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Preparing for the interview and sharing experience

2022-07-07 21:44:00 InfoQ

I've heard a lot of people say Android Learning is simple , Do a App I'll get started , Lots of jobs , It's easier to find a job after graduation . This view may be many Android One of the reasons why developers started to work .

At the beginning of work , The main task is to meet the business requirements App Function of page , According to the designer's design draft to achieve the effect of the page .

In the process of implementation , It will always be mentioned as follows :

Can this word be bigger or more striking ? I feel the color is different from the design , Can you adjust it again ? Why is it always breaking down , Can't you ?......

therefore , After a year's work, you will find , The focus of my work is ** Will look for a variety of components 、 frame , Drag and drop , Change the style .** When problems arise in extreme cases ( For example, some aircraft crashed , Loading pictures is slow ), I don't know how to solve ! I'm sorry to say that I'm in technology .

Android Three mobile development programmers are promoted “ Relative conditions ”

First of all : Interest in

Let's not talk about it , Every programmer knows , Be a yard farmer , If you can't enjoy it , It's a very painful thing , therefore , Be careful when you enter the business .

second : Tranquility

If you're new , Rookie level , Your job is mainly to change bug, Keep accepting changes bug The task of , All in all , It's all little things , At this time , Maybe you're anxious , My strategy is : Make a goal study plan right now , Active learning , Because the knowledge system in the university is basically useless ,Android It's not hard to , There will be a small success in three months .

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Third : platform
No matter how fast the bike is , It's not as fast as BMW . Hard work is of course important , Platforms are also critical , Because there are a lot of big people who can take you to grow up quickly , If you don't have a good platform yet , You just soak some big cattle   No forum , Read some good books , Find a chance to switch to the BMW platform . Tips : The time to change platforms is very important , You have to have the strength of the masses at least , BMW platform is considering accepting you .

Specific career development planning and skill characteristics :

Android In my opinion, the career path of mobile development programmers , There are basically two : Technology specialization route and technology to product route .

route : The career development route of technology as the king

Promotion track :Android Junior development programmer --- intermediate --- senior -- software architect -- system architect -- project manager -- Chief technical officer

Requirements for skill elements in each stage :

The initial stage of entry :

master Java Basic knowledge ( Or any other object-oriented language ), Need to master Android SDK Software development kit , See more Android Related documents ,IDE ( for example Eclipse), These are essential . By the way JavaScript Script Basics . Basically, mastering these can be regarded as an introduction .

The middle stage of promotion :

Want to be promoted to senior Android From engineer to system architect , It's very important to study the source code , Look directly at Android Source code ( This is to read Mr. Li Ning's book   Inspired by ), The source code is easy to get from the Internet . meanwhile ,Android It's largely based on Linux Kernel , So study  Linux Corresponding to API And various operations are also very necessary . also , Common hybrid mobile development frameworks ( for example :AppCan). Compiler principle , High concurrent website architecture design skills .

Advanced stage of development :

And up to project manager , You still need to master Android  Software security analysis technology 、 Common tests for software development 、 Interface interactive system design , At the same time, we should add some knowledge of project management , such as : Software project risk management commonly used team development tools requirements analysis design pattern .

To be the company's chief technology officer ,
  It's more about architecture , Include : Database system optimization 、Windows Server Server Management 、 Network security technology and solutions (Cisco)、 Massive database solution 、 Large server load balancing optimization technology and so on . This is a position that requires absolute strength . And my ultimate goal .

The second path : Career development route from technology to product

Promotion track :Android Junior development programmer --- intermediate --- senior -- software architect -- system architect -- The product manager -- Product director

Why transformation ? What are the conditions for transformation ?

Transition from technology to product is very common , Every company has , There are many successful examples , A good programmer is more likely to become a good product manager , such as : Zhou Hongyi , Lei jun . But when considering transformation   When , Ask yourself why you are transforming , Go to products , It's no longer a simple technical ability , To make products, you should understand human feelings , Manage , Practice everything , Here are some personality factors you should consider .

Specific career development planning and skill characteristics :

first 、 Reserve skills in the medium term , I don't recommend switching directly to products at the primary level , This is tantamount to giving up your advantage , Still need to calm down and learn technology , As the old saying goes , More haste, less speed. .

Once there is a transformation plan , We should learn the necessary skills of product managers in advance , Such as : User experience design 、Axure rp Rapid prototyping tools 、 PR marketing planning skills 、 data mining 、 Requirements analysis and design 、 Brand communication 、 User psychological experience 、 Software requirements specification document writing 、 Data analysis , Ha , A lot .

I personally think , The most important thing is requirement analysis and design , This is the soul of the product .

How to do demand analysis , There are many resources on the Internet , There are also many good books , A very successful product , You can learn more about consumer behavior 、 Audience psychology 、 Multiple records , Get into the habit of recording with a pen instead of a brain , Use more thinking to guide

The higher position of product manager is product director , This position is more reflected in the ability of execution and management , In addition to quantitative performance appraisal, quantitative management 、 Executive force 、 Budget management, etc , At this time , We should add some basic theoretical knowledge , Like statistics 、 Operations research 、 Principles of economics, etc , Can improve product management ( Flicker ) To a theoretical level , You can consider plotting the position of vice president .



Sum up , Junior programmer and senior programmer , All belong to the first stage of career development , We can call it the golden age .
The age of programmers at this stage is 20~35 Between the ages of , Because young , So I'm better at learning , And full of energy ,
  Many programmers who have gone through this stage have worked all night . At this time , You have plenty of time to learn and improve , Lay a solid foundation for future career .

And once it exceeds 30 year , Physically and mentally , It's going to change , from 30~40 Years old is a period of transition . The programmer at this time ( Many people no longer program ) Has made clear its own development direction , And towards the goal

1. Expert programmer .

Strive , Make a difference .40~60 Years old is an expert period , thus , A good programmer will completely realize “ Break a cocoon into a butterfly ” The desire of the , Grow into an expert .

Programmer's career is wonderful , It's also hard . Enjoy a high salary , Master the latest technology , It is possible to become a successful tycoon , There is even a chance to change the way of human life ( For example, the development of Internet browser 、 Application of e-commerce 、 SMS, etc ), This is the programmer's life in the eyes of others , Maybe that's why , Every year, many new people join this huge team , Experience the wonderful life you have been longing for for for a long time .

But most people ignore the hardships behind brilliance , The price of high wages is high work intensity , The price of learning new technology is high work pressure , The price of becoming rich is exhaustion , And if you want to change the way of human life , Then we must endure the boredom and loneliness day after day . Taste all the sweets and bitters by yourself , There are many ways for programmers to develop , It depends on how you choose .


Here are a few Android Some advanced materials collated by industry leaders corresponding to the technical points above . I hope it can help you improve your technology

senior UI, Customize View

UI This knowledge is the most used today . It was hot for a while Android Introductory training , Learn this little knowledge and you can easily find a good job .

But it's obviously not enough now , Refuse endless CV, Go to the project in person , Read source code , Study the principle !

