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Flutter learning 2-dart learning
2022-08-05 04:51:00 【hn_lgc】
Dart 是一种专为客户端Optimization of language,用于On any platform developed high-performance applications.它的目标是为多平台开发提供最高效的编程语言,并为应用程序框架提供灵活的执行运行时平台.
- Provide user interface based on the event-driven mature and complete 异步-等待 体系,同时配备了 基于 isolate 的并发
- To build the user interface optimized language,其中包含了 健全的空安全、For a collection of an operator And within a collection of conditional statements For each platform custom UI
- 语法相近、Easy-to-use programming language
- In the running applications use 热重载,To rapidly and consistently apply the changes,And immediately see the effect of the change
- When writing code to enjoy flexible type system,As well as powerful and Configurable static analysis tools
- Using code editor you choose 性能分析、 Logging and 调试
- 使用 AOT 编译为机器码, 极速启动 您的应用
- 使用完整、Mature and fast JavaScript 编译器 为 Web 平台编译应用
- Only written in a language can be applied 后端代码
dart还是相当友好的,毕竟是2011年创建的,Very modern language,The characteristics of modern language,详见https://blog.csdn.net/hn_lgc/article/details/124024197
The main features is simple and friendly,Mix a variety of programming paradigm,Don't want to traditional language so rigid
比如,Create a variable is,可以使用new 也可以不使用
Function can declare return,也可以不声明
if else
Basic grammar are compatible with the classic language,简直不要太完美!
支持类型推断,可以只写个var,指定为基类Object或者dynamic类型,Not types such aspython
也可以指定类型 String name = ‘Bob’;
建议,通过 var 声明局部变量而非使用指定的类型.
As some are object,Including the so-called basic types,int,所以int也可能为null,和Java不一样了.
常量 概念
Pay attention to the constant concept indart中是比较重要的,Based on the immutable programming ideas
final 和 const 的区别
constMust declare the assignment,Can only be applied to static objects
finalMean can only be assigned once,No statement assignment
Constant class constructor or constants:
When we need to create an immutable object,You can use the constant constant class constructor
dartThis grammar is a little against humanity,Define constants class not add modifiers to class,But to its constructor add modifier....
Add modifier to the constructor after,This class becomes a constant class,其成员变量必须是final.
Constant class instantiation and bestconst修饰符.
RegExp 类提供与 JavaScript Regular expressions of the same functions.Can use regular expressions to search and pattern matching strings efficiently.
// Here’s a regular expression for one or more digits.
var numbers = RegExp(r’\d+');
var allCharacters = ‘llamas live fifteen to twenty years’;
var someDigits = ‘llamas live 15 to 20 years’;
// contains() can use a regular expression.
// Replace every match with another string.
var exedOut = someDigits.replaceAll(numbers, ‘XX’);
数字,默认只有int 和 double,int支持位运算
字符串, UTF-16 编码, 在字符串中,请以 ${表达式} 的形式使用表达式.和python比较像,可以使用单引号,You can use the three quotes many lines,You can use the string prefixes r’xxxx\xxxx’
可以使用扩展操作符(…)将一个 List 中的所有元素插入到另一个 List 中: [0, …list]; [0, …?list];空安全 Here is a solution of operation,*不就行了吗,The grammar can't
集合中的 if 和 集合中的 for 操作,在构建集合时,可以使用条件判断 (if) 和循环 (for).
list.sort((a, b) => a.compareTo(b));
var halogens = {‘fluorine’, ‘chlorine’, ‘bromine’, ‘iodine’, ‘astatine’};
var names = {};
使用 add() 方法或 addAll() 方法向已存在的 Set 中添加项目:
Set 可以像 List 一样支持使用扩展操作符(… 和 …?)以及 Collection if 和 for 操作
如果你向Map 对象中添加不正确的类型值,将导致运行时异常.
This class is dedicated to the operation of the user perception character,Such as emoticons
Symbol 字面量是编译时常量.
Air safety related
空安全,In order to prevent the null pointer problem,dart引入空安全机制
Enable the empty after security,All variables must have a initial value,Unless specified variables can be empty.
int? lineCount;
The initial value when must declare a variable assignment?不是必须的
Empty security don't have to be initialized in the place where it is declared a local variable,But you need to use it in before the assignment for it,The compiler will check whether the assignment before use.
If the compiler cannot check,那么dart又提供了延迟初始化机制 和 惰性初始化
Before using the manual initialization
late String description;
Before using the compiler to call the initialization statement,The situation is suitable for the initial cost is larger
late String temperature = readThermometer(); // Lazily initialized.
At present basically sign of operation are supported by,There is no other language rigid
要判断两个对象 x 和 y 是否表示相同的事物使用 == 即可.(在极少数情况下,可能需要使用 identical() 函数来确定两个对象是否完全相同).下面是 == 运算符的一些规则:
The ternary operator special point:
如果赋值是根据判定是否为 null 则考虑使用 ??.
级联运算符 …可以让你在同一个对象上连续调用多个对象的变量或方法.
严格来说 … 级联操作并非一个运算符而是 Dart 的特殊语法.
Don't have to manually returnthis了
var paint = Paint()
…color = Colors.black
…strokeCap = StrokeCap.round
…strokeWidth = 5.0;
var paint = Paint();
paint.color = Colors.black;
paint.strokeCap = StrokeCap.round;
paint.strokeWidth = 5.0;
null-short Sentenced to empty cascade ?…
Cascading operators can be nested, for example:
final addressBook = (AddressBookBuilder()
…name = ‘jenny’
…email = ‘[email protected]’
…phone = (PhoneNumberBuilder()
…number = ‘415-555-0100’
…label = ‘home’)
?[] 判空访问 List
函数 Function
Dart 是一种真正面向对象的语言,函数也是对象,类似于python
Function can declare return,也可以不声明
函数可以有两种形式的参数:必选参数 和 可选参数.必要参数定义在参数列表前面
顾名思义,Optional parameters is to call a function,可以传递值,也可以不传递,
**使用[ ]The parameters of the package is a location optional parameters.**下面是一个例子:
getHttpUrl(String server, String path, [int port=80]) {
// …
您可以getHttpUrlThe use or not use the third argument to call.
getHttpUrl(‘example.com’, ‘/index.html’, 8080); // port == 8080
getHttpUrl(‘example.com’, ‘/index.html’); // port == 80
命名可选参数 Is need to specify the name call,If it is general optional parameters,Don't need to specify a name
使用{ }The parameters of the package is an optional parameter named.下面是一个例子:
getHttpUrl(String server, String path, {int port = 80}) {
// …
You can use or not use the third argument callgetHttpUrl.But when you use the third argument,You must use a parameter name calling function.
getHttpUrl(‘example.com’, ‘/index.html’, port: 8080); // port == 8080
getHttpUrl(‘example.com’, ‘/index.html’); // port == 80
Note calling method is: 不是= ,和python不一样
Anonymous functions or closure
([[类型] 参数[, …]]) {
下面代码定义了只有一个参数 item 且没有参数类型的匿名方法. List 中的每个元素都会调用这个函数,打印元素位置和值的字符串:
const list = [‘apples’, ‘bananas’, ‘oranges’];
list.forEach((item) {
print(‘${list.indexOf(item)}: $item’);
bool isNoble(int atomicNumber) => _nobleGases[atomicNumber] != null;
=> 有时也称之为 箭头 函数
自然的,可以Passed to a function
var loudify = (msg) => ‘!!! ${msg.toUpperCase()} !!!’;
assert(loudify(‘hello’) == ‘!!! HELLO !!!’);
The concept of a little more complicated,简单的说 就是有状态的函数.
也可以简单的理解,类似Java的匿名内部类,函数是对象,We define inside the outer function againInside a class or function,并创建其对象,This inner class or function object at this timeHold its outer function,就Save the external function of the state,And access to the.
Dart Have the chain scope,也就是说,子作用域可以访问父(甚至是祖先)作用域中的变量,而反过来不行.
dartThe inheritance mechanism andJava基本一致,To be a little bit different
所有实例变量均会隐式地声明一个 Getter 方法.非final 和 late final 声明但未声明初始化的实例变量还会隐式地声明一个 Setter 方法.
The unique form,
class Person {
String? firstName;
Person.fromJson(Map data) {
print(‘in Person’);
At the back of the constructor can increase the expression,通过:语法
According to inherit the parent class constructor
class Employee extends Person {
// Person does not have a default constructor;
// you must call super.fromJson().
Employee.fromJson(super.data) : super.fromJson() {
print(‘in Employee’);
// Initializer list sets instance variables before
// the constructor body runs.
Point.fromJson(Map<String, double> json)
: x = json[‘x’]!,
y = json[‘y’]! {
print(‘In Point.fromJson(): ($x, $y)’);
使用 assert 来验证输入数据
The constructor can not function body,Direct writing expressions in parameters,或者:Behind the writing expression to complete construction eg
class Point {
double x, y;
// The main constructor for this class.
Point(this.x, this.y);
// Delegates to the main constructor.
Point.alongXAxis(double x) : this(x, 0);
工厂构造函数 使用 factory Keyword identify class constructor is not always returns a new instance object
class Vector {
final int x, y;
Vector(this.x, this.y);
Vector operator +(Vector v) => Vector(x + v.x, y + v.y);
Vector operator -(Vector v) => Vector(x - v.x, y - v.y);
// Operator == and hashCode not shown.
// ···
抽象类 和接口
Abstract methods don't have to write the keyword,自动判断
// This class is declared abstract and thus
// can’t be instantiated.
abstract class AbstractContainer {
// Define constructors, fields, methods…
void updateChildren(); // Abstract method.
Interface seems to be a class
简单的说,Is the role of multiple inheritance,
具体的说,dart中类就是接口,使用implement关键字继承多个接口,但是implementClass methods must be implemented,Even if the base class interface has achieved,这时候我们就使用mixin语法,Inherited interface without having to implement the method
关于重复,After a mixed with mixins会覆盖前面一个 mixins的特性
Overrides a class member
子类可以重写父类的实例方法(包括 操作符)、 Getter 以及 Setter 方法.你可以使用 @override 注解来表示你重写了一个成员
扩展方法,直接在apiProvide class above increase method,Without having to write a utility class
extension StringExtension1 on String {
toColor() {
var hexColor = this.replaceAll(“#”, “”);
if (hexColor.length == 6) {
hexColor = “FF” + hexColor;
if (hexColor.length == 8) {
return Color(int.parse(“0x$hexColor”));
parseInt() {
return int.parse(this);
extension DateTimeExtension on DateTime {
toFormatString() {
DateFormat dateFormat = new DateFormat(“yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”);
return dateFormat.format(this);
xx is A
xx is ! A
xx as A
单例的实现,就是使用 常量构造函数.
通过实现类的 call() 方法,允许使用类似函数调用的方式来使用该类的实例.
class WannabeFunction {
String call(String a, String b, String c) => ‘$a $b $c!’;
var wf = WannabeFunction();
var out = wf(‘Hi’, ‘there,’, ‘gang’);
void main() => print(out);
类型别名是引用某一类型的简便方法,因为其使用关键字 typedef,因此通常被称作 typedef.下面是一个使用 IntList 来声明和使用类型别名的例子:
typedef ListMapper = Map<X, List>;
Map<String, List> m1 = {}; // Verbose.
ListMapper m2 = {}; // Same thing but shorter and clearer.
throw FormatException(‘Expected at least 1 section’);
你也可以抛出任意的对象:throw ‘Out of llamas!’;
优秀的代码通常会抛出 Error 或 Exception 类型的异常.
try {
} catch (e) {
Because the type is not clear?需要用on 来指定异常类型,具体用法
try {
} on OutOfLlamasException {
// A specific exception
} on Exception catch (e) {
// Anything else that is an exception
print(‘Unknown exception: $e’);
} catch (e) {
// No specified type, handles all
print(‘Something really unknown: $e’);
你可以为 catch 方法指定两个参数,第一个参数为抛出的异常对象,第二个参数为栈信息 StackTrace 对象:
try {
// ···
} on Exception catch (e) {
print(‘Exception details:\n $e’);
} catch (e, s) {
print(‘Exception details:\n $e’);
print(‘Stack trace:\n $s’);
因为动态语言的特性,实际上dartIn the role of a generic type is mainly used to restrict the implementation type safety,Instead of expressing various types,是相反的功能
比如var names = []; 限定string的列表
Generic supportextend
class Foo {
// Implementation goes here…
String toString() => “Instance of ‘Foo<$T>’”;
每个 Dart 程序都是一个库,即便没有使用关键字 library 指定.
import 的唯一参数是用于指定代码库的 URI,对于 Dart 内置的库,使用 dart:xxxxxx 的形式.而对于其它的库,你可以使用一个文件系统路径或者以 package:xxxxxx 的形式. package:xxxxxx 指定的库通过包管理器(比如 pub 工具)来提供:
import 支持as 指定库前缀,And then by prefix to visit
import ‘package:lib1/lib1.dart’;
import ‘package:lib2/lib2.dart’ as lib2;
// Uses Element from lib1.
Element element1 = Element();
// Uses Element from lib2.
lib2.Element element2 = lib2.Element();
处理 A/B 测试,比如测试各种算法的不同实现.
使用 deferred as 关键字来标识需要延时加载的代码库:
import ‘package:greetings/hello.dart’ deferred as hello;
// 当实际需要使用到库中 API 时先调用 loadLibrary 函数加载库:
Future greet() async {
await hello.loadLibrary();
loadLibrary 函数可以调用多次也没关系,代码库只会被加载一次.
并发 异步 多线程
Dart 通过 async-await、isolate 以及一些异步类型概念(例如 Future 和 Stream)支持了并发代码编程.
首先,dartThe basic thread model
dartThe concept of tends to downplay the thread,With isolationisolateThe concept of and tasks to complete the function,That the upper developers do not have to care about the thread scheduling,Leave the thread scheduling in language itself
系统线程和isolateThe relationship between is a bit vague,高度取决于DartVMHow is embedded in an application,Only two things can ensure:
At the same time a system thread can only enter aisolate中,If you want to enter to another,It must leave the currentisolate
At the same time one and only one performDartThe code system thread(Mutator线程)和一个isolate有关联.
简单的说,同一时间点,isolateAnd system thread is one-to-one.
默认的Dart 应用只会使用一个 isolate(即 主 isolate),同时你也可以创建更多的 isolate,从而在多个处理器内核上达成并行执行代码的目的. **isolate 仅针对 原生平台的使用 进行实现.**使用 Dart 构建的网页应用可以 使用 Web Workers 实现相似的功能.
isolate运行事件循环的独立线程,类似于Android的handler loop机制.
官网文档地址 https://dart.cn/guides/language/concurrency
isolateRoughly equivalent to a thread,So we need to create multiple threads,At the same time run to multicore machinesCPU上,怎么操作?
自然的,Like to create a new thread,创建一个新的isolate,不同的是isolate不共享内存,Through the message pipes to pass data,正如那句话,Through the message Shared memory,Rather than through the Shared memory message.
创建isolateAnd run and communication basic process is as follows:
Flutter 开发提示: 如果你在非 Web 平台上使用 Flutter 进行开发,那么与其直接使用 Isolate API,可以考虑使用 Flutter 提供的 compute() 方法. compute() 方法能以简单的方式将一个函数的调用封装至 isolate 工作对象内.
下面的示例将使用到这些与 isolate 相关的 API:
Isolate.spawn() 和 Isolate.exit()
ReceivePort 和 SendPort
Isolate 工作对象会执行一个函数,完成后结束对象,并将函数结果发送至主 isolate.(Flutter 提供的 compute() 方法 Is also work in a similar way.)
主 isolate 的代码如下:
void main() async {
// Read some data.
final jsonData = await _parseInBackground();
// Use that data
print(‘Number of JSON keys: ${jsonData.length}’);
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _parseInBackground() async {
final p = ReceivePort(); // 代码创建了一个 ReceivePort,让 isolate 工作对象可以传递信息至主 isolate.
await Isolate.spawn(_readAndParseJson, p.sendPort); // 创建,The incoming operation function and communication interface
return await p.first as Map<String, dynamic>;
_parseInBackground() 方法包含了 生成 后台 isolate 工作对象的代码,并返回结果:
在生成 isolate 之前,
Isolate 初始化完成后,主 isolate 即开始等待它的结果.由于 ReceivePort 实现了 Stream,你可以很方便地使用 first 属性获得 isolate 工作对象返回的单个消息.
在 isolate 之间发送多次消息内容
如果你想在 isolate 之间建立更多的通信,那么你需要使用 SendPort 的 send() 方法.下图展示了一种常见的场景,主 isolate 会发送请求消息至 isolate 工作对象,然后它们之间会继续进行多次通信,进行请求和回复.
Dart 语言和库通过 Future 和 Stream 对象,To provideIn the current call的The function of the future return some value.
在 Dart 中一个最终会返回 int 类型值的 ,应当声明为 Future;一个会持续返回一系列 int Type value should be declared as Stream.
Asynchronous scenario includes the call system API,For example, a non-blocking I/O 操作、HTTP Request or interact with the browser.There are some scenario is to use Dart 的 isolate 进行计算,Or wait for a timer trigger.These scenarios are either in different threads run,The system is either or Dart 处理,而让 Dart The code can run at the same time other code.
async-await 语法
async Used to declare to define an asynchronous function
await Used for asynchronous for they are the result of the way
下面是一段同步代码调用文件 I/O 时阻塞的例子:
void main() {
// Read some data.
final fileData = _readFileSync();
final jsonData = jsonDecode(fileData);
// Use that data.
print(‘Number of JSON keys: ${jsonData.length}’);
String _readFileSync() {
final file = File(filename);
final contents = file.readAsStringSync();
return contents.trim();
下面是类似的代码,但是变成了 异步调用:
void main() async {
// Read some data.
final fileData = await _readFileAsync();
final jsonData = jsonDecode(fileData);
// Use that data.
print(‘Number of JSON keys: ${jsonData.length}’);
Future _readFileAsync() async {
final file = File(filename);
final contents = await file.readAsString();
return contents.trim();
main() 函数在调用 _readFileAsync() 前使用了 await 关键字,让原生代码(文件 I/O)执行的同时,其他的 Dart 代码(例如事件处理器)能继续执行.使用 await 后,_readFileAsync() 调用返回的 Future 类型也转换为了 String.从而在将结果 content 赋予变量时,隐式转换为 String 类型.
备注:await 关键字仅在函数体前定义了 async 的函数中有效.
asyn await The execution of the process should be,awaitAfter the event loop termination code execution loop body behind,相当于一个continue,Then behind such results returned to the,From here start running again.
元数据 注解
元数据注解以 @ 开头,其后紧跟一个编译时常量(比如 deprecated)或者调用一个常量构造函数.
library todo;
class Todo {
final String who;
final String what;
const Todo(this.who, this.what);
import ‘todo.dart’;
@Todo(‘seth’, ‘make this do something’)
void doSomething() {
print(‘do something’);
Annotations can be added inside the figure,语法和Markdown一样!!! Java也支持,语法是html还是什么的
目前Android Studio Plug-in does not support class jump
文档注释以 /// 或者 /** 开始
dartThe operation of the architecture and principle of
Dart Compiler technology there are two ways to run the code:
原生平台: For mobile and desktop applications,Dart Including an instant(JIT)编译的 Dart 虚拟机 And one is used to generate machine code in advance(AOT)编译器.AOTJust before the developer click compile,The code in advance编译成机器码(Is really machine?能直接在cpuRun the machine?),Speed up the compilation and application runtime performance of machine to effect.
Web 平台: 对于面向 Web 的应用程序,Dart Including the development of compiler(dartdevc)和生产时编译器(dart2js).Two compilers will Dart 翻译成 JavaScript.
在开发过程中,Rapid development cycle is crucial for iteration.Dart VM 提供了一个即时编译器(JIT) ,With incremental recompile(启用热重载)、Real-time measurement collection(支持 DevTools)和丰富的调试支持.
经过 AOT 编译的代码会在高效的 Dart 运行环境中运行,该运行环境拥有健全的 Dart 类型系统,并使用快速对象分配和 分代垃圾收集器 来管理内存.
Dart 的 Web 支持让你可以在 JavaScript Driven web platform上运行 Dart 代码.使用 Web 环境下的 Dart 时,你可以将 Dart 编译为在浏览器中运行的 JavaScript 代码,例如: Chrome 中的 V8.
Dart Web 包含了可以实现快速开发周期的增量开发编译器,同时还有用于针对生产环境优化的编译器 dart2js.后者使用了类似移除不可访问代码的技术,将 Dart 代码编译为快速、紧凑、随时随地可部署的 JavaScript.
Dart 运行时环境
不论你在哪个平台上使用、选择如何构建你的代码,执行代码时都需要一个 Dart 运行时环境.这个运行时环境负责下面的关键任务:
内存管理: Dart 使用一个受管理的内存模型,未被使用的内存会由垃圾收集器 (GC) 回收.
执行 Dart 语言的类型体系: Dart 语言里大多数类型检查都是静态的(编译时),但仍有部分检查是动态的(运行时).比如,Dart 运行时环境会在遇到 类型判断运算符 时执行动态检查.
管理 isolates: Dart 运行时环境会负责控制主 isolate(代码通常在这里运行)以及其他应用创建的 isolate.
在原生平台上,Dart 运行时环境被自动包含在独立的可执行文件中,是 dart run 命令提供的 Dart VM 的一部分
注意:运行时,The virtual machine two things about,Just for memory management,代码执行管理,Thread process management such as management of.
Thermal overload concept
注意dartThermal overload will rebuild the code,Even if the code doesn't change(2022.7 目前是这样).
Flutter 框架
是一款流行的多平台 UI 工具包,由 Dart 语言强力驱动,提供一套工具和 UI 库,帮助开发者们在 iOS、Android、macOS、Windows、Linux 和 Web 平台构建优秀的 UI 体验.
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What is the function of industrial-grade remote wireless transmission device?
Flutter TapGestureRecognizer 如何工作
University Physics---Particle Kinematics
概率论的学习和整理8: 几何分布和超几何分布
【cesium】3D Tileset 模型加载并与模型树关联
[CISCN2019 South China Division]Web11
software management rpm
Mysql's redo log detailed explanation
write the story about us
App rapid development and construction experience: the importance of small programs + custom plug-ins
1007 Climb Stairs (greedy | C thinking)
Talk about 20 common problems in data governance
dedecms dream weaving tag tag does not support capital letters fix
Flutter 父子组件如何都能收到点击事件
Visibility of multi-column attribute column elements: display, visibility, opacity, vertical alignment: vertical-align, z-index The larger it is, the more it will be displayed on the upper layer
C+ +核心编程