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Attack and defense world misc advanced area ditf

2022-07-04 22:38:00 The spring breeze blows over the sill, and the dew is thick.


The title is given 02 Pictures of the ( Yes , It's my wife !)
First use stegsolve Open it and see.
 Insert picture description here
I didn't find it around
have a look format
 Insert picture description here
A little stuck , Tried several times , It should be a picture problem
Put the picture on kali Open in
 Insert picture description here
CRC error
There must be a problem with width and height
Set the height 04 Change to 05
 Insert picture description here Characters appear on the picture


 Insert picture description here After trying, I found that it was not flag, That should be the password for extracting something
use binwalk Check whether any file contains
 Insert picture description here Yes rar Compressed package

Will change the height of the picture ( The original image decompression will report an error ) use kali foremost Separate
 Insert picture description here decompression outpu in rar The compressed package in the folder
 Insert picture description here Open it with a big shark , The first step is to search first flag
 Insert picture description here To no avail
Since it is related to pictures , Search for png
Flip down
track kiss.png This bag http flow
 Insert picture description here  Insert picture description here ZmxhZ3tPel80bmRfSGlyMF9sb3YzX0ZvcjN2ZXJ9
yes base64 encryption
Decrypt https://base64.us/
 Insert picture description here
obtain flag


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