2022-07-02 09:38:00 【qq_27390023】
bedtools: a powerful toolset for genome arithmetic
https://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables 下载bed文件
bedtools --version # 版本号
bedtools --contact # 帮助信息
# 下载测试文件
curl -O https://s3.amazonaws.com/bedtools-tutorials/web/cpg.bed
curl -O https://s3.amazonaws.com/bedtools-tutorials/web/exons.bed
curl -O https://s3.amazonaws.com/bedtools-tutorials/web/gwas.bed
curl -O https://s3.amazonaws.com/bedtools-tutorials/web/genome.txt
###1 bedtools intersect
## 计算overlap intervals
#Tool: bedtools intersect (aka intersectBed)
#Version: v2.30.0
#Summary: Report overlaps between two feature files.
#Usage: bedtools intersect [OPTIONS] -a <bed/gff/vcf/bam> -b <bed/gff/vcf/bam>
#注:-b 可以接多个文件
# 显示cpg.bed中和exons.bed有重叠的intervals
bedtools intersect -a cpg.bed -b exons.bed
# 显示exons.bed中和cpg.bed有重叠的intervals
bedtools intersect -a exons.bed -b cpg.bed
# 同时显示重叠区域的A、B文件中的原始记录
bedtools intersect -a exons.bed -b cpg.bed -wa -wb
# 显示重叠区域的碱基数
bedtools intersect -a cpg.bed -b exons.bed -wo
# 显示每一个cpg.bed文件中的记录在exons.bed文件中的重叠记录数
bedtools intersect -a cpg.bed -b exons.bed -c
# cpg.bed文件中不和exons.bed任何intervals重叠的记录
bedtools intersect -a cpg.bed -b exons.bed -v
bedtools intersect -a cpg.bed -b exons.bed -wo
# 设定阈值,显示cpg.bed中intervals至少有50%序列和exons.bed中的重叠
bedtools intersect -a cpg.bed -b exons.bed -wo -f 0.50
# 多个文件的重叠区域
bedtools intersect -a cpg.bed -b gwas.bed exons.bed
bedtools intersect -a cpg.bed -b gwas.bed exons.bed -wa -wb -names gwas exon # 加上文件label
# sorted数据通过加-sorted参数,运行速度更快
time bedtools intersect -a exons.bed -b cpg.bed gwas.bed -sorted >>/dev/null
###2 bedtools merge
#Tool: bedtools merge (aka mergeBed)
#Version: v2.30.0
#Summary: Merges overlapping BED/GFF/VCF entries into a single interval.
#Usage: bedtools merge [OPTIONS] -i <bed/gff/vcf>
#注意:bedtools merge要求输入文件先排序
# 排序,输入文件先按染色体排序,然后按起始位置排序。
sort -k1,1 -k2,2n test.bed >test.sorted.bed
# 显示最终的"合并 "区间
bedtools merge -i exons.bed | head -n 20
# 在计算导致每个新的 "合并 "区间的重叠区间的数量时,我们将 "计算 "第一列。
bedtools merge -i exons.bed -c 1 -o count | head -n 20
# 显示所有合并成新的"合并 "区间的重叠区间的第二行
bedtools merge -i exons.bed -c 2 -o collapse | head -n 20
# 合并距离不超过1000的区间,
bedtools merge -i exons.bed -d 1000 -c 1 -o count | head -20
# 合并距离不超过90区域,分别对第一列和第四列做不同的操作
bedtools merge -i exons.bed -d 90 -c 1,4 -o count,collapse | head -20
###3 bedtools complement
#Tool: bedtools complement (aka complementBed)
#Version: v2.30.0
#Summary: Returns the base pair complement of a feature file.
#Usage: bedtools complement [OPTIONS] -i <bed/gff/vcf> -g <genome>
#注:The genome file should tab delimited and structured as follows:
# <chromName><TAB><chromSize>
# genome.txt中,exons.bed没有的区间
bedtools complement -i exons.bed -g genome.txt
###4 bedtools genomecov
#Tool: bedtools genomecov (aka genomeCoverageBed)
#Version: v2.30.0
#Summary: Compute the coverage of a feature file among a genome.
#Usage: bedtools genomecov [OPTIONS] -i <bed/gff/vcf> -g <genome>
bedtools genomecov -i exons.bed -g genome.txt
# 输出BEDGRAPH,计算intervals的depth
bedtools genomecov -i exons.bed -g genome.txt -bg | head -20
###5 bedtools jaccard
#Tool: bedtools jaccard (aka jaccard)
#Version: v2.30.0
#Summary: Calculate Jaccard statistic b/w two feature files.
# Jaccard is the length of the intersection over the union.
# Values range from 0 (no intersection) to 1 (self intersection).
#Usage: bedtools jaccard [OPTIONS] -a <bed/gff/vcf> -b <bed/gff/vcf>
# 计算相似度
bedtools jaccard -a cpg.bed -b exons.bed
###6 bedtools coverage
#Tool: bedtools coverage (aka coverageBed)
#Version: v2.30.0
#Summary: Returns the depth and breadth of coverage of features from B
# on the intervals in A.
#Usage: bedtools coverage [OPTIONS] -a <bed/gff/vcf> -b <bed/gff/vcf>
bedtools coverage -a cpg.bed -b exons.bed
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