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Code Refactoring: For Unit Testing
2022-08-04 05:35:00 【software testnet】
作者 | 杜沁园(悬衡)
重构代码时,We often struggle with such a problem:
- Do you need any further abstract?Will not lead to excessive design?
- If need further abstract,How to make the abstract?What's the steps or rules of general?
Unit testing is our common validation code correctness tools,But if only to verify the correctness,That's really “大炮打蚊子”--大材小用,It can also help us to evaluate the abstraction of the code and design level.This paper will put forward a“可测试性”为目标,Iterated refactor the code of thinking,利用这个思路,In the face of any complex code,Can gradually deduce the refactoring ideas.In order to ensure intuitive,本文会以一个 “生产者消费者” Refactor the code examples throughout.Finally also common in our business Excel Export system for example simple refactoring example describing a business.Read this article needs to have basic unit testing working experience(最好是 Java),But this article does not involve any specific unit testing framework and technology,Because they are not important,Studied in this paper, the way of thinking,They can be used on any single measurement tools.
What is the motivation for programmers to reconstruct a piece of code?可能众说纷纭:
- 代码不够简洁?
- 不好维护?
- Do not conform to the personal habits?
- 过度设计,不好理解?
These are the subjective factors,In the design of a seasoned programmer looks just right,A novice programmer but may feel too complicated,不好理解.But let them sit down at the same time for the code to add unit tests,They tend to produce a similar feeling,比如
- “A single measurement is easy to write,Full cover easily”,So this is testable code;
- “Although can write come out,But the boss for a fresh,Using a variety of framework and skill,To cover completely”,So this is testability more bad code;
- “Don't know how the handwritten”,So this is not test code;
一般而言,Testable code are generally at the same time is concise and maintainable,But it is not necessarily the concise and maintainable code testable,比如下面的“生产者消费者”The code is not test:
The code above do very simple,启动两个线程:
- 生产者:将 0-9 的每个数字,分别加上 [0,100) After a random number by blocking queue is passed to the consumer;
- 消费者:Obtained from the blocking queue number and print;
This code looks pretty simple,但是,Is a good code?Try to this code and unit test.It is not enough to run this code must be,Because we can't confirm the production, consumption logic is executed correctly.I can only send out“完全不知道如何下手”的感叹,It is not because we didn't have enough unit test writing skills,But because of the problems existing in the code itself:1、违背单一职责原则:This a function at the same time to do 数据传递,处理数据,Three things start threads.The unit test should take these three functions,Will be hard to write.2、The code itself is not repeatable,不利于单元测试,Not repeatable reflected in
Need to test the logic in the asynchronous thread,To perform when did it?什么时候执行完?都是不可控的;
Logic is contained in the random number;
Consumers directly to the data output to the standard output,In different environments can not be sure what behavior is here,Can be output to the screen,Also may be redirected to the file;
因为第 2 点的原因,We are going to have to give up the single measurement?In fact as long as through the reasonable module responsibility division,Still can be a unit test.It not only helps to unit test,也会“顺便”Help us to abstract a set of more reasonable code.
Can test what it means?
All untestable code can be through rational reconstruction and abstract,To make its core logic to test,The reconstruction of meaning.This chapter will elaborate on this point.
First, we need to know to test what it means,If a piece of code is testable,So it must be in accordance with the following conditions:
- Can in the local design complete test cases,称之为 Complete coverage of the unit test;
- As long as the complete coverage of all unit test cases run correctly,This section of the logic is certainly no problem;
第 1 Dot often feel incredible,But the truth than simple,Imagine you have such a piecewise function:
f(x) Seems to be infinite domain,We can never exhaust all possible input.但是再仔细想想,We don't need to brute force,In fact as long as the following use cases can be,You can ensure that this function is no problem:
- <-50
f(-51) == -100
- [-50, 50]
f(-25) == -50
f(25) == 50
- >50
f(51) == 100
- 边界情况
f(-50) == -100
f(50) == 100
In the daily work of code than the complex, of course, a lot of,但是没有本质区别,Unit test coverage is also in accordance with the following ideas for:
- Each segment is actually a conditional branch of code,Use case branch coverage has reached the 100%;
- 像 2x 这样的逻辑运算,Through several suitable sampling points can ensure correctness;
- Boundary conditions are covered,Like the turning point of piecewise function;
But the business code is still better than f(x) 要复杂很多,因为 f(x) There are other good properties make it can be fully tested,This property is called reference transparent:
- The return value of a function only and relevant parameters,As long as the parameter to determine,The return value is the only sure
Most of the code of reality won't have such a good nature,Has a lot of“The nature of the bad”,The nature of these bad also is often referred to as side effects:
- The code contains the remote call,Unable to determine whether the call will be successful;
- Containing the random number generation logic,Lead to behavior not sure;
- The results related to the current date,Such as only weekday morning,闹钟才会响起;
- But we can use some skills to these side effects from the core logic.
“引用透明” Demand function and determined by a parameter only,The previous example easily misleading,Find out if participation and the certain data,Let's open the view a bit,Access and can be a function,It can also be a reference of transparent.
Common functions can be called a first order again,While the receiver function as a parameter,Or returns a function of the function is called higher-order functions,Higher-order functions can also be a reference of transparent.
对于函数 f(x) 来说,x Is the data or function,并没有本质的不同,如果 x 是函数的话,仅仅意味着 f(x) Have much broader domain,That there is no way as before only a one-dimensional model said.
对于高阶函数 f(g) (g 是一个函数)来说,As long as for a specific function g,Return to logic is also fixed,It is the reference transparent, And don't care about parameters g Is there any side effect if I or returns the function.利用这个特性,It is easy to put a side effect of function transformation is a reference to a transparent higher-order functions.
A typical have side effect function is as follows:
It generates a random number and add 1,Because the random number,Cause it cannot be tested.But we can convert it to a test of the higher-order functions,As long as the random number generation logic as a parameter to,And returns a function can:
上面的 g Is a reference to a transparent function,只要给 g Pass a number generator,返回值一定是一个 “With number generator to generate a digital and1” 的逻辑,And there is no branch condition and boundary condition,You just need to a use case cover:
In the actual business can simplify the expression of higher-order functions slightly, g Since returned by the function every time will be executed immediately,That we won't return to function,Direct write logic in a way,That is testable:
Although I use here Lambda 表达式简化代码,但是 “函数” 并不仅仅是指 Lambda 表达式,OOP The congestion model object,接口等等,As long as it contains the logic,They pass and return can be seen as “函数”.
因为这个例子比较简单,“可测试” The benefits of didn't seem so high,In the real business logic generally than +1 要复杂多了,At this time if we can build effective test will be very helpful.
For a single measurement of refactoring
We are back to the beginning of this chapter examples of producers of consumer,Use knowledge learned in the previous chapter to refactor to it.The code can't test the first question is the responsibility is not clear,It is to do data transfer,And to do data processing.So we consider the producer consumer data transfer code extracted alone:
This is the duty of a piece of code is very clear,We write unit tests for this method goal is very clear,The validation data can correctly from producers to consumers.But soon we meet again the aforementioned second problem,The asynchronous thread uncontrollable,Would lead to instability of the single test execution,In the previous chapter method,We will actuator as a out into and out of:
At this time we will write a stable unit tests for it:
As long as the test can pass,Can show there is no question of production, consumption on logic.One looks more complicated than the piecewise function before a lot of logic,Nature is just on its domain of an identity function(Because as long as a use case can cover the whole story),是不是很惊讶.If it's not too much like the functional programming style,Can easily be converted into OOP In the style of an abstract class,As mentioned in the previous chapter,Transfer object and no essential difference between the transfer function:
Unit tests at this time will be like this:
See these classes,Familiar with design patterns, readers will think of “模板方法模式”,But we have never deliberately in the above process to use any design pattern,Correct refactoring will let you unknowingly “重新发现” The commonly used design patterns,一般这种情况下,The use of design patterns are correct,Because we have been in the code more testable direction recommend,And that is the important measure of design patterns whether or not to use the correct,Error of the use of design patterns can make the code more split and cannot be tested,后文讨论“过度设计”This topic will be further discussed in this part of content.
Obviously this test can't verify multithreading running situation,But I intentionally do that,The main purpose of this part of the unit test is to validate the correctness of the logic,Only to verify the correctness of the logical,It's more meaningful to testing concurrent,In the case of logical problems to test the concurrent,Will only make the problem hidden deeper,难以排查.General open source projects can have special unit tests to test the concurrent,But because the cost is large to write,运行时间比较长,Number will be far less than the logical test.
After the first round of restructuring,The main function became like this(I finally adopted here OOP 风格):
In the first round of restructuring,We only guarantee the data transfer logic is right,In the second round of refactoring,We will further expand the range of test.
In the code affect our further expanding the scope of the test factors and two:
- Random number generation logic
- 打印逻辑
As long as the two logic can be pulled out as before:
这次采用 OOP 和 函数式 Mix of style,也可以考虑将 numberGenerator 和 numberConsumer Parameters of two methods to abstract method,This is a more pure OOP.It only needs a test case can be realized completely cover:
The main function into:
After two rounds of reconstruct,We will be a very casual spaghetti code refactoring is very elegant structure,In addition to more testable,Code is more concise abstraction,可复用,These are additional benefits brought by the refactoring for single test.
你可能会注意到,Even after two rounds of reconstruct,We are still not directly to the main function producerConsumer 进行测试,But infinite close to cover all the logic inside,Because I don't think it is“测试的边界”内,I prefer to use the integration test to test it,Integration testing are beyond the scope of this article to discuss.The next chapter focuses on testing boundary problem.
The boundary of the unit test
Within the boundary of the code is unit testing can effectively cover the code,While the code outside the boundary is no unit test protection.
Described in the previous chapter reconstruction process is essentially a in exploring the process of expanding test boundary.But the boundary of the unit test is impossible to infinitely expand,Because there must be a lot of in the actual engineering test part,比如 RPC 调用,发消息,Based on the current time for calculation and so on,They must have somewhere to test boundaries,And this part is not to test.
The ideal test boundary should be like this,All core complex logic in the system containing within its borders,Then the boundary is not contain logic,非常简单的代码,Like is a line interface call.So any changes to the system can be in a unit test is validated by rapid and full,When the integration test simply under test can be,如果出现问题,Must be the understanding of the external interface is wrong,Rather than within the system can.
Clear unit testing boundaries is conducive to building a more stable system core code,Because we are in the process of propulsion test boundary will continue to spin out the side effects from the core code out,Will eventually get a complete and testable core,Like below contrast:
Refactoring workflow
Good code is never happen overnight,Are the first to write a about,Then gradually iteration and reconstruct,从这个角度来说,Refactor the code and write new code no big difference between.从上面的内容中,We can come to the conclusion that a simple refactoring workflow:
按照这个方法,Can iteration step by step out of a set of elegant and testable code,If not because of time problem iteration to the border of the ideal test,Also has a most can test the code,Later generations can be on the basis of predecessors' case,Continued to expand the test boundaries.
And then talk about the design of the excessive.According to the method of this article is not excessive design problem may come up,Excessive design generally occur in the designed to design,The occasion of derivative design patterns,But all of the design in this paper, there is a clear purpose--提升代码的“可测试性”,All of the skills are in the process has no intention of using,There is no hard problem.And can lead to excessive design“可测试性”变差,Excessive design code is often his own core logic to abstract away,Lead to the unit test have measurable.If you find a piece of code“Write very simple,很抽象,But it is not good to write unit tests”,So the probability is designed by excessive.Another kind of excessive design because of excessive dependence on frame and inadvertently lead to,Java Often used to own design coupling into Spring 框架中,Such as a complete logic split into several Spring Bean 中,而不是使用普通的 Java 类,Lead to can't in the circumstance that does not start the container complete test,Finally can only write a heap of invalid test improve“覆盖率”.This is also a lot of people complain about“Unit testing is useless”的原因.
和 TDD 的区别
This article is not mentioned here TDD,But certainly let many readers in this paper on the thought of the word,TDD 是 “测试驱动开发” 的简写,It emphasizes that in the code before you write use cases,包括三个步骤:
- 红灯:写用例,运行,Through use case
- 绿灯:Through the test with the fastest the most dirty code
- 重构:The code refactoring more elegant
In the development process repeat these three steps.But I will practice will find,In the busy business development wants to write test cases is difficult,May have the following reasons:
Code structure is not fully determine,Gateway is not yet clear,Even write the unit tests in advance,Behind the big probability to change also
产品一句话需求,And familiar with system is not enough,Use case hard to write before development
So in this paper, the workflow will order made some adjustments,先写代码,And then constantly refactor the code adapter unit test,Expand the system test boundaries.But from a more generalized TDD Thinking in terms of,The general idea of this article and TDD 是差不多的,Can you change or title also called “TDD 实践”.
业务实例 - Export system reconstruction
Nailing is a derivation of the examination and approval system responsible for approval for batch exported into Excel 的系统:
- 启动一个线程,In memory of asynchronous generating Excel
- 上传 Excel To the nail plate/oss
- 发消息给用户
Nailing export of examination and approval system is more complicated than conventional export system,Because of its form structure is not fixed.And the user can through the designer flexible configuration:
Can be seen from the above individual approval paper also has a complex internal structure,Such as the detail,Associated forms, and so on,But also each other nested,Therefore logic is very complex.
I take charge of the export system,Have two years maintenance,There is no test case,Export in the code are similar patchXxx 的方法,Visible in the two years of age,Be a lot of patch.Can system, while the overall,But there are a lot of small bug,Basically meets the edge cases can appear a bug(Boundary conditions such as only one control in detail,Detail in the related form,And the associated form and detail and so on).Code cannot be tested completely,Complete logic is Spring Bean Isolation into a small piece of,一小块,就像下图一样:
I decided to put these code refactoring,Can't let it continue to torment the posterity,But in the face of a mess code completely don't know how to start(The following map just to let you feel the mood at that time,不用仔细看):
I decided to use the code in this paper, the workflow to comb.
You first need to determine which part is the unit test can cover,What part does not need to cover,By the integration tests to ensure.经过分析,I think the core of the export system function,Is according to form configuration and form data generation excel 文件:
This part is the core,Logic is the most complicated part of the,So I will this part as I test boundaries,而其他部分,比如上传,Sending work notice message on boundaries:
图中 “表单配置” 是一个数据,而 “表单数据” 其实是一个函数,Because the export will continue in the process of batch paging to query data.
不断迭代,Expanding test boundary to the ideal
I an iterative process is as follows:
- Asynchronous execution can be test:Take out a synchronous function;
- 大量使用 Spring Bean Lead to logic split:Put the logic in common Java A class or a static method in;
- 表单数据,Process associated with the user's information query is a remote call,含有副作用:Through the higher-order functions, extract these side effects to;
- Import the state into the database,Is a side effect:Similarly, higher-order functions to abstract out;
Eventually export test boundary is about like this:
- config:数据,表单配置信息,What are the control,Configuration and control
- dataService: 函数,For batch paging query form data side effects
- statusStore: 函数,Used to change and persistent state of the export side effects


Locally generated to verify Excel 文件是否正确(代码经过简化):
其中 LocalDataService,LocalStatusStore Are service of data in memory,And state change service implementation,用于进行单元测试.assertExcelContent 是我用 poi Write a tool method,Used for testing the memory of excel The file is in line with the expected.All cases of boundary can be directly in the local precipitation test and case.
The final code structure about the following(经过简化):
Although so far my purpose is to promote the testability of the code,But in fact I accidentally also promoted code of expanding,In the case of no related products demand:
- 通过 DataService 的抽象,System can support a variety of data sources export,Such as from search,或者来自 db 的,只要传入不同的 DataService 实现即可,Don't need to change and logic;
- ExportStatusStore 的抽象,The system has the ability to use different state storage,Although currently in use is db,But can also do not change the situation of the core logic easily switch to tair 等其他中间件;
Indeed as expected shortly after I reconstruct,Just received a similar demand,Such as to support derived from different data sources.We added a exported entry,The export state is stored in different tables.Every time I inwardly secretly pleased,Actually these I already prepared from the architecture.
The limitations of the unit test
Although this is an article on unit test sermon,Above will also be a unit test to speak“神通广大”,But also have to admit that unit tests can't solve all the problems.
Unit tests just to make sure that the code should be logic is right,But in the application development and many more important things,比如架构设计,Middleware model selection and so on,很多系统 bug May not be because code logic,But because the architectural design in,The unit test will not be able to solve.So thoroughly to ensure the system robust,Still need from the unit test,架构治理,Technology options, and other aspects of.
Another thing also have to admit that,Unit testing, there is a cost,A set of workflow to complete,May be several times the amount of the original code unit test,So need not all code refactoring,在时间有限的情况下,Should first reconstruct the stability of the system core code,In the case of good weigh the cost and value,再开始动手.
最后,Unit testing is also the people have strong dependence on technology,Focus on the early prevention,There is no way to quantify how one unit test the quality of,效果如何,All this is for engineering itself“工匠精神” And the fear of the code,Believe that you read the last,Must also have a heart of craftsmen.
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