address 1]'+result)

          var arr = new Array()



          console.log('[ Wechat scanning warehouse code resolution address 2]'+arr[3])

          var arry = new Array()


          console.log('[ Wechat scanning warehouse code resolution address 3]'+arry[0])

          formData.scanCode = arry[0];

          formData.wareName = arry[0];

          formData.wareCode =arry[0];







    // Code scanning of dispatching order

    scanQRCodeD() {

      let that = this

      let { formData,dCode,dList} = that.data


        onlyFromCamera: true,

        success: (res) => {

          dCode = res.result









    // Enter the dispatch list

  dInput(e) {

    var val=e.detail.value;

    var pattern = new RegExp("[`[email protected]@#%$\"^&*()=|{}':;',\\[\\].<>/?~!@@#¥……&*()&mdash;—|{}【】‘;:”“'.,、?]")



        title: ' Do not enter special characters ',

        icon: 'none',

      }, 1500)










      // Enter the dispatch list

      dInputTel(e) {

        let {formData,carTel} = this.data



        this.setData({  carTel,  formData })


  // Check for repetition

  checkRepeat: function(arr,value) {

    for(var i=0;i<arr.length;i++){


        return false; 



    return true;


  // Additional

  dAdd: function(e) {

    let {dList,dTextArea_list,arrList} = this.data

    if(this.data.dCode != ''){

      // Prevent repeated appending   

      var isBH=this.checkRepeat(arrList,this.data.dCode) 


      // Prevent duplicate submissions


        var item={};













          title: ' The dispatch list already exists ',






        title: ' Please enter the dispatch order No ',





  // Delete

  dRemove: function(e) {

    let {dList,dTextArea_list} = this.data


    if(dTextArea_list.length != 0) {







        title: ' There is no dispatch list to delete ',





   // Choose

   checkboxChange(e) {

    console.log('checkbox happen change event , carry value The value is :', e.detail.value) 

    const arrList = this.data.arrList

    const values = e.detail.value

    for (let i = 0, lenI = arrList.length; i < lenI; ++i) {

      arrList[i].checked = false


      for (let j = 0, lenJ = values.length; j < lenJ; ++j) {

        if (arrList[i].value === values[j]) {

          arrList[i].checked = true









  // Delete


    let {arrList} = this.data 

    const size=this.data.arrList.length

    const indexs=[];



      for (let j = 0, lenJ = size; j < size; ++j) {


        if (arrList[j].checked === false) {






        title: ' There is no dispatch list to delete ',










   radioChange: function(e) {

    let {formData} = this.data 





   // Display keyboard , At the same time, set the virtual input box to the active state

  showKeyboard () {



  //  Hidden keyboard , At the same time, set the virtual input box to inactive

  hideKeyboard (e) {



  // Enter events with the keyboard :input, Get the input content into the virtual input box

  inputChange (e) {

    const { formData, validateMap, errMsgShow } = this.data

    formData.vehicleCode = e.detail

    if (validateMap.vehicleCode) {

      if (!!e.detail && !validateMap.vehicleCode(e.detail)) {

        errMsgShow.vehicleCode = true

      } else {

        errMsgShow.vehicleCode = false








  // Image upload -- Show

  afterRead(event) {


    const { file } = event.detail; 

   for(let i in file ){




          //  url:`/exit/api/getFileBase64/${res.fileId}`



            const{ fileList = [] } = this.data;



                url:`data:image/${res.data.fileName.split('.').pop()};base64,` + res64.data,





            this.setData({  fileList })







          title: ' Upload failed , Please try again ',






 // Delete pictures

 deleteImage(event) {

  const { index, name } = event.detail;

  const { fileList } = this.data

  if (name == "imageList") {

    fileList.splice(index, 1)

    this.setData({ fileList })



// Scan code to obtain warehouse data

scanCode: function(e) {

  let {formData,isShow,items,dList,dCode,dTextArea_list,fileList,arrList } = this.data   



      title: ' Please scan the warehouse code first ',

      icon: 'none',

    }, 1500) 




  getListByScanCode(formData).then(res => {


  // var  res=testData 


    if(res.code == 200) {

      //   isArrival:'',//0 To the library ( Inside the fence ),1 Leave the library ( Outside the fence ) isRecord:'',//0 There is no record of arrival ,1 There are arrival records

      // Outside the fence -- Prompt: unable to operate in the library



          title: ' Beyond the allowable distance , Unable to reach the vehicle ',

          icon: 'none',

        }, 1500) 


        // Inside the fence -- Can go to the library to operate




      //isRecord:'',//0 There is no record of arrival ,1 There are arrival records










      // Dispatch sheet data is added







          title: ' Transport task not found , Please contact the dispatcher ',

          icon: 'none',

        }, 1500) 






        var len=res.data.dCodeList.length;

        var arr=res.data.dCodeList; 

        for(var i=0;i<len;i++){

          var isBH=this.checkRepeat(arrList,arr[i])


            var item={};











    }else {







        title: res.message,

        icon: 'none',

      }, 1500)


    this.setData({ loading: false,isShow,dList,dTextArea_list,arrList})

  }).catch(err => {


    this.setData({ loading: false })



 // Submit

 submit() {

  let { loading,formData,errMsgShow,dList,fileList,dTextArea_list,arrList } = this.data


  if(loading) return

  if (isEmpty(formData.scanCode)) {


      title: ' Please scan the warehouse code first ',

      icon: 'none',

    }, 1000)



  if (isEmpty(formData.carTel)) {


      title: ' Please enter your mobile number ',

      icon: 'none',

    }, 1000)



  if (isEmpty(arrList)) {


      title: ' Please enter the dispatch list ',

      icon: 'none',

    }, 1000)



    const codeList=[];

    for(let i=0;i<arrList.length;++i){





  if (isEmpty(formData.djType )) {


      title: ' Please select the registration type ',

      icon: 'none',

    }, 1000)



  if (isEmpty(formData.vehicleCode)) {


      title: ' Please enter the license plate number ',

      icon: 'none',

    }, 1000)





      title: ' Please enter the correct license plate number ',

      icon: 'none',

    }, 1000)



  if (isEmpty(fileList)) {


      title: ' Please upload license plate photos ',

      icon: 'none',

    }, 1000)





  // unauthorized , Don't pass it on

  var isAuth= wx.getStorageSync('isAuth')







    title: ' In submission ',



    loading: true



  submitForm(formData).then(res => {



    if(res.code == 200) {


        title: ' Submit successfully !',

        icon: 'success'

      }, 1500)

      setTimeout(() => { 


          url: '/pages/workbench/workbench',


        // wx.navigateBack({// return

        //   delta: 1

        // })

      }, 1500)

    }else {


        title: res.message,

        icon: 'none',

      }, 1500)


    this.setData({ loading: false })

  }).catch(err => {


    this.setData({ loading: false })



// Submit validation  



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